RNS Number : 6627E

Tinci Holdings Ltd

14 May 2013

14 May 2013



Tinci Holdings Ltd. ("Tinci", or the "Company", or the "Group"), the AIM quoted China-based environmental engineering company, today announces the Company's preliminary results for the twelve months ended 31 December 2012 in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Financial Highlights:

-- Total revenue of RMB 56.3 million (2011 - RMB 78.1 million)

-- Loss before tax of RMB 2.90 million (2011 - Profit of RMB 2.52 million)

-- Loss after tax of RMB 2.96 million (2011 - Profit of RMB 0.78 million)

For further information, please visit www.tinciholdings.com or contact:

 Tinci Holdings Ltd 
 David Steeds, Chairman                 Tel: +44 (0)7836 578222 
 Joshua Cheng, Non-executive Director   Tel: +1 512 577 4613 
 Westhouse Securities Limited 
 Martin Davison/ Jonathan Haines   Tel: +44 (0) 20 7601 6100 

About Tinci Holdings Limited

Tinci Holdings Ltd. is the parent company of Tinci Sanhe Environmental Engineering Co. Ltd., an environmental engineering company founded in October 2001, which is primarily involved in developing, manufacturing and installing flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) systems for reducing sulphur dioxide ("SO(2) ") emissions from coal-fired power stations and large industrial boilers in China.

Tinci is one of the leading privately owned FGD engineering companies in Guangdong Province in Southern China. Tinci is the only company in Guangdong Province capable of undertaking FGD projects for small-, medium- and large-sized coal-fired electricity plants.

Tinci is using its chemical engineering technical capabilities to develop a portfolio of businesses and services around the environmental engineering services sector and the speciality chemical sector in China. The Company's shares are traded on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange under the symbol 'TNCI'.

Chief Executive Officer's Review

Overview of Operating Performance

After a decline in turnover in the first half year of 2012 compared to 2011, turnover in the second half improved but tight price competition and a close review of receivables resulted in a small loss before tax.

The Company was successful in winning two projects in the very competitive market in 2012 with a contract value of RMB 65.8million, compared to two projects and a total contract value of RMB 15.9 million in 2011. Of the two projects won in 2012, one employs conventional FGD technology and the other employs LNB technology for DeNOx.

The Company reported in 2011 that because of the extreme competition in the FGD market in China, the Company's management had decided that the Company should gradually transform itself from an engineering company into a product-oriented company by concentrating on developing processes involving the production of chemical products as its mainline business. For FGD business, the Company will focus on the petrochemical sector, especially through China Oil, with whom it has close relations. The Company achieved satisfactory progress in its catalytic refinery project with China Oil in 2012.

The Company's order book at the end of 2012 amounted to RMB 56.2 million (2011: RMB 45.9 million) and the pipeline of potential orders ended the year at a reasonable level. During 2013 the Company will continue to aim to increase sales and accelerate receivable collection so as to maintain a good cash flow, in the process laying a solid foundation for developing new projects and businesses, particularly in the speciality chemicals sector.

New Project Developments

1. Co-Operation with China Oil on Catalytic Refining Project

We have won one technology contract for catalytic refining projects worth RMB 0.8 million from Lanzhou China Oil. The project was developed in the second half of 2011 with the customer, one of China's major petrochemical companies. The progress so far under the co-operation agreement with China Oil is satisfactory. The Company is hopeful of further co-operation with China Oil in future.

2. Cooperation with Nan Fang Alkali

A co-operation with Nan Fang Alkali to develop a new project utilizing waste alkali residue as the neutralizing agent for FGD projects was announced in 2009. The results from this project with Nan Fang Alkali were satisfactory in 2012.

3. Investment in JiangSu AnDy

In 2012, the Company invested RMB 13.64 million for a 22.5% stake in JiangSu AnDy Chemical and Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. ("JiangSu AnDy"), a private company in Jiangsu Province in China set up by Mr Kang Hongjie, its CEO and major shareholder. The funds are being used to finance the development of JiangSu AnDy.

The management of JiangSu AnDy, led by Mr Kang, is well known to the Tinci Board and has been successful in developing other chemicals businesses. Tinci's Board and senior management are primarily chemical engineers and this is a sector that they are familiar with. I represent the Company on the Board of JiangSu AnDy for which I do not receive any remuneration from JiangSu AnDy.

JiangSu AnDy is involved in research & development and production and sale of chemical intermediates for the pharmaceutical industry in China.

Jiangsu AnDy's audited results for the 12 months ended 31 December 2012 showed profits before and after tax of RMB 2.3 million on turnover of RMB 35.3 million (2011- profit after tax of RMB 3.2 million on turnover of RMB 40.8 million). The company had net assets of RMB 37.7 million at that date (2011 - RMB 35.4 million).

4. Guangzhou Tiancheng Biodegradation Materials Co.,Ltd. ("GTBM")

During the year the decision was taken by the partners in GTBM to wind down its operations because the technology could not be proven to have the operational benefits for the production of biodegradable plastics that had been hoped. During the year GTBM returned RMB 15 million of capital and repaid its current account of RMB 7.4 million with the Company. This represents the bulk of the Company's investment in GTBM.

Financial Performance

The total business income in 2012 was RMB 55.3 million which is 28% lower than in 2011. The loss after tax was RMB 2.96 million (compared to a profit of RMB 0.78 million in 2011).

Revenue decreased during 2012 as the Company was again unable to win sufficient new orders because of stiff competition in the FGD market. Receivables increased from RMB 152.3 million in 2011 to RMB 160.7 million in 2012 and payables decreased from RMB 93.6 million in 2011 to RMB 91.5 million in 2012. The cash position increased from RMB 7.2 million in 2011 to RMB 22.3million in 2012 mainly due to the return of RMB 22.5 million from GTBM.


The Company expects FGD sales to again be steady in 2013 as it adjusts its business direction, focusing its FGD business in China on the petrochemical sector.

The Company expects that the investment in JiangSu AnDy will produce more profit in 2013.

Staff and Management

I would like to thank all employees in the Company for their hard work towards the development of the Company. I am also grateful to our shareholders for their steady support and understanding.

XU Jinfu

Chief Executive Officer

13 May 2013

Tinci Holdings Limited

Consolidated Income Statement

Year ended 31 December 2012

                                          Note       2012        2011 
                                                  RMB'000     RMB'000 
Turnover                                     3     55,275      76,840 
Other income                                 3      1,043       1,264 
                                                ---------   --------- 
                                                   56,318      78,104 
Raw material and consumables used                 (41,356)    (52,265) 
Staff costs and staff benefits 
 expenses                                          (8,351)     (8,618) 
Depreciation and amortisation expense              (1,137)     (2,028) 
Other operating expenses                           (8,705)    (12,597) 
                                                ---------   --------- 
(Loss)/profit from operations                      (3,231)      2,596 
Exchange loss                                        (114)        (93) 
Finance costs                                         (84)       (149) 
Share of profit of an associate             12        519         398 
Share of losses of a jointly controlled 
 entity                                     13         13        (234) 
                                                ---------   --------- 
(Loss)/profit before taxation                4     (2,897)      2,518 
Taxation                                     5        (62)     (1,740) 
                                                ---------   --------- 
(Loss)/profit for the year                         (2,959)        778 
                                                ---------   --------- 
Attributable to: 
Shareholders of the Company                        (2,959)        778 
                                                ---------   --------- 
                                                RMB Cents   RMB Cents 
(Loss)/earnings per share (basic 
 and diluted)                                7         (6)          1 
                                                ---------   --------- 

Tinci Holdings Limited

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

Year ended 31 December 2012

                                           2012      2011 
                                        RMB'000   RMB'000 
(Loss)/profit for the year               (2,959)      778 
Other comprehensive income 
   - Currency translation adjustments         6        74 
                                        -------   ------- 
Total comprehensive (loss)/income 
 for the year                            (2,953)      852 
                                        -------   ------- 
Total comprehensive (loss)/income 
 attributable to: 
   Shareholders of the Company           (2,953)      852 
                                        -------   ------- 

Tinci Holdings Limited

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

Year Ended 31 December 2012

                                                        2012       2011 
                                             Note    RMB'000    RMB'000 
Non-current assets 
     Land use rights                            9        369        381 
     Property, plant and equipment             10     10,474     11,288 
     Intangible assets                         11      1,555      1,866 
     Interest in associates                    12     17,007     39,098 
     Interest in a jointly controlled 
      entity                                   13        892        879 
     Deferred tax assets                       20      4,965      4,464 
                                                   ---------  --------- 
Total non-current assets                              35,262     57,976 
                                                   ---------  --------- 
Current assets 
     Amount due from customers for 
      contract work                            14     15,802     19,342 
     Trade and other receivables, deposits 
      and prepayment                           15    160,679    152,341 
     Derivative financial instruments          16         17         45 
     Restricted bank balances                  17     13,041      2,307 
     Cash and bank balances                           22,277      7,229 
                                                   ---------  --------- 
Total current assets                                 211,816    181,264 
                                                   ---------  --------- 
Total assets                                         247,078    239,240 
                                                   ---------  --------- 
Current liabilities 
     Amount due to customers for contract 
      work                                     14          -         57 
     Trade and other payables                  18     91,478     93,549 
     Bills payable                             19     14,705      1,883 
     Current income tax liabilities                      278        181 
                                                   ---------  --------- 
Total current liabilities                            106,461     95,670 
                                                   ---------  --------- 
Net assets                                           140,617    143,570 
                                                   =========  ========= 
Share capital                                  21      7,796      7,796 
Share premium                                         18,078     18,078 
Other reserves                                        43,200     43,211 
Retained earnings                                     71,543     74,485 
                                                   ---------  --------- 
Total shareholders' equity                           140,617    143,570 
                                                   =========  ========= 

Tinci Holdings Limited

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

Year ended 31 December 2012

                                            Share           Reverse 
                         Share     Share  options       acquisition   Retained       Translation 
                       capital   premium  reserve           reserve   earnings           reserve      Total 
                       RMB'000   RMB'000  RMB'000           RMB'000    RMB'000           RMB'000    RMB'000 
                         (Note  )           (Note  )          (Note  ) 
                            21                 22                23 
Balance at 1 January 
 2011                    7,796    18,078      875            42,644     73,651              (326)   142,718 
Forfeiture of share 
 - previously granted 
 to employees                -         -      (56    )            -         56                 -          - 
Total comprehensive 
 income for the 
 year                        -         -        -                 -        778                74        852 
Balance at 31 
 2011                    7,796    18,078      819            42,644     74,485              (252)   143,570 
                       =======   =======  =======       ===========   ========       ===========   ======== 
Forfeiture of share 
 - previously granted 
 to employees                -         -      (17    )            -         17                 -          - 
Total comprehensive 
 (loss)/income for 
 the year                    -         -        -                 -     (2,959    )            6     (2,953    ) 
Balance at 31 
 2012                    7,796    18,078      802            42,644     71,543              (246)   140,617 
                       =======   =======  =======       ===========   ========       ===========   ======== 

Tinci Holdings Limited

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Year ended 31 December 2012

                                                      2012           2011 
                                                   RMB'000        RMB'000 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
Cash flows from operating activities 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
(Loss)/profit before taxation                       (2,897)         2,518 
     Adjustments for: 
     Interest income                                   (36)          (150) 
------------------------------------------------  --------       -------- 
     Interest expenses                                  84            149 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
     Bad debts written off and provision 
      for doubtful debts                             2,476          4,600 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
     Depreciation and amortisation expense           1,137          2,028 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
     Unrealised gain on derivative financial 
      instruments                                       28             (8) 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
     Intangible assets written off                       -          3,128 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
     Share of profit of an associate                  (519)          (398) 
------------------------------------------------  --------       -------- 
     Share of losses of a jointly controlled 
      entity                                           (12)           234 
------------------------------------------------  --------       -------- 
Operating profit before changes in 
 working capital                                       261         12,101 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
     Decrease in amount due from customers 
      for contract work                              3,540          4,828 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
     (Increase)/decrease in trade and other 
      receivables, deposits and prepayment          (3,395    )    42,132 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
     (Decrease)/increase in amount due 
      to customers for contract work                   (57    )        57 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
     Decrease in trade and other payables           (2,071)       (64,087) 
------------------------------------------------  --------       -------- 
     Increase in bills payable                      12,822          1,883 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
Cash generated from/(used in) operations            11,100         (3,086) 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
     Interest received                                  36            150 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
     Interest paid                                     (84)          (149) 
------------------------------------------------  --------       -------- 
     Current income tax paid                          (466)          (664) 
------------------------------------------------  --------       -------- 
Net cash generated from /(used in) 
 operating activities                               10,586         (3,749) 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
Cash flows from investing activities 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
     Purchases of property, plant and equipment          -             (7) 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
     Investment in an associate                     15,190        (13,640) 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
     Loan to an associate                                -            (70) 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
     Investment in a jointly controlled 
      entity                                             -           (660) 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
Net cash generated from/(used in) investing 
 activities                                         15,190        (14,377) 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
Cash flows from financing activities 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
     Movement in restricted bank balances          (10,734)         4,147 
------------------------------------------------  --------       -------- 
Net cash (used in)/generated from financing 
 activities                                        (10,734)         4,147 
------------------------------------------------  --------       -------- 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and 
 cash equivalents                                   15,042        (13,979) 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
Cash and cash equivalents as at 1 January            7,229         21,134 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
Effect of foreign exchange rates changes 
 - net                                                   6             74 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 
 December                                           22,277          7,229 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 
Cash and bank balances                              22,277          7,229 
------------------------------------------------  --------  ---  -------- 

Tinci Holdings Limited

Notes to consolidated financial statements


The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 2012 or 2011. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2012 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies.


The principal activities of the Group during the year were developing, selling and installing large-scale flue gas desulphurisation equipment to power stations.

For the years ended 31 December 2012 and 2011, the Group comprised only one business and one geographical segment.

Turnover for the year is wholly attributable to construction contract revenue for activities undertaken in China. An analysis of the Group's other income is set out below:-

Other income

                                                       2012                  2011 
                                                    RMB'000               RMB'000 
-------------------------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
    Rental income, net of tax                           795                   692 
-------------------------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
    Interest income                                      36                   150 
-------------------------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
    Net gains/(loss) from derivative 
     financial instruments                                6                   (47) 
-------------------------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
    Miscellaneous                                       206                   469 
-------------------------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
                                                      1,043                 1,264 
-------------------------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
                                                                                  2012         2011 
This (Loss)/profit before taxation 
 is arrived at after charging:-                                                RMB'000      RMB'000 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
    Auditor's remuneration                                                         372          383 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
    Staff costs 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
          - Salaries and allowance                                               7,461        7,864 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
              *    Contribution to defined contribution retirement plans 
                   (note 8)                                                        743          607 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
          - Other benefits                                                         147          203 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
          - Employee share option benefits                                           -            - 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                                                 8,351        8,674 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
    Research and development expenses                                              541          445 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
    Amortisation of land use rights 
     (note 9)                                                                       12           12 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
    Depreciation (note 10)                                                         814          885 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
    Amortisation of intangible assets 
     (note 11)                                                                     311        1,131 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
    Bills discounting interest                                                      84          149 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
    Bad debts and provision for doubtful 
     debts                                                                       2,476        4,600 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
    Intangible assets written off                                                    -        3,128 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
   4.         TAXATION 

The Group is subject to income tax on an entity basis on profits arising in or derived from the jurisdictions in which the Group entities are domiciled and operate.

In 2011, Guangzhou Tinci wasrecognised as a "New High-tech Enterprise". Qualified enterprises are entitled to preferential tax benefits, including a reduced rate of enterprise income tax ("EIT") of 15% for at least 3 years. Accordingly, Guangzhou Tinci is subject to a reduced EIT rate of 15% for the fiscal years 2011 to 2013.

The Group is also subject to Hong Kong Profits Tax through the Company and its subsidiary, World International. No provision for Hong Kong Profits Tax has been made as the Company and World International had no taxable income. The statutory rate of corporate tax in Hong Kong is 16.5% (2011: 16.5%).

                                                                      2012          2011 
    The tax charge comprises:                                      RMB'000       RMB'000 
-------------------------------------------------------------  -----------   ----------- 
    Current tax 
         PRC EIT 
-------------------------------------------------------------  -----------   ----------- 
           - Current tax provided for the year                         563           327 
-------------------------------------------------------------  -----------   ----------- 
           - (Over) provision in prior years                             -          (135) 
-------------------------------------------------------------  -----------   ----------- 
                                                                       563           192 
-------------------------------------------------------------  -----------   ----------- 
    Deferred taxation (note 20): 
            Recognition and reversal of temporary difference          (501)        1,548 
-------------------------------------------------------------  -----------   ----------- 
                                                                        62         1,740 
-------------------------------------------------------------  -----------   ----------- 

Deferred tax has been recognised in the financial statements due to revenue and expenses recognised for financial reporting purposes before being recognised for tax purposes.

A reconciliation between tax expense and accounting (loss)/profit before taxation using the EIT rate is

as       follows:- 
                                                        2012           2011 
                                                     RMB'000        RMB'000 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------   ------------ 
    (Loss)/profit before taxation                     (2,897)         2,518 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------   ------------ 
      Calculation at the effective EIT rate of 
      25% (2011: 25%)                                   (724)           630 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------   ------------ 
      Non-deductible expenses for tax purpose          1,430          1,783 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------   ------------ 
      Income not subject to tax purpose                 (490)          (304) 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------   ------------ 
      Tax concession                                    (154)          (234) 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------   ------------ 
      (Over) provision of tax in prior years               -           (135) 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------   ------------ 
      Tax expense for the year                            62          1,740 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------   ------------ 
   5.         EARNINGS PER SHARE 

Basic earnings/(loss) per share

Basic earnings/(loss) per share are calculated by dividing the profit attributable to equity holders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.

                                                          2012         2011 
---------------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------- 
Profit/(loss) attributable to equity holders 
 of the Company (RMB'000)                              (2,959)          778 
---------------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------- 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
 in issue                                           52,950,041   52,950,041 
---------------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------- 
Earnings/(loss) per share (RMB Cents per 
 share)                                                    (6)            1 
---------------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------- 

Diluted earnings/(loss) per share

The Company has one category of dilutive instrument - share options.

None of the share options of the Company in issue had a dilutive effect on the basic earnings/(loss) per share as the exercise price is above the share price quoted in the AIM market throughout the year. So they are considered as anti-dilutive and have not been included in the diluted earnings/(loss) per share calculation for the years ended 31 December 2012 and 2011.

   6.         SHARE CAPITAL 
                                                     2012           2011 
                                                      GBP            GBP 
------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
   140,000,000 ordinary shares of GBP0.01 
    each                                        1,400,000      1,400,000 
------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                      RMB            RMB 
------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
Issued and fully paid: 
   52,950,041 ordinary shares of GBP0.01 
    each                                        7,795,574      7,795,574 
------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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