RNS Number : 6599Z
  Touchstone Group PLC
  23 July 2008

    Date:                      23rd July 2008
    On behalf of:          Touchstone Group plc ("Touchstone" or the "Group")
    Embargoed until:    0700hrs

    Touchstone Group plc
    Preliminary Results for the year ending 31st March 2008

    Touchstone Group plc, the AIM-listed provider of business software solutions and consultancy services, announces preliminary results for
the year to 31 March 2008.


    *     Turnover growth of 4% to �31.4m (2007:�30.2m), 7% growth on a like-for-like basis 

    *     Adjusted Operating Profits* �2.5m (2007:�3.1m)

    *     Profit before taxation �1.7m (2007:�2.6m)

    *     Adjusted Basic Earnings per Share* 17.31p (2007: 20.38p) 

    *     Basic Earnings per Share 11.52p (2007: 15.63p). Fully diluted Basic Earnings per Share 11.43p (2007:15.42p)

    *     Professional fee income growth of 11% to �14.5m (2007:�13.1m) representing 46% of total operations (2007: 44%)

    *     Microsoft Dynamics growth of 19% representing 67% of total turnover (2007:57%)

    *     Revenue from clients using Group-owned software has grown by 45% representing 29% of total operations (2007:21%)

    *     A final dividend of 1.7p to make a total of 3.2p per share for the year (2007:4.2p)

    * Before depreciation, amortisation, share based payments and exceptional professional costs

    Commenting, Keith Birch, Chief Executive Officer, said:

    "Whilst, the Board is suitably cautious in the light of emerging macro-economic factors, the Group has had a positive start to the
current year which is ahead of last year and is broadly in-line with management expectations.  

    The Board can also confirm that in recent weeks the Group has secured a number of significant projects for blue-chip clients with a
value of more than �1.7m which will contribute to both revenues and profits in the current year."

    Enquiries to:

 Keith Birch, Chief Executive Officer
 Touchstone Group plc                  020 7121 4700

 Matt Davis / Alison Barrow
 Brewin Dolphin Investment Banking     0845 270 8600


    Chairman's Statement


    During the year, the Group generated turnover of �31.4m (2007: �30.2m) representing overall growth of 4%. 

    Adjusted operating profit for the year before depreciation, amortisation, share based payments and exceptional professional costs was
�2.5m (2007: �3.1m). Profit before tax was �1.7m (2007: �2.6m). Adjusted Earnings per Share were 17.31p (2007: 20.38p). Basic Earnings per
Share were 11.52p (2007:15.63p) and Fully diluted Earnings per Share were 11.43p (2007:15.42p). 

    These are the first full year results reported under IFRS.

    Cash and Dividends

    The Group had net cash balances at the end of the period of �1.29m (2007: �1.87m). The Board is recommending a final dividend of 1.7p
per share (2007: 2.72p) to be paid on 26th September 2008 to shareholders registered at close of business on 29th August 2008. This makes a
total dividend of 3.2p and is adequately covered by adjusted earnings.  


    As previously announced the year started slowly with project delays and ends against a background of more cautious macro economic
conditions. Notwithstanding this, the Group can report its 26th year of consecutive growth with turnover increasing to �31.4m (2007: �30.1m)
reflecting top-level growth on last year of 4%.  

    In early 2007 the Group closed its SalesLogix CRM unit in order to provide greater focus and talent to the Group's faster growing
Microsoft CRM unit. Adjusting for the closure of this unit (2008: nil, 2007:�730k), overall Group turnover grew on a like-for-like basis by
almost 7%.

    Costs of sales have shown a substantial increase on the prior year due in part to a reallocation of salary costs from administrative
expenses. Following a review of the different businesses, the Directors are of the view that all consulting salary costs should be included
within cost of sales, rather than split between cost of sales and administrative expenses as in the prior year. If this practice had been
applied in the prior year, cost of sales would have been �15,954k resulting in a gross profit of �14,211k.

    Gross margins at 43% (2007:47%) on a like-for-like basis are lower due to lower chargeable utilisations caused by the slow start to the
year and a more prudent view of the costs to complete on a small number of less profitable contracts. Increasing focus on high margin
Group-owned IP solutions and improved utilisations will give scope for a return to higher margin levels in the future.

    Despite good top-line growth, operating margins (before amortisation, share-based payments and exceptional professional costs) have
decreased during the year to 8% (2007:10%). This margin reduction is disappointing and a review of Group-wide overheads has recently been

    However, the Board recognises that an important and growing component of overall Group overheads attaches to establishing new markets or
bidding for projects based upon Group-owned Intellectual Property (IP). These costs often precede the eventual revenue and can dampen
short-term trading margins. As an example, one of the Group's divisions incurred over �200k of costs researching market potential and then
bidding for opportunities in a number of new territories. Whilst, these costs were prudently written off during the year, it is pleasing to
report that inaugural new project work valued at over �1.2m has been secured in these new territories which will benefit the current
financial year.

    During the year the Group generated �21.1m of turnover from clients whose business solutions are principally based upon Microsoft
Dynamics (2007: �17.8m).  This has grown by nearly 19% on the previous year and now represents 67% of overall operations (2007: 59%).

    The Group's own Intellectual Property (IP) is being used by clients in a number of specialist markets with total turnover from these
clients now representing 29% of total operations (2007:21%). This underpins the Group's enthusiasm for specialist markets and its decision
in the last few years to fund appropriate investment in R&D.

    The Group's traditional focus on broader market sectors generated turnover of over �22.3m during the year (2007: �23.7m). Of this, 39%
(2007:35%) has been generated from clients using Infor SunSystems FMS software which continues to be a strategically important element of
overall Group operations.  

    Total service revenues (including fee-income and annual support revenue) have increased by 7% during the year to �24.1m (2007: �22.6m).
Of this, fee-income alone has grown by 11% to �14.5m (2007: �13.1m) and at 46% (2007: 44%), represents the largest element of overall Group

    During the year, new Group-wide communications and call-logging systems have enabled more flexible and efficient working practices for
all staff. This investment has, in turn, prompted a full review of the Group's office requirements.  Negotiations are currently in progress
for more cost effective office space to house certain functions currently based out of central London offices. 

    In the recent past, the Company has received a number of unsolicited approaches for a trade sale of all or part of the business. Such
approaches did not, in the Board's view, adequately reflect the intrinsic value of the Company. Whilst the Board will continue to keep an
open mind about such options, all such discussions are currently closed. The Board will continue to pursue organic development initiatives
and invest in its products and services to secure new contracts and drive growth.

    Current Trading 

    Whilst, the Board is suitably cautious in the light of emerging macro-economic factors, the Group has had a positive start to the
current year which is ahead of last year and is broadly in-line with management expectations.  

    The Board can also confirm that in recent weeks the Group has secured a number of significant projects for blue-chip clients with a
value of more than �1.7m which will contribute to both revenues and profits in the current year.

    David RT Thompson 

    23 July 2008
      Consolidated Income Statement
    for the year ended 31 March 2008
                                                For year ended  For year ended
                                                   31st March       31st March
                                                          2008            2007
                                        Note              �000            �000
 Revenue                                   3            31,374          30,165
                                                      ________        ________
 Cost of sales                                        (17,952)        (14,354)
                                                      ________        ________
 Gross profit                                           13,422          15,811
                                                      ________        ________
 Administration expenses before                       (10,948)        (12,752)
 depreciation, amortisation, share            
 based payments and one off                   
 professional costs                           
 Depreciation                                            (212)           (229)
 Amortisation of intangibles                             (372)           (290)
 Share based payment costs                                (24)            (24)
 One off legal and professional Costs                     (87)               -
                                                      ________        ________
 Total administrative expenses                        (11,643)        (13,295)
 Operating Profit before depreciation,                   2,474           3,059
 amortisation, share based payments           
 and one off legal and professional           
 Depreciation                                            (212)           (229)
 Amortisation of intangibles                             (372)           (290)
 Share based payment costs                                (24)            (24)
 One off legal and professional Costs                     (87)               -
                                                      ________         _______
 Operating profit                                        1,779           2,516
 Financial income                                           82              57
 Financial expenses                                      (162)            (19)
                                                      ________         _______
 Profit on ordinary activities before                    1,699           2,554
 Income tax expense                        4             (317)           (765)
                                                       _______         _______
 Profit for the year attributable to                     1,382           1,789
 equity shareholders of parent                
                                                        ______          ______
 Earnings per share                           
 Basic                                     6            11.52p          15.63p
 Diluted                                   6            11.43p          15.42p
    All of the above results are from continuing operations.  

    Consolidated balance sheet
    at 31 March 2008

                                               31 March 2008   31 March 2007
                                         Note       �000                �000  
 Non - Current                                                                
 Property, plant and equipment                       342                 417  
 Goodwill                                          6,368               5,874  
 Other Intangible assets                           2,539               2,541  
 Investments                                          53                 145  
                                                   9,302               8,977  
 Current assets                                                               
 Inventories                                          26                 117  
 Trade and Other Receivables                      12,742              11,918  
 Cash and cash equivalents                         1,723               2,522  
                                                  14,491              14,557  
 Total Assets                                     23,793              23,534  
 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                       
 Equity attributable to the equity                                            
 holders of the parent                                                        
 Share Capital                           7       (1,249)             (1,232)  
 Share premium reserve                           (3,440)             (3,210)  
 Capital Reserve                                    (19)                (19)  
 Retained earnings                               (5,121)             (4,312)  
                                                 _______             _______  
                                                 (9,829)             (8,773)  
 Non- current Liabilities                                                     
 Interest bearing loans and borrowings             (217)               (433)  
 Deferred tax liabilities                          (311)               (334)  
 Trade and other payables                          (219)               (200)  
                                                 _______             _______  
                                                   (747)               (967)  
 Current Liabilities                                                          
 Interest bearing loans and borrowings             (217)               (217)  
 Trade and other payables                       (12,479)            (12,649)  
 Tax payable                                       (461)               (928)  
 Provisions for liabilities                         (60)                   -  
                                                 _______             _______  
                                                (13,217)            (13,794)  
                                                 _______             _______  
 Total Equity and Liabilities                   (23,793)            (23,534)  
                                                 _______             _______  

    Consolidated cash flow statement
    for the period ended 31 March 2008

                                                  Note  Year Ended  Year Ended
                                                         31 March    31 March
                                                           2008        2007
                                                  Note     �000        �000
 Profit for the year                                      1,382       1,789
 Amortisation of intangible assets                         372         290
 Depreciation                                              212         229
 Share option cost                                          24          24
 Decrease/ (Increase) in stock                              91         (82)
 Decrease / (Increase) in debtors                         (909)       (929)
 (Decrease) in creditors                                  (138)       (814)
 Profit on disposal of fixed assets                         -           5
 Net finance cost                                           80         (38)
 Income tax expense                                        317         765
 Increase in provisions                                    152          -

 Cash flow from operating activities
 Cash generated from operations                           1,583       1,239
 Interest paid                                             (70)        (19)
 Income taxes paid                                        (778)       (523)

 Net cash generated from operating activities              735         697

 Cashflows from investing activities
 Acquisitions of subsidiaries (net of cash                (453)      (1,358)
 Purchase of minority interests in subsidiaries             -         (196)
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment                (137)       (261)
 Proceeds from sale of property, plant and                  -           5
 Purchase of available for sale investments                 -          (50)
 Proceeds from sale of available for sale                   -           21
 Interest received                                          82          57
 Development costs                                        (320)         -

 Net cash used in investing activities                    (828)      (1,782)

 Cashflows from financing activities
 Proceeds from the issue of share capital                   -          238
 Proceeds from the exercise of share options                20          57
 (Repayments) from long term borrowings                   (217)         -
 Proceeds from long term borrowings                         -          650
 Dividends paid                                           (509)       (465)

 Net cash (used in) / generated from financing            (706)        480

 Net cash (decrease) in cash and cash                     (799)       (605)

 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of            2,522       3,127
 the period

 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the              1,723       2,522

    Notes to the consolidated financial information
    1 Financial Information
    The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 March
2008, but is derived from those statements. Statutory financial statements for 2008 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies
following the Annual General Meeting. The auditors have reported on the financial statements to 31 March 2008. Their report was unqualified
and did not contain statements under section 237(2) of the Companies Act 1985.
    2 Annual Report
    The Annual Report will be posted to shareholders, it will also be available from the Company's head office at 1 Triton Square, London
NW1 3DX and to download from the Company's website www.touchstonegroupplc.com. The Annual General Meeting will be held at the Triton Square
offices of Touchstone Group on 24th September 2008 at 11am.
    3 Segmental information
    The Group's turnover and profits before tax principally arise from its activities in the UK and Ireland. Turnover and profits before tax
arising in Ireland are not material. The Group has one principal class of business, the provision of integrated business software and
consulting services associated with these solutions.
    4 Taxation
                                                        2008            2007
                                                        �000            �000

 Recognised in the income statement
 * current year                                          491             800
 * adjustment to tax charge in respect                  (63)               -
 of previous period                                                 ________

 Current tax expense
 * Deferred Tax movement
 (Origination and reversal of
 temporary differences)
                                                    ________        ________
 Total tax expense                                       317             765

    Factors affecting the tax charge for the current period
    The current tax charge for the period is lower (2007: lower) than the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK of 30% (2007: 30%). The
differences are explained below:

                                                                  2008   2007
                                                                  �000   �000
 Current tax reconciliation
 Profit / (Loss) on ordinary activities before tax               1,699  2,554

 Current tax at 30 % (2007: 30%)                                   510    766

 Effects of:
 Expenses not deductible for tax purposes and other adjustments      8     95
 Effect of depreciation in excess of capital allowances           (19)     22
 Utilisation of tax losses                                           -      -
 Other timing differences                                          (8)   (33)
 Adjustments to tax charge in respect of previous periods         (63)      -
 Relief for Development costs                                        -   (50)
 Deferred Tax movement                                           (111)   (35)
 (origination and reversal of temporary tax differences)

 Total current tax charge (see above)                              317    765

    5    Dividends
                                                          2008            2007
                                                          �000            �000
 Equity shares:
 Interim dividend paid in respect of current               182             175
 year (2008:1.5p per share, 2007: 1.5p per
 Final dividend paid in respect of prior year              327             290
 but not recognised as liabilities in that
 year (2008: 2.7p per share, 2007: 2.6p per
                                                           509             465

    The company waived the dividend due on the shares held by the Employee share ownership trust and those held in treasury
    A final dividend of 1.7 pence per share, totalling �219,000 has been proposed after the balance sheet date in respect of the year ended
31 March 2008 (2007: 2.7p).

    6    Earnings per share
                                                         2008             2007
                                                         �000             �000
 Profit/(loss) for the financial year                   1,382            1,789
 attributable to shareholders
 Depreciation                                             212              229
 Amortisation of intangibles                              372              290
 Share based payment costs                                 24               24
 One off legal and professional Costs                      87                -
 Profit for the financial year before
 depreciation, amortisation of intangibles,             2,077            2,332
 share based payments and one off legal and
 professional costs

 Weighted average number of shares in issue        11,999,500       11,444,042
 Dilutive potential ordinary shares                    93,575          154,675
 Weighted average number of shares in issue        12,093,075       11,598,717
 after dilution
 Basic earnings per share year before
 depreciation, amortisation of intangibles,            17.31p           20.38p
 share based payments and one off legal and
 professional costs

 (Loss) per ordinary share on adjustments             (5.79)p          (4.75)p
 for depreciation, amortisation of
 intangibles, share based and One off legal
 Basic earnings per ordinary share                     11.52p           15.63p
 Diluted earnings per ordinary share 
                                                       11.43p           15.42p
 Basic earnings per share year before
 depreciation, amortisation of intangibles,            17.31p           20.38p
 share based payments and one off legal and
 professional costs 
 Diluted Earnings per share year before
 depreciation, amortisation of intangibles,            17.18p           20.11p
 share based payments and one off legal and
 professional costs

    Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue during the year, excluding those held in employee benefit trusts which are treated as cancelled.
    As at 31 March 2008, there were 214,347 (2007 - 234,347) share options in issue under an approved employee option scheme and 485,219
(2007 - 485,219) in an unapproved scheme. The options first became exercisable in 2001 dependant on the achievement of certain performance
targets. The conversion of potential ordinary shares to ordinary shares would decrease net basic earnings per share, and so they are
dilutive (2007: - also dilutive).
    7 Called up share capital
                                                          2008            2007
                                                          �000            �000
 16,000,000 ordinary shares of 10p each                  1,600           1,600
 Allotted, called up and fully paid
 12,490,787 ordinary shares of 10p each (2007:           1,249           1,232
    The number of shares allotted during the year was 170,598 with a nominal value of �17,060. The proceeds from this share issue were
    8 Reconciliation of UK GAAP to IFRS
    These are the Group's first audited consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with Adopted IFRSs. The last financial
statements under UK GAAP were for the year ended 31 March 2007 and the date of transitions was therefore 1 April 2007.
    In preparing its opening IFRS balance sheet, the Group has adjusted amounts reported previously in financial statements prepared in
accordance with its old basis of accounting (UK GAAP). An explanation of how the transition from UK GAAP to Adopted IFRSs has affected the
Group's financial position, financial performance and cash flows is set out in the following tables and the notes that accompany the

    Main changes in the basis of preparation between IFRS and UK GAAP

    In accordance with the requirements of IFRS 3, goodwill has been frozen at its brought forward net book value at the date of transition,
and amortisation charged under UK GAAP for the period ended 31 March 2007 has been reversed.

    In addition, under the requirements of IFRS 3, the fair values of customer relationships and software acquired with the business
combinations arising during the period ended 31 March 2007 have been recognised separately from goodwill and classified as intangible assets
to be amortised over their expected useful economic lives of 10 years and 5 years respectively.

    The adoption of IFRS has not had an impact on the amount of cash previously disclosed under UK GAAP in any of the periods of account in
the financial statements.

      Consolidated balance sheet reconciliation at 1 April 2006 (Transition date)

                                                            Effect of
                                               UK GAAP in  transition    Reported
                                              IFRS format     to IFRS  under IFRS
                                 Adjustments        �'000       �'000       �'000
 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                        318           -         318
 Goodwill                                           4,501           -       4,501
 Other intangible assets                            1,300           -       1,300
 Deferred tax                         a                 -          53          53
 Investments                                          118           -         118
                                                  _______     _______     _______
                                                    6,237          53       6,290
 Current assets
 Inventories                                           33           -          33
 Trade and other receivables                       10,094           -      10,094
 Cash and cash equivalents                          3,127           -       3,127
                                                  _______     _______     _______
                                                   13,254           -      13,254
                                                  _______     _______     _______
 TOTAL ASSETS                                      19,491          53      19,544
                                                   ======      ======      ======
 Equity attributable to the
 equity holders of the parent
 Share capital                                    (1,164)           -     (1,164)
 Share premium reserve                            (2,264)           -     (2,264)
 Capital and other reserves           a             (738)           -       (738)
 Retained earnings                                (2,678)        (53)     (2,731)
                                                  _______     _______     _______
                                                  (6,844)        (53)     (6,897)
 Minority interest                                  (196)           -       (196)
                                                  _______     _______     _______
 Total equity                                     (7,040)        (53)     (7,093)

 Non-current liabilities

 Trade and other payables                           (194)           -       (194)
                                                  _______     _______     _______
                                                    (194)           -       (194)
 Current liabilities

 Trade and other payables                        (11,606)           -    (11,606)
 Current tax liabilities                            (651)           -       (651)
                                                  _______     _______     _______
                                                 (12,257)           -    (12,257)
                                                  _______     _______     _______
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                    (19,491)        (53)    (19,544)
                                                   ======      ======      ======
    *     Deferred tax asset recognised on share options.

 Consolidated balance sheet
 reconciliation at 31 March
                                                            Effect of
                                               UK GAAP in  transition    Reported
                                              IFRS format     to IFRS  under IFRS
                                 Adjustments        �'000       �'000       �'000
 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                        417           -         417
 Goodwill                            a,c            5,379         495       5,874
 Other intangible assets              b             1,136       1,405       2,541
 Investments                                          145           -         145
                                                  _______     _______     _______
                                                    7,077       1,900       8,977
 Current assets
 Inventories                                          117           -         117
 Trade and other receivables                       11,918           -      11,918
 Cash and cash equivalents                          2,522           -       2,522
                                                  _______     _______     _______
                                                   14,557           -      14,557
                                                  _______     _______     _______
 TOTAL ASSETS                                      21,634       1,900      23,534
                                                   ======      ======      ======
 Equity attributable to the
 equity holders of the parent
 Share capital                                    (1,232)         -       (1,232)
 Share premium reserve                            (3,210)         -       (3,210)
 Capital reserves                                    (19)         -          (19)
 Retained earnings                 a,b,d,e        (2,746)   (1,566)       (4,312)
                                                  _______   _______       _______
                                                  (7,207)   (1,566)       (8,773)
 Non-current liabilities
 Long-term borrowings                               (433)         -         (433)
 Deferred tax                        d,e                -     (334)         (334)
 Trade and other payables                           (200)         -         (200)
                                                  _______   _______       _______
                                                    (633)     (334)         (967)
 Current liabilities
 Current portion of long-term                       (217)         -         (217)
 Trade and other payables                        (12,649)         -      (12,649)
 Current tax liabilities                            (928)         -         (928)
                                                  _______   _______       _______
                                                 (13,794)         -      (13,794)
                                                  _______   _______       _______
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                    (21,634)   (1,900)      (23,534)
                                                   ======    ======        ======

    a.    Reversing amortisation charged in the period on goodwill (�1,567,000) and reclassifying amounts previously included in the value
of goodwill (�1,311,000).
    b.    Recognition of customer relationships and software as separately identifiable intangible assets (�1,531,000) and the amortisation
thereon for the year (�126,000).
    c.    Goodwill arising on acquisition (�239,000).
    d.    Deferred tax liability recognised in respect of customer relationships and software (�459,000) and reduction in liability during
the year (�37,000).
    e.    Deferred tax asset recognised on share options (�88,000) and allocated between retained earnings (�90,000) and income statement
(�2,000) in accordance with IAS 12.

 Reconciliation of the
 consolidated income statement
 for the year ended 31 March

                                                            Effect of
                                               UK GAAP in  transition    Reported
                                              IFRS format     to IFRS  under IFRS
                                 Adjustments        �'000       �'000       �'000

 REVENUE                                           30,165           -      30,165

 Cost of sales                                   (14,354)           -    (14,354)
                                                  _______     _______     _______
 GROSS PROFIT                                      15,811           -      15,811

 Administration expenses before                  (12,752)           -    (12,752)
 depreciation, amortisation
 costs etc
                                                  _______     _______     _______


                                                       3,059        -    3,059

 Depreciation                                          (229)        -    (229)
 Amortisation of intangibles                      a  (1,731)    1,441    (290)
 Share based payment costs                              (24)        -     (24)
                                                     _______  _______  _______
 OPERATING PROFIT                                      1,075    1,441    2,516

 Financial income                                         57        -       57
 Finance costs                                          (19)        -     (19)
                                                     _______  _______  _______
 PROFIT BEFORE TAX                                     1,113    1,441    2,554

 Income tax expense                               b    (800)       35    (765)
                                                     _______  _______  _______
 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR                                     313    1,476    1,789
                                                      ======   ======   ======
 Earnings per share:
 Basic                                                 2.73p   12.90p   15.63p
                                                      ======   ======   ======
 Diluted                                               2.69p   12.73p   15.42p
                                                      ======   ======   ======

    a.    Reversing amortisation charged in the year on goodwill (�1,567,000) and recognising the amortisation on customer relationships and
software (�126,000).

    b.    Movement in deferred tax liability (�37,000) and movement in deferred tax asset recognised in income statement (�2,000).

    There were no adjustments required to the consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended 31st March 2007.


This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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