January 2025
Tertiary Minerals plc
("Tertiary" or the "Company")
New Silver
Mushima North - Analytical
Further to its announcement of 28
October 2024, and as a result of laboratory check analysis of drill
samples, the Company is pleased to announce the discovery of
economically significant silver and cobalt mineralisation
associated with previously announced copper-zinc mineralisation at
its Mushima North Project in Zambia.
Four drill holes submitted for laboratory
multi-element check analysis, three drill holes checked from Target
A1 including:
Hole 24TMN004
(Drill Line 1)
Ø 59m
grading 25
grammes/tonne ("g/t") silver, 0.2% copper and 0.16% zinc
from 10m to end of hole at 72m including:
Ø 26m grading 36g/t
silver, 0.20% copper and 0.20% zinc
from 45-72m.
Ø Hole ended
in mineralisation grading 49g/t
silver, 0.24% copper and 0.15% zinc.
Ø Previously
reported copper and zinc values confirmed by laboratory check
Hole 24TMN024
(Drill Line 1)
Ø Significant cobalt associated with previously reported higher
grade copper interval: 6m grading
0.08% cobalt, 0.58% copper from 47-53m.
Ø Entire
hole, where check analyses are available, is anomalous in copper
and cobalt:
grading 0.14% copper, 0.03% cobalt and 3g/t silver from 20m to 96m at end of hole.
Ø Hole also
anomalous in nickel with best intersection of 4m grading 0.12% nickel, 0.09% cobalt,
0.18% copper and 5g/t silver from 42-46m.
24TMN016 from Target C1 shows narrow
intervals of low-grade gold mineralisation.
Silver-in-soil geochemical anomaly associated with
Hole 24TMN004 evident in check soil analytical data - 1.3km long
and open ended to the northeast and southwest.
Repeat silver analysis on 14 check samples using a
stronger acid digest method returned silver values 12% higher than
those now being reported.
A plan and drill section
illustrating the above highlights can be found at the end of this
Commenting today. Patrick
Cheetham, Executive Chairman of Tertiary Minerals plc
"This is an exciting grass roots discovery. So far, we have
checked only one of a number of adjacent 50m spaced drill holes on
Line 1 that contain wide intervals of copper and zinc and which
were drilled within the newly defined silver soil anomaly. We
anticipate that these holes may also have significant silver
contents. With so many of these holes ending in mineralisation and
the open-ended silver anomaly being at least 1.3km long, it's clear
we have only just scratched the surface at Mushima
"The wide interval of silver mineralisation now being reported
suggests a target of potential economic interest. For comparison,
the Reserve grade at the Rochester heap leach bulk silver mine in
Nevada, USA is only 13g/t silver*. All existing holes considered
prospective for silver will now be submitted for further
* Converted from
reported reserves grade of 0.39 ounces per short ton.
Further Information:
Tertiary Minerals plc:
Patrick Cheetham, Executive Chairman
(0) 1625 838
Angel Corporate Finance LLP
Nominated Adviser and Broker
Richard Morrison
(0) 203 470 0470
Peterhouse Capital Limited
Joint Broker
Lucy Williams
44 (0) 207 469 0930
Duncan Vasey
Market Abuse Regulation
The information contained within
this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside
information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU)
No. 596/2014 as it forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the
European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 ('MAR'). Upon the publication
of this announcement via Regulatory Information Service ('RIS'),
this inside information is now considered to be in the public
Detailed information
To be read in conjunction with the
Company's News Release of 28 October 2024.
The Mushima North Copper Project
(Licence 27068-HQ-LEL) is held through Group company Copernicus
Minerals Limited ("Copernicus") which is 90% owned by Tertiary
Minerals (Zambia) Limited and 10% by local partner, Mwashia
Resources Limited.
The project lies 20km to the east of
the Kalengwa copper mine in northwest Zambia, one of the
highest-grade copper deposits ever to be mined in Zambia. In the
1970s, high-grade ore, in excess of 26% copper, was trucked for
direct smelting at other mines in the Copperbelt. The Kalengwa mine
is now being reopened and is expected to produce 15,000 tonnes of
copper annually.
At the end of the summer 2024,
Tertiary completed 25 aircore drill holes to test geochemical
anomalies at Targets A1 and C1. Drill samples were analysed in the
field using a portable X-Ray Fluorescence ("pXRF") instrument and
wide intervals of copper-zinc mineralisation were found in several
50m spaced drill holes on drill line 1 at Target A1, as reported in
the Company's news release dated 28 October 2024.
The pXRF instrument used by the
Company is considered reliable for copper and zinc analysis when
used with rigorous QA/QC procedures, but not sufficiently reliable
for other elements of economic interest and it cannot detect silver
at the levels now being reported. It is the Company's policy to
always carry out check multi-element analyses using conventional
laboratory based methods.
Check Analysis of Drill Samples - New
Results are now available for five
drill holes that were selected for check analysis. This included
four holes from Target A1 (Hole Numbers 24TMN004, 6P, 11 and 24)
and Hole TM24TMN16 from Target C1 (see accompanying map and drill
section). Drill hole 24TMN006P was only analysed for
Check analysis for copper and zinc
confirmed the previously reported results except for one interval
for zinc in Hole 24TMN011 which requires further investigation (see
accompanying table).
Significant silver values were found
throughout Hole 24TMN004 in broad association with copper and zinc
whilst significantly anomalous cobalt and nickel and silver was
found in hole 24TMN024 with the highest cobalt grades accompanying
the highest copper grades.
Target A1 was first defined by pXRF
analysis of soil which defined a large copper-in-soil anomaly which
was subsequently confirmed by laboratory check analysis of samples
taken along three sample lines within the anomaly (see accompanying
map). A review of the silver values in these check soil analyses
has now revealed a silver-in-soil anomaly within the copper-in-soil
anomaly that extends northeast-southwest for at least 1.3km across
all of the three check lines. This silver anomaly is open-ended in
both of these directions.
The accompanying map and drill
section illustrates that, of the drill holes selected for check
analysis, only hole 24TMN004 was drilled within the silver-in-soil
anomaly. However, we anticipate that additional laboratory analysis
of other drill holes on Line 1 that fall within the silver-in-soil
anomaly may also reveal significant silver mineralisation. The map
also illustrates that drill hole 24TMN024, whilst hitting a thick
interval of lower grade silver, was likely drilled too far east, on
the edge of the silver-in-soil anomaly and the current belief is
that the two southerly drill lines (including Hole 24TMN011) were
both drilled too far to the west to hit the main copper-zinc and
silver targets.
Check analysis of drill hole
24TMN016 at Target C1 area intersected two narrow intervals of
anomalous gold in granite: 0.47g/t gold from 5-6m downhole and
0.25g/t gold from 22-23m and confirmed the previously reported
narrow interval of copper mineralisation.
As a further check on the silver
values now being reported, fourteen samples were submitted for
repeat analysis by a different laboratory method using a stronger
acid digest for more complete dissolution of contained metals. The
repeat analyses confirmed the silver discovery and returned 12%
higher silver values on average.

The information in this
release has been compiled and reviewed by Mr. Patrick Cheetham
(MIMMM, MAusIMM) who is a qualified person for the purposes of the
AIM Note for Mining and Oil & Gas Companies. Mr. Cheetham is a
Member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining and
also a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining &
The news release may
contain certain statements and expressions of belief, expectation
or opinion which are forward looking statements, and which relate,
inter alia, to the Company's proposed strategy, plans and
objectives or to the expectations or intentions of the Company's
directors. Such forward-looking statements involve known and
unknown risks, uncertainties, and other important factors beyond
the control of the Company that could cause the actual performance
or achievements of the Company to be materially different from such
forward-looking statements. Accordingly, you should not rely on any
forward-looking statements and, save as required by the AIM Rules
for Companies or by law, the Company does not accept any obligation
to disseminate any updates or revisions to such forward-looking
Reporting cut-offs:
NSV : No
significant values, means less than 100ppm for nickel and
Where voids
occur within continuous sampled lengths, the average grade reported
is the average grade of the samples actually collected and the
reported sample interval excludes the extent of the voids which are
likely due to washing out of clay or other soft materials, possibly
in fault zones. The following voids were noted: Hole 24TMN004
drilled through a 2m void from 43-45m, and the results from the
interval 64-65m was assigned nil values on QA/QC
Hole 24TMN024
drilled through voids from 46-47m and 54-55m
Samples being
reported as laboratory analysis were analysed at ALS Global in
South Africa for a range of elements using an aqua regia digest,
method code ME-MS41 and for gold by fire assay method Au-AA25. The
14 repeat silver analyses were carried out using a four-acid
digest, method code ME-ICP6.