RNS Number : 1271E

Various Eateries PLC

28 June 2023

This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of EU Regulation 596/2014 as retained as part of UK law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 as amended. Upon the publication of this Announcement, this inside information is now considered to be in the public domain.

28 June 2023


("Various Eateries" or "the Company"

and with its subsidiaries "the Group")

Half Year Results & Trading Update

For the 26-week period to 2 April 2023

Half Year Results

Various Eateries PLC, the owner, developer and operator of restaurant, clubhouse and hotel sites in the United Kingdom, announces its unaudited results for the 26-week period ending 2 April 2023.

Group revenue increased 16% on the comparable period in the prior year to GBP20.6m (H1 2022: GBP17.7m). Group LFL sales, excluding the benefit of the reduced rate of VAT for hospitality businesses in the prior year, were marginally up. Management is pleased with the revenue performance, particularly given the challenging economic environment, disruptions from train strikes, and an unseasonably wet and dull spring.

Trading highlights in the period included the improved revenue performance of our central London sites, which saw LFL sales grow by 10% on the same period last year, as the number of office workers and tourists increased.

The Group's first Noci site in Islington, which opened in March 2022, continues to outperform management expectations. The brand has quickly established itself and, although it currently forms a small part of the Group, management expects it to play an increasingly prominent role in the years to come.

However, as previously reported, the Group, alongside the rest of the hospitality industry, has been dealing with unprecedented cost pressure in the supply chain, energy costs and continuing pressure on wages and related costs. The same period last year benefited from GBP1.2m of VAT and Covid relief which has had a direct impact when comparing Gross Profit. The combination of these factors has led to a decrease in Gross Profit to GBP0.6m (H1 2022: GBP1.5m) and a loss after tax of GBP4.3m (H1 2022: loss of GBP2.6m).

The Group's balance sheet remains solid, with cash at bank of GBP3.1m as at 2 April 2023 (H1 2022: GBP14.5m).

New Site Openings

Following the post-period openings of Coppa Club Guildford and Noci Battersea Power Station, the Group now operates 17 venues.

Coppa Club Guildford, the brand's second townhouse offering, opened its doors in April 2023. Management is pleased with how it has been received by the local community and its strong start to trading bodes well for the future.

Opening in May 2023, the Group's second Noci site, located in the comprehensive commercial and residential redevelopment of one of London's most iconic landmarks, Battersea Power Station, has enjoyed a promising start. Although early in its existence, management is confident in its ability to replicate the success of the original.

The Group is pleased to announce it has signed terms on a third Noci site in Old Street, central London. Located in the vibrant area of Shoreditch, Noci Old Street is expected to open towards the end of the current financial year.

Coppa Club Cardiff and Coppa Club Farnham will open in the next financial year.

Noting the uncertain economic backdrop however and as previously announced, a rise in the cost of fitting out new venues, management continues to pursue its expansion strategy cautiously and at a measured pace.

Trading Update

Following a review of the trading figures for the first half of the year to end of March 2023 and for the additional two months to the end of May 2023, the Board wishes to update investors in respect of full year market expectations.

In the current economic climate, the Board has prioritised sales, customer satisfaction and maintaining the Group's value proposition ahead of trying to maintain previously industry-normal levels of margin. Consequently, although considerable uncertainty remains around the important summer trading period, excluding the impact of postponing certain new openings as a result of the board's cautious approach in the current environment, we expect full year sales to be broadly in line with market expectations.

However, several ongoing factors are continuing to have more of a negative impact on bottom line performance than the Board had previously anticipated:

-- Despite sustained falls in underlying commodity prices, food costs are continuing to increase at high double-digit rates, as reported in recent official inflation data. While some of the rises have been mitigated by supply chain management and menu engineering, the Company continues to believe that it is better for its long-term strategy not to pass on the full extent of the net price increases to its customers.

-- Variable costs, in particular energy costs, also remain highly elevated and, although there are signs that they are abating in some areas, they continue to substantially impact profit margins.

-- The labour market continues to be extremely difficult. As well as an increase in direct labour costs, this also results in very significant additional costs, notably recruitment and training of staff.

-- Continuing train strikes have a major impact on the Company's larger city centre sites, with a direct impact on revenues and increased challenges for efficient staff rostering.

Due to the above factors, the Company anticipates that net EBITDA margins as a percentage of sales will be significantly lower than previously expected. Although, there remains considerable uncertainty in forecasting in current circumstances, based on current levels of cost inflation, we estimate that the total impact of increased food, labour and variable costs on site EBITDA margins for the full year to September 2023 as a percentage of sales will amount to approximately 5-7%.

Further central cost pressures may amount to a further 1-3% of sales in terms of reduction in total Group EBITDA margin. Obviously, the Board is continuously reviewing costs and implementing measures to mitigate this shortfall.

On a more optimistic note, excluding the effects of train strikes, sales across the Group continue to hold up well, the performance of recent new openings has been encouraging, and the availability of sites in prime locations at significantly lower rents continue to increase.

Andy Bassadone, Chairman of Various Eateries, said:

"A squeeze on margins of this scale is unprecedented in my thirty-five years' experience in the hospitality industry. Even though we were anticipating a significant downturn, the actual rise in input costs has been much higher and far more sustained than the industry anticipated.

In addition to the discipline we are exercising in relation to new openings referred to above, we continue to focus rigorously on the cost structure and operational efficiency and will adapt the way we operate in this environment.

With established and desirable brands, a clear growth strategy, and a management team that has a proven track record of growing businesses in good and bad times, the Group is well positioned. We will approach the second half in a similarly measured way to the first and remain confident in our ability to accelerate growth when conditions normalise."

Yishay Malkov, CEO of Various Eateries, said:

"I am proud of the way our teams continue to rise to the challenges of the current landscape while maintaining an unwavering focus on delivering exceptional experiences to everyone that comes through our doors. It is thanks to them that our brands have built such strong reputations and remain in such high demand.

Looking ahead, while it's difficult to say with any certainty when the pressures we, and others in our industry are under will subside, we will continue to monitor and respond to further changes in the landscape as necessary."


Various Eateries                              Via Alma PR 
Andy Bassadone      Executive Chairman 
Yishay Malkov       Chief Executive Officer 
Sharon Badelek      Chief Financial Officer 
WH Ireland Limited  Sole Broker and NOMAD    Tel: +44 (0)20 7220 1666 
 Harry Ansell 
Nominated Adviser 
 Katy Mitchell 
Alma PR             Financial PR             Tel: +44 (0)20 3405 0205 
David Ison                                   variouseateries@almapr.co.uk 
Pippa Crabtree 

About Various Eateries

Various Eateries owns, develops and operates restaurant, clubhouse and hotel sites in the United Kingdom. The Group's stated mission is "great people delivering unique experiences through continuous innovation".

The Group is led by a highly experienced senior team including Andy Bassadone (Executive Chairman), Hugh Osmond (Founder), Yishay Malkov (CEO), Sharon Badelek (CFO) and Matt Fanthorpe (Chef Director, a non-board position).

The Group operates three core brands across 17 locations:

-- Coppa Club, a multi-use, all day concept that combines restaurant, terrace, café, lounge, bar and workspaces

-- Tavolino, a restaurant aiming to address a gap in the market for high-quality Italian food at mid-market prices

-- Noci, a modern, neighbourhood pasta-only concept which serves very high-quality dishes at reasonable prices

For more information visit www.variouseateries.co.uk

Various Eateries PLC

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

for the 26 weeks ended 2 April 2023

                                                                      52 weeks 
                                             26 weeks      26 weeks    ended 2 
                                              ended 2       ended 3    October 
                                           April 2023    April 2022       2022 
                                            Unaudited     Unaudited    Audited 
                                   Note       GBP 000       GBP 000    GBP 000 
 Revenue                                       20,578        17,742     40,667 
 Cost of sales                               (20,013)      (16,215)   (36,992) 
 Gross profit / (loss)                            565         1,527      3,675 
 Central staff costs                          (1,745)       (1,340)    (2,617) 
 Share-based payments               11           (51)         (423)      (830) 
 Impairment of goodwill                             -             -    (1,563) 
 Impairment of property, plant 
  and equipment                                     -             -      (980) 
 Loss on disposal of assets 
  and leases                                     (37)             -       (54) 
 Other expenses                               (1,947)       (1,417)    (2,840) 
 Operating loss                               (3,215)       (1,653)    (5,209) 
 Finance income                                     -             -          - 
 Financing costs                    4         (1,085)         (921)    (2,006) 
 Loss before tax                              (4,300)       (2,574)    (7,215) 
 Tax                                                -             -          - 
 Loss for the period                          (4,300)       (2,574)    (7,215) 
                                         ============  ============  ========= 
 Earnings per share 
 Basic loss per share (pence)       5           (5.2)         (3.1)      (8.8) 
 Diluted loss per share (pence)     5           (5.2)         (3.1)      (8.8) 
                                         ============  ============  ========= 

Various Eateries PLC

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

As at 2 April 2023

                                           2 April     3 April   2 October 
                                              2023        2022        2022 
                                         Unaudited   Unaudited     Audited 
                                  Note     GBP 000     GBP 000     GBP 000 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                 6        11,183      12,809      11,214 
 Right-of-use assets               7        25,764      22,926      26,109 
 Other property, plant and 
  equipment                        7        23,956      18,184      21,592 
                                            60,903      53,919      58,915 
                                        ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                   899         629         808 
 Trade receivables                 8           126         210         204 
 Other receivables                 8         1,671       1,608       2,359 
 Cash and bank balances                      3,111      14,523       9,390 
                                             5,807      16,970      12,761 
                                        ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Total assets                               66,710      70,889      71,676 
                                        ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables          9       (7,448)     (8,191)     (8,594) 
 Borrowings                        10      (6,009)    (15,571)    (15,533) 
 Net current (liabilities) 
  / assets                                 (7,650)     (6,792)    (11,366) 
                                        ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Total assets less current 
  liabilities                               53,253      47,127      47,549 
                                        ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                        10     (39,197)    (24,588)    (29,244) 
 Provisions                                  (357)       (357)       (357) 
 Total non-current liabilities            (39,554)    (24,945)    (29,601) 
                                        ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Total liabilities                        (53,011)    (48,707)    (53,728) 
                                        ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Net assets                                 13,699      22,182      17,948 
                                        ==========  ==========  ========== 
 Share capital                                 890         890         890 
 Share premium                              52,284      52,284      52,284 
 Merger reserve                             64,736      64,736      64,736 
 Other reserves                            (5,012)     (5,012)     (5,012) 
 Retained earnings                        (99,199)    (90,716)    (94,950) 
 Total shareholder funds                    13,699      22,182      17,948 
                                        ==========  ==========  ========== 

Various Eateries PLC

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

for the 26 weeks ended 2 April 2023

                             Called-up           Share               benefit 
                                 share         premium     Merger      trust    Retained 
                               capital         account    reserve    reserve    earnings     Total 
                                   GBP             GBP        GBP        GBP         GBP       GBP 
                                   000             000        000        000         000       000 
 At 3 October 2021                 890          52,284     64,736    (5,012)    (88,565)    24,333 
 Share-based payments                -               -          -          -         423       423 
 Loss for the period                 -               -          -          -     (2,574)   (2,574) 
                                                        ---------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
 At 3 April 2022                   890          52,284     64,736    (5,012)    (90,716)    22,182 
                        ==============  ==============  =========  =========  ==========  ======== 
 At 3 April 2022                   890          52,284     64,736    (5,012)    (90,716)    22,182 
 Share-based payments                -               -          -          -         407       407 
 Loss for the period                 -               -          -          -     (4,641)   (4,641) 
                                                        ---------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
 At 2 October 2022                 890          52,284     64,736    (5,012)    (94,950)    17,948 
                        ==============  ==============  =========  =========  ==========  ======== 
 At 2 October 2022                 890          52,284     64,736    (5,012)    (94,950)    17,948 
 Share-based payments                -               -          -          -          51        51 
 Loss for the period                 -               -          -          -     (4,300)   (4,300) 
                                                        ---------  ---------  ----------  -------- 
 At 2 April 2023                   890          52,284     64,736    (5,012)    (99,199)    13,699 
                        ==============  ==============  =========  =========  ==========  ======== 

Various Eateries PLC

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

for the 26 weeks ended 2 April 2023

                                                                  52 weeks 
                                         26 weeks      26 weeks    ended 2 
                                          ended 2       ended 3    October 
                                       April 2023    April 2022       2022 
                                        Unaudited     Unaudited    Audited 
                                          GBP 000       GBP 000    GBP 000 
 Cash flows from operating 
 Loss for the year                        (4,300)       (2,574)    (7,215) 
 Adjustments to cash flows 
  from non-cash items: 
 Depreciation and amortisation              2,638         2,304      4,702 
 Impairment                                     -             -      2,543 
 Loss on disposal and surrender 
  of leases                                    37             -         54 
 Share-based payments                          51           423        830 
 Finance income                                 -             -          - 
 Finance costs                              1,085           921      2,006 
                                            (489)         1,074      2,920 
 Working capital adjustments: 
 Increase in inventories                     (91)          (83)      (262) 
 (Increase) / decrease in trade 
  and other receivables                       403          (81)    (1,059) 
 Decrease in accruals, trade 
  and other payables                        (949)         (629)        262 
 Decrease in provisions                         -             -          - 
 Net cash flow from operating 
  activities                              (1,126)           281      1,861 
 Cash flows from investing 
 Interest received                              -             -          - 
 Purchases of property plant 
  and equipment                           (3,755)       (4,190)    (8,852) 
 Proceeds on disposal of property 
  plant and equipment                           -             -          - 
 Costs on issue of shares                       -             -          - 
 Net cash flows from investing 
  activities                              (3,755)       (4,190)    (8,852) 
 Cash flows from financing 
 Interest paid                              (714)         (589)    (1,345) 
 Proceeds from borrowings                       -             -      (431) 
 Principal elements of lease 
  payments                                  (684)         (695)    (1,559) 
 Net cash flows from financing 
  activities                              (1,398)       (1,284)    (3,335) 
 (Decrease) / increase in cash            (6,279)       (5,193)   (10,326) 
                                     ------------  ------------  --------- 
 Opening cash at bank and in 
  hand                                      9,390        19,716     19,716 
 Closing cash at bank and 
  in hand                                   3,111        14,523      9,390 
                                     ============  ============  ========= 

Various Eateries PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements

for the 26 weeks ended 2 April 2023

1 General information

Various Eateries PLC, 'the Company', and its subsidiaries (together 'the Group') are engaged in the operation of restaurants and hotels in London and the South of England.

The company is a public company limited by shares whose shares are publicly traded on AIM, a market of the London Stock Exchange and is incorporated in the United Kingdom under the Companies Act 2006 and are registered in England and Wales.

The registered address of the Company is 20 St Thomas Street, London, SE1 9RS.

2 Basis of preparation

The unaudited interim financial information for the 26 weeks ended 2 April 2023 has been prepared under the recognition and measurement principles of International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") based on the accounting policies consistent with those used in the financial statements for the period ended 2 October 2022, but does not contain all the information necessary for full compliance with IFRS.

The unaudited interim financial information was approved and authorised for issue by the Board on 27 June 2023. The unaudited interim financial information for the 26 weeks ended 3 April 2022 does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 and should be read in conjunction with the statutory accounts for the period ended 2 October 2022. The information for the 52 weeks ended 2 October 2022 has been extracted from the statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The audit report on these statutory accounts was unqualified, did not contain an emphasis of matter paragraph, and did not contain a statement under sections 498(2)-(3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The interim financial statements are presented in Pounds Sterling because that is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the company operates. All values are rounded to the nearest one thousand Pounds (GBP'000) except when otherwise indicated.

Changes in accounting policies and disclosures:

There were no changes in accounting policies and disclosures during the period.

3 Segmental reporting

 26 weeks ended 2                    Restaurant 
  April 2023                            segment           Hotel segment   Other unallocated                Total 
                                        GBP 000                 GBP 000             GBP 000              GBP 000 
 Revenue                                 18,983                   1,590                   5               20,578 
 Trading sites EBITDA 
  (IAS 17)                                1,540                     153             (3,575)              (1,882) 
 Pre Opening costs                        (460)                       -                   -                (460) 
 Impact of IFRS 16                          896                     647                 310                1,853 
  16)                                     1,976                     800             (3,265)                (489) 
 Depreciation & 
  Amortisation                                -                       -             (2,638)              (2,638) 
 Profit / (loss) on 
  disposal of assets 
  and leases                                  -                       -                (37)                 (37) 
 Financing costs                              -                       -             (1,085)              (1,085) 
 Share based payments                         -                       -                (51)                 (51) 
 Profit / (loss) 
  before tax                              1,976                     800             (7,076)              (4,300) 
 Tax                                          -                       -                   -                    - 
 Profit / (loss) 
  for the period                          1,976                     800             (7,076)              (4,300) 
                         ======================  ======================  ==================  =================== 
 26 weeks ended 3               Restaurant 
  April 2022                       segment      Hotel segment   Other unallocated                   Total 
                                   GBP 000            GBP 000             GBP 000                 GBP 000 
 Revenue                            16,078              1,652                  12                  17,742 
 Trading sites EBITDA 
  (IAS 17)                           2,268                435             (2,568)                     135 
 Pre Opening costs                   (645)                  -                   -                   (645) 
 Impact of IFRS 16                     965                618                   -                   1,583 
  16)                                2,588              1,053             (2,568)                   1,073 
 Depreciation & Amortisation             -                  -             (2,303)                 (2,303) 
 Financing costs                         -                  -               (921)                   (921) 
 Share based payments                    -                  -               (423)                   (423) 
 Profit / (loss) 
  before tax                         2,588              1,053             (6,215)                 (2,574) 
 Tax                                     -                  -                   -                       - 
 Profit / (loss) 
  for the period                     2,588              1,053             (6,215)                 (2,574) 
                               ===========  =================  ==================  ====================== 

3 Segmental reporting (continued)

 52 weeks ended 2                        Restaurant 
  October 2022                              segment           Hotel segment   Other unallocated            Total 
                                            GBP 000                 GBP 000             GBP 000          GBP 000 
 Revenue                                     36,523                   4,086                  58           40,667 
 Trading site EBITDA 
  (IAS 17)                                    4,692                   1,050             (5,161)              581 
 Pre Opening costs                            (734)                       -                (21)            (755) 
 Impact of IFRS 16                            1,819                   1,275                   -            3,094 
 Total EBITDA                                 5,777                   2,325             (5,182)            2,920 
 Depreciation & 
  Amortisation                                    -                       -             (4,702)          (4,702) 
 Profit / (loss) on 
  disposal of assets 
  and leases                                      -                       -                (54)             (54) 
 Impairments                                      -                       -             (2,543)          (2,543) 
 Financing costs                                  -                       -             (2,006)          (2,006) 
 Share based payments                             -                       -               (830)            (830) 
 Loss before tax                              5,777                   2,325            (15,317)          (7,215) 
 Tax                                              -                       -                   -                - 
 Loss for the period                          5,777                   2,325            (15,317)          (7,215) 
                             ======================  ======================  ==================  =============== 

4 Financing costs

                                                                                                          52 weeks 
                                                      26 weeks                 26 weeks                    ended 2 
                                                       ended 2                  ended 3                    October 
                                                    April 2023               April 2022                       2022 
                                                     Unaudited                Unaudited                    Audited 
                                                       GBP 000                  GBP 000                    GBP 000 
 Financing costs on bank overdraft 
  and borrowings                                         371                        296                        661 
 Lease liability interest                                714                        625                      1,344 
 Foreign exchange loss                                       -                        -                          1 
                                                         1,085                      921                      2,006 
                                     =========================  =======================  ========================= 

5 Earnings per share

Basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year. There were no potentially dilutive ordinary shares outstanding as at the reporting date.

                                                                     52 weeks 
                                          26 weeks      26 weeks      ended 2 
                                           ended 2       ended 3      October 
                                        April 2023    April 2022         2022 
                                         Unaudited     Unaudited      Audited 
 Loss for the year after tax (GBP 
  000)                                     (4,300)       (2,574)      (7,215) 
 Basic and diluted weighted average 
  number of shares                      82,143,398    82,143,398   82,143,398 
 Basic loss per share (pence)                (5.2)         (3.1)        (8.8) 
 Diluted loss per share (pence)              (5.2)         (3.1)        (8.8) 
                                      ============  ============  =========== 

6 Intangible assets

                                    Brand              Goodwill            & licenses                 Total 
                                  GBP 000               GBP 000               GBP 000               GBP 000 
 Cost or valuation 
 At 3 October 2021                  2,912                26,019                    25                28,956 
                     --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
 Additions                              -                     -                     -                     - 
 At 3 April 2022                    2,912                26,019                    25                28,956 
                     --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
 Additions                              -                     -                     -                     - 
 At 2 October 2022                  2,912                26,019                    25                28,956 
                     --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
 Additions                              -                     -                     -                     - 
 At 2 April 2023                    2,912                26,019                    25                28,956 
                     --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
 At 3 October 2021                  2,724                13,391                     -                16,115 
                     --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
 Amortisation                          32                     -                     -                    32 
 At 3 April 2022                    2,756                13,391                     -                16,147 
                     --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
 Amortisation                          32                     -                     -                    32 
 Impairment                             -                 1,563                     -                 1,563 
 At 2 October 2022                  2,788                14,954                     -                17,742 
                     --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
 Amortisation                          31                     -                     -                    31 
 At 2 April 2023                    2,819                14,954                     -                17,773 
                     --------------------  --------------------  --------------------  -------------------- 
 Carrying amount 
 At 3 April 2022                      156                12,628                    25                12,809 
                     ====================  ====================  ====================  ==================== 
 At 2 October 2022                    124                11,065                    25                11,214 
                     ====================  ====================  ====================  ==================== 
 At 2 April 2023                       93                11,065                    25                11,183 
                     ====================  ====================  ====================  ==================== 

Brand relates to registered brand names and is amortised over an estimated useful economic life of four years.

Goodwill is not amortised, but an impairment test is performed annually by comparing the carrying amount of the goodwill to its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is represented by the greater of the individual CGU's fair value less costs of disposal and its value-in-use.

7 Property, plant and equipment

                     Right               Leasehold       Furniture, 
                    of use    Freehold    improve-         fittings           Work 
                    assets    property       ments    and equipment    in progress   IT equipment    Total 
                       GBP         GBP         GBP                             GBP                     GBP 
                       000         000         000          GBP 000            000        GBP 000      000 
 Cost or 
 At 3 October 
  2021              29,215       2,294       9,814            6,003          1,336          1,583   50,245 
 Additions           3,506           -         619              589          2,867            115    7,696 
  modifications      (206)           -           -                -              -              -    (206) 
 Disposals               -           -           -              (2)              -              -      (2) 
 Transfers               -           -         863              252        (1,141)             26        - 
 At 3 April 2022    32,515       2,294      11,296            6,842          3,062          1,724   57,733 
                  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  -------------  -------------  ------- 
 Additions           3,026           -       4,862            1,702        (2,282)            380    7,688 
  modifications      2,332           -           -                -              -              -    2,332 
 Disposals           (285)           -           -              (1)           (74)            (2)    (362) 
 Transfers               -           -         135              (8)          (133)              6        - 
 At 2 October 
  2022              37,588       2,294      16,293            8,535            573          2,108   67,391 
                  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  -------------  -------------  ------- 
 Additions             985           -           1              273          3,442             40    4,741 
 Disposals               -           -           -                -           (37)              -     (37) 
  modifications       (78)           -           -                -              -              -     (78) 
 Transfers               -           -         550              427        (1,018)             41        - 
 At 2 April 2023    38,495       2,294      16,844            9,235          2,960          2,189   72,017 
                  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  -------------  -------------  ------- 
 At 3 October 
  2021               8,491           -       1,756            3,091              -          1,015   14,353 
 Charge for the 
  period             1,098           -         396              652              -            126    2,272 
 Eliminated on 
  disposal               -           -           -              (2)              -              -      (2) 
 At 3 April 2022     9,589           -       2,152            3,741              -          1,141   16,623 
                  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  -------------  -------------  ------- 
 Charge for the 
  period             1,188           -         337              699              -            142    2,366 
 Eliminated on 
  disposal           (278)           -           -                -              -            (1)    (279) 
 Impairment loss       980           -           -                -              -              -      980 
                  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  -------------  -------------  ------- 
 At 2 October 
  2022              11,479           -       2,489            4,440              -          1,282   19,690 
                  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  -------------  -------------  ------- 
 Charge for the 
  period             1,252           -         473              727              -            155    2,607 
 Eliminated on 
  disposal               -           -           -                -              -              -        - 
 At 2 April 2023    12,731           -       2,962            5,167              -          1,437   22,297 
                  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  -------------  -------------  ------- 
 Carrying amount 
 At 3 April 2022    22,926       2,294       9,144            3,101          3,062            583   41,110 
                  ========  ==========  ==========  ===============  =============  =============  ======= 
 At 2 October 
  2022              26,109       2,294      13,803            4,095            573            826   47,701 
                  ========  ==========  ==========  ===============  =============  =============  ======= 
 At 2 April 2023    25,764       2,294      13,882            4,068          2,960            752   49,720 
                  ========  ==========  ==========  ===============  =============  =============  ======= 

8 Trade and other receivables

                                    2 April                 3 April           2 October 
                                       2023                    2022                2022 
                                  Unaudited               Unaudited             Audited 
                                    GBP 000                 GBP 000             GBP 000 
 Trade receivables                      126                     210                 204 
 Prepayments                            626                     457                 907 
 Other debtors                        1,045                   1,151               1,452 
                                      1,797                   1,818               2,563 
                     ======================  ======================  ================== 

All of the trade receivables were non-interest bearing, receivable under normal commercial terms, and the Directors do not consider there to be any material expected credit loss. The Directors consider that the carrying value of trade and other receivables approximates to their fair value.

9 Trade and other payables

                                                   2 April                  3 April               2 October 
                                                      2023                     2022                    2022 
                                                 Unaudited                Unaudited                 Audited 
                                                   GBP 000                  GBP 000                 GBP 000 
 Trade payables                                     1,267                    1,819                    2,232 
 Accrued expenses                                   3,664                    4,828                    3,805 
 Social security and other taxes                       914                      313                   1,363 
 Other payables                                     1,603                    1,231                    1,194 
                                                    7,448                    8,191                    8,594 
                                   =======================  =======================  ====================== 

10 Loans and borrowings

                                                  2 April                 3 April               2 October 
                                                     2023                    2022                    2022 
                                                Unaudited               Unaudited                 Audited 
                                                  GBP 000                 GBP 000                 GBP 000 
 Current borrowings 
 Borrowings from related parties                    3,006                  12,584                  12,707 
 Lease liabilities                                  3,003                   2,987                   2,826 
                                                    6,009                  15,571                  15,533 
                                   ======================  ======================  ====================== 
                                                  2 April                 3 April               2 October 
                                                     2023                    2022                    2022 
                                                Unaudited               Unaudited                 Audited 
                                                  GBP 000                 GBP 000                 GBP 000 
 Non-current interest bearing 
  loans and borrowings 
 Borrowings from related parties                    9,908                       -                       - 
 Lease liabilities                                 29,289                  24,588                  29,244 
                                                   39,197                  24,588                  29,244 
                                   ======================  ======================  ====================== 

Borrowings from related parties classed as payable within 12 months includes one deep discounted bond instrument issued by VEL Property Holdings Limited. The other, which is issued by Various Eateries Trading Limited, is classed as payable after 12 months.

The deep discounted bond instrument issued by VEL Property Holdings Limited was issued on 14 January 2023, the subscription amount was GBP2,791,022, the nominal value GBP2,901,745, and the final redemption date is 14 July 2023. The discount is recognised on a straight-line basis between subscription and redemption date, resulting in GBP47,715 of accrued financing costs as at the reporting date.

The deep discounted bond instrument issued by Various Eateries Trading Limited was issued in September 2020 as part of a capital restructure, with a subscription price of GBP9,515,172, a nominal value of GBP10,001,397, and a term of 12 months. The discount is recognised between subscription and redemption date resulting in GBP468,860 of accrued financing costs at the reporting date. The balance of GBP607,688 under the August 2019 loan agreement bears cash settled interest at 3.75% above LIBOR. Of this amount, GBP215,351 of this matures in October 2023, with the remaining GBP392,337 maturing in April 2024.

The unsecured loan of GBP392,337 which was entered into by Various Eateries Trading Limited in August 2019, has been extended so that it will now expire on 15 April 2024. The loan is provided by Andy Bassadone's company Anella Limited. Interest accrues at 3.75% above LIBOR (now SONIA) per annum.

11 Share based payments

As at 2 April 2023, the Group maintained three separate share based payment scheme for employee remuneration (2022: three):

   --      Various Eateries Company Share Option Plan ("CSOP Scheme 2") 
   --      Various Eateries Company Share Option Plan ("CSOP Scheme 3") 
   --      Various Eateries Company Share Option Plan ("CSOP Scheme 4") 

In accordance with IFRS 2 "Share-based Payment", the value of the awards is measured at fair value at the date of the grant. The fair value is expensed on a straight-line basis over the vesting period, based on management's estimate of the number of shares that will eventually vest. A charge of GBP51,000 (2022: GBP423,000) has been recognised in the income statement by the Group in the 26 week period ended 2 April 2023.

During the period, 250,000 options were granted into the CSOP scheme to certain directors and PDMRs of the Company.

12 EBITDA Reconciliation

                                                                 52 weeks 
                                       26 weeks      26 weeks     ended 2 
                                        ended 2       ended 3     October 
                                     April 2023    April 2022        2022 
                                      Unaudited     Unaudited   Unaudited 
                                        GBP 000       GBP 000     GBP 000 
 Revenue                                 20,578        17,742      40,667 
                                   ============  ============  ========== 
 Loss before tax                        (4,300)       (2,574)     (7,215) 
 Net financing costs                      1,085           921       2,006 
 Impairment                                   -             -       2,543 
 Depreciation and amortisation            2,638         2,304       4,702 
 Loss on disposal of property, 
  plant and equipment                        37             -          54 
 Authorised Guarantee Agreements 
  provision                                   -             -           - 
 EBITDA before exceptional costs          (540)           651       2,090 
 Pre-opening costs                          460           645         755 
 Share-based payments                        51           423         830 
 Non-trading sites                            -            27       (144) 
                                   ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Adjusted EBITDA (IFRS 16)                 (29)         1,746       3,531 
                                   ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Adjustment for rent expense            (1,853)       (1,356)     (3,094) 
                                   ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Adjusted EBITDA before impact 
  of IFRS 16                            (1,882)           390         437 
                                   ============  ============  ========== 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 28, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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