Embargoed until 7:00 AM, Tuesday, August 25, 2009 
                                Interim Results 
Visonic Limited (LSE: VSC.L; TASE: VSC.TA) ("Visonic" or "the Group"), the 
international developer and manufacturer of electronic security systems 
(alarms) and home management systems, is pleased to announce its Interim 
Results for the six month period ended 30 June 2009. 
Key Points 
Sales of $42.7m (H1 2008: $44.6m) 
44% increase in operating profit to $4.7m* (H1 2008: $3.3m) 
33% increase in profit before tax to $5.7m* (H1 2008: $4.3m) 
26% increase in net profit to $5.2m* (H1 2008 $4.2m) 
Strong cash flow from operation $7.5m (H1 2008 $1.6m) 
80% Increase in net financial assets to $12.6m (31 December 2008 $7m) 
* This includes a non-recurring tax rebate of $1.2m. 
Visonic's Chairman, Yaacov Kotlicki, commented: 
"Given the world-wide economic crisis and recession, we are pleased to report 
resilient results for the first half of this year. Though we experienced a 
minor decrease in sales in comparison with the corresponding period last year, 
the Group's operating profit in the first half of 2009 has increased by 44% to 
$4.7m. In particular, we are proud of our strong improved balance sheet while 
net financial assets increased from $7m in December 2008 to $12.6m at 30 June 
2009. This improved performance was achieved mainly as a result of a variety of 
efficiency improvement measures taken by management while continuing to focus 
on R&D and Sales and Marketing programs." 
Chairman's & CEO's Statement 
Results Overview 
Although the Group's sales in the first six months of the year amounted to 
$42.7m, a 4.3% decrease from the corresponding period in 2008 ($44.6m), the 
Group's operating profit, profit before taxes and net profit increased, as 
stated above. The decrease in sales is due, amongst other reasons, to the 
economic global slow down and the weakness of the Euro and British Pound which 
reduced the value of sales in US Dollar terms. 
It is estimated that future sales will benefit from the recent launch of new 
products, amongst others, the Outdoor Detector and the PowerMax Express. The 
latter is a mass market product aimed at customers that want basic alarm 
features, high quality and advanced communication technologies. 
The major geographical territories in which Visonic products are sold, show the 
following changes: 
UK up 1%; 
Mainland Europe down 4% (sales increased in Scandinavia and France, but 
decreased in most other countries); 
Israel down 9%; 
North America down 16%. 
Measures to increase efficiency, strict budgetary control processes implemented 
by management  and the depreciation of the NIS against the US Dollar have 
increased gross profit margin to 44.5% (H1 2008: 43.5%). This and the 
non-recurring tax rebate of $1 million (see below) has reduced operational 
costs to $14.3m (H1 2008 $16.1m). Consequently, operational profit increased by 
43.7% to $4.7m (H1 2008 $3.3m) even though the weakness of the Euro and 
Sterling has had a detrimental effect on profit margins. 
In order to secure the Group's future and consolidate its market leading 
position, the aforementioned measures have not included redundancies of R&D, 
sales or marketing personnel, and the Group has maintained all related 
activities at similar levels to previous years. This was achieved due to the 
company's strong balance sheet and financial status. 
Since January 2009, engineering costs have been presented as part of R&D 
instead of being part of COGS as in previous reports. In this report, the 
results for H1-2008 and annual figures have been reclassified, accordingly. 
During June 2009, the Company recorded in "Other accounts receivable" a sum of 
$ 1.2m in respect of a tax rebate receivable from the Israeli Tax Authority. 
The rebate receivable refers to overpaid indirect taxes in previous years, 
$1.0m were recorded as "other income" and a sum $ 0.2m was recorded as 
"financial income". 
Net financial income amounted to $0.9m - the same level as in the corresponding 
period last year. 
Profit before tax increased by 33% to $5.7m in comparison with the 
corresponding period in 2008 ($4.3m). 
Tax liability in Israel is calculated on the NIS denominated accounts with 
reference to Israeli tax law and accounting principles, rather than on the US 
Dollar accounts prepared under IFRS. The Company benefited from a favorable tax 
regime in Israel and the total tax expense was $0.5m on global earnings. 
Net profit increased from $4.2m to $5.2m and earnings per share increased from 
10 cents to 12.5 cents. 
The balance sheet remains strong with $21.1m of financial assets ($17.1m cash 
and cash equivalents and $4m other short and long term financial assets). 
Credit from banks and bank loans remained unchanged at $8.5m, therefore, net 
financial assets increased from $7m at the beginning of the year to $12.6m. 
Equity represented 67% of the balance sheet total, compared to 60% in H1-2008. 
Inventories decreased from $15.7m at the beginning of the year to $14.3m. This 
reduction of $1.4m is the result of tighter controls implemented by management. 
Cash flow from operating activities amounted to $7.5m (H -2008 $1.6m). This 
improvement in cash flow reflects the higher levels of profitability in the 
period and also the receipt a $1.8m in overpaid income tax advances. The above 
mentioned tax rebate of $1.2m was received in August and will be reflected in 
the year end statement. 
On June 2009 the company distributed a maintained dividend of GBP0.01 per share. 
The total dividend amounted to $691,000, which was paid in cash. 
Performance of the Location Tracking System Segment (Visonic Technologies 
Ltd.), continued to improve with an increase in sales of 12.8%, from $3.8m in 
H1-2008 to $4.3m, and an operating profit of $0.3m in the first half of 2009, 
compared to $0.15m in the corresponding period in 2008. 
As announced in the Preliminary Results for the year ended 31st December 2008, 
the Company is still in technical breach of LR 6.1.19 as the number of shares 
in public hands (as defined within the Listing Rules) has fallen below 25 per 
cent. The Company is working towards a resolution to this situation. 
The Board estimates that sales during the second half of 2009 will continue at 
approximately the same levels as the first six months of the year. In 
comparison with 2008, we expect to see some decrease in the third quarter and 
an improvement in the fourth quarter. 
This report contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of 
Israeli applicable law relating to future events or our future performance, 
such as statements regarding trends, demand for our products and expected 
revenues, operating results and earnings. 
Such forward-looking statements usually contain language such as "believe", 
"estimate" and the like. 
Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and 
other factors that may cause our actual results, levels of activity, 
performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, 
levels of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied in those 
forward-looking statements. 
These risks and other factors include but are not limited to: changes affecting 
currency exchange rate, including the NIS/US Dollar and the NIS/EURO exchange 
rate; payment default by any of our major clients; the loss of one of more of 
our key personnel; changes in laws and regulations, including those relating to 
the electronic security (alarms) industry and the home management industry and 
inability to meet and maintain regulatory qualifications and approvals for our 
products; termination of arrangements with our suppliers; loss of one or more 
of our principal clients; increasing levels of competition in markets in which 
we do business; changes in economic conditions in Israel, including in 
particular economic conditions in the Company's core markets; our inability to 
predict accurately consumption of our products; and risks associated with 
product liability claims. 
We cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity, performance or 
achievements. We do not assume any obligation to update the forward-looking 
information contained in this report. 
Dr.Avigdor Shachrai 
Chairman                                                                                                                      President & CEO 
25 August 2009 
Visonic Limited 
Dr. Avigdor Shachrai (President &    Tel: + 972 3 645 6797  Fax: +972 3 
CEO)                                 6456788 
Yair Naaman (CFO)                    www.visonic.com 
Adi Enav (Investor Relations)        Address: P.O.B. 13132, Tel-Aviv 69710, 
Alistair Mackinnon-Musson/ Nathan    Tel: + 44 (0)20 7796 4133 
Arbuthnot Securities 
Edward Gay/ Richard Johnson          + 44 (0)20 7012 2000 
Auditors' review report to the shareholders of  Visonic Ltd. 
We have reviewed the accompanying financial information of Visonic Ltd. and its 
subsidiaries ("the Group"), which comprises the condensed consolidated balance 
sheet as of 30 June 2009 and the related condensed consolidated statements of 
comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the six months then 
ended. The Company's board of directors and management are responsible for the 
preparation and presentation of interim financial information for this period 
in accordance with IAS 34, "Interim Financial Reporting". Our responsibility is 
to express a conclusion on this interim financial information based on our 
We did not review the condensed interim financial information of certain 
subsidiaries, whose assets constitute approximately 19.5 % of total 
consolidated assets as of 30 June 2009, and whose revenues constitute 
approximately 40.4 % of total consolidated revenues for the six months then 
ended. The condensed interim financial information of those companies was 
reviewed by other auditors, whose review reports have been furnished to us, and 
our conclusion, insofar as it relates to the financial information in respect 
of those companies, is based on the review reports of the other auditors. 
Scope of review 
We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review 
Engagements 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the 
Independent Auditor of the Entity". A review of interim financial information 
consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial 
and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A 
review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance 
with International Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable us to 
obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that 
might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit 
Based on our review and the review reports of the other auditors, nothing has 
come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying interim 
financial information is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance 
with IAS 34. 
Tel-Aviv, Israel                             KOST FORER GABBAY & KASIERER 
August 25, 2009                            A Member of Ernst & Young Global 
                                                                                As of 
                                                         As of 30 June        31 December 
                                                     2009            2008        2008 
                                                   US$ '000        US$ '000     US$ '000 
                                                           Unaudited            Audited 
Cash and cash equivalents                           17,087          13,027       14,469 
Short-term deposits                                  2,000             -          1,000 
Trading securities                                   1,053             -            - 
Available-for-sale financial assets                    -               183          - 
Trade receivables                                   21,348          26,452       18,159 
Income tax receivable                                  672           2,958        2,462 
Other accounts receivable                            3,161           2,807        1,962 
Inventories                                         14,287          14,897       15,735 
Total current assets                                59,608          60,324       53,787 
Held-to-maturity investment                          1,010             -           - 
Long-term deposits                                     -            1,700          - 
Property and equipment, net                          7,713          5,863        7,468 
Prepaid expenses                                       439            644          510 
Deferred tax assets                                    839          1,475          990 
Intangible assets, net                               3,928          4,243        4,206 
Total non-current assets                            13,929         13,925       13,174 
Total assets                                        73,537         74,249       66,961 
Loans from banks and current maturities of long-term 
loans                                               8,500          4,700        8,500 
Trade payables                                      9,221         13,207        7,594 
Other current liabilities                           6,208        *)7,069      *)5,801 
Total current liabilities                          23,929         24,976       21,895 
Bank loans                                            -            4,000         - 
Government grants                                    510           *)410       *)532 
Employees benefits liability                          33             160          45 
Total long-term liabilities                          543           4,570         577 
Share capital                                         21              21          21 
Share premium                                     24,004          23,710      23,954 
Net unrealized gains reserve                         -                13         - 
Retained earnings                                 25,040          20,959      20,514 
Total equity                                      49,065          44,703      44,489 
Total liabilities and equity                      73,537          74,249      66,961 
*) Reclassified. 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the interim condensed 
consolidated financial statements. 
  August 25, 2009 
Date of approval of    Yaacov Kotlicki         Dr. Avigdor           Yair Naaman 
        the                                     Shachrai 
     financial         Chairman of the       Chief Executive       Chief Financial 
    statements              Board                Officer               Officer 
                                          Six months ended                Year ended 
                                             30 June                      31 December 
                                     2009                  2008               2008 
                                   US$ '000              US$ '000           US$ '000 
                                            Unaudited                       Audited 
Sale of goods                       42,747                44,645             84,932 
Cost of sales                     (23,738)        *) (25,218)        *) (48,660) 
Gross profit                        19,009                19,427             36,272 
Research and development costs 
                                    (4,384)            *) (4,429)         *)(8,803) 
Selling and marketing expenses      (8,327)               (8,760)          (17,336) 
General and administrative expenses (2,546)               (2,837)           (5,225) 
Share-based payments expense           (50)                 (114)             (154) 
Other income                         1,021                   -                 - 
Total operating expenses           (14,286)              (16,140)           31,518 
Operating profit                     4,723                 3,287             4,754 
Financial income                     1,051                 1,451             1,901 
Financial expenses                    (114)                 (513)           (2,052) 
Other income                            17                    43                 6 
Income before taxes on income        5,677                 4,268             4,609 
Taxes on income                        460                   112               898 
Net income                           5,217                 4,156             3,711 
Other comprehensive loss: 
Loss from available-for-sale financial 
 assets, net                           -                     -                (13) 
Total comprehensive income           5,217                 4,156            3,698 
Basic and diluted earnings 
per share (in cents)                  12.5                    10              8.9 
*) Reclassified see Note 3. 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the interim condensed 
consolidated financial statements. 
                        Share     Share        (loss)       Retained       Total 
                        capital   premium      reserve       earnings     equity 
                        US$'000   US$'000     US$ '000       US$ '000     US$'000 
Six months ended 30 
June 2009 (Unaudited) 
As of 1 January 2009 
(Audited)                 21      23,954          -           20,514      44,489 
Share-based payments 
expense                   -           50          -              -            50 
Dividend                  -           -           -             (691)       (691) 
Total comprehensive 
income                    -           -           -            5,217       5,217 
As of 30 June 2009       21       24,004          -           25,040      49,065 
Six months ended 30 
June 2008 (Unaudited) 
As of 1 January 2008 
(Audited)                21       23,596          13          17,610      41,240 
Share-based payments 
expense                   -          114          -              -           114 
Dividend                  -          -            -            (807)        (807) 
Total comprehensive 
income                    -          -            -            4,156       4,156 
As of 30 June 2008       21       23,710          13          20,959      44,703 
Year ended 31 
December 2008 
As of 1 January 2008     21       23,596          13          17,610      41,240 
Refund of issuance 
expenses                 -           204          -             -            204 
Share-based payments     -           154          -             -            154 
Dividend                 -            -           -            (807)        (807) 
Total comprehensive 
income (loss)            -            -          (13)          3,711       3,698 
As of 31 December 
2008                     21       23,954          -           20,514      44,489 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the interim condensed 
consolidated financial statements. 
                                                          Six months ended      Year ended 
                                                               30 June          31 December 
                                                           2009      2008          2008 
                                                          US$'000  US$'000       US$ '000 
                                                             Unaudited           Audited 
Cash flows from operating activities: 
Net income                                                5,217     4,156         3,711 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash 
provided by  operating activities 
Adjustments to profit or loss items: 
Depreciation and amortization                             1,215     1,201        2,401 
Taxes on income                                             309        22          323 
Deferred taxes                                              151        90          575 
Increase (decrease) in long-term employee benefit 
liabilities                                                 (12)      145           30 
Gain from sale of property and equipment, net                -        (14)         (31) 
Financial expenses (income), net                           (312)      195          527 
Loss (gain) from revaluation of short and long-term 
deposits                                                     -        260       (1,240) 
Share-based payments expense                                 50       114          154 
Realized gain from sale of available-for-sale financial 
assets                                                       -         -           (13) 
                                                          1,401     2,013        2,726 
Changes in assets and liabilities: 
Decrease (increase) in trade receivables                  (3,189)  (6,066)       2,227 
Decrease (increase) in income tax receivable                 101     (411)        (126) 
Increase in other accounts receivable                     (1,199)  (1,006)        (161) 
Decrease (increase) in inventories                         1,448   (3,646)      (4,484) 
Decrease (increase) in long-term prepaid expenses             71      (26)         108 
Increase (decrease) in trade payables                      1,627    4,896         (717) 
Increase in other current liabilities                        407    1,654          386 
Increase (decrease) in Government grants                     (22)     155          277 
                                                            (756)  (4,450)      (2,490) 
Cash paid and received during the period for: 
Interest paid                                                (95)    (248)        (423) 
Interest received                                            353      131          437 
Taxes received                                             1,780       -            - 
Taxes paid                                                  (400)     (41)       (131) 
                                                           1,638     (158)       (117) 
Net cash provided by operating activities                  7,500    1,561       3,830 
Cash flows from investing activities: 
Short-term deposits, net                                  (1,000)     -        (1,000) 
Purchase of trading securities                            (1,053)     -           - 
Held-to-maturity investment                               (1,010)     -           - 
Long-term deposits                                          -         -         3,200 
Proceeds from redemption of available-for-sale 
financial asset                                             -         -           183 
Acquisition of intangible assets                            (201)    (296)       (706) 
Proceeds from sale of property and equipment                -          35          78 
Purchase of property and equipment                          (981)    (935)     (3,319) 
Net cash used in investing activities                     (4,245)  (1,196)     (1,564) 
Cash flows from financing activities: 
Dividend paid                                               (691)   (807)       (807) 
Refund of issuance expenses                                 -         -          204 
Short-term loans from banks                                 -        180         (20) 
Net cash used in financing activities                       (691)   (627)       (623) 
Exchange differences on balances of cash and cash 
equivalents                                                   54     (78)       (541) 
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents           2,618    (340)      1,102 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the 
period                                                    14,469  13,367      13,367 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period        17,087  13,027      14,469 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the interim condensed 
consolidated financial statements. 
These financial statements have been prepared in a condensed format as of 30 
June 2009 and for the six months then ended ("interim consolidated financial 
statements"). These financial statements should be read in conjunction with the 
Company's annual financial statements as of 31 December 2008 and for the year 
then ended and accompanying notes ("annual financial statements"). 
a.       Basis of preparation of the interim consolidated financial statements: 
The interim consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance 
with generally accepted accounting principles for the preparation of financial 
statements for interim periods, as prescribed in IAS 34, "Interim Financial 
The significant accounting policies and methods of computation adopted in the 
preparation of the interim consolidated financial statements are consistent 
with those followed in the preparation of the annual financial statements, 
except for the noted below: 
IAS 1 (Revised) - Presentation of Financial Statements: 
IAS 1 (Revised) introduces an additional statement, "statement of comprehensive 
income". The statement may be presented as a separate statement which includes 
net income and all items carried in the reported period directly to equity that 
do not result from transactions with the shareholders in their capacity as 
shareholders (other comprehensive income) such as adjustments arising from 
translating the financial statements of foreign operations, fair value 
adjustments of available-for-sale financial assets, changes in revaluation 
reserve of fixed assets and etc. and the tax effect of these items carried 
directly to equity, with allocation between the Company and the minority 
interests. Alternatively, the items of other comprehensive income may be 
displayed along with the items of the statement of income in a single statement 
entitled "statement of comprehensive income" which replaces the statement of 
income, while properly allocated between the Company and the minority 
interests. Items carried to equity resulting from transactions with the 
shareholders in their capacity as shareholders (such as capital issues, 
dividend distribution etc.) will be disclosed in the statement of changes in 
equity as will the summary line carried forward from the statement of 
comprehensive income, with allocation between the Company and the minority 
IAS 1 (Revised) also requires entities to present a balance sheet as of the 
beginning of the comparative period when the entity has applied an accounting 
policy retrospectively, makes a retrospective restatement or reclassifies items 
in the annual financial statements. 
The revision was adopted on 1 January 2009 with a retrospective restatement of 
comparative figures. 
IFRS 8 - Operating Segments: 
IFRS 8 ("the Standard") deals with operating segments and replaces IAS 14. 
According to the Standard, the Company adopted a management approach in 
reporting on the financial performance of the operating segments. The segment 
information is the information that is internally used by management in order 
to assess its performance and allocate resources to the operating segments. 
The Company concluded that the operating segments determined in accordance with 
IFRS 8 are the same as the business segments previously identified under IAS 
IFRS 2 - Share-based Payment: 
Pursuant to an amendment to IFRS 2, the definition of vesting terms will only 
include service conditions and performance conditions and the cancellation of a 
grant that includes non-vesting conditions by the Company or the counterparty, 
will be accounted for by way of acceleration of vesting and not by forfeiture. 
Vesting conditions include only service conditions and performance conditions. 
Conditions that are other than service and performance conditions will be 
viewed as non-vesting conditions and must therefore be taken into account when 
estimating the fair value of the instrument granted. 
This amendment was adopted on 1 January 2009. The initial adoption of the 
Standard did not have any effect on the interim consolidated financial 
IAS 20 - Government Grants: 
Pursuant to an amendment to IAS 20, interest-free loans or loans with a 
below-market rate of interest received by a company from the State will be 
accounted for upon initial recognition and in subsequent periods pursuant to 
the provisions of IAS 39, "Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement". 
Accordingly, the loan will be initially measured at fair value and discounted 
at market interest. The difference between the loan amount received and the 
fair value will be accounted for thereafter as a Government grant according to 
the provisions of the Standard. 
The amendment was adopted as a prospective change on 1 January 2009 with 
respect of Scientist's grants received after that date. 
b.       Held-to-maturity investments: 
The Group has held-to-maturity investments that are financial assets 
(non-derivative) with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity that 
the Group has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. After 
initial recognition, held-to-maturity investments are measured at amortized 
cost using the effective interest method taking into account transaction costs. 
Gains and losses are recognized in the statement of income when the investments 
are derecognized or impaired, as well as through the systematic amortization 
c.       Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss: 
The Group has financial assets at fair value through profit or loss comprising 
derivative not designated as hedging instrument and financial assets designated 
upon initial recognition as at fair value through profit or loss. 
Starting with these financial statements, engineering costs are presented as 
part of the research and development costs instead of being part of cost of 
sales as in previous financial statements. Consequently, the Company 
reclassified engineering costs from cost of sales to research and development 
costs in the sum of $ 1,678 and $ 938 for the periods ending 31 December 2008, 
and 30 June 2008, respectively. 
On 30 June 2009, the Company distributed dividend in the amount of GBP 0.01 per 
share. The total dividend amounted to $ 691 thousand, which was paid in cash. 
During the six months ended 30 June 2009, 653,000 options were granted to 
senior executives and other employees under the Company's Option plan, the 
options shall be vested in four equal portions over a period of four years. The 
exercise price of the options of GBP 0.425 is equal to the market price of the 
shares on the date of grant. The fair value of the options granted amounting to 
$ 44 thousand was estimated at the date of grant using the binomial model, 
taking into account the terms and conditions upon which the options were 
granted. The contractual life of each option granted is until 24 November 2013. 
There are no cash settlement options. The weighted average fair value of 
options granted during the six months ended 30 June 2009, was estimated on the 
date of grant using the following assumptions: 
Expected volatility (%)              29.1 
Risk free interest rate (%)           3.5 
Expected average life (years)          3 
Share price and exercise price (GBP)   0.425 
a.       General: 
For management purposes, the Group is organized into business units based on 
their products and services, and has two operating segments as follows: 
-         Security and home management 
-         Location tracking systems 
Management monitors the operating results of its business units separately for 
the purpose of making decisions about resource allocation and performance 
assessment. Segment performance is evaluated based on sale of goods and 
operating income or loss. Group financing (including financial expenses and 
financial income) and taxes on income are managed on a Group basis and are not 
allocated to the operating segments. 
b.       Reporting on operating segments: 
                         Six months ended 30 June 2009 (Unaudited) 
                       Security and        tracking          Total 
                     home management        systems       consolidated 
                         US$ '000          US$ '000         US$ '000 
Sale of goods             38,479             4,268           42,747 
Segment operating 
profit                     4,432               291            4,723 
Unallocated income 
Financial income, 
net                                                            937 
Other income, net                                               17 
Taxes on income                                               (460) 
Net profit                                                   5,217 
                         Six months ended 30 June 2008 (Unaudited) 
                       Security and        tracking          Total 
                     home management        systems       consolidated 
                         US$ '000          US$ '000         US$ '000 
Sale of goods             40,860             3,785           44,645 
Segment operating 
profit                     3,137               150            3,287 
Unallocated income 
Financial income, 
net                                                            938 
Other income, net                                               43 
Taxes on income                                               (112) 
Net profit                                                   4,156 
                           Year ended 31 December 2008 (Audited) 
                       Security and        tracking          Total 
                     home management        systems       consolidated 
                         US$ '000          US$ '000         US$ '000 
Sale of goods             76,517             8,415           84,932 
Segment operating 
profit                     4,383               371            4,754 
Unallocated income 
expenses, net                                                 (151) 
Other income, net                                                6 
Taxes on income                                               (898) 
Net profit                                                   3,711 
a.       Dissolved Companies 
On March 17, 2009, VT UK was dissolved. 
On May 6, 2009, Visonic Pty was dissolved. 
The effect of the dissolutions on the Company's financial statements, operating 
results and cash flows is not material. 
b.       Indirect tax refund 
The financial statements as of June 30, 2009, include an income receivable in 
the amount of $ 1,225 in respect of a tax refund of indirect taxes in respect 
of previous years, which was received in August 2009. Such refund was recorded 
in the statements of comprehensive income as other operating income in the 
amount of $ 1,021 and financial income in the amount of $ 204. 
Changes in the tax rates applicable to the Israeli Companies in the Group: 
Further to the matter discussed in Note 17 to the annual financial statements, 
in July 2009, the Israeli Parliament (the Knesset) passed the Economic 
Efficiency Law (Amended Legislation for Implementing the Economic Plan for 2009 
and 2010), 2009, which prescribes, among other things, an additional gradual 
reduction in Israeli corporate tax rate, and real capital gains tax rate, 
starting from 2011 to the following tax rates: 2011 - 24%, 2012 - 23%, 2013 - 
22%, 2014 - 21%, 2015 - 20%, 2016 and thereafter - 18%. 
The Company believes that the effect of the amendment on its financial 
position, operating results and cash flows is not expected be material. 
                               - - - - - - - - - 

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