Worldwide Healthcare Trust PLC (the "Company") 
               Audited Results for the Year Ended 31 March 2022 
The Company's annual report will be posted to shareholders on 6 June 2022. 
Members of the public may obtain copies from Frostrow Capital LLP, 25 
Southampton Buildings, London WC2A 1AL or from the Company's website at 
www.worldwidewh.com where up to date information on the Company, including 
daily NAV, share prices and fact sheets, can also be found. 
The Company's annual report for the year ended 31 March 2022 has been submitted 
to the UK Listing Authority, and will shortly be available for inspection on 
the National Storage Mechanism (NSM): 
(Documents will usually be available for inspection within two business days of 
this notice being given) 
Mark Pope, Frostrow Capital LLP, Company Secretary - 0203 008 4913 
                                       2017      2018      2019      2020      2021      2022 
Net asset value per share (total      28.9%      2.8%     13.7%      6.5%     30.0%    (5.8%) 
Benchmark (total return)*?            24.5%    (2.5%)     21.1%      5.7%     16.0%     20.4% 
Net asset value per share          2,367.2p  2,411.1p  2,722.9p  2,868.9p  3,703.0p  3,465.2p 
Share price                        2,304.0p  2,405.0p  2,730.0p  2,920.0p  3,695.0p  3,275.0p 
(Discount)/Premium of share price    (2.7%)    (0.3%)      0.3%      1.8%    (0.2%)    (5.5%) 
to net asset value per share? 
Dividends per share                   22.5p     17.5p     26.5p     25.0p     22.0p    26.5p] 
Leverage?                             16.9%     16.4%      4.9%     12.0%      7.6%     10.9% 
Ongoing charges?                       0.9%      0.9%      0.9%      0.9%      0.9%      0.9% 
Ongoing charges (including             1.0%      1.2%      1.1%      0.9%      0.9%      1.4% 
performance fees paid or 
crystallised during the year)? 
*          Source: Morningstar 
?         Alternative Performance Measure (see Glossary). 
Following last year's strong returns, both on an absolute and on a relative 
basis, the year under review has proved to be a challenging one for the 
Company. The Company's net asset value per share total return was -5.8% (2021: 
+30.0%) and the share price total return was -10.8% (2021: +27.4%), both 
significantly underperforming the Company's Benchmark, the MSCI World Health 
Care Index measured on a net total return, sterling adjusted basis, which rose 
by 20.4% during the year (2021: rose by 16.0%). The disparity between the 
performance of the Company's net asset value per share and its share price is 
reflected in the widening of the Company's share price discount to its net 
asset value per share from 0.2% at the start of the Company's financial year to 
5.5% at 31 March 2022. 
The majority of the Company's assets are denominated in U.S. dollars, and it 
should be noted that the Company's net asset value performance was helped by 
the weakness of sterling over the year, particularly against the dollar, where 
it depreciated by 4.6%. 
The negative absolute return over the year to 31 March 2022 reflected a mildly 
positive first half, where the net asset value per share total return was +0.4% 
(2021:+23.1%) compared to a rise in the Benchmark of 13.0% (2021: a rise of 
15.3%) and a weaker second half where the net asset value total return was 
-6.2% (2021-5.6%) compared to a rise in the Benchmark of 7.4% (2021: 0.7%). 
During the year the Company's Portfolio Manager continued to pursue a strategy 
of being underweight in large pharmaceutical companies and overweight in both 
emerging markets and emerging biotechnology companies; an approach which had 
served the Company well during the previous year but was the principal reason 
for the Company's relative underperformance during the year under review. 
While the healthcare sector as a whole performed well during the year, macro 
considerations rather than company fundamentals were deemed to be most 
important by investors. In addition, the "growth-to-value" rotation which has 
tended to favour well-established companies despite their less-exciting growth 
prospects also showed that investors have been less willing to take on 
investment risk more generally. This risk aversion has hurt those sectors where 
we have been strategically overweight, including emerging biotechnology, China 
healthcare, and innovative tools. 
Risk aversion has also resulted in further pressure on performance as the value 
of the smaller capitalisation stocks we own has lagged while large 
capitalisation pharmaceutical stocks have outperformed the rest of the 
healthcare sector, particularly during the last quarter of the financial year. 
It should be emphasised, however, that this extraordinary fall in the valuation 
of the biotechnology and other sectors reflects a change in investor sentiment 
rather than any significant deterioration in the performance of the underlying 
companies. It is for this reason that we remain confident that these stocks 
will recover in due course. 
Our Portfolio Manager continues to adopt both a pragmatic and tactical approach 
with regard to the use of leverage. Leverage levels varied over the course of 
the year, with the net effect of a detraction of 1.0% from performance. 
The long-term performance of the Company, however, continues to be strong, and 
it should be noted that from the Company's inception in 1995 to 31 March 2022, 
the total return of the Company's net asset value per share has been +3,866.7%, 
equivalent to a compound annual return of +14.7%. This compares to a cumulative 
blended Benchmark return of +2,133.6%, equivalent to a compound annual return 
of +12.2% over the same period. 
Further information on the healthcare sector, the Company's investments and 
performance during the year can be found in the Portfolio Manager's Review. 
The Company's share price traded close to the net asset value per share for 
much of the year under review. In accordance with the Company's share price 
premium management policy 1,227,500 new shares were issued during the year at 
an average premium of 0.8% to the Company's cum income net asset value per 
share. This issuance gave rise to the receipt of £45.5m of new funds to the 
Company, which have been invested in line with the investment policy. The 
Company's ongoing share issuance programme triggered the requirement for the 
Company to publish a prospectus in July 2021 which provided authority for the 
issuance of 20 million new shares. 
However, toward the end of the calendar year, the Company's share price fell to 
a discount to the net asset value per share and 80,509 shares were repurchased 
during the Company's financial year for treasury, in accordance with the 
Company's share price discount management policy, at a discount of 8.4% to the 
Company's cum income net asset value per share, at cost of £2.5m. 
At the year-end there were 65,457,246 shares in issue (excluding the 80,509 
shares held in treasury (2021: 64,310,255 with no shares held in treasury)). 
Since the year-end, to 25 May 2022, the latest practicable date prior to the 
publication of this report, a further 223,842 shares were repurchased for 
treasury at a discount of 7.0% to the Company's cum income net asset value per 
share, at cost of £7.3m. At the time of writing the share price discount stands 
at 4.6%. 
Shareholders will be aware that it remains the Company's policy to pursue 
capital growth for shareholders and to pay dividends at least to the extent 
required to maintain investment trust status. Therefore, the level of dividends 
declared can go down as well as up. An increased interim dividend of 7.0p per 
share for the year ended 31 March 2022, was paid on 11 January 2022 to 
shareholders on the register on 19 November 2021 (2021: 6.5p per share). Due in 
large part to an increase in exposure to higher yielding stocks in the 
portfolio and also to the weakness of sterling, the Company's revenue return 
per share for the year as a whole increased to 26.8 pence (2021: 24.1 pence). 
Accordingly, the Board is proposing an increased final dividend of 19.5 p per 
share (2021:15.5p per share) which, together with the interim dividend already 
paid, makes a total dividend for the year of 26.5p (2021: 22.0p per share). 
Based on the closing mid-market share price of 3040.0p on 25 May 2022, the 
total dividend payment for the year represents a current yield of 0.9%. 
The final dividend will be payable, subject to shareholder approval, on 15 July 
2022 to shareholders on the register of members on 10 June 2022. The associated 
ex-dividend date will be 9 June 2022. 
The Company's dividend policy will be proposed for approval at the forthcoming 
Annual General Meeting. 
The process of Board refreshment continues and, as indicated in my last 
year-end statement, following David Holbrook's retirement last year, I shall be 
stepping down from the Board on 6 July 2022, the date of this year's Annual 
General Meeting. It has been agreed that in the interests of maintaining an 
orderly succession process, Doug McCutcheon will extend his term and assume the 
Chairmanship following my retirement. I wish him every success for the future. 
Bina Rawal will take over as Chair of the Management Engagement & Remuneration 
Committee at the same time. 
I have served on the Board for 14 years, 13 of which as Chairman, and have been 
fortunate to be supported by a group of very loyal, professional and hard 
working colleagues during that time. I would also like to pay tribute to the 
unswerving dedication of both our Portfolio Manager, OrbiMed and our AIFM, 
Company Secretary and Administrator, Frostrow Capital. Although recent results 
have been disappointing, I believe that it will be only a matter of time before 
the skills and experience of our Portfolio Manager will enable the Company to 
resume its excellent long-term record. 
The process of recruiting a new Director is ongoing. Shareholders will be kept 
informed of developments as they occur. As new members are recruited, the Board 
will remain mindful of its commitment to a policy of diversity. 
ESG matters are an important priority for the Board and Bina Rawal and I have 
been working closely with our Portfolio  Manager to identify an appropriate set 
of policies to address them. 
Our Portfolio Manager continues to develop tools for assessing the 
sustainability of the Company's portfolio including measuring the net impacts 
that individual portfolio companies have on both the environment and society, 
as much as is possible with the availability and consistency of the reporting 
of non--financial data pertaining to both ESG matters and also to climate 
change. OrbiMed is committed to taking a leading role in the development of 
meaningful ESG engagement practices in the healthcare sector. As part of this 
they facilitate dialogue and an exchange of leading practices among investors, 
companies and other relevant experts on ESG in the large capitalisation 
pharmaceutical sector. They also engage with a broad range of companies on a 
regular basis where areas of improvement can be identified. Further information 
on both ESG matters and climate change can be found in the Portfolio Manager's 
ESG report. 
I mentioned last year that as a result of the continued cumulative 
outperformance in the year, there was a provision in our year-end accounts of £ 
31.7 million for future performance fee payments. However, only if 
outperformance was maintained to the relevant quarterly calculation dates would 
this provision become payable. During the year under review, a performance fee 
of £12.9 million crystallised and became payable on 30 June 2021. However, due 
to underperformance against the Benchmark during the year, the remainder of the 
performance fee accrual as at 31 March 2021 was reversed. No performance fees 
were accrued or payable at the Company's year-end as at 31 March 2022. 
Global markets are currently experiencing unusually high levels of uncertainty. 
In addition to the appalling human cost, Russia's invasion of Ukraine has 
created near-term risks for markets as high energy prices, rising food prices 
and disrupted supply chains threaten a substantial increase in global 
inflation. It has also cast a shadow over the longer-term outlook with the 
prospect of continued raised levels of geopolitical risk and an increase in 
investor risk aversion, both of which may affect markets and economic 
confidence for some time. 
This comes in addition to existing market and economic concerns that troubled 
investors before the invasion, including the onset of U.S. Federal Reserve 
tightening, the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on supply chains and inflation and 
also the outlook for China where there are problems in the real estate sector, 
as well as around its zero-tolerance COVID-19 policy and heavy-handed 
regulation of technology firms. 
Against this challenging background, however, our Portfolio Manager OrbiMed 
remains positive on the outlook for healthcare with certain of the perceived 
risks associated with the sector such as an inefficient drug approval process 
in the U.S. and also the spectre of drug price reform having receded. 
Fundamentals, however, remain strong, particularly given the amount of 
innovation that is fuelling the industry's growth. They further believe that 
the sector's defensive growth characteristics should continue to prove 
attractive in times of global uncertainty. 
Your Board continues to believe that long-term investors in this sector will be 
After COVID restrictions prevented holding meetings in person, the Board is 
pleased to welcome all shareholders back to the Company's Annual General 
Meeting which offers an opportunity to meet the Directors and also to hear the 
views of our Portfolio Manager. The meeting will be held at etc. venues 1-3 
Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4BX on Wednesday, 6 July 2022 at 12.30pm. Of 
course, should circumstances change and restrictions be reintroduced, we will 
keep shareholders informed of the final arrangements for the meeting via the 
Company's website at www.worldwidewh.com. 
For those investors who are not able to attend the meeting in person, a video 
recording of the Portfolio Manager's presentation will be uploaded to the 
website after the meeting. Shareholders can submit questions in advance by 
sending them to wwh@frostrow.com. 
I encourage all shareholders to exercise their right to vote at the Annual 
General Meeting and to register your votes online in advance of the meeting. 
Registering your vote in advance will not restrict you from attending and 
voting at the meeting in person should you wish to do so, subject of course to 
any government guidance to the contrary. The votes on the resolutions to be 
proposed at the Annual General Meeting will be conducted on a poll. The results 
of the proxy votes will be published immediately following the conclusion of 
the AGM by way of a stock exchange announcement and will also be able to be 
viewed on the Company's website at www.worldwidewh.com. 
Sir Martin Smith 
26 May 2022 
The Company invests in the global healthcare sector with the objective of 
achieving a high level of capital growth. 
In order to achieve its investment objective, the Company invests worldwide in 
a diversified portfolio of shares in pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies 
and related securities in the healthcare sector. It uses gearing, and 
derivative transactions to enhance returns and mitigate risk. Performance is 
measured against the MSCI World Health Care Index on a net total return, 
sterling adjusted basis ("Benchmark"). 
The implementation of the Company's Investment Objective has been delegated to 
OrbiMed by Frostrow (as AIFM) under the Board's and Frostrow's supervision and 
Details of OrbiMed's investment strategy and approach are set out in the 
Portfolio Manager's Review. 
While the Board's strategy is to allow flexibility in managing the investments, 
in order to manage investment risk it has imposed various investment, gearing 
and derivative guidelines and limits, within which Frostrow and OrbiMed are 
required to manage the investments, as set out below. 
Any material changes to the Investment Objective, Policy and Benchmark or the 
investment, gearing and derivative guidelines and limits require approval from 
  * The Company will not invest more than 15% of the portfolio in any one 
    individual stock at the time of acquisition; 
  * At least 50% of the portfolio will normally be invested in larger companies 
    (i.e. with a market capitalisation of at least U.S.$10bn); 
  * At least 20% of the portfolio will normally be invested in smaller 
    companies (i.e. with a market capitalisation of less than U.S.$10bn); 
  * Investment in unquoted securities will not exceed 10% of the portfolio at 
    the time of acquisition; 
  * A maximum of 5% of the portfolio, at the time of acquisition, may be 
    invested in each of debt instruments, convertibles and royalty bonds issued 
    by pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies; 
  * A maximum of 30% of the portfolio, at the time of acquisition, may be 
    invested in companies in each of the following sectors: 
  * healthcare equipment and supplies 
  * healthcare providers and services; 
  * The Company will not invest more than 10% of its gross assets in other 
    closed ended investment companies (including investment trusts) listed on 
    the London Stock Exchange, except where the investment companies themselves 
    have stated investment policies to invest no more than 15% of their gross 
    assets in other closed ended investment companies (including investment 
    trusts) listed on the London Stock Exchange, where such investments shall 
    be limited to 15% of the Company's gross assets at the time of acquisition. 
In line with the Investment Objective, derivatives are employed, when 
appropriate, in an effort to enhance returns and to improve the risk-return 
profile of the Company's portfolio. Only Equity Swaps were employed within the 
portfolio during the year. 
The Board has set the following limits within which derivative exposures are 
  * Derivative transactions (excluding equity swaps) can be used to mitigate 
    risk and/or enhance capital returns and will be restricted to a net 
    exposure of 5% of the portfolio; and 
  * Equity Swaps may be used in order to meet the Company's investment 
    objective of achieving a high level of capital growth, and counterparty 
    exposure through these is restricted to 12% of the gross assets of the 
    Company at the time of acquisition. 
The Company does not currently hedge against foreign currency exposure. 
The Board has set a maximum gearing level, through borrowing, of 20% of the net 
Under the AIFMD the Company is required to set maximum leverage limits. 
Leverage under the AIFMD is defined as any method by which the total exposure 
of an AIF is increased. 
The Company has two current sources of leverage: the overdraft facility, which 
is subject to the gearing limit; and, derivatives, which are subject to the 
separate derivative limits. The Board and Frostrow have set a maximum leverage 
limit of 140% on both the commitment and gross basis. 
Further details on the gearing and leverage calculations, and how total 
exposure through derivatives is calculated, are included in the Glossary. 
Further details on how derivatives are employed can be found in note 16. 
                                                                           Market        % of 
                     Investments                           Country          £'000 investments 
AstraZeneca                                            UK                 135,292         5.7 
Pfizer                                                 USA                117,923         4.9 
Roche Holding                                          Switzerland        113,899         4.8 
Bristol-Myers Squibb                                   USA                112,460         4.7 
Horizon Therapeutics                                   USA                105,462         4.4 
AbbVie                                                 USA                101,256         4.3 
Boston Scientific                                      USA                100,010         4.2 
Intuitive Surgical                                     USA                 91,924         3.9 
Humana                                                 USA                 88,067         3.7 
UnitedHealth Group                                     USA                 86,845         3.7 
Top 10 investments                                                      1,053,138        44.3 
Stryker                                                USA                 77,630         3.3 
Edwards Lifesciences                                   USA                 71,813         3.0 
BioMarin Pharmaceutical                                USA                 61,893         2.6 
Mirati Therapeutics                                    USA                 58,981         2.5 
Vertex Pharmaceuticals                                 USA                 58,174         2.5 
Shanghai Bio-Heart Biological Technology               China               46,558         2.0 
DexCom                                                 USA                 42,742         1.8 
Neurocrine Biosciences                                 USA                 39,067         1.6 
Thermo Fisher Scientific                               USA                 38,886         1.6 
Guardant Health                                        USA                 37,457         1.6 
Top 20 investments                                                      1,586,339        66.8 
Caris Life Science (unquoted)                          USA                 36,986         1.6 
Daiichi Sankyo                                         Japan               36,600         1.5 
Seagen                                                 USA                 34,969         1.5 
Tenet Healthcare                                       USA                 34,847         1.5 
Natera                                                 USA                 31,523         1.3 
SI-BONE                                                USA                 31,479         1.3 
Global Blood Therapeutics                              USA                 29,984         1.3 
Argenx                                                 Netherlands         27,097         1.1 
Evolent Health                                         USA                 25,873         1.1 
Shionogi                                               Japan               25,202         1.1 
Top 30 investments                                                      1,900,899        80.1 
API Holdings (unquoted)                                India               22,251         0.9 
Joinn Laboratories China                               China               21,669         0.9 
NanoString Technologies                                USA                 21,594         0.9 
Chugai Pharmaceutical                                  Japan               21,422         0.9 
Arrail Group                                           China               18,581         0.8 
Crossover Health (unquoted)                            USA                 17,499         0.7 
EDDA (unquoted)                                        USA                 16,128         0.7 
Visen Pharmaceutical (unquoted)                        China               15,731         0.7 
MeiraGTx                                               USA                 15,603         0.7 
Iovance Biotherapeutics                                USA                 14,869         0.6 
Top 40 investments                                                      2,086,246        87.9 
Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical                          China               14,838         0.6 
Beijing Yuanxin Technology (unquoted)                  China               14,705         0.6 
Arcutis Biotherapeutics                                USA                 13,224         0.5 
Ruipeng Pet Group (unquoted)                           China               13,101         0.5 
Dingdang Health Technology (unquoted)                  China               12,491         0.5 
RiMAG (unquoted)                                       China               12,208         0.5 
Theravance Biopharma                                   USA                 11,394         0.5 
Shanghai Kindly Medical Instruments                    China               11,301         0.5 
uniQure                                                Netherlands         11,289         0.5 
CSPC Pharmaceutical                                    China               11,001         0.5 
Top 50 investments                                                      2,211,798        93.1 
Erasca                                                 USA                 10,868         0.5 
Alphamab Oncology                                      China               10,794         0.5 
RxSight                                                USA                  9,950         0.4 
Danaher                                                USA                  9,600         0.4 
Celldex Therapeutics                                   USA                  9,206         0.4 
Apollo Hospitals Enterprise                            India                8,552         0.4 
Shanghai Junshi Biosciences                            Hong Kong            8,133         0.4 
New Horizon Health                                     China                7,815         0.3 
Ikena Oncology                                         USA                  7,522         0.3 
Turning Point Therapeutics                             USA                  7,373         0.3 
Top 60 investments                                                      2,301,611        97.0 
Galapagos                                              Belgium              7,217         0.3 
Clover Biopharmaceuticals                              China                6,420         0.3 
Shenzhen Hepalink Pharmaceutical                       China                6,400         0.3 
Simcere Pharmaceutical                                 China                6,092         0.3 
MabPlex International (unquoted)                       China                5,874         0.2 
China Medical System                                   China                5,662         0.2 
Harpoon Therapeutics                                   USA                  5,524         0.2 
United Laboratories International Holdings             Hong Kong            5,336         0.2 
Burning Rock Biotech                                   China                5,290         0.2 
Yidu Tech                                              China                5,081         0.2 
Top 70 investments                                                      2,360,507        99.4 
NanoString Technologies 2.63% 01/03/2025 (unquoted)    USA                  5,024         0.2 
Vor BioPharma                                          USA                  3,779         0.2 
Abbisko                                                China                3,735         0.2 
Achilles Therapeutics                                  USA                  3,108         0.1 
Passage Bio                                            USA                  2,376         0.1 
MicroTech Medical Hangzhou                             China                  844         0.0 
Peloton Interactive (DCC*-unquoted)                    USA                    475         0.0 
Total equities and fixed interest investments                           2,379,848       100.2 
OTC Equity Swaps - Financed^ 
Healthcare M&A Target Swap                             USA                 99,898         4.2 
Apollo Hospitals                                       India               35,120         1.5 
Less: Gross exposure on financed swaps                                  (140,147)       (5.9) 
Total OTC Swaps                                                           (5,129)       (0.2) 
Total investments including OTC Swaps                                   2,374,719       100.0 
*          DCC = deferred contingent consideration. 
^         See Glossary and note 16 for further details in relation to the OTC 
                                                                           Market        % of 
Investments                                                                 £'000 investments 
Quoted equities                                                         2,207,375        93.0 
Unquoted equities                                                         167,449         7.0 
Unquoted debt securities                                                    5,024         0.2 
Equity swaps                                                              (5,129)       (0.2) 
Total of all investments                                                2,374,719       100.0 
2021 was another unprecedented year for the global equity markets. After the 
COVID-induced volatility that characterised 2020, markets climbed higher in 
2021 despite various headwinds including inflationary fears and supply chain 
disruptions. The market reached new highs by the calendar year-end, only to 
sell-off in the face of rising interest rates and Russia's invasion of Ukraine 
in early 2022. Of course, COVID-19 continued to cast a shadow over the year 
under review, with Delta and Omicron variants inducing new waves of infections 
across the globe. 
Nevertheless, global equity markets produced solid double-digits returns in the 
financial year. The MSCI World Index total return was +16.2% (in sterling 
terms). The total return for the S&P 500 was +15.6% (in U.S. dollar terms), 
notching 70 all-time highs throughout 2021 (source: Forbes). Meanwhile, the 
FTSE All-Share Index total return was +13.0% (in sterling terms). 
For the most part, healthcare stocks traded in-line with broader indices 
throughout the financial year. However, with geopolitical tensions increasing 
as the financial year drew to a close alongside a rising interest rate 
environment, healthcare benefitted as investors became decisively more 
defensive in the last five weeks of the period. As such, the MSCI World 
Healthcare Index net total return over the year was +20.4% (in sterling terms), 
with over half of that move accruing in the last 27 trading days of the 
financial year. 
After one of the best performance years in the Company's history in the year 
ended 31 March 2021, generating excess returns over the benchmark in the 
current financial year proved to be very difficult. Whilst healthcare stocks 
mostly traded higher, trading dynamics for the Company were broadly fuelled by 
macro factors, with industry and company fundamentals firmly taking a backseat 
and going largely unrecognised by investors. As a result, sub-sector moves 
within healthcare were very disparate given the "growth-to-value" rotation and 
the risk-off environment that characterised the reported year. 
This trading environment heavily favoured large capitalisation companies over 
small capitalisation stocks, thus, overall positioning within healthcare 
equities was far more critical than stock selection. This was particularly true 
for the Company's portfolio, with our key long-term strategic overweight 
positions in emerging biotechnology, China healthcare, and innovative tools - 
typically all small capitalisation stocks - materially underperforming. This 
included in historic drawdowns and record setting underperformance in emerging 
biotechnology stocks which severely impacted returns, despite an otherwise 
healthy fundamental sector. This was exacerbated by our long-term underweight 
positioning in pharmaceuticals - typically all large capitalisation stocks - a 
sector that outperformed the rest of healthcare, particularly during the last 
quarter of the financial year. 
Overall, our performance was heavily impacted by this relative positioning as 
the preponderance of fundamentals across healthcare failed to influence trading 
dynamics; a true mismatch to our investment philosophy. Rather, this 
extraordinary market perturbation created not only extreme volatility but also 
an historic compression of valuations within certain components of healthcare, 
a situation that would expectedly be damaging to our relative portfolio 
positioning. As a result, relative and absolute performance suffered with a net 
asset value total return of -5.8%, and a share price total return of -10.8%, 
compared to the benchmark index total return of +20.4%. 
Despite the volatility in the reported period, we are pleased to note that 
since the Company's inception in 1995, the total return of the Company's net 
asset value per share is +3,866.7%, equivalent to a compound annual return of 
+14.7%. This compares to the blended benchmark rise of +2,133.6%, equivalent to 
a compound annual return of +12.2%. 
This 27-year track record demonstrates several important points. First, it puts 
into context the recent drawdown. Previous periods of underperformance by the 
Company have all been quickly followed by a significant bounce back and 
material outperformance. Second, the chart above shows outperformance for 
healthcare (the benchmark) versus the broader markets (in this case, the FTSE 
All-Share Index), particularly over the past seven years which coincides with 
the real explosion of innovation within the industry. Finally, it shows what an 
active manager or specialist investor can do in healthcare, especially in the 
face of a highly idiosyncratic, global sector that possesses many barriers to 
understanding the scientific, clinical, regulatory, technological, and 
political environment that envelops all of healthcare. 
Finally, we would note that the fundamentals of healthcare remain strong, 
especially in biotechnology, which we regard as the cradle of innovation for 
clinical discovery. 
The macro trading dynamics that impacted these stocks in the reported period do 
not represent, in any way, a deterioration of the elements that underpin the 
sector. Rather, it is simply a product of extreme market conditions that we 
have never experienced previously, culminating in a profound collapse in 
valuations, a situation that should reverse in due time. With fundamentals 
intact, we remain positioned for a material rebound in biotechnology stocks. 
Looking at performance by sub-sector provides an understanding of overall 
performance during the year. First, four areas which contributed a significant 
absolute positive contribution were Pharmaceuticals (benefitting from a macro 
defensive rotation), Medical Devices/ Technology (a result of stock picking), 
Healthcare Services (reflecting our sector positioning), and India. 
Healthcare (again, as a result of stock picking). Second, four sub-sectors that 
contributed a notable relative positive contribution over the benchmark were 
Specialty Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices/Technology, India Healthcare (all 
reflecting the results of stock-picking) and Japan Pharmaceuticals (reflecting 
our sector positioning). 
However, detractors from performance overwhelmed the positive contributions. 
The following three sub-sectors were notable in terms of both relative and 
absolute negative contribution - emerging biotechnology (reflecting macro 
sector rotation), China healthcare (a result of fundamental investor concerns), 
and small/mid-capitalisation life science tools/diagnostics (reflecting our 
overweight sector positioning). Each of these sub-sectors experienced 
significant drawdowns during the year creating a headwind to the Company's 
performance that became insurmountable during the reported 12-month period. 
The largest detractor by sub-sector was emerging biotechnology stocks, which 
generated over 11% of negative contribution (both in absolute and relative 
terms). A "perfect storm" of macro factors led to this disappointing 
performance. The financial year began with a rotation by investors from growth 
to value stocks, as generalist investors repositioned portfolios to gain 
exposure to economically sensitive sectors that would benefit most from a 
post-COVID reopening of the economy. Biotechnology underperformed during this 
period, as did many other growth sectors to which investors had allocated 
capital during the COVID pandemic. Many of the shorter-term investors who did 
not regularly invest in the biotechnology sector, but who were temporarily 
attracted to the industry's defensive nature and COVID-related research, 
appeared to exit the sector. 
In the second half of the financial year, increasing concerns about the U.S. 
Federal Reserve's plans to raise interest rates to combat inflation led to 
continued weakness in technology stocks, especially those earlier-stage 
enterprises which are not expected to realise earnings for many years. This 
trend was especially damaging to small capitalisation biotechnology performance 
and those stocks sold off even further. Overall, these macroeconomic and 
related factors created the longest and largest drawdown in biotechnology 
history, with the gap between the S&P Biotechnology ETF (XBI) compared to the S 
&P 500 Index reaching over 65% during the financial year. 
Adding pressure to the Company's performance was a significant drawdown in the 
Chinese markets, including Hong Kong, in the second half of the financial year. 
The sell-off was precipitated by regulatory tightening by the Chinese 
government across a variety of sectors, including the internet (and related 
technology industries) and the for-profit education industry. Even though there 
were no new significant regulations targeting Chinese healthcare companies, 
investor fears were materially heightened that healthcare may be the 
government's next target. This broad market downturn in China that began in 
June 2021 adversely and indiscriminately impacted many of our China healthcare 
positions. Unfortunately, these macro pressures persisted through to the end of 
the financial year, generating nearly 4% of negative absolute and relative 
contribution in the reported period. Importantly, we continue to believe 
fundamental innovation in the China healthcare sector remains strong. 
The life science tools sector was also challenging for the Company in the year 
under review. Mirroring the broader market, large capitalisation diversified 
companies significantly outperformed those with a small and mid-capitalisation 
innovative growth profile, and our positioning in this regard was suboptimal, 
resulting in over 5% of negative contribution relative to the benchmark. 
Additionally, there were fundamental factors that drove this large 
capitalisation outperformance - chief among which was the continued durability 
of COVID-related revenues as well as a normalisation of non-COVID "base 
business" performance which led to positive earnings revisions throughout the 
2021 calendar year. Our view that the durability of COVID related earnings 
would come into question amid record high valuations was clearly too early. 
Whilst we did have modest exposure to Thermo Fisher Scientific and Danaher 
Corporation, two companies which benefited from these dynamics and offer 
best-in-class execution, we had lower exposure than our benchmark which damaged 
our relative performance. 
Separately, our preferred small and mid-capitalisation companies in the 
innovative tools space weighed on our performance. Whilst we have a positive 
structural outlook on liquid biopsy and the continued proliferation of 
clinically successful oncology diagnostics, the sector fell out of favour 
against the backdrop of demanding valuations and fundamental results that were 
strong but were insufficient to drive shares higher against lofty near-term 
Finally, a word on the performance of large capitalisation pharmaceutical 
stocks in the financial year. As articulated already in this report, 
pharmaceutical stocks traded mostly in-line with the benchmark throughout the 
However, as we approached the turn of the calendar year, this performance began 
to diverge materially as inflation, interest rates, and geopolitical risks all 
rose and investors turned defensive. As a result, large capitalisation 
pharmaceutical stocks moved much higher heading into the financial year end, 
many of which ended on 52-week highs on 31 March 2022. This created the single 
largest source of absolute contribution for the Company at over 7%. However, as 
is our historical norm, we were materially underweight in the pharmaceutical 
sector in the period, thus creating over 5.0% of negative relative contribution 
to the benchmark due to our positioning. 
There were a number of factors that underlay the key positive contributors to 
absolute performance. These included the beneficiaries of the macro factors 
described above, such as the outperformance of large capitalisation stocks, 
alongside a mix of positive fundamentals that also influenced share price 
moves. OrbiMed prides itself on its expertise within clinical medicine and how 
that capability helps shape good stock picking within the healthcare sector. 
A prototypical example of this combination of macro tailwinds and good stock 
picking was AbbVie. Over the past two years, the company has been in the midst 
of a transformation. Facing the largest patent expiration in industry history 
-Humira, with peak global sales of U.S.$20 billion - the company has 
re-invented its immunology franchise with newer, better, and safer drugs in 
Skyrizi (injectable risankizumab) and Rinvoq (oral upadacitinib), two drugs 
approved to treat a variety of immunological disorders. 
Investor optimism hit a nadir in September 2021 when the U.S. Food and Drug 
Administration (FDA) communicated their general concern over the safety of all 
oral JAK inhibitors (Janus Kinase inhibitors, the class of medicines included 
Rinvoq), certainly delaying and perhaps denying future additional approvals for 
Rinvoq, largely considered the "best-in-class" JAK inhibitor in the world. With 
the stock on the low after falling further on the news, we added meaningfully 
to our position. That risk paid off two-fold. First, despite a modest delay, 
the FDA did ultimately approve Rinvoq for Psoriatic Arthritis, Ulcerative 
Colitis, and Atopic Dermatitis (in addition to the already approved Rheumatoid 
Arthritis), pushing the stock higher. Second, the stock certainly caught the 
macro trend towards the start of 2022 when large capitalisation pharmaceutical 
stocks moved higher in the face of rising interest rates, record inflation, and 
war in Europe. 
Another pharmaceutical company that has re-invented itself is AstraZeneca. 
After nearly a decade of declining revenues and earnings, the company has 
turned itself around under the guidance of CEO Pascal Soriot, creating one the 
largest and fastest growing global, multinational pharmaceutical companies in 
the world. With leadership in oncology, cardiovascular, respiratory, and more 
recently, rare diseases, the company is poised for sustainable, long-term 
growth. However, these successes have not been without some angst, as a messy 
but well-intended effort to develop a COVID vaccine created some share price 
volatility as did the close of the acquisition of Alexion Pharmaceuticals, 
which sparked investor fears that the company's stand-alone financials were 
going to disappoint. 
However, after a robust fourth quarter report, better than expected guidance 
for 2022, and a strong launch for the company's COVID-19 prophylaxis injection, 
Evusheld (tixagevimab co-packaged with cilgavima), AstraZeneca's share price 
closed at an all-time high at the end of the Company's financial year. 
UnitedHealth Group is the largest health insurer in the United States as well 
as one of the largest healthcare services providers through its subsidiary, 
Optum. This stock represents another example of a mix of positive fundamentals 
and a macroeconomic environment that took the share price to new highs in 2022. 
Heading into its third quarter 2021 earnings, investors faced significant fears 
of whether increasing medical costs and lingering COVID-related costs (testing, 
treatment, vaccines) would impede the insurers' ability to grow earnings. 
Additionally, regulatory noise became louder with prospects of Medicare 
Advantage, an insurer-run government programme, would face reimbursement cuts 
or other challenges to pay for other priorities in a large U.S. federal 
spending bill. 
However, the company produced strong third and fourth quarter results, along 
with better-than-expected earnings guidance for 2022. Meanwhile, political 
negotiations over a large spending bill broke down in the U.S., removing 
another critical source of risk. Finally, the shifting macroeconomic landscape, 
including higher interest rates, rising inflation, and a shift out of growth 
stocks into value stocks, all benefited UnitedHealth, which has since become a 
"safe haven" in healthcare. 
Shanghai Bio-heart Biological Technology is a cardiovascular medical device 
startup in China. The company sells two product lines: Renal Denervation (RDN) 
and Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffold System (BVS). Together, these technologies 
address the unmet medical needs of Chinese patients for the treatment of 
coronary and peripheral artery diseases and uncontrolled hypertension. 
Bio-heart's line of RDN products is a "best-in-class" product in China, with a 
unique catheter design which is the only one that can be inserted by both 
radial artery and femoral artery (unlike the competition). The company's RDN 
business is also backed by Terumo, the Japan-based global leader in medical 
technology, in a technology-validating deal. The investment into Bio-heart was 
an unquoted investment. The company listed on the Hong Kong Exchange in 
December 2021 and the share price more than doubled during the remainder of the 
Company's financial year. 
Before the turn of the decade, Bristol-Myers Squibb became one of the most, if 
not the most, dominant cancer companies in the world. With pioneering work in 
revolutionary field of immuno-oncology in the mid-2010s and the U.S.$74 billion 
acquisition of Celgene in 2019, the company possessed leadership in both the 
solid tumour and liquid tumour fields of oncology. However, the company has 
also become misunderstood. Investor anxiety over the company's growth strategy 
and increased concerns over imminent patent expirations for key products saw 
the company's valuation collapse to an all-time low, with the shares trading 
with a price-to-earnings ratio of 7.0x during the reported period. 
However, an analyst meeting hosted by company management in November 2021 in 
New York City proved to be a seminal moment in the company's recent history. 
Using that platform, the company provided a deep dive on their pipeline, 
discussed growth opportunities, and provided long term growth targets. That 
event, combined with the defensive rotation into pharmaceuticals at the 
Company's financial year-end, was a boon to investor interest and the stock 
re-rated over 30% (in local currency) over the last four months of the reported 
Mirati Therapeutics is an emerging biotechnology company focused on the 
development of therapeutics for the treatment of cancer. The company's main 
pipeline asset, adagrasib, is highly selective and potent oral small molecule 
inhibitor of KRAS G12C (a mutation that underlies the formation of a number of 
tumours) that is being developed for various cancers, including lung, colon, 
and other solid tumours. Despite achieving many development milestones for 
adagrasib in the year, including a successful new drug application with the 
FDA, the share price was punished, perhaps unduly, for a variety of reasons, 
including a stock offering and multiple management changes. Most recently, the 
stock was under pressure again after the FDA accepted the filing for adagrasib 
but granted a regular review rather than the expected priority review, pushing 
the potential approval and launch in 2023. 
In the diagnostics space, Natera is an industry leader with a host of 
innovative offerings including non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) and other 
genetic testing. While Natera's commercial execution was strong in the reported 
period, the company did not benefit from COVID-testing tailwinds (unlike the 
large-capitalisation diagnostic players) and share price declines were further 
exacerbated by the growth-to-value rotation that characterised the year under 
review. Additionally, the New York Times published an article in January 2022 
denouncing the low accuracy of NIPT in identifying rare genetic diseases, and 
in March 2022, a short seller published a report on Natera alleging illegal 
billing practices relating to its NIPT business, both of which created 
significant controversy. Whilst we disagreed with both of these reports, these 
collective issues created a significant disconnect between the company's 
fundamentals and most recent valuation. 
Another innovative player in the diagnostics space is Guardant Health, an 
oncology diagnostics company that has emerged as the pre-eminent liquid biopsy 
provider. The company has many offerings in the cancer diagnostics sector 
including therapy selection, disease assays, and response monitoring. The 
company also plans to enter the non-invasive screening market in 2022. 
Unfortunately, the share price experienced a material pullback through the 
course of the year despite generally strong financial performance. Again, 
macro-market conditions were largely to blame, but the stock was particularly 
weak following rumours that it was considering a purchase of another oncology 
diagnostics company, although the deal never materialised. Again, these 
collective issues created a significant disconnect between the company's 
fundamentals and its most recent valuation. 
Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, is a clinical stage, emerging biotechnology company 
that is developing small molecule drugs to treat various types of cancer. The 
company's focus in recent years has been the continued development of Qinlock 
(ripretinib), an orally administered inhibitor of specific mutated kinases 
which otherwise contribute to the development of certain cancers. In 2020, the 
FDA approved Qinlock for use as a fourth line therapy for gastrointestinal 
stromal tumours (GIST). More recently, the company conducted a trial to explore 
the use of Qinlock in earlier lines of therapy. However, in November 2021, that 
trial failed to show significantly superior results versus the standard of care 
in second line GIST, Sutent (sunitinib). The stock had traded down along with 
the broader biotechnology drawdown into this update and subsequently gapped 
even lower after the failed trial. 
The "XBI" is an exchange-traded fund - SPDR S&P Biotech ETF - incorporated in 
the U.S. that seeks to replicate the performance of the S&P Biotechnology 
Index. The Index is equal-weighted, has approximately 150 constituents, and 
tracks all biotechnology single stocks that are listed on the NYSE, American 
Stock Exchange, and the NASDAQ National Market and Small Capitalisation 
exchanges. The XBI offers an opportunity to gain tactical exposure to the 
biotechnology subsector quickly and efficiently while not exposing the 
portfolio to unnecessary idiosyncratic single stock risks. Given the 
extraordinary drawdown in the biotechnology subsector since February 2021, the 
removal of key sector overhangs, and anticipated mergers & acquisitions (M&A) 
by large capitalisation pharmaceutical companies, we wanted to gain exposure to 
a tactical rebound as we went through the year. Unfortunately, our purchase was 
premature, and the XBI continued to sell off right into the financial year-end. 
This holding was bought and sold during the year. 
During the financial year, the Company made four new investments in unquoted 
companies. Another four portfolio companies - including one of these new 
investments - completed their Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) in the period. As 
of 31 March 2022, investments in unquoted companies (excluding debt) accounted 
for 7.0% of the Company's net assets versus 5.3% as of 31 March 2021. 
The four new investments this year were all healthcare services companies in 
emerging markets (one in India and three in China). In the U.S., a challenging 
public offering market for small and mid-capitalisation therapeutics companies 
made pre-IPO crossover investments unattractive in the year. Of the four 
companies that completed an Initial Public Offering, three listed on the Hong 
Kong Stock Exchange in the second half of the financial year and a 
biotechnology company listed on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange in the U.S. 
For the year ended 31 March 2022, the Company's unquoted holdings contributed 
gains of £21.8m, (including both realised and unrealised gains) equivalent to a 
return of 15% and those companies that went public contributed gains of £20.7m, 
representing a return of 35%. While the gains in unquoteds were spread among 
many companies, the gains for companies that listed were dominated by Shanghai 
Bio-heart Biological Technology. Overall, the unquoted strategy (excluding 
debt) contributed £42.5m equivalent to 1.8% of the Company's net asset value 
return for the year. 
The Company employs gearing with a maximum level of 20% of the Company's net 
assets. Historically, the typical gearing level employed by the Company is 
low-to-high teens but can range from low single-digits to high teens. 
Considering the level of market volatility during the past two financial years, 
the use of gearing has evolved. First, the over level of gearing used - on 
average - has declined from 9% (5 year average) to 6% (2 year average). Second, 
month-over-month gearing levels have also varied more than historical norms as 
we have attempted to utilise gearing in a more tactical fashion and in response 
to various market conditions. 
The Company has the ability to use equity swaps and options, as set out in the 
Company's Investment Objective and Policy. During the current financial year, 
the Company employed single stock equity swaps to gain exposure to emerging 
market Chinese and Indian stocks. In addition, the Company traded tactical 
security baskets created to take advantage of depressed valuations in small and 
mid-capitalisation companies that we felt were likely acquisition targets for 
large capitalisation pharmaceutical companies. The equity swaps detracted 0.9% 
from the Company's return during the year. An analysis of the Company's 
investments in emerging markets is included in the Strategic Report. 
Further details on the use of swaps can be found in Note 16 and in the 
Overall, we remain positive on the outlook for the healthcare industry. Despite 
the mixed trading dynamics during the financial year, many immediate overhangs 
have lifted and the tailwinds remain strong, in particular the amount of 
innovation that is fuelling the industry's growth, both in therapeutic and 
non-therapeutic stocks. 
On the regulatory front, there has been a growing concern from generalist 
investors that things have slowed significantly at the FDA and that there is a 
vacuum of leadership at the Agency. This view began to develop in 2020 with the 
absence of a Commissioner (typically appointed when there is a change in U.S. 
Presidents) and when agency resources where stretched given the COVID-19 
pandemic. However, we have a very different view. 
First, the FDA response to COVID-19 has been an unprecedented success with 
multiple vaccines approved, multiple antibody treatments approved, and more 
recently, two oral anti-viral therapies approved as well. We would also be 
remiss not to mention the hundreds of diagnostic tests that have also been 
approved by the agency. Second, we have not seen a material slowdown in new 
drug approvals. In fact, the past five years have been the most productive in 
the agency's history, including this past year. This included an Alzheimer's 
drug that was approved in June 2021 - the first new treatment approved for 
Alzheimer's disease in over 20 years (albeit with some controversy). 
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, there was a growing concern that the FDA 
was "rudderless" since the Agency has been without a commissioner over that 
past two years (since President Biden took office). Whilst this belief was 
mostly baseless, nevertheless, a new commissioner was just recently confirmed. 
Dr. Robert Calif, a world-renowned cardiologist from Duke University, was the 
previous Commissioner under President Obama, and most importantly, is viewed as 
"industry friendly." Going forward, we think investor perception of the FDA is 
going to improve immensely in 2022 and beyond. 
Another dark cloud over the sector is the ongoing (and seemingly endless) 
threat of prescription drug price reform in the U.S. This fear has been an 
overhang on the Company since late 2020, when President Biden took the White 
House and Democrats had total control of Congress, setting off a new 
"wall-of-worry" for investors. However, with war breaking out in Eastern 
Europe, the Biden Administration's attention has pivoted and is now completely 
focused on other matters. Therefore, we believe that expectations for any drug 
price reform have now appropriately faded, especially as we approach U.S. 
midterm elections later in 2022. 
Historically, the healthcare industry is one that sees a significant amount of 
corporate activity, frequently in the form of M&A and this M&A activity has 
been a notable source of positive performance for the Company. Of course, there 
are always ebbs and flows that impact the pace of M&A at any one time, but the 
last two quarterly reporting periods have been notable for the profound 
messaging from the large capitalisation pharmaceutical executives about 
business development, particularly about M&A being a "top priority", the need 
to "do more", and looking to add "first-in-class and best-in-class" assets. 
Overall, this may be a harbinger of things to come and could be a real rallying 
point, especially in the biotechnology sector. 
Given the historic volatility within the sector in the reported period, it is 
imperative to note that this extreme sell-off was not emblematic of any notable 
concerns about the fundamentals within the small and mid-capitalisation 
universe of healthcare stocks. Yes, the number of investable companies 
continues to increase. Yes, the complexity of the clinical science and new 
technology continues to increase. Yes, the political and regulatory landscape 
continue to evolve. Collectively, however, these factors can become a tailwind 
for the sector as new products, drugs, and services come to market, driving top 
line growth and margins, respectively. The by-product of the broad market 
conditions has culminated in a profound collapse in valuations, a situation 
that invariably reverses in due time, a particular attractive opportunity for 
an active manager and specialist healthcare investor, and one on which we will 
be in position to capitalise. 
Ultimately, as with many modern industries, innovation is the key value driver 
and healthcare is no different. We continue to believe that the current pace of 
innovation is at an all-time high and will continue to develop novel solutions 
to solve health and ageing problems that are facing all of humanity. There are 
new advances for small molecules, gene and cell therapy, gene editing, 
monoclonal antibodies, and of course vaccines and RNA therapeutics. Novel 
diagnostics continue to progress and are shaping treatment choices, dictating 
drugs of intervention, and follow-up care. Medical devices continue to evolve 
across new robotic platforms, orthopedics, pain, and structural heart. Even 
managed care is seeing a revolution in vertical integration that is unlocking 
value. Innovation continues to be the number one growth driver for all of 
healthcare and remains a key hallmark of the portfolio. As a result of this 
view, we will continue to actively position the portfolio to benefit from this 
incredible innovation, overweighting innovation through small and 
mid-capitalisation stocks, which has been the key pillar of our long-term and 
successful investment strategy. 
Sven H. Borho and Trevor M. Polischuk 
OrbiMed Capital LLC 
Portfolio Manager 
26 May 2022 
Principal contributors to and detractors from net asset value performance 
                                                                        Contribution   per share* 
Top five contributors              Country                       Sector        £'000            £ 
Abbvie                             USA                  Pharmaceuticals       43,658          0.7 
AstraZeneca                        UK                   Pharmaceuticals       39,516          0.6 
UnitedHealth Group                 USA           Healthcare Providers &       29,254          0.4 
Shanghai Bio-Heart Biological      China         Healthcare Equipment &       24,934          0.4 
Technology                                                     Supplies 
Bristol-Myers Squibb               USA                  Pharmaceuticals       24,633          0.4 
Top five detractors 
SPDR S&P Biotech ETF **            USA                    Biotechnology   (26,637)      (0.4) 
Deciphera Pharmaceuticals **       USA                    Biotechnology   (32,923)      (0.5) 
Guardant Health                    USA            Life Sciences Tools &   (34,062)      (0.5) 
Natera                             USA            Life Sciences Tools &   (35,122)      (0.5) 
Mirati Therapeutics                USA                    Biotechnology   (45,742)      (0.7) 
  * Calculation based on 65,307,132 shares being the weighted average number of 
    shares in issue during the year ended 31 March 2022. 
  * Not held at 31 March 2022. 
The Company's Portfolio Manager, OrbiMed, believes that there is a high 
congruence between companies that seek to act responsibly and those that 
succeed in building long-term shareholder value. OrbiMed seeks to integrate its 
Responsible Investing Policy into its overall investment process for the 
Company in order to maximise investment returns. 
OrbiMed negatively screens potential investments and business sectors that may 
objectively lead to negative impacts on public health or well-being. OrbiMed 
makes investment decisions based on a variety of financial and non-financial 
company factors, including environmental, social and governance (ESG) 
OrbiMed considers sector-specific guidance from the Sustainability Accounting 
Standards Board (SASB) to determine material ESG factors. Depending on the 
investment, all or a subset of the ESG factors that are financially material 
and relevant are considered in OrbiMed's research. The evaluation of a 
company's performance on ESG issues provides guidance for investment decisions 
and constitutes part of the investment analysis. ESG factors, however, do not 
form the sole, or primary, set of considerations for an investment decision. 
ESG is a rapidly evolving field. ESG evaluation is not standardised and faces 
limitations due to a lack of availability of accurate, timely and uniform data. 
Presently, no known universally accepted standards for ESG incorporation in 
investment decisions exist. Therefore, ESG evaluation carries a significant 
degree of subjectivity. 
OrbiMed has integrated ESG scores for public equity holdings from third-party 
service providers onto its platform via programming interface. ESG scores are 
assigned by third-party service providers to each company based on the 
company's disclosure and practice on material environmental, social and 
governance factors. Recognising the need to supplement the scores with 
OrbiMed's internal ESG research, OrbiMed has enabled enhancements in its 
monitoring capability with a custom-built protocol for updating these scores. 
OrbiMed is taking the initiative in leading meaningful ESG engagement in the 
healthcare sector. As part of these efforts, OrbiMed facilitates dialogues and 
an exchange of leading practices among investors, companies and other relevant 
experts on ESG in the large capitalisation pharmaceutical sector. 
As per the guidance from SASB, climate change in relation to the Company's own 
operations is not a material ESG consideration for biotechnology and 
pharmaceutical, medical equipment and supplies, and managed care sectors. 
However, Energy management is noted as a material ESG concern for the 
healthcare delivery sector. To that end, OrbiMed includes the scores on energy 
management for the relevant sectors in its overall ESG monitoring. 
OrbiMed engages with a number of companies, including one-on-one meetings with 
management on ESG, analyst calls and other forums. For example, OrbiMed held a 
meeting with Horizon Therapeutics on leading ESG practices and provided 
feedback and recommendations on specific ESG topics such as talent management, 
disclosure and governance benchmarks to the company. Through these engagements, 
OrbiMed was made aware of the 'Energize' programme - a collaborative programme 
launched by 10 pharmaceutical companies - including several OrbiMed portfolio 
companies - to increase access to renewable electricity for global 
pharmaceutical supply chains, and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within 
the healthcare supply chain. 
OrbiMed generally follows the guidelines and recommendations of Glass Lewis & 
Co LLC, a leading proxy voting services provider, including on climate change 
Sven H. Borho and Trevor M. Polischuk 
OrbiMed Capital LLC 
Portfolio Manager 
26 May 2022 
The Strategic Report, contains a review of the Company's business model and 
strategy, an analysis of its performance during the financial year and its 
future developments and details of the principal risks and challenges it faces. 
Its purpose is to inform shareholders in the Company and help them to assess 
how the Directors have performed their duty to promote the success of the 
Company. Further information on how the Directors have discharged their duty 
under s172 of the Companies Act 2006 in promoting the success of the Company 
for the benefit of the investors as a whole, and how they have taken wider 
stakeholders' needs into account can be found in the Strategic Report. The 
Strategic Report contains certain forward-looking statements. These statements 
are made by the Directors in good faith based on the information available to 
them up to the date of this report. Such statements should be treated with 
caution due to the inherent uncertainties, including both economic and business 
risk factors, underlying such forward-looking information. 
Worldwide Healthcare Trust PLC is an externally managed investment trust and 
its shares are listed on the premium segment of the Official List and traded on 
the main market of the London Stock Exchange. 
As an externally managed investment trust, all of the Company's day-to-day 
managements and administrative functions are outsourced to service providers. 
As a result, the Company has no executive directors, employees or internal 
operations. The Company employs Frostrow Capital LLP (Frostrow) as its 
Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM), OrbiMed Capital LLC (OrbiMed) as 
its Portfolio Manager, J.P. Morgan Europe Limited as its Depositary and J.P. 
Morgan Securities LLC as its Custodian and Prime Broker. Further details about 
their appointments can be found in the Business Review. The Board has 
determined an investment policy and related guidelines and limits, as described 
The Company is an investment company within the meaning of Section 833 of the 
Companies Act 2006 and has been approved by HM Revenue & Customs as an 
investment trust (for the purposes of Section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 
2010). As a result the Company is not liable for taxation on capital gains. The 
Directors have no reason to believe that approval will not continue to be 
retained. The Company is not a close company for taxation purposes. 
The Board is responsible for all aspects of the Company's affairs, including 
the setting of parameters for and the monitoring of the investment strategy a s 
well as the review of investment performance and policy. It also has 
responsibility for all strategic issues, the dividend policy, the share 
issuance and buy-back policy, gearing, share price and discount/premium 
monitoring and corporate governance matters. 
A resolution was passed at the Annual General Meeting held in 2019 that the 
Company continues as an investment trust for a further five year period. In 
accordance with the Company's Articles of Association, shareholders will have 
an opportunity to vote on the continuation of the Company at the Annual General 
Meeting to be held in 2024 and every five years thereafter. 
The Board of the Company comprises Sir Martin Smith (Chairman), Sarah Bates, 
Sven Borho, Doug McCutcheon, Dr Bina Rawal and Humphrey van der Klugt. All of 
these Directors, served throughout the year. All are independent non-executive 
Directors with the exception of Mr Borho who is not considered to be 
independent by the Board. 
All Directors, with the exception of Sir Martin Smith, are seeking re-election 
by shareholders at this year's Annual General Meeting. 
It is the Company's policy to pay out dividends to shareholders at least to the 
extent required to maintain investment trust status for each financial year. 
Such dividends will typically be paid twice a year by means of an interim 
dividend and a final dividend. 
The Board assesses the Company's performance in meeting its objectives against 
key performance indicators as follows. The Key Performance Indicators have not 
changed from the previous year: 
  * Net asset value ('NAV') per share total return against the Benchmark;* 
  * Discount/premium of share price to NAV per share;* and 
  * Ongoing charges ratio.* 
Information on the Company's performance is provided in the Chairman's 
Statement and the Portfolio Manager's Review. Further information can be found 
in the Glossary. 
*          Alternative Performance Measure (See Glossary) 
NAV per share total return against the benchmark 
The Directors regard the Company's NAV per share total return as being the 
overall measure of value delivered to shareholders over the long term. This 
reflects both net asset value growth of the Company and dividends paid to 
The Board considers the most important comparator, against which to assess the 
NAV per share total return performance, to be the MSCI World Health Care Index 
measured on a net total return, sterling adjusted basis (the 'Benchmark'). 
OrbiMed has flexibility in managing the investments and are not limited by the 
make up of the Benchmark. As a result, investment decisions are made that 
differentiate the Company from the Benchmark and therefore the Company's 
performance may also be different to that of the Benchmark. 
A full description of performance during the year under review is contained in 
the Portfolio Manager's Review. 
Share price discount/premium to nav per share 
The share price discount/premium to NAV per share is considered a key indicator 
of performance as it impacts the share price total return of shareholders and 
can provide an indication of how investors view the Company's performance and 
its Investment Objective. 
Ongoing charges ratio 
The Board continues to be conscious of expenses and works hard to maintain a 
balance between good quality service and costs. 
The principal service providers to the Company are the AIFM, Frostrow Capital 
LLP (Frostrow), the Portfolio Manager, OrbiMed Capital LLC (OrbiMed), the 
Custodian and Prime Broker J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, and the Depositary, J.P. 
Morgan Europe Limited. Details of their key responsibilities follow and further 
information on their contractual arrangements with the Company are included in 
the Report of the Directors. 
Alternative investment fund manager (AIFM) 
Frostrow under the terms of its AIFM agreement with the Company provides, inter 
alia, the following services: 
  * oversight of the portfolio management function delegated to OrbiMed Capital 
  * investment portfolio administration and valuation; 
  * risk management services; 
  * marketing and shareholder services; 
  * share price discount and premium management; 
  * administrative and secretarial services; 
  * advice and guidance in respect of corporate governance requirements; 
  * maintenance of the Company's accounting records; 
  * maintenance of the Company's website; 
  * preparation and dispatch of annual and half year reports (as applicable) 
    and monthly fact sheets; and 
  * ensuring compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements. 
During the year, under the terms of the AIFM Agreement, Frostrow received a fee 
as follows: 
On market capitalisation up to £150 million: 0.3%; in the range £150 million to 
£500 million: 0.2%; in the range £500 million to £1 billion: 0.15%; in the 
range £1 billion to £1.5 billion: 0.125%; over £1.5 billion: 0.075%. In 
addition, Frostrow receives a fixed fee per annum of £57,500. 
Portfolio manager 
OrbiMed under the terms of its portfolio management agreement with the AIFM and 
the Company provides, inter alia, the following services: 
  * the seeking out and evaluating of investment opportunities; 
  * recommending the manner by which monies should be invested, disinvested, 
    retained or realised; 
  * advising on how rights conferred by the investments should be exercised; 
  * analysing the performance of investments made; and 
  * advising the Company in relation to trends, market movements and other 
    matters which may affect the investment objective and policy of the 
OrbiMed receives a base fee of 0.65% of NAV and a performance fee of 15% of 
outperformance against the Benchmark. 
Depositary, custodian and prime broker 
J.P. Morgan Europe Limited acts as the Company's Depositary and J.P. Morgan 
Securities LLC as its Custodian and Prime Broker. 
J.P. Morgan Europe Limited, as Depositary, must take reasonable care to ensure 
that the Company is managed in accordance with the Financial Conduct 
Authority's Investment Funds Sourcebook, the AIFMD and the Company's Articles 
of Association. The Depositary must in the context of this role act honestly, 
fairly, professionally, independently and in the interests of the Company and 
its shareholders. 
The Depositary receives a variable fee based on the size of the Company. 
J.P. Morgan Europe Limited has discharged certain of its liabilities as 
Depositary to J.P. Morgan Securities LLC. Further details of this arrangement 
are set out in the Report of the Directors. J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, as 
Custodian and Prime Broker, provides the following services under its agreement 
with the Company: 
  * safekeeping and custody of the Company's investments and cash; 
  * processing of transactions; 
  * provision of an overdraft facility. Assets up to 140% of the value of the 
    outstanding overdraft can be taken as collateral; and 
  * foreign exchange services. 
The performance of the AIFM and the Portfolio Manager is reviewed continuously 
by the Board and the Management Engagement & Remuneration Committee (the 
"Committee") with a formal evaluation being undertaken each year. As part of 
this process, the Committee monitors the services provided by the AIFM and the 
Portfolio Manager and receives regular reports and views from them. The 
Committee also receives comprehensive performance measurement reports to enable 
it to determine whether or not the performance objectives set by the Board have 
been met. The Committee reviewed the appropriateness of the appointment of the 
AIFM and the Portfolio Manager in February 2022 with a positive recommendation 
being made to the Board. 
The Board believes the continuing appointment of the AIFM and the Portfolio 
Manager, is in the interests of shareholders as a whole. In coming to this 
decision, it took into consideration, inter alia, the following: 
  * the quality of the service provided and the depth of experience of the 
    company management, company secretarial, administrative and marketing team 
    that the AIFM allocates to the management of the Company; and 
  * the quality of the service provided and the quality and depth of experience 
    allocated by the Portfolio Manager to the management of the portfolio and 
    the long-term performance of the portfolio in absolute terms and by 
    reference to the Benchmark. 
The Board is responsible for the management of risks faced by the Company. 
Through delegation to the Audit & Risk Committee, the Board has established 
procedures to manage risk, to review the Company's internal control framework 
and establish the level and nature of the principal risks the Company is 
prepared to accept in order to achieve its long-term strategic objective. At 
least twice a year the Audit Committee carries out a robust assessment of the 
principal risks and uncertainties with the assistance of Frostrow (the 
Company's AIFM) identifying the principal risks faced by the Company. These 
principal risks and the ways they are managed or mitigated are detailed on the 
following pages. 
      Principal risks and uncertainties                        Mitigation 
Market risks 
By the nature of its activities and           To manage these risks the Board and the AIFM 
Investment Objective, the Company's portfolio have appointed OrbiMed to manage the 
is exposed to fluctuations in market prices   investment portfolio within the remit of the 
(from both individual security prices and     investment objective and policy, and imposed 
foreign exchange rates) and due to exposure   various limits and guidelines. These limits 
to the global healthcare sector, it is        ensure that the portfolio is diversified, 
expected to have higher volatility than the   reducing the risks associated with individual 
wider market. As such investors should be     stocks, and that the maximum exposure 
aware that by investing in the Company they   (through derivatives and an overdraft 
are exposing themselves to market risks and   facility) is limited. The compliance with 
those additional risks specific to the        those limits and guidelines is monitored 
sectors in which the Company invests, such as daily by Frostrow and OrbiMed and reported to 
political interference in drug pricing. In    the Board monthly. 
addition, the Company uses leverage (both     In addition, OrbiMed reports at each Board 
through derivatives and gearing) the effect   meeting on the performance of the Company's 
of which is to amplify the gains or losses    portfolio, which encompasses the rationale 
the Company experiences.                      for stock selection decisions, the make-up of 
                                              the portfolio, potential new holdings and, 
                                              derivative activity and strategy (further 
                                              details on derivatives can be found in note 
                                              The Company does not currently hedge its 
                                              currency exposure. 
Geo-political/regulatory and macro economic 
Macro events may have an adverse impact on    While such events are outside the control of 
the Company's performance by causing exchange the Company the Board reviews regularly, and 
rate volatility, changes in tax or regulatory discusses with the Portfolio Manager, the 
environments, and/or a fall in market prices. wider economic and political environment, 
Emerging markets, which a portion of the      along with the portfolio exposure and the 
portfolio is exposed to, can be subject to    execution of the investment policy against 
greater political uncertainty and price       the long-term objectives of the Company. The 
volatility than developed markets.            Portfolio Manager's risk team perform 
                                              systematic risk analysis, including country 
                                              and industry specific risk monitoring. 
                                              The Board monitors regulatory developments 
                                              but relies on the services of its external 
                                              advisers to ensure compliance with applicable 
                                              law and regulations. 
                                              The Board has appointed a specialist 
                                              investment trust AIFM and Company Secretary 
                                              who provides industry and regulatory updates 
                                              at each Board meeting. 
                                              With regard to Brexit, the Board does not 
                                              believe that it poses a unique risk to the 
                                              Company or that it will affect the Company's 
                                              share price or how its shares are sold. 
Unquoted investment risk 
The Company's risk could be increased by its  To mitigate this risk the Board and AIFM have 
investment in unquoted companies. These       set a limit of 10% of the portfolio, 
investments may be more difficult to buy,     calculated at the time of investment, that 
sell or value, so changes in their valuations can be held in unquoted investments and have 
may be greater than for listed assets. The    established a robust and consistent valuation 
valuation of unquoted investments requires    policy and process as set out in Note 1(b), 
considerable judgement as explained in Note1  which is in line with UK GAAP requirements 
(a) and as such realisations may be           and the International Private Equity and 
materially lower than the value as estimated  Venture Capital (IPEV) Guidelines. The Board 
by the Company. Particular events, outside    also monitors the performance of these 
the control of the Company, may also have a   investments compared to the additional risks 
significant impact on the valuation and       involved. 
considerable uncertainty may exist around the 
potential future outcomes for each 
Investment management key person risk 
There is a risk that the individuals          The Board manage this risk by: 
responsible for managing the Company's 
portfolio may leave their employment or may 
be prevented from undertaking their duties. 
Counterparty risk 
In addition to market and foreign currency    This risk is managed by the Board through: 
risks, discussed above, the Company is 
exposed to risk arising from the use of 
counterparties. If a counterparty were to 
fail, the Company could be adversely affected 
through either delay in settlement or loss of 
The most significant counterparty the Company 
is exposed to is J.P. Morgan Securities LLC 
which is responsible for the safekeeping of 
the Company's assets and provides the 
overdraft facility to the Company. As part of 
the arrangements with J.P. Morgan Securities 
LLC they may take assets, up to 140% of the 
value of the drawn overdraft, as collateral 
and have first priority security interest or 
lien over all of the Company's assets. Such 
assets taken as collateral may be used, 
loaned, sold, rehypothecated or transferred 
by J.P. Morgan Securities LLC. Although the 
Company maintains the economic benefit from 
the ownership of those assets it does not 
hold any of the rights associated with those 
assets. Any of the Company's assets taken as 
collateral are not covered by the custody 
arrangements provided by J.P. Morgan 
Securities LLC. The Company is, however, 
afforded protection in accordance with SEC 
rules and U.S. legislation equal to the value 
of the assets that have been rehypothecated. 
Service provider risk 
The Board is reliant on the systems of the    To manage these risks the Board: 
Company's service providers and as such 
disruption to, or a failure of, those systems 
could lead to a failure to comply with law 
and regulations leading to reputational 
damage and/ or financial loss to the Company. 
The spread of an infectious disease, such as 
has been seen as a result of the COVID-19 
pandemic, may again force governments to 
introduce rules to restrict meetings and 
movements of people and take other measures 
to prevent its spread, which may cause 
disruption to the Company's operations. 
ESG related risks 
Both the Board and the Portfolio Manager      The Board ensures that the Portfolio 
recognise the importance of having a coherent Manager's ESG approach is in line with 
ESG policy. There is a risk that investing in standards elsewhere and the Board's 
companies that disregard ESG factors will     expectations. A summary of the Portfolio 
have a negative impact on investment returns  Manager's approach to Responsible Investing 
and also that the Company itself may become   can be found in the Strategic Report.. 
unattractive to investors if ESG is not 
appropriately considered in the Portfolio 
Manager's decision making process. In light 
of this, the Board has asked OrbiMed to 
provide ESG reports at each Board meeting, 
highlighting examples where ESG issues 
influenced investment decisions and/or led to 
engagement with an investee company. 
Shareholder relations and share price 
performance risk 
The Company is also exposed to the risk,      In managing this risk the Board: 
particularly if the investment strategy and   The operation of the discount/premium control 
approach are unsuccessful, that the Company   mechanism and Company promotional activities 
may underperform resulting in the Company     have been delegated to Frostrow, who report 
becoming unattractive to investors and a      to the Board at each Board meeting on these 
widening of the share price discount to NAV   activities. 
per share. Also, falls in stock markets, such 
as those experienced as a consequence of the 
COVID-19 pandemic, and the risk of a global 
recession, are likely to adversely affect the 
performance of the Company's investments. 
Emerging risks 
The Company has carried out a robust assessment of the Company's emerging and 
principal risks and the procedures in place to identify emerging risks are 
described below. The International Risk Governance Council definition of an 
'emerging' risk is one that is new, or is a familiar risk in a new or 
unfamiliar context or under new context conditions (re-emerging). Failure to 
identify emerging risks may cause reactive actions rather than being proactive 
and, in worst case, could cause the Company to become unviable or otherwise 
fail or force the Company to change its structure, objective or strategy. 
The Audit and Risk Committee reviews a risk map at its half-yearly meetings. 
Emerging risks are discussed in detail as part of this process and also 
throughout the year to try to ensure that emerging (as well as known) risks are 
identified and, so far as practicable, mitigated. 
The Board recognises that the spread of new coronavirus (COVID-19) strains 
represents an area of continuing risk, both to the Company's investments, 
investment performance and to its operations. The Portfolio Manager has 
continued its dialogue with investee companies and the Board has stayed in 
close contact with both the AIFM and the Portfolio Manager and has been 
regularly monitoring portfolio and share price developments. The Board has also 
received assurances from all of the Company's service providers in respect of: 
  * their business continuity plans and the steps being taken to guarantee the 
    ongoing efficiency of their operations while ensuring the safety and 
    well-being of their employees; 
  * their cyber security measures including improved user-access controls, safe 
    remote working and evading malicious attacks; and 
  * any increased risks of fraud resulting from weaknesses in systems user 
    access controls. 
As the rate of vaccinations increases across the world, the outlook is 
cautiously positive, but the Board will continue to monitor developments as 
they occur. 
The Company has appointed Frostrow to provide marketing and investor relations 
services, in the belief that a well-marketed investment company is more likely 
to grow over time, have a more diverse and stable shareholder register and will 
trade at a superior rating to its peers. 
Frostrow actively promotes the Company in the following ways: 
Engaging regularly with institutional investors, discretionary wealth managers 
and a range of execution-only platforms: Frostrow regularly talks and meets 
with institutional investors, discretionary wealth managers and execution-only 
platform providers to discuss the Company's strategy and to understand any 
issues and concerns, covering both investment and corporate governance matters. 
Such meetings have been conducted on a virtual basis during the COVID-19 
Making Company information more accessible: Frostrow works to raise the profile 
of the Company by targeting key groups within the investment community, holding 
annual investment seminars, overseeing PR output and managing the Company's 
website and wider digital offering, including Portfolio Manager videos and 
social media; 
Disseminating key Company information: Frostrow performs the Investor Relations 
function on behalf of the Company and manages the investor database. Frostrow 
produces all key corporate documents, distributes monthly Fact Sheets, Annual 
Reports and updates from OrbiMed on portfolio and market developments; and 
Monitoring market activity, acting as a link between the Company, shareholders 
and other stakeholders: Frostrow maintains regular contact with sector broker 
analysts and other research and data providers, and conducts periodic investor 
perception surveys, liaising with the Board to provide up-to-date and accurate 
information on the latest shareholder and market developments. 
The Board undertakes a regular review of the level of discount/premium and 
consideration is given to ways in which share price performance may be 
enhanced, including the effectiveness of marketing, share issuance and share 
buy-backs, where appropriate. 
The Board implemented the DCM in 2004. This established a target level of no 
more than a 6% share price discount to the cum-income NAV per share. 
Under the DCM, when the discount reaches a level of 6% or more, the Company's 
shares may be bought back and held as treasury shares (See Glossary). 
Treasury shares can be sold back to the market at a later date at a premium to 
the cum-income net asset value per share. 
Shareholders should note, however, that it remains possible for the share price 
discount to the NAV per share to be greater than 6% on any one day. This is due 
to the fact that the share price continues to be influenced by overall supply 
and demand for the Company's shares in the secondary market. The volatility of 
the NAV per share in an asset class such as healthcare is another factor over 
which the Board has no control. 
In recent years the Company's successful performance has generated substantial 
investor interest. Whenever there are unsatisfied buying orders for the 
Company's shares in the market, the Company has the ability to issue new shares 
at a small premium to the cum income NAV per share. This is an effective share 
price premium management tool. 
Details of share issuance and share buy-backs are set out in the Report of the 
The Directors, through the Company's Portfolio Manager, encourage companies in 
which investments are made to adhere to best practice with regard to corporate 
governance. In light of the nature of the Company's business there are no 
relevant human rights issues and the Company does not have a human rights 
The Company recognises that social and environmental issues can have an effect 
on some of its investee companies. 
The Company is an investment trust and so its own direct environmental impact 
is minimal. As an externally- managed investment trust, the Company does not 
have any employees or maintain any premises, nor does it undertake any 
manufacturing or other physical operations itself. All its operational 
functions are outsourced to third party service providers. Therefore, the 
Company has no material, direct impact on the environment or any particular 
community and the Company itself has no environmental, human rights, social or 
community policies. The Board of Directors consists of six Directors, four of 
whom are resident in the UK, one in Canada and one in the U.S. The Board holds 
the majority of its regular meetings in the U.K., with usually one meeting held 
each year in New York, and has a policy that travel, as far as possible, is 
minimal, thereby minimising the Company's greenhouse gas emissions. Further 
details concerning greenhouse gas emissions can be found within the Report of 
the Directors. During the Pandemic all of the Board and Committee meetings were 
held via video conference. Video conferencing has proved to be a very effective 
way of holding meetings, and this medium will continue to be used alongside in 
person meetings. 
The Portfolio Manager engages with the Company's underlying investee companies 
in relation to their corporate governance practices and the development of 
their policies on social, community and environmental matters. The Portfolio 
Manager's Responsible Investing Policy can be seen below. 
The Company notes the TCFD recommendations on climate-related financial 
disclosures. The Company is an investment trust with no employees, internal 
operations or property and, as such, it is exempt from the Listing Rules 
requirement to report against the TCFD framework. 
The Board has carried out a robust assessment of the principal risks facing the 
Company including those that would threaten its business model, future 
performance, solvency or liquidity. The Board has drawn up a matrix of risks 
facing the Company and has put in place a schedule of investment limits and 
restrictions, appropriate to the Company's investment objective and policy, in 
order to mitigate these risks as far as practicable. The principal risks and 
uncertainties which have been identified, and the steps taken by the Board to 
mitigate these as far as possible, are shown in the Strategic Report. 
The Board believes it is appropriate to assess the Company's viability over a 
five year period. This period is also deemed appropriate due to our Portfolio 
Manager's long-term investment horizon and also what it believes to be 
investors' horizons, taking account of the Company's current position and the 
potential impact of the principal risks and uncertainties as shown in the 
Strategic Report. The Directors also took into account the liquidity of the 
portfolio and the expectation that the Company will pass the next continuation 
vote in 2024 when considering the viability of the Company over the next five 
years and its ability to meet liabilities as they fall due. 
The Directors do not expect there to be any significant change in the principal 
risks that have been identified or the adequacy of the mitigating controls in 
place, and do not envisage any change in strategy or objectives or any events 
that would prevent the Company from continuing to operate over that period as 
the Company's assets are liquid, its commitments are limited and the Company 
intends to continue to operate as an investment trust. 
Based on this assessment, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the 
Company will be able to continue in operation and meet its liabilities as they 
fall due over the next five-year period. 
ACT 2006) 
The Directors are required to explain more fully how they have discharged their 
duty under s172 of the Companies Act 2006 in promoting the success of the 
Company for the benefit of the members as a whole. This includes the likely 
consequences of the Directors' decisions in the long-term and how they have 
taken wider stakeholders' needs into account. 
The Directors aim to act fairly between the Company's stakeholders. The Board's 
approach to shareholder relations is summarised in the Corporate Governance 
Report. The Chairman's Statement provides an explanation of actions taken by 
the Directors during the year to achieve the Board's long-term aim of ensuring 
that the Company's shares trade at a price close to the NAV per share. 
As an externally managed investment trust, the Company has no employees, 
customers, operations or premises. Therefore, the Company's key stakeholders 
(other than its shareholders) are considered to be its service providers. The 
need to foster business relationships with the service providers and maintain a 
reputation for high standards of business conduct are central to the Directors' 
decision-making as the Board of an externally managed investment trust. The 
Directors believe that fostering constructive and collaborative relationships 
with the Company's service providers will assist in their promotion of the 
success of the Company for the benefit of all shareholders. 
The Board engages with representatives from its service providers throughout 
the year. Representatives from OrbiMed and Frostrow are in attendance at each 
Board meeting. As the Portfolio Manager and the AIFM respectively, the services 
they provide are fundamental to the long-term success and smooth running of the 
Company. The Chairman's Statement and the Business Review, describe relevant 
decisions taken during the year relating to OrbiMed and Frostrow. Further 
details about the matters discussed in Board meetings and the relationship 
between OrbiMed and the Board are set out in the Corporate Governance Report. 
Representatives from other service providers are asked to attend Board meetings 
when deemed appropriate. 
Further details are set out overleaf. 
      Who?                        Why?                                  How? 
  Stakeholder     The benefits of engagement with the   How the board, the portfolio manager 
     group               company's stakeholders          and the AIFM have engaged with the 
                                                               company's stakeholders 
Investors        Clear communication of the Company's   The Portfolio Manager and Frostrow, 
                 strategy and the performance against   on behalf of the Board, complete a 
                 the Company's objective can help the   programme of investor relations 
                 share price trade at a narrower        throughout the year. While such 
                 discount or a premium to its net asset meetings were conducted on a virtual 
                 value per share which benefits         basis during the COVID-19 pandemic, 
                 shareholders.                          meetings in person are now being 
                 New shares can be issued to meet       held again. In addition, the 
                 demand without net asset value per     Chairman has been available to 
                 share dilution to existing             engage with the Company's larger 
                 shareholders. Increasing the size of   shareholders where required. 
                 the Company can benefit liquidity as   An analysis of the Company's 
                 well as spread costs.                  shareholder register is provided to 
                 Share buy backs are undertaken at the  the Directors at each Board meeting 
                 discretion of the Directors.           along with marketing reports from 
                                                        Frostrow. The Board reviews and 
                                                        considers the marketing plans on a 
                                                        regular basis. Reports from the 
                                                        Company's broker are submitted to 
                                                        the Board on investor sentiment and 
                                                        industry issues. 
                                                        Key mechanisms of engagement 
          What?                                    Outcomes and actions 
What were the key areas of          What actions were taken, including main decisions? 
Key areas of engagement       Frostrow and the Portfolio Manager engage with retail investors 
with investors                through a number of different channels: 
Who?             Why?                               How? 
Stakeholder      The benefits of engagement with    How the board, the portfolio manager 
group            the company's stakeholders         and the AIFM have engaged with the 
                                                    company's stakeholders 
Portfolio        Engagement with the Company's      The Board met regularly with the 
Manager          Portfolio Manager is necessary to  Company's Portfolio Manager throughout 
                 evaluate their performance against the year. The Board also receives 
                 the Company's stated strategy and  monthly performance and compliance 
                 to understand any risks or         reporting. 
                 opportunities this may present.    The Portfolio Manager's attendance at 
                 The Board ensures that the         each Board meeting provides the 
                 Portfolio Manager's environmental, opportunity for the Portfolio Manager 
                 social and governance ("ESG")      and Board to further reinforce their 
                 approach is in line with standards mutual understanding of what is 
                 elsewhere and the Board's          expected from both parties. 
                 expectations.                      The Board encourages the Company's 
                 Engagement also helps ensure that  Portfolio Manager to engage with 
                 the Portfolio Manager's fees are   companies and in doing so expects ESG 
                 closely monitored and remain       issues to be an important 
                 competitive.                       consideration. 
                 Gaining a deeper understanding of  The Board receives an update on 
                 the portfolio companies and their  Frostrow's engagement activities by way 
                 strategies as well as              of a dedicated report at Board meetings 
                 incorporating consideration of ESG and at other times during the year as 
                 factors into the investment        required. 
                 process assists in understanding 
                 and mitigating risks of an 
                 investment as well as identifying 
                 future potential opportunities. 
Service          The Company contracts with third   The Board and Frostrow, acting in its 
Providers        parties for other services         capacity as AIFM, engage regularly with 
                 including: custody, company        other service providers both in 
                 secretarial, accounting &          one-to-one meetings and via regular 
                 administration and registrar. The  written reporting. This regular 
                 Company ensures that the third     interaction provides an environment 
                 parties to whom the services have  where topics, issues and business 
                 been outsourced complete their     development needs can be dealt with 
                 roles in line with their service   efficiently and collegiately. 
                 level agreements thereby           The Board together with Frostrow have 
                 supporting the Company in its      maintained regular contact with the 
                 success and ensuring compliance    Company's principal service providers 
                 with its obligations.              during the pandemic, as well as 
                 The COVID-19 pandemic has meant    carrying out a review of the service 
                 that it was vital to make certain  providers' business continuity plans 
                 there were adequate procedures in  and additional cyber security 
                 place at the Company's principal   provisions. 
                 service providers to ensure safety The review of the performance of the 
                 of their employees and the         Portfolio Manager and Frostrow is a 
                 continued high quality service to  continuous process carried out by the 
                 the Company.                       Board and the Remuneration and 
                                                    Management Engagement Committee with a 
                                                    formal evaluation being undertaken 
                  What?                                    Outcomes and actions 
  What were the key areas of engagement?         What actions were taken, including main 
Key areas of engagement with the Portfolio Manager on an ongoing basis are 
portfolio composition, performance, outlook and business updates. 
  * The ongoing impact of the pandemic        -       The Board has received regular updates 
    upon their business and how components    from the Portfolio Manager throughout the 
    in the portfolio dealt with the           pandemic and its impact on investment decision 
    pandemic.                                 making. In addition, the impact of new working 
  * Regular review of the make up of the      practices adopted by the Portfolio Manager as 
    investment portfolio.                     a consequence of the pandemic have been 
  * The integration of ESG factors into       reviewed by the Board. 
    the Portfolio Manager's investment        -       The Portfolio Manager reports on ESG 
    processes.                                issues at each Board meeting. 
Key areas of engagement with Service 
  * The Directors have frequent engagement    -       No specific action required as the 
    with the Company's other service          reviews of the Company's service providers, 
    providers through the annual cycle of     have been positive and the Directors believe 
    reporting. This engagement is             their continued appointment is in the best 
    completed with the aim of maintaining     interests of the Company. 
    an effective working relationship and     -       The Board agreed to continue to 
    oversight of the services provided.       monitor the position closely. 
  * The Board sought and received 
    assurances from all of the Company's 
    service providers that steps had been 
    taken to maintain the ongoing 
    efficiency of their operations while 
    ensuring the safety and well-being of 
    their employees. 
Key areas of engagement with the broker 
-       The Board is cognisant that the         * Throughout the year the Board closely 
trading of the Company's shares at a              monitored the Company's discount/premium 
persistent and significant discount or            to NAV per share and received regular 
premium to the prevailing NAV per share is        updates from the broker. 80,509 shares 
not in the interests of shareholders.             were bought back during the year, and a 
                                                  further 223,842 shares were bought back 
                                                  since the year-end to 25 May 2022. 
                                                  1,227,500 new shares were issued during 
                                                  the year, no shares issued following the 
                                                  year-end to 25 May 2022. (Please see the 
                                                  Chairman's Statement for further 
The Company is committed to carrying out business in an honest and fair manner 
with a zero-tolerance approach to bribery, tax evasion and corruption. As such, 
policies and procedures are in place to prevent this. In carrying out its 
activities, the Company aims to conduct itself responsibly, ethically and 
fairly, including in relation to social and human rights issues. 
The Company believes that high standards of ESG make good business sense and 
have the potential to protect and enhance investment returns. The Portfolio 
Manager's investment criteria provide that ESG and ethical issues are taken 
into account and best practice is encouraged by the Board. The Board's 
expectations are that its principal service providers have appropriate 
governance policies in place. 
A review of the Company's year, its performance and the outlook for the Company 
can be found in the Chairman's Statement and in the Portfolio Manager's Review. 
The Company's overall strategy remains unchanged. 
The Board concentrates its attention on the Company's investment performance 
and OrbiMed's investment approach and on factors that may have an effect on 
this approach. Marketing reports are given to the Board at each board meeting 
by the AIFM which include how the Company will be promoted and details of 
planned communications with existing and potential shareholders. The Board is 
regularly updated by the AIFM on wider investment trust industry issues and 
discussions are held at each Board meeting concerning the Company's future 
development and strategy. 
A review of the Company's year, its performance since the year-end and the 
outlook for the Company can be found in the Chairman's Statement and in the 
Portfolio Manager's Review. It is expected that the Company's Strategy will 
remain unchanged in the coming year. 
The Financial Statements set out the required statutory reporting measures of 
the Company's financial performance. In addition, the Board assesses the 
Company's performance against a range of criteria which are viewed as 
particularly relevant for investment trusts, which are explained in greater 
detail in the Strategic Report, under the heading 'Key Performance Indicators'. 
By order of the Board 
Frostrow Capital LLP 
Company Secretary 
26 May 2022 
Independent Non-Executive Chairman 
Joined the Board in 2007 and became Chairman in 2008 
Annual remuneration year-end 2022: £53,150pa 
Committee Membership 
Sir Martin attends the Audit & Risk Committee by invitation and is a member of 
the Nominations and Management Engagement & Remuneration Committees. 
Shareholding in the Company 
11,871 (Beneficial) 2,725 (Trustee) 
Skills and Experience 
Sir Martin Smith has been involved in the financial services sector for almost 
50 years. He was a founder and senior partner of Phoenix Securities, becoming 
Chairman of European Investment Banking for Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette (DLJ) 
following the acquisition of Phoenix by DLJ. He was subsequently a founder of 
New Star Asset Management Ltd. 
Other Appointments 
Sir Martin has a number of other directorships and business interests, 
including acting as Chairman Emeritus of GP Bullhound, the technology 
investment banking firm. He is also a member of the Advisory Board of Cerno 
Capital Partners LLP. 
Sir Martin's pro-bono interests include being a founder of the Orchestra of the 
Age of Enlightenment of which he is Life President, and he has served on the 
boards of a number of other arts organisations including English National 
Opera, the Glyndebourne Arts Trust and the Royal Academy of Music and the 
Ashmolean Museum. He is a Trustee of ClientEarth. In 2008 Sir Martin with his 
family were founding benefactors of the Smith School of Enterprise and the 
Environment at Oxford University. 
Standing for re-election: No 
Independent Non-Executive Director 
Joined the Board in 2013 
Annual remuneration year-end 2022: £36,007pa 
Committee Membership 
Sarah is Chair of the Nominations Committee and is the Senior Independent 
Director. Sarah is also a member of the Audit & Risk and Management Engagement 
& Remuneration Committees. 
Shareholding in the Company 
Skills and Experience 
Sarah is a past Chair of the Association of Investment Companies and has been 
involved in the UK savings and investment industry in different roles for over 
35 years. 
Sarah is a fellow of CFA UK. 
Other Appointments 
Sarah is non-executive Chair of Polar Capital Technology Trust plc and a 
non-executive Director of Alliance Trust PLC. Sarah is also Chair of The John 
Lewis Partnership Pensions Trust of BBC Pension Investments Limited and of the 
Universities Superannuation Fund Investment Management Limited. Sarah is a 
member of the BBC Pension Scheme Investment Committee and is an Ambassador for 
Chapter Zero and a mentor for Chairmen Mentors International. 
Standing for re-election: Yes 
Non-Executive Director 
Joined the Board in 2018 
Annual remuneration year-end 2022: Nil 
Committee Membership 
Sven is not a member of any of the Company's Committees. 
Shareholding in the Company 
Skills and Experience 
Sven H. Borho, CFA, is a founder and Managing Partner of OrbiMed. Sven heads 
the public equity team and he is the 
portfolio manager for OrbiMed's public equity and hedge funds. He has been a 
portfolio manager for the firm's funds 
since 1993 and has played an integral role in the growth of OrbiMed's asset 
management activities. 
He started his career in 1991 when he joined OrbiMed's predecessor firm as a 
Senior Analyst covering European 
pharmaceutical firms and biotechnology companies worldwide. Sven studied 
business administration at 
Bayreuth University in Germany and received a M.Sc.(Econs.), Accounting and 
Finance, from The London School 
of Economics. 
Other Appointments 
Sven is a Managing Partner of OrbiMed and does not have any other appointments. 
Standing for re-election: Yes 
Independent Non-Executive Director 
Joined the Board in 2016 
Annual remuneration year-end 2022: £41,133pa 
Committee Membership 
A Chartered Accountant, Humphrey is Chairman of the Audit & Risk Committee. 
Humphrey is also a member of the Management Engagement & Remuneration and the 
Nominations Committees. 
Shareholding in the Company 
Skills and Experience 
Humphrey was formerly Chairman of Fidelity European Values PLC and a Director 
of Murray Income Trust PLC, BlackRock Commodities Income Investment Trust plc 
and J P Morgan Claverhouse Investment Trust plc. Prior to this Humphrey was a 
fund manager and Director of Schroder Investment Management Limited and in a 22 
year career was a member of their Group Investment and Asset Allocation 
Committees. Prior to joining Schroders, he was with Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co 
(now KPMG) where he qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1979. 
Other Appointments 
Humphrey is a non-executive Director of Allianz Technology Trust PLC. 
Standing for re-election: Yes 
Independent Non-Executive Director 
Joined the Board in 2012 
Annual remuneration year-end 2022: £33,573pa 
Committee Membership 
Doug is Chairman of the Management Engagement & Remuneration Committee. Doug is 
also a member of the Audit & Risk and Nominations Committees. 
Shareholding in the Company 
Skills and Experience 
Doug is the President of Longview Asset Management Ltd., an independent 
investment firm that manages the capital of families, charities and endowments. 
Prior to this, Doug was an investment banker for 25 years at UBS and its 
predecessor firm, S.G. Warburg, where, most recently, he was the head of 
Healthcare Investment Banking for Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia- 
Pacific. Doug is involved in philanthropic organisations with a focus on 
healthcare and education. He attended Queen's University, Canada. 
Other Appointments 
Doug is a non-executive Director of Labrador Iron Ore Royalty Corporation 
listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. 
Standing for re-election: Yes 
Independent Non-Executive Director 
Joined the Board in 2019 
Annual remuneration year-end 2021: £33,573pa 
Committee Membership 
Dr Rawal is a member of the Audit & Risk, Management Engagement & Remuneration 
and Nominations Committees. 
Shareholding in the Company 
Skills and Experience 
Dr Rawal, a physician scientist with 25 years' experience in Research and 
Development, has held senior executive roles in drug development and scientific 
evaluation in four global pharmaceutical companies. She has also worked in 
senior roles with two medical research funding organisations: Wellcome Trust 
and Cancer Research UK. 
Other Appointments 
Dr Rawal is a non-executive Director of the Central London Community Healthcare 
NHS Trust and of Vann Limited. Dr Rawal is also a Trustee on the Board of the 
Social Mobility Foundation. 
Standing for re-election: Yes 
The Directors present their Annual Report on the affairs of the Company 
together with the audited financial statements and the Independent Auditors' 
Report for the year ended 31 March 2022. 
Details of the services provided under these agreements are included in the 
Strategic Report. 
Alternative investment fund management agreement 
Frostrow is the designated AIFM for the Company on the terms and subject to the 
conditions of the alternative investment fund management agreement between the 
Company and Frostrow (the "AIFM Agreement"). 
The notice period on the AIFM Agreement with Frostrow is 12 months, termination 
can be initiated by either party. 
Portfolio management agreement 
Under the AIFM Agreement Frostrow has delegated the portfolio management 
function to OrbiMed, under a portfolio management agreement between it, the 
Company and Frostrow (the "Portfolio Management Agreement"). 
OrbiMed receives a periodic fee equal to 0.65% p.a. of the Company's NAV and a 
performance fee as set out in the Performance Fee section below. Its agreement 
with the Company may be terminated by either party giving notice of not less 
than 12 months. 
Performance fee 
Dependent on the level of long-term outperformance of the Company, OrbiMed is 
entitled to a performance fee. The performance fee is calculated by reference 
to the amount by which the Company's NAV performance has outperformed the 
Benchmark (see inside front cover for details of the Benchmark). 
The fee is calculated quarterly by comparing the cumulative performance of the 
Company's NAV with the cumulative performance of the Benchmark since the launch 
of the Company in 1995. The performance fee amounts to 15.0% of any 
outperformance over the Benchmark. Provision is made within the daily NAV per 
share calculation as required and in accordance with generally accepted 
accounting standards. 
In order to ensure that only sustained outperformance is rewarded, at each 
quarterly calculation date any performance fee payable is based on the lower 
 i. The cumulative outperformance of the portfolio over the Benchmark as at the 
    quarter end date; and 
ii. The cumulative outperformance of the portfolio over the Benchmark as at the 
    corresponding quarter end date in the previous year 
less any cumulative outperformance on which a performance fee has already been 
The effect of this is that outperformance has to be maintained for a twelve 
month period before it is paid. 
Due to underperformance against the Benchmark during the year, a reversal of 
prior period performance fee provisions totalling £18.9 million occurred (2021: 
charge of £31.7 million). 
As at 31 March 2022 no performance fees were accrued or payable (31 March 2021: 
£31.7 million). Of the 31 March 2021 accrual £12.9 million was paid and became 
payable as at 30 June 2021 and £18.9 million was reversed due to 
underperformance, as noted above. The performance fee paid related to 
outperformance generated as at 30 June 2020 that was maintained to 30 June 
Depositary agreement 
The Company appointed J.P. Morgan Europe Limited (the "Depositary") as its 
Depositary in accordance with the AIFMD on the terms and subject to the 
conditions of the Depositary agreement between the Company, Frostrow and the 
Depositary (the "Depositary Agreement"). 
Under the terms of the Depositary Agreement the Company has agreed to pay the 
Depositary a fee calculated at 1.75bp on net assets up to £150 million, 1.50 
bps on net assets between £150 million and £300 million, 1.00bps on net assets 
between £300 million and £500 million and 0.50bps on net assets above £500 
The Depositary has delegated the custody and safekeeping of the Company's 
assets to J.P. Morgan Securities LLC (the "Custodian and Prime Broker") 
pursuant to a delegation agreement between the Company, Frostrow, the 
Depositary and the Custodian and Prime Broker (the "Delegation Agreement"). 
The Delegation Agreement transfers the Depositary's liability for the loss of 
the Company's financial instruments held in custody by the Custodian and Prime 
Broker to the Custodian and Prime Broker in accordance with the AIFMD. The 
Company has consented to the transfer and reuse of its assets by the Custodian 
and Prime Broker (known as "rehypothecation") in accordance with the terms of 
an institutional account agreement between the Company, the Custodian and Prime 
Broker and certain other J.P. Morgan entities (as defined therein). 
Prime brokerage agreement 
The Company appointed J.P. Morgan Securities LLC on the terms and subject to 
the conditions of the prime brokerage agreement between the Company, Frostrow 
and the Depositary (the "Prime Brokerage Agreement"). The Custodian and Prime 
Broker receives interest on the drawn overdraft as detailed in note 12. 
The Custodian and Prime Broker is a registered broker-dealer and is regulated 
by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. 
The results attributable to shareholders for the year and the transfer to 
reserves are shown in the financial statements . Details of the Company's 
dividend record can be found in the Strategic Report. 
Substantial interests in share capital 
The Company was aware of the following substantial interests in the voting 
rights of the Company as at 30 April 2022, the latest practicable date before 
publication of the Annual Report: 
                                                      30 April 2022        31 March 2022 
                                                                   % of                % of 
                                                                 issued              issued 
Shareholder                                         Number of     share Number of     share 
                                                       shares   capital    shares   capital 
Rathbone Brothers plc                               5,962,688       9.1 5,956,447       9.1 
Investec Wealth & Investment Limited                4,784,176       7.3 4,763,731       7.3 
Interactive Investor                                4,066,312       6.2 4,043,547       6.2 
Hargreaves Lansdown plc                             3,865,715       5.9 3,812,568       5.8 
Forsyth Barr                                        3,370,420       5.2 3,303,660       5.1 
Charles Stanley & Co Limited                        2,900,353       4.5 2,889,422       4.4 
Brewin Dolphin                                      2,421,278       3.7 2,430,556       3.7 
Quilter Cheviot Investment Management               2,396,904       3.7 2,346,563       3.6 
Craigs Investment Partners                          2,083,678       3.2 2,067,121       3.2 
Embark Investment Services                          2,008,353       3.1 2,031,031       3.1 
BlackRock                                           2,003,967       3.1 2,003,967       3.1 
As at 31 March 2022 the Company had 65,457,246 shares in issue (excluding 
80,509 shares held in treasury). As at 30 April 2022 there were 65,233,404 
shares in issue (excluding 304,351 shares held in treasury). 
Directors' & officers' liability insurance cover was maintained by the Company 
during the year ended 31 March 2022 and to the date of this report. It is 
intended that this policy will continue for the year ending 31 March 2023 and 
subsequent years. 
During the year under review and to the date of this report, indemnities were 
in force between the Company and each of its Directors under which the Company 
has agreed to indemnify each Director, to the extent permitted by law, in 
respect of certain liabilities incurred as a result of carrying out his or her 
role as a Director of the Company. The Directors are also indemnified against 
the costs of defending any criminal or civil proceedings or any claim by the 
Company or a regulator as they are incurred provided that where the defence is 
unsuccessful the Director must repay those defence costs to the Company. The 
indemnities are qualifying third party indemnity provisions for the purposes of 
the Companies Act 2006. 
A copy of each deed of indemnity is available for inspection at the Company's 
registered office during normal business hours and will be available for 
inspection at the Annual General Meeting. Please refer to the Chairman's 
Statement for details of this year's Annual General Meeting arrangements. 
The Company's capital structure is composed solely of ordinary shares. 
During the year, a total of 1,227,500 new shares were issued at an average 
premium of 0.8% to the prevailing cum income NAV per share. Also, 80,509 shares 
were repurchased during the year at a discount of 8.4% to the prevailing cum 
income NAV per share. These shares are held in treasury. Following the 
year-end, to 25 May 2022, the latest practicable date prior to the publication 
of this Annual Report, a further 223,842 shares were repurchased at a discount 
of 7.0% to the cum income NAV per share. These shares are also held in 
treasury. As of 25 May 2022 304,351 shares were held in treasury (2021: Nil). 
Since the year end, to 25 May 2022, no new shares have been issued. 
Voting rights in the company's shares 
Details of the voting rights in the Company's shares at the date of this Annual 
Report are given in note 9 to the Notice of Annual General Meeting. 
The Company has not in the past and does not intend in the future to make 
political or charitable donations. 
The Company does not provide goods or services in the normal course of 
business, and as a financial investment vehicle does not have customers. The 
Directors do not therefore consider that the Company is required to make a 
statement under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 in relation to slavery or human 
The Board has adopted a zero tolerance approach to instances of bribery and 
corruption. Accordingly it expressly prohibits any Director or associated 
persons when acting on behalf of the Company, from accepting, soliciting, 
paying, offering or promising to pay or authorise any payment, public or 
private in the UK or abroad to secure any improper benefit for themselves or 
for the Company. 
The Board ensures that its service providers apply the same standards in their 
activities for the Company. 
A copy of the Company's Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy can be found on its 
website at www.worldwidewh.com. The policy is reviewed regularly by the Audit 
The Company has a commitment to zero tolerance towards the criminal 
facilitation of tax evasion. 
The Company has no greenhouse gas emissions to report from its operations, nor 
does it have responsibility for any other emissions producing sources under the 
Companies Act 2006 (Strategic Reports and Directors' Reports) Regulations 2013 
or the Companies (Directors' Report) and Limited Liability Partnerships (Energy 
and Carbon Report) Regulations 2018, including those within the Company's 
underlying investment portfolio. Consequently, the Company consumed less than 
40,000 kWh of energy during the year in respect of which the Report of the 
Directors is prepared and therefore is exempt from the disclosures required 
under the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting criteria. 
CRS is a global standard for the automatic exchange of information commissioned 
by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and incorporated 
into UK law by the International Tax Compliance Regulations 2015. CRS requires 
the Company to provide certain additional details to HMRC in relation to 
certain shareholders. The reporting obligation began in 2016 and is an annual 
requirement. The Registrars, Link Group, have been engaged to collate such 
information and file the reports with HMRC on behalf of the Company. 
The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. The 
Directors consider this is the appropriate basis as the Company has adequate 
resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future, 
being taken as 12 months after approval of the financial statements. The 
Company's shareholders are asked every five years to vote for the continuation 
of the Company, this will next be put to shareholders at the Annual General 
Meeting to be held in 2024. The content of the Company's portfolio, trading 
activity, the Company's cash balances and revenue forecasts, and the trends and 
factors likely to affect the Company's performance are reviewed and discussed 
at each Board meeting. The Board has considered a detailed assessment of the 
Company's ability to meet its liabilities as they fall due, including stress 
and liquidity tests which modelled the effects of substantial falls in markets 
and significant reductions in market liquidity, on the Company's net asset 
value, its cash flows and its expenses. Further information is provided in the 
Audit & Risk Committee report. 
Based on the information available to the Directors at the date of this report, 
including the results of these stress tests, the conclusions drawn in the 
Viability Statement, the Company's cash balances, and the liquidity of the 
Company's listed investments, the Directors are satisfied that the Company has 
adequate financial resources to continue in operation for at least the next 12 
months and that, accordingly, it is appropriate to continue to adopt the going 
concern basis in preparing the financial statements. 
Amendments of the Company's Articles of Association requires a special 
resolution to be passed by shareholders. 
Listing Rule 9.8.4 requires the Company to include certain information in a 
single identifiable section of the Annual Report or a cross reference table 
indicating where the information is set out. The Directors confirm that there 
are no disclosures to be made under Listing Rule 9.8.4. 
By order of the Board 
Frostrow Capital LLP 
Company Secretary 
26 May 2022 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the Financial 
Statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. In preparing 
these financial statements, the Directors are required to: 
  * select suitable accounting policies and apply them consistently; 
  * make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
  * follow applicable UK accounting standards comprising FRS 102; and 
  * prepare the financial statements on a going concern basis unless it is 
    inappropriate that the Company will continue in business. 
The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are 
sufficient to show and explain the Company's transactions and disclose with 
reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and 
enable them to ensure that the financial statements and the Directors' 
Remuneration Report comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also 
responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking 
reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other 
The Directors are responsible for ensuring that the Report of the Directors and 
other information included in the Annual Report is prepared in accordance with 
company law in the United Kingdom. They are also responsible for ensuring that 
the Annual Report includes information required by the Listing Rules of the 
The Directors are also responsible for ensuring that the Annual Report and the 
Financial Statements are made available on a website. The Annual Report and the 
Financial Statements are published on the Company's website at 
www.worldwidewh.com and via Frostrow's website at www.frostrow.com. The 
maintenance and integrity of these websites, so far as it relates to the 
Company, is the responsibility of Frostrow. The work carried out by the 
Auditors does not involve consideration of the maintenance and integrity of 
these websites and, accordingly, the Auditors accept no responsibility for any 
changes that have occurred to the financial statements since they were 
initially presented on these websites. Visitors to the websites need to be 
aware that legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and 
dissemination of the financial statements may differ from legislation in their 
So far as the Directors are aware, there is no relevant information of which 
the Auditors are unaware. The Directors have taken all steps they ought to have 
taken to make themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to 
establish that the Auditors are aware of such information. 
The Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge that: 
  * the Annual Report and the Financial Statements have been prepared in 
    accordance with applicable accounting standards, give a true and fair view 
    of the assets, liabilities, financial position and the return for the year 
    ended 31 March 2022; 
  * the Chairman's Statement, Strategic Report and the Report of the Directors 
    include a fair review of the information required by 4.1.8R to 4.1.11R of 
    the FCA's Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules; and 
  * the Annual Report and the Financial Statements taken as a whole are fair, 
    balanced and understandable and provide the information necessary to assess 
    the Company's performance, business model and strategy. 
On behalf of the Board 
Sir Martin Smith 
26 May 2022 
Responsibility for effective governance lies with the Board. The governance 
framework of the Company reflects the fact that as an investment company it has 
no employees and outsources portfolio management to OrbiMed and risk 
management, company management, company secretarial, administrative and 
marketing services to Frostrow Capital LLP. 
                          THE BOARD 
                 Chairman - Sir Martin Smith 
          Senior Independent Director - Sarah Bates 
   Four additional non-executive Directors, all considered 
             independent, except for Sven Borho. 
                    Key responsibilities: 
  -       to provide leadership and set strategy, values and 
  standards within a framework of prudent effective controls 
        which enable risk to be assessed and managed; 
-       to ensure that a robust corporate governance framework 
                     is implemented; and 
-       to challenge constructively and scrutinise performance 
                of all outsourced activities. 
     Management           Audit & Risk         Nominations 
    Engagement &           Committee            Committee 
    Remuneration            Chairman              Chair 
     Committee          Humphrey van der       Sarah Bates 
      Chairman            Klugt, FCA*        All Independent 
  Doug McCutcheon       All Independent         Directors 
  All Independent     Directors (excluding         Key 
     Directors         the Chairman, Sir    responsibilities: 
        Key              Martin Smith)      -       to review 
 responsibilities:            Key             regularly the 
 -       to review     responsibilities:    Board's structure 
   regularly the       -       to review     and composition; 
   contracts, the        the Company's             and 
  performance and      financial reports;    -       to make 
remuneration of the    -       to oversee    recommendations 
Company's principal   the risk and control  for any changes or 
 service providers;     environment and     new appointments. 
        and           financial reporting; 
 -       to set the           and 
     Directors'        -       to review 
Remuneration Policy    the performance of 
  of the Company.        the Company's 
                       external Auditors. 
  * The Directors believe that Humphrey van der Klugt has the necessary recent 
    and relevant financial experience to Chair the Company's Audit & Risk 
Copies of the full terms of reference, which clearly define the 
responsibilities of each Committee, can be obtained from the Company Secretary 
and can be found at the Company's website at www.worldwidewh.com. Copies will 
also be available for inspection on the day of the Annual General Meeting. 
The Board is committed to maintaining and demonstrating high standards of 
corporate governance. The Board has considered the principles and 
recommendations of the AIC Code of Corporate Governance published in February 
2019 ('AIC Code'). The AIC Code addresses all the principles set out in the UK 
Corporate Governance Code (the 'UK Code'), as well as setting out additional 
provisions on issues that are of specific relevance to the Company. 
The Financial Reporting Council has confirmed that by following the AIC Code 
boards of investment companies will meet their obligations in relation to the 
UK Code and paragraph 9.8.6 of the UK Listing Rules. 
The Board considers that reporting in accordance with the principles and 
recommendations of the AIC Code (which has been endorsed by the Financial 
Reporting Council) provides more relevant and comprehensive information to 
shareholders. By reporting against the AIC Code, the Company meets its 
obligations under the UK Code (and associated disclosure requirements under 
paragraph 9.8.6 of the Listing Rules) and as such does not need to report 
further on issues contained in the UK Code which are irrelevant to the Company 
as an externally-managed investment company, including the provisions relating 
to the role of the chief executive, executive directors' remuneration and the 
internal audit function. 
The Company has complied with the principles and recommendations of the AIC 
The AIC Code can be viewed at www.theaic.co.uk and the UK Code can be viewed on 
the Financial Reporting Council website at www.frc.org.uk. The Corporate 
Governance Report, forms part of the Report of the Directors. 
Purpose and strategy 
The purpose and strategy of the Company are described in the Strategic Report. 
The Board is responsible for the effective Stewardship of the Company's 
affairs. Strategy issues and all operational matters of a material nature are 
considered at its meetings. 
The Board consists of six non-executive Directors, each of whom, with the 
exception of Sven Borho, is independent of OrbiMed and the Company's other 
service providers. No member of the Board is a Director of another investment 
company managed by OrbiMed, nor has any Board member (with the exception of 
Sven Borho) been an employee of OrbiMed or any of the Company's service 
The Board carefully considers the various guidelines for determining the 
independence of non-executive Directors, placing particular weight on the view 
that independence is evidenced by an individual being independent of mind, 
character and judgement. All Directors retire at the AGM each year and, if 
appropriate, seek election or re-election. Each Director has signed a letter of 
appointment to formalise the terms of their engagement as a non-executive 
Director, copies of which are available on request at the office of Frostrow 
Capital LLP. 
The Board aims to consider and discuss differences of opinion, unique vantage 
points and to exploit fully areas of expertise. The Chairman encourages open 
debate to foster a supportive and co-operative approach for all participants. 
Strategic decisions are discussed openly and constructively. The Board aims to 
be open and transparent with shareholders and other stakeholders and for the 
Company to conduct itself responsibly, ethically and fairly in its 
relationships with service providers. 
The Board has gained assurance on whistleblowing procedures at the Company's 
principal service providers to ensure employees at those companies are 
supported in speaking up and raising concerns. No concerns relating to the 
Company were raised during the year. 
Shareholder relations 
The Company has appointed Frostrow to provide marketing and investor relations 
services, in the belief that a well marketed investment company is more likely 
to grow over time, have a more diverse, stable list of shareholders and its 
shares will trade at close to net asset value per share over the long run. 
Frostrow actively promotes the Company. 
Shareholder communications 
The Board, the AIFM and the Portfolio Manager consider maintaining good 
communications with shareholders and engaging with larger shareholders through 
meetings and presentations a key priority. Shareholders are being informed by 
the publication of annual and half-year reports which include financial 
statements. These reports are supplemented by the daily release of the net 
asset value per share to the London Stock Exchange and the publication of 
monthly fact sheets. All this information, including interviews with the 
Portfolio Manager, is available on the Company's website at www.worldwidewh.com 
The Board supports the principle that the Annual General Meeting be used to 
communicate with private investors, in particular. While the COVID-19 pandemic 
has necessitated different arrangements for the past two years, shareholders 
are usually encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting, where they are 
given the opportunity to question the Chairman, the Board and representatives 
of the Portfolio Manager. In addition, the Portfolio Manager makes a 
presentation to shareholders covering the investment performance and strategy 
of the Company at the Annual General Meeting. Voting at the Annual General 
Meeting is conducted on a poll and details of the proxy votes received in 
respect of each resolution will be made available on the Company's website. 
The Board monitors the share register of the Company; it also reviews 
correspondence from shareholders at each meeting and maintains regular contact 
with major shareholders. Shareholders who wish to raise matters with a Director 
may do so by writing to them at the registered office of the Company. 
Significant holdings and voting rights 
Details of the shareholders with substantial interests in the Company's shares, 
the Directors' authorities to issue and repurchase the Company's shares, and 
the voting rights of the shares are set out in the Directors' Report. 
The Board meets formally at least four times each year. A representative of 
OrbiMed attends all meetings; representatives from Frostrow Capital LLP are 
also in attendance at each Board meeting. The Chairman encourages open debate 
to foster a supportive and co-operative approach for all participants. 
The Board has agreed a schedule of matters specifically reserved for decision 
by the Board. This includes establishing the investment objectives, strategy 
and the Benchmark, the permitted types or categories of investments, the 
markets in which transactions may be undertaken, the amount or proportion of 
the assets that may be invested in any geography or category of investment or 
in any one investment, and the Company's share issuance and share buyback 
The Board, at its regular meetings, undertakes reviews of key investment and 
financial data, revenue projections and expenses, analyses of asset allocation, 
transactions and performance comparisons, share price and net asset value 
performance, marketing and shareholder communication strategies, the risks 
associated with pursuing the investment strategy, peer group information and 
industry issues. 
The Chairman is responsible for ensuring that the Board receives accurate, 
timely and clear information. Representatives of OrbiMed and Frostrow Capital 
LLP report regularly to the Board on issues affecting the Company. 
The Board is responsible for strategy and has established an annual programme 
of agenda items under which it reviews the objectives and strategy for the 
Company at each meeting. 
Company Directors have a statutory obligation to avoid a situation in which 
they (and connected persons) have, or can have, a direct or indirect interest 
that conflicts, or may possibly conflict, with the interests of the Company. 
The Board has in place procedures for managing any actual or potential 
conflicts of interest. No conflicts of interest arose during the year under 
With the day to day management of the Company outsourced to service providers 
the Board's primary focus at each Board meeting is reviewing the investment 
performance and associated matters, such as, inter alia, future outlook and 
strategy, gearing, asset allocation, investor relations, marketing, and 
industry issues. 
In line with its primary focus, the Board retains responsibility for all the 
key elements of the Company's strategy and business model, including: 
  * the Investment Objective, Policy and Benchmark, incorporating the 
    investment and derivative guidelines and limits, and changes to these; 
  * the maximum level of gearing and leverage the Company may employ; 
  * a review of performance against the Company's KPIs; 
  * a review of the performance and continuing appointment of service 
    providers; and 
  * the maintenance of an effective system of oversight, risk management and 
    corporate governance. 
The Investment Objective, Policy, and Benchmark, including the related limits 
and guidelines, are set out in the Strategic Report, along with details of the 
gearing and leverage levels allowed. 
Details of the principal KPIs and further information on the principal service 
providers, their performance and continuing appointment, along with details of 
the principal risks, and how they are managed, are set out in the Strategic 
The Corporate Governance Report includes a statement of compliance with 
corporate governance codes and best practice, and the Business Review includes 
details of the internal control and risk management framework within which the 
Board operates. 
Succession planning 
The Board regularly considers its structure and recognises the need for 
progressive refreshment. (Please see the Chairman's Statement for further 
The Board has an approved succession planning policy to ensure that (i) there 
is a formal, rigorous and transparent procedure for the appointment of new 
Directors; and (ii) the Board is comprised of members who collectively display 
the necessary balance of professional skills, experience, length of service and 
industry/Company knowledge. 
During the year, the Board reviewed the policy on Directors' tenure and 
considered the overall length of service of the Board as a whole. 
Policy on the tenure of the chairman and other non-executive directors 
The tenure of each non-executive Director, including the Chairman, is not 
ordinarily expected to exceed nine years. However, the Board has agreed that 
the tenure of the Chairman may be extended for an agreed time provided such an 
extension is conducive to the Board's overall orderly succession. The Board 
believes that this more flexible approach to the tenure of the Chairman is 
appropriate in the context of the regulatory rules that apply to investment 
companies, which ensure that the chair remains independent after appointment, 
while being consistent with the need for regular refreshment and diversity. 
The Board is, however, continuing the process of refreshing its membership 
which will mean that certain Directors will serve for longer than nine years to 
ensure that the changes to be implemented are made in an orderly and structured 
manner. Further details of this process can be found in the Chairman's 
The Board subscribes to the view that long serving Directors should not 
necessarily be prevented from forming part of an independent majority. The 
Board considers that a Director's tenure does not necessarily reduce his or her 
ability to act independently and will continue to assess each Director's 
independence annually, through a formal performance evaluation. 
Appointments to the board 
The Nominations Committee considers annually the skills possessed by the Board 
and identifies any skill shortages to be filled by new Directors. 
The rules governing the appointment and replacement of Directors are set out in 
the Company's articles of association and the aforementioned succession 
planning policy. Where the Board appoints a new Director during the year, that 
Director will stand for election by shareholders at the next AGM. Subject to 
there being no conflict of interest, all Directors are entitled to vote on 
candidates for the appointment of new Directors and on the recommendation for 
shareholders' approval for the Directors seeking re-election at the AGM. When 
considering new appointments, the Board endeavours to ensure that it has the 
capabilities required to be effective and oversee the Company's strategic 
priorities. This will include an appropriate range, balance and diversity of 
skills, experience and knowledge. The Company is committed to ensuring that any 
vacancies arising are filled by the most qualified candidates. 
Diversity policy 
The Company supports the objectives of improving the performance of corporate 
boards by encouraging the appointment of the best people from a range of 
differing perspectives and backgrounds. The Company recognises the benefits of 
diversity (of which gender is one aspect) on the Board and takes this into 
account in its Board appointments. The Company is committed to ensuring that 
its director search processes actively seek men and women with the right 
qualifications so that appointments can be made, on the basis of merit, against 
objective criteria from a diverse selection of candidates. The Board actively 
considers diversity during director searches. 
The Board is continuing with the process of refreshing its membership. Its 
intention is for there to continue to be not less than one-third of its 
membership as women and for there to be at least one Director from an ethnic 
minority background. 
The number of meetings held during the year of the Board and its Committees, 
and each Director's attendance level, is shown below: 
                                                                                Engagement & 
                                                      Audit & Risk  Nominations Remuneration 
Type and number of meetings held in 2021        Board    Committee    Committee    Committee 
                                                  (4)          (2)          (1)          (1) 
Sir Martin Smith^                                   4            -            1            1 
Sarah Bates                                         4            2            1            1 
Sven Borho*                                         4            -            -            - 
Dr David Holbrook+                                  1            1            -            - 
Humphrey van der Klugt                              4            2            1            1 
Doug McCutcheon                                     4            2            1            1 
Dr Bina Rawal                                       4            2            1            1 
^         Sir Martin Smith is not a member of the Audit & Risk Committee 
*          Sven Borho does not sit on any of the Company's Committees 
+         Dr. Holbrook retired from the Board on 8 July 2021 
All of the serving Directors attended the Annual General Meeting held on 8 July 
During the year the performance of the Board, its committees and individual 
Directors (including each Director's independence) was evaluated through a 
formal assessment led by the Senior Independent Director. The performance of 
the Chairman was also evaluated by the Senior Independent Director. The review 
concluded that the Board was working well. The Board is satisfied that the 
structure, mix of skills and operation of the Board continue to be effective 
and relevant for the Company. 
As an independent external review of the Board was undertaken in 2021 the next 
such review will be held in 2024. 
The Board pays close attention to the capacity of individual Directors to carry 
out their work on behalf of the Company. In recommending individual Directors 
to shareholders for re-election, it considered their other Board positions and 
their time commitments and is satisfied that each Director has the capacity to 
be fully engaged with the Company's business. The Board has considered the 
position of all of the Directors as part of the evaluation process, and 
believes that it would be in the Company's best interests to propose them for 
re-election (with the exception of Sir Martin Smith who will be retiring from 
the Board at the conclusion of this year's AGM) at the forthcoming AGM for the 
following reasons: 
Sarah Bates has been a Director since May 2013. Sarah is a past Chair of the 
Association of Investment Companies and has a wealth of experience of the 
investment trust sector. She has been involved in the UK savings and investment 
industry in different roles for over 35 years. Sarah is the Chair of the 
Nominations Committee and the Senior Independent Director. 
Sven Borho joined the Board in June 2018. Sven is a founder and Managing 
Partner of OrbiMed and heads their public Equity team and is the portfolio 
Manager for OrbiMed's public equity and hedge funds. 
Humphrey van der Klugt joined the Board in February 2016. A former fund manager 
and Director of Schroder Investment Management Limited, Humphrey has extensive 
experience of the investment trust sector. He is a Chartered Accountant, and 
Chairman of the Audit Committee. 
Doug McCutcheon joined the Board in November 2012. Doug was an investment 
banker at S.G Warburg and then UBS for 25 years, most recently as the head of 
Healthcare Investment Banking for Europe, the Middle East, Africa and 
Asia-Pacific. He is Chairman of the Management Engagement & Remuneration 
Committee. Doug will become Chairman of the Company following the retirement of 
Sir Martin Smith. 
Dr Bina Rawal joined the Board on November 2019. A physician with 25 years' 
experience in life sciences research and development, she has held senior 
executive roles in drug development and scientific evaluation in four global 
pharmaceutical companies. Bina will become chair of the Management Engagement & 
Remuneration Committee when Doug McCutcheon becomes Chairman of the Company. 
The Chairman is pleased to report that following a formal performance 
evaluation, the Directors' performance continues to be effective and they 
continue to demonstrate commitment to the role. 
New appointees to the Board are provided with a full induction programme. The 
programme covers the Company's investment strategy, policies and practices. The 
Directors are also given key information on the Company's regulatory and 
statutory requirements as they arise including information on the role of the 
Board, matters reserved for its decision, the terms of reference of the Board 
Committees, the Company's corporate governance practices and procedures and the 
latest financial information. It is the Chairman's responsibility to ensure 
that the Directors have sufficient knowledge to fulfil their role and Directors 
are encouraged to participate in training courses where appropriate. 
The Directors have access to the advice and services of a Company Secretary 
through its appointed representative which is responsible to the Board for 
ensuring that Board procedures are followed and that applicable rules and 
regulations are complied with. The Company Secretary is also responsible for 
ensuring good information flows between all parties. 
There is an agreed procedure for Directors, in the furtherance of their duties, 
to take independent professional advice if necessary at the Company's expense. 
The Board has overall responsibility for the Company's risk management and 
internal control systems and for reviewing their effectiveness. The Company 
applies the guidance published by the Financial Reporting Council on internal 
controls. Internal control systems are designed to manage, rather than 
eliminate, the risk of failure to achieve the business objective and can 
provide only reasonable and not absolute assurance against material 
misstatement or loss. These controls aim to ensure that the assets of the 
Company are safeguarded, that proper accounting records are maintained and that 
the Company's financial information is reliable. The Directors have a robust 
process for identifying, evaluating and managing the significant risks faced by 
the Company, which are recorded in a risk matrix. The Audit Committee, on 
behalf of the Board, considers each risk as well as reviewing the mitigating 
controls in place. Each risk is rated for its "likelihood" and "impact" and the 
resultant numerical rating determines its ranking into 'Principal/Key', 
'Significant' or 'Minor'. This process was in operation during the year and 
continues in place up to the date of this report. The process also involves the 
Audit Committee receiving and examining regular reports from the Company's 
principal service providers. The Board then receives a detailed report from the 
Audit Committee on its findings. The Directors have not identified any 
significant failures or weaknesses in respect of the Company's internal control 
Beneficial owners of shares who have been nominated by the registered holder of 
those shares to receive information rights under section 146 of the Companies 
Act 2006 are required to direct all communications to the registered holder of 
their shares rather than to the Company's registrar, Link Group, or to the 
Company directly. 
The Company has adopted a nominee share code which is set out on the following 
The annual and half-year financial reports, and a monthly fact sheet are 
available to all shareholders. The Board, with the advice of Frostrow, reviews 
the format of the annual and half-year financial reports so as to ensure they 
are useful to all shareholders and others taking an interest in the Company. In 
accordance with best practice, the annual report, including the Notice of the 
Annual General Meeting, is sent to shareholders at least 20 working days before 
the meeting. Separate resolutions are proposed for substantive issues. 
The following information to be considered at the forthcoming annual general 
meeting is important and requires your immediate attention. 
If you are in any doubt about the action you should take, you should seek 
advice from your stock broker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other 
financial adviser authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 
(as amended). If you have sold or transferred all of your ordinary shares in 
the Company, you should pass this document, together with any other 
accompanying documents, including the form of proxy, at once to the purchaser 
or transferee, or to the stock broker, bank or other agent through whom the 
sale or transfer was effected, for onward transmission to the purchaser or 
The Company's Annual General Meeting will be held at etc.Venues, 1-3 Bonhill 
Street, London EC2A 4BY on Wednesday, 6 July 2022 from 12.30 p.m. Please refer 
to the Chairman's Statement for details of this year's arrangements. 
Resolutions relating to the following items of special business will be 
proposed at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. 
Resolution 11    Authority to allot shares 
Resolution 12    Authority to disapply pre-emption rights 
Resolution 13    Authority to sell shares held in Treasury on a non pre-emptive basis 
Resolution 14    Authority to buy-back shares 
Resolution 15    Authority to hold General Meetings (other than the Annual General 
                 Meeting) on at least 14 clear days' notice 
The full text of the resolutions can be found in the Notice of Annual General 
The Board and the AIFM have delegated authority to OrbiMed to vote the shares 
owned by the Company. The Board has instructed that OrbiMed submit votes for 
such shares wherever possible. This accords with current best practice whilst 
maintaining a primary focus on financial returns. OrbiMed may refer to the 
Board on any matters of a contentious nature. The Board has reviewed OrbiMed's 
Voting Guidelines and is satisfied with their approach. 
The Company does not retain voting rights on any shares that are held as 
collateral in connection with the overdraft facility provided by J.P. Morgan 
Securities LLC. 
Where shares are held in a nominee company name, the Company undertakes: 
  * to provide the nominee company with multiple copies of shareholder 
    communications, so long as an indication of quantities has been provided in 
    advance; and 
  * to allow investors holding shares through a nominee company to attend 
    general meetings, provided the correct authority from the nominee company 
    is available. 
Nominee companies are encouraged to provide the necessary authority to 
underlying shareholders to attend the Company's general meetings. 
By order of the Board 
Frostrow Capital LLP 
Company Secretary 
26 May 2022 
I am pleased to present my formal report to shareholders as Chairman of the 
Audit & Risk Committee, for the year ended 31 March 2022. During the year under 
review, a decision was made to rename the Audit Committee as the Audit & Risk 
Committee. The change was made because the Committee carries out a full and 
thorough review of the risks associated with the Company and the Board agreed 
that this should better be reflected in the name of the Committee. 
The Committee comprises those Directors considered to be independent by the 
Board. The Chairman of the Board is not a member of the Committee but attends 
meetings by invitation. The Committee met twice during the year. The Board has 
taken note of the requirements that the Committee as a whole should have 
competence relevant to the sector in which the Company operates and that at 
least one member of the Committee should have recent and relevant financial 
experience. The Committee is satisfied that it is properly constituted in both 
respects. I was appointed Chairman of the Committee in 2016 and am a Fellow of 
the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, I am also the 
Chairman of the Audit & Risk Committee of one other public company; the other 
Committee members have a combination of financial, investment and other 
relevant experience gained throughout their careers. 
The Committee's main responsibilities during the year were: 
 1. To review the Company's Half-Year and Annual Report. In particular, the 
    Committee considered and advised the Board on whether the Annual Report and 
    the Financial Statements, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and 
    understandable, allowing shareholders to more easily assess the Company's 
    strategy, investment policy, business model and financial performance. 
 2. To review the risk management and internal control processes of the Company 
    and its key service providers. Further details of the Committee's review 
    are included in the Principal Risks section.. 
 3. To develop and implement a policy for the engagement of the external 
    Auditors and agreeing the scope of its work and its remuneration. Also, to 
    be responsible for the selection process of the external Auditors 
    (including the leadership of an audit tender process) and to have primary 
    responsibility for the Company's relationship with the external Auditors. 
 4. To review the effectiveness of the external audit and the process. 
 5. To review the independence and objectivity of the external Auditors. 
 6. To consider any non-audit work to be carried out by the Auditors. The 
    Committee reviews the need for non-audit services to be provided by the 
    Auditors and authorises such on a case by case basis, having consideration 
    to the cost effectiveness of the services and the independence and 
    objectivity of the Auditors. 
 7. To consider the need for an internal audit function. Since the Company 
    delegates its day-to-day operations to third parties and has no employees, 
    the Committee has determined there is no requirement for such a function. 
 8. To assess the going concern and viability of the Company, including the 
    assumptions used. 
 9. To report its findings to the Board. 
A comprehensive description of the Committee's role, its duties and 
responsibilities, can be found in its terms of reference which are available 
for review on the Company's website at www.worldwidewh.com. 
Financial Statements 
The production of the Company's Annual Report (including the audit by the 
Company's external Auditors) is a thorough process involving input from a 
number of different areas. In order to be able to confirm that the Annual 
Report is fair, balanced and understandable, the Board has requested that the 
Committee advise on whether it considers these criteria have been satisfied. As 
part of this process the Committee has considered the following: 
  * the procedures followed in the production of the Annual Report, including 
    the processes in place to assure the accuracy of the factual content; 
  * the extensive levels of review that were undertaken in the production 
    process, by the Company's AIFM and the Committee; and 
  * the internal control environment as operated by the Portfolio Manager, AIFM 
    and other service providers. 
As a result of the work undertaken by the Committee, it has confirmed to the 
Board that the Annual Report and the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 
March 2022, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable and provides 
the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Company's financial 
position, performance, business model and strategy. 
Audit Regulation 
While the Committee has not had to consider any new audit regulations in the 
past year, there have been a number of initiatives to consider including with 
regard to the roles, responsibilities and accountability of Directors, Audit 
Committees, Auditors and the Regulator itself, with reports published by 
Kingman, Brydon and the CMA. The Business Enterprise, Industry and Skills 
(BEIS) Select Committee has also published a report containing its views on the 
future of audit. The Committee will continue to keep a close review of 
In addition to this, the Committee also reviews the outcomes of the FRC's 
annual Audit Quality Reviews and discusses the findings with our Auditors. 
Overall accuracy of the annual report 
The Committee dealt with this matter by considering the draft Annual Report, a 
letter from Frostrow in support of the letter of representation made by the 
Board to the Auditors and the Auditors' Report to the Committee. 
Valuation and ownership of the company's investments and derivatives 
The Committee dealt with this matter by: 
  * ensuring that all investment holdings and cash/ deposit balances had been 
    agreed to an independent confirmation from the Custodian and Prime Broker 
    or relevant counterparty. In addition, receiving and reviewing details of 
    the internal control procedures in place at the Portfolio Manager, the AIFM 
    and the Custodian and Prime Broker and also regular reports from both the 
    Custodian and Prime Broker and also the Depositary (whose role it is to 
    ensure that the Company's assets are safeguarded and to verify their 
  * reconfirming its understanding of the processes in place to record 
    investment transactions and income, and to value both the quoted and 
    unquoted holdings in the portfolio; 
  * reviewing and amending, where necessary, the Company's register of key 
    risks in light of changes to the portfolio and the investment environment; 
  * gaining an overall understanding of the performance of the portfolio both 
    in capital and revenue terms through comparison to the Benchmark; and 
  * conducting a review of how the Company's derivative positions were 
Valuation of unquoted investments 
The Company has the ability to make unquoted investments within its investment 
portfolio, up to a limit of 10% of the portfolio at the time of acquisition. 
Both the Company's Directors and the AIFM need to ensure that an appropriate 
value is placed on such investments within the Company's net asset value. The 
Committee has worked with the Company's Portfolio Manager and the AIFM to 
establish clear guidelines for the valuation of unquoted investments, including 
the use of valuations produced by independent external valuers, where 
The Committee continued to pay particular attention to the effects and 
potential effects on the Company of the COVID-19 pandemic. The long-term effect 
of the pandemic on the global economy is becoming clearer and the Committee 
will continue to monitor the impact of COVID-19, which is also captured in the 
Company's risk register. 
In order to mitigate the business risks caused by the pandemic, the Committee 
continues to review the operational resilience of its various service 
providers, who have continued to demonstrate their ability to provide services 
to the expected level, whilst doing so remotely. 
Calculation of AIFM, portfolio management and performance fees 
The AIFM, Portfolio Management and Performance fees are calculated in 
accordance with the AIFM and Portfolio Management Agreements. The Auditors 
perform agreed upon procedures over any performance fee prior to payment. The 
Auditors also recalculate the AIFM and Portfolio Management fee as part of the 
Investment trust status 
The Committee approached and dealt with ensuring compliance with Section 1158 
of the Corporation Tax Act 2010, by seeking confirmation from Frostrow that the 
Company continues to meet the eligibility conditions on a monthly basis. 
Investment performance 
The Committee gained an overall understanding of the performance of the 
investment portfolio both in capital and revenue terms through ongoing 
discussions and analysis with the Company's Portfolio Manager and also with 
comparison to suitable key performance indicators. 
Accounting policies 
During the year the Committee ensured that the accounting policies were applied 
consistently throughout the year. In light of there being no unusual 
transactions during the year or other possible reasons, the Committee agreed 
that there was no reason to change the policies. 
Going concern 
Having reviewed the Company's financial position and liabilities, the Committee 
is satisfied that it is appropriate for the Board to prepare the financial 
statements on the going concern basis. The Committee's review of the Company's 
financial position included consideration of the cash and cash equivalent 
position of the Company; the diversification of the portfolio; and the analysis 
of portfolio liquidity, which estimated a liquidation of c.92% of the portfolio 
within 10 trading days (based on current market volumes). 
Viability statement 
The Committee also considered the longer-term viability of the Company in 
connection with the Board's statement in the Strategic Report. The Committee 
reviewed the Company's financial position (including its cash flows and 
liquidity position), the principal risks and uncertainties, the expectation 
that the Company will pass the next continuation vote in 2024, and the results 
of stress tests and scenarios which considered the impact of severe stock 
market volatility on shareholders' funds. This included modelling substantial 
market falls, and significantly reduced market liquidity. The scenarios assumed 
that there would be no recovery in asset prices and that listed portfolio 
companies which have cut or cancelled any dividends due since the coronavirus 
outbreak would not reinstate them. 
The results demonstrated the impact on the Company's NAV, its expenses, its 
cash flows and its ability to meet its liabilities. In even the most stressed 
scenario, the Company was shown to have sufficient cash, or to be able to 
liquidate a sufficient portion of its listed holdings, in order to be able to 
meet its liabilities as they fall due. Based on the information available to 
the Directors at the time, the Committee therefore concluded it was reasonable 
for the Board to expect that the Company will be able to continue in operation 
and meet its liabilities as they fall due over the next five financial years. 
The Committee expects that the Company will continue to exist for the 
foreseeable future and at least for the period of the assessment. 
The Board is responsible for the risk assessment and review of internal 
controls of the Company, undertaken in the context of the overall investment 
The review covers the key business, operational, compliance and financial risks 
facing the Company. In arriving at its judgement of what risks the Company 
faces, the Board has considered the Company's operations in the light of the 
following factors: 
  * the nature of the Company, with all management functions outsourced to 
    third party service providers; 
  * the nature and extent of risks which it regards as acceptable for the 
    Company to bear within its overall investment objective; 
  * the threat of such risks becoming a reality; and 
  * the Company's ability to reduce the incidence and impact of risk on its 
Against this background, a risk matrix has been developed which covers all key 
risks the Company faces, the likelihood of their occurrence and their potential 
impact, how these risks are monitored and mitigating controls in place. The 
Board has delegated to the Committee the responsibility for the review and 
maintenance of the risk matrix and it reviews, in detail, the risk matrix each 
time it meets, bearing in mind any changes to the Company, its environment or 
service providers since the last review. Any significant changes to the risk 
matrix are discussed with the whole Board. 
Principal service providers 
In addition to reviewing the systems of internal control in place at the 
Company's principal service providers, the Committee also reviewed the cyber 
security strategies adopted by them. 
Half year report and financial statements 
The Committee reviewed the Half Year Report and Financial Statements, which are 
not audited or reviewed by the external Auditors, to ensure that the accounting 
policies used in the Annual Financial Statements were also used at the 
half-year stage and that they portrayed a fair balanced and understandable 
picture of the period in question. 
The Committee considered whether there was a need for the Company to have an 
internal audit function. As the Company delegates its day-to-day operations to 
third parties and has no employees, the Committee concluded that there was no 
such need. 
This year the nature and scope of the audit together with 
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP's audit plan were considered by the Committee on 3 
November 2021. I, as Chairman of the Committee, had a separate meeting with 
them specifically to discuss the audit and any issues that arose. The Committee 
then met PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP on 23 May 2022 via video conference to 
review formally the outcome of the audit and to discuss the limited issues that 
arose. The Committee also discussed the presentation of the Annual Report with 
the Auditors and sought their perspective. 
Independence and effectiveness 
In order to fulfil the Committee's responsibility regarding the independence of 
the Auditors, the Committee reviewed: 
  * the senior audit personnel in the audit plan for the year, 
  * the Auditors' arrangements concerning any conflicts of interest, 
  * the extent of any non-audit services, and 
  * the statement by the Auditors that they remain independent within the 
    meaning of the regulations and their professional standards. 
The Committee approved a fee of £46,725 for the audit for the year ended 31 
March 2022 (2021: £44,500). While this represents an increase on the previous 
year's fee, the Committee believes that the fee is in line with general audit 
fees payable for the quoted investment trust sector and is reflective of the 
level of work required to audit a listed company. 
Non-audit services policy 
The Company operates on the basis whereby the provision of all non-audit 
services by the Auditors has to be pre-approved by the Committee. Such services 
are only permissible where no conflicts of interest arise, the service is not 
expressly prohibited by audit legislation, where the independence of the 
Auditors is not likely to be impinged by undertaking the work and the quality 
and the objectivity of both the non-audit work and audit work will not be 
compromised. The Committee will monitor the need for non-audit work to be 
performed by the Auditors, if any, in accordance with the Company's non-audit 
services policy. A copy of the Company's non-audit services policy can be found 
on the Company's website at www.worldwidewh.com 
Non-audit fees of £5,000 (2021: nil) were payable to the Auditors during the 
year for agreed upon procedures in relation to their review of the Company's 
performance fee payment. 
The Committee has considered the extent and nature of non-audit work performed 
by the Auditors and is satisfied that this did not impinge on their 
independence and is a cost effective way for the Company to operate. 
Appointment and tenure 
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP were appointed on 14 July 2014 following a formal 
tender process and this appointment has been renewed at each subsequent AGM. 
As a public company listed on the London Stock Exchange, the Company is subject 
to mandatory auditor rotation requirements. The Company will put the external 
audit out to tender at least every 10 years, and change auditor at least every 
20 years. The Committee will, however, continue to consider annually the need 
to go to tender for audit quality, remuneration or independence reasons. Unless 
any such grounds for change arise in the interim, it is expected that the next 
audit tender will take place in the autumn of 2023, in order that the 
successful candidate's appointment or re-appointment can be approved by 
shareholders at the AGM to be held in 2024. A range of audit firms will be 
considered not just those who are considered to be part of the "Big Four" group 
of audit firms. The Committee will be mindful of any potential conflicts of 
interest. Any firms providing services to the Company within a two-year period 
of the date of the audit tender will be unable to participate. 
The Committee has adopted formal audit tender guidelines to govern the audit 
tender process. 
Auditors' reappointment 
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP have indicated their willingness to continue to act 
as Auditors to the Company for the forthcoming year and a resolution for their 
re-appointment will be proposed at the AGM. 
The Committee reviews the scope and effectiveness of the audit process, 
including agreeing the Auditors' assessment of materiality and monitors the 
Auditors' independence and objectivity. It conducted a review of the 
performance of the Auditors during the year and concluded that performance was 
satisfactory and there were no grounds for change. 
The Committee's performance over the past year was reviewed and discussed as 
part of the annual Board evaluation. The evaluation considered the composition 
of the Committee and the efficacy of Committee meetings, as well as assessing 
the Committee's role in monitoring and overseeing the Company's financial 
reporting and accounting, risk management and internal controls, compliance 
with corporate governance regulations and also the assessment of the external 
This year, an internal evaluation was completed and I am pleased to confirm 
that the evaluation result was positive and no matters of concern or 
requirements for change were highlighted. 
The Audit & Risk Committee confirms that it has carried out a review of the 
effectiveness of the system of internal financial control and risk management 
during the year, as set out above and that: 
 a. An ongoing procedure for identifying, evaluating and managing significant 
    risks faced by the Company was in place for the year under review and up to 
    27 May 2022. This procedure is regularly reviewed by the Board; and 
 b. It is responsible (on behalf of the Board) for the Company's system of 
    internal controls and for reviewing its effectiveness and that it is 
    designed to manage the risk of failure to achieve business objectives. This 
    can only provide reasonable not absolute assurance against material 
    misstatement or loss. 
Humphrey van der Klugt, FCA 
Chairman of the Audit & Risk Committee 
26 May 2022 
This report has been prepared in accordance with Schedule 8 of the Large and 
Medium-sized Companies and Groups (Accounts and Reports) (Amendment) Regulation 
2013, the requirements of Section 421 of the Companies Act 2006 and the 
Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013. A non-binding Ordinary Resolution 
for the approval of this report will be put to shareholders at the Company's 
forthcoming AGM. The law requires the Company's Auditors to audit certain of 
the disclosures provided in this report. Where disclosures have been audited, 
they are indicated as such and the Auditors' audit opinion is included in its 
report to shareholders. 
The Management Engagement & Remuneration Committee considers the framework for 
the remuneration of the Directors on an annual basis. It reviews the ongoing 
appropriateness of the Directors' Remuneration Policy and the individual 
remuneration of Directors by reference to the activities and particular 
complexities of the Company and comparison with other companies of a similar 
structure and size. This is in-line with the AIC Code. 
A non-binding Ordinary Resolution proposing the adoption of the Directors' 
Remuneration Report was put to shareholders at the Annual General Meeting of 
the Company held on 8 July 2021, and was passed with 99.9% of the votes cast by 
shareholders voting in favour of the Resolution. 
As noted in the Strategic Report, all of the Directors are non-executive and 
therefore there is no Chief Executive Officer. The Company does not have any 
employees. There is therefore no Chief Executive Officer or employee 
information to disclose. 
Directors' remuneration policy 
The Directors' Remuneration Policy provides that fees payable to the Directors 
should reflect the time spent by the Board on the Company's affairs and the 
responsibilities borne by the Directors and should be sufficient to enable 
candidates of high calibre to be recruited. Directors are remunerated in the 
form of fees payable monthly in arrears, paid to the Director personally or to 
a specified third party. There are no long-term incentive schemes, share option 
schemes, pension arrangements, bonuses, or other benefits in place and fees are 
not specifically related to the Directors' performance, either individually or 
The remuneration for the non-executive Directors is determined within the 
limits set out in the Company's Articles of Association. The present limit is £ 
350,000 in aggregate per annum. The amount paid in aggregate to the Directors 
in 2022 is set out in the table on the following page. 
A binding resolution to approve the Directors' Remuneration Policy was put to 
shareholders at the Annual General Meeting held in 2020, and was passed with 
99.8% of shareholders voting in favour of the Resolution. The aforementioned 
Directors' Remuneration Policy provisions apply until the next time that they 
are put to shareholders for the renewal of that approval, which must be at 
intervals of not more than three years, or if the Directors' Remuneration 
Policy is varied. As approval of this policy was last granted by shareholders 
at the Annual General Meeting held in July 2020, shareholder approval will 
again be sought at the Annual General Meeting to be held in 2023. 
Directors' appointment 
None of the Directors has a service contract. The terms of their appointment 
provide that Directors shall retire and be subject to election at the first 
Annual General Meeting after their appointment and to re-election annually 
thereafter. The terms also provide that a Director may be removed without 
notice and that compensation will not be due on leaving office. 
Directors' fees 
Following a review by the Management Engagement & Remuneration Committee it was 
agreed that the Directors' fees would not be increased with effect from 1 April 
All of the Directors, as at the date of this report, served throughout the 
year. The table overleaf excludes any employer's national insurance 
contributions, if applicable. 
The Directors are entitled to be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred by 
them in connection with the performance of their duties and attendance at Board 
and General Meetings. 
                                              Year Ending                Year Ended 
                                            31 March 2023             31 March 2022 
                                                Fee Level     2023 %      Fee Level    2022 % 
Director                                      (per annum)     Change    (per annum)    Change 
Chairman                                          £53,150         -         £53,150       4.0 
Audit & Risk Committee Chair                      £41,133          -        £41,133       4.0 
Senior Independent Director                       £35,389          -        £35,389       4.0 
Director                                          £33,573          -        £33,573       4.0 
Sums paid to third parties 
None of the fees referred to in the below table were paid to any third party in 
respect of the services provided by any of the Directors. 
Directors' emoluments for the year (audited) 
                                              Taxable                       Taxable 
                          Date of     Fixed  Expenses               Fixed  Expenses 
                                       fees                          fees 
                      Appointment       (£)      (£)? Total (£)       (£)      (£)? Total (£) 
                     to the Board      2022      2022      2022      2021      2021      2021 
Sir Martin Smith       8 November    53,150       865    54,015    51,106         -    51,106 
Humphrey Van Der      15 February    41,133         -    41,133    39,551         -    39,551 
Klugt                        2016 
Sarah Bates#          22 May 2013    35,389         -    35,389    32,282         -    32,282 
Dr David Holbrook^     8 November     9,833         -     9,833    34,622         -    34,622 
Doug McCutcheon        7 November    33,573         -    33,573    32,282         -    32,282 
Sven Borho*           7 June 2018         -         -         -         -         -         - 
Dr Bina Rawal          1 November    33,573         -    33,573    32,282         -    32,282 
Total                               206,651       865   207,516   222,125         -   222,125 
  * Taxable expenses primarily comprise travel and associated expenses incurred 
    by the Directors in attending Board and Committee meetings in London. These 
    are reimbursed by the Company and, under HMRC Rules, are subject to tax and 
    National Insurance and therefore are treated as a benefit in kind within 
    this table. 
*          Mr Borho has waived his Director's fee. 
^          Dr Holbrook retired from the Board on 8 July 2021. 
#         Sarah Bates was appointed as the Senior Independent Director with 
effect from 8 July 2021. 
In certain circumstances, under HMRC rules travel and other out of pocket 
expenses reimbursed to the Directors may be considered as taxable benefits. 
Where expenses are classed as taxable under HMRC guidance, they are shown in 
the taxable expenses column of the Directors' remuneration table along with the 
associated tax liability. 
No communications have been received from shareholders regarding Directors' 
Directors' interests in the company's shares (audited) 
                                                                         Shares of 25p each 
                                                                 31 March          31 March 
                                                                     2022              2021 
Sir Martin Smith                                                   11,871            11,871 
  - Trustee                                                         2,725             2,725 
Sarah Bates                                                         7,200             7,200 
Dr David Holbrook*                                                      -             1,094 
Sven Borho                                                         10,000            10,000 
Humphrey van der Klugt                                              3,000             3,000 
Doug McCutcheon                                                    20,000            15,000 
Dr Bina Rawal                                                       1,810             1,000 
                                                                   56,606            51,890 
*          Dr Holbrook retired from the Board on 8 July 2021. 
Share price total return 
The chart below illustrates the total shareholder return for a holding in the 
Company's shares as compared to the Benchmark, which the Board has adopted as 
the key measure of the Company's performance. 
Relative cost of directors' remuneration 
The bar chart below shows the comparative cost of Directors' fees compared with 
the level of dividend distribution and ongoing charges for 2021 and 2022. 
Annual statement 
On behalf of the Board, I confirm that the Directors' Remuneration Policy, and 
Directors' Remuneration Report summarise, as applicable, for the year to 31 
March 2022: 
 a. the major decisions on Directors' remuneration; 
 b. any substantial changes relating to Directors' remuneration made during the 
    year; and 
 c. the context in which the changes occurred and decisions have been taken. 
Doug McCutcheon 
Chair of the Management Engagement & Remuneration Committee 
26 May 2022 
In our opinion, Worldwide Healthcare Trust PLC's financial statements: 
  * give a true and fair view of the state of the Company's affairs as at 31 
    March 2022 and of its loss and cash flows for the year then ended; 
  * have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally 
    Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards, 
    comprising FRS 102 "The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK 
    and Republic of Ireland", and applicable law); and 
  * have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 
We have audited the financial statements, included within the Annual Report, 
which comprise: the Statement of Financial Position as at 31 March 2022; the 
Income Statement, the Statement of Changes in Equity and the Statement of Cash 
Flows for the year then ended; and the notes to the financial statements, which 
include a description of the significant accounting policies. 
Our opinion is consistent with our reporting to the Audit & Risk Committee. 
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing 
(UK) ("ISAs (UK)") and applicable law. Our responsibilities under ISAs (UK) are 
further described in the Auditors' responsibilities for the audit of the 
financial statements section of our report. We believe that the audit evidence 
we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our 
We remained independent of the Company in accordance with the ethical 
requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements in the 
UK, which includes the FRC's Ethical Standard, as applicable to listed public 
interest entities, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in 
accordance with these requirements. 
To the best of our knowledge and belief, we declare that non-audit services 
prohibited by the FRC's Ethical Standard were not provided. 
Other than those disclosed in the Audit & Risk Committee Report, we have 
provided no non-audit services to the Company in the period under audit. 
Audit scope 
  * The Company is a standalone Investment Trust Company and engages Frostrow 
    Capital LLP (the "AIFM") to manage its assets. 
  * We conducted our audit of the financial statements using information from 
    the AIFM and J.P. Morgan Europe Limited with whom the AIFM have engaged to 
    provide certain administrative functions. 
  * We tailored the scope of our audit taking into account the types of 
    investments within the Company, the involvement of the third parties 
    referred to above, the accounting processes and controls, and the industry 
    in which the Company operates. 
  * We obtained an understanding of the control environment in place at the 
    AIFM and adopted a fully substantive testing approach using reports 
    obtained from the AIFM and service providers. 
Key audit matters 
  * Income from Investments 
  * Valuation and existence of investments 
  * Overall materiality: £22,682,000 (2021: £23,600,000) based on approximately 
    1% of net assets. 
  * Performance materiality: £17,011,000 (2021: £17,700,000). 
The scope of our audit 
As part of designing our audit, we determined materiality and assessed the 
risks of material misstatement in the financial statements. 
In planning our audit, we made enquiries of management to understand the extent 
of the potential impact of climate change risk on the Company's financial 
The Directors and the AIFM concluded that there was no material impact on the 
financial statements. Our 
evaluation of this included assessing how the Directors had incorporated 
climate risk factors into the key area of judgement and estimation in the 
financial statements, being in relation to the process of valuation of unlisted 
investments. We also considered the consistency of the climate change 
disclosures included in the Strategic Report with the financial statements and 
our knowledge from our audit. 
Key audit matters 
Key audit matters are those matters that, in the auditors' professional 
judgement, were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements 
of the current period and include the most significant assessed risks of 
material misstatement (whether or not due to fraud) identified by the auditors, 
including those which had the greatest effect on: the overall audit strategy; 
the allocation of resources in the audit; and directing the efforts of the 
engagement team. These matters, and any comments we make on the results of our 
procedures thereon, were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial 
statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not 
provide a separate opinion on these matters. 
This is not a complete list of all risks identified by our audit. 
Consideration of the impacts of COVID-19 and calculation of the performance fee 
accrual, which were key audit matters last year, are no longer included because 
of the reduced uncertainty of the impact of COVID-19 and the absence of a 
performance fee in the current year. Otherwise, the key audit matters below are 
consistent with last year. 
Income from investments 
Refer to the Audit & Risk       We assessed the accounting policy for income recognition 
Committee Report), the          for compliance with accounting standards and the AIC SORP 
Principal Accounting            and performed testing to confirm that income had been 
Policies and the Notes to       accounted for in accordance with this stated accounting 
the Financial Statements).      policy. 
ISAs (UK) presume there is a    We found that the accounting policies implemented were in 
risk of fraud in income         accordance with accounting standards and the AIC SORP, and 
recognition because of the      that income has been accounted for in accordance with the 
pressure management may feel    stated accounting policy. 
to achieve a certain            We understood and assessed the design and implementation of 
objective. In this instance,    key controls surrounding income recognition. 
we consider that 'income'       The gains/losses on investments held at fair value comprise 
refers to all the Company's     realised and unrealised gains/losses. For unrealised gains 
income streams, both revenue    and losses, we sample tested the valuation of the portfolio 
and capital (including gains    at the year-end (see below), together with testing the 
and losses on investments).     reconciliation of opening and closing investments. For 
As the Company has a capital    realised gains/losses, we tested a sample of disposal 
objective, there might be an    proceeds by agreeing the proceeds to bank statements and we 
incentive to overstate          re-performed the calculation of a sample of realised gains/ 
income in that category if      losses. 
capital is particularly         In addition, we tested a sample of dividend receipts by 
underperforming. As such, we    agreeing the dividend rates from all investments to 
focussed this risk on the       independent third party sources. 
existence/occurrence of         To test for completeness, we tested that the appropriate 
gains/losses on investments     dividends had been received in the year by reference to 
and completeness of dividend    independent data of dividends declared for all listed 
income recognition and its      investments during the year. Our testing did not identify 
presentation in the Income      any unrecorded dividends. 
Statement as set out in the     We tested the allocation and presentation of dividend 
requirements of The             income between the revenue and capital return columns of 
Association of Investment       the Income Statement in line with the requirements set out 
Companies' Statement of         in the AIC SORP. We did not find any special dividends that 
Recommended Practice (the       were not treated in accordance with the AIC SORP. 
"AIC SORP").                    No material misstatements were identified from this 
Valuation and existence of 
Refer to the Audit & Risk       We tested the valuation of all listed investments by 
Committee Report), the          agreeing the prices used in the valuation to independent 
Accounting Policies) and the    third party sources. 
Notes to the Financial          We tested the existence of all listed investments by 
Statements).                    agreeing the holdings of each investment to an independent 
The investment portfolio at     confirmation from the Custodian and Prime Broker, J.P. 
31 March 2022 principally       Morgan Securities LLC, as at 31 March 2022. 
comprised listed equity         For unquoted investments we understood and evaluated the 
investments and unquoted        valuation methodology applied, by reference to the 
debt and equity investments     International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation 
totalled £2,379,848,000.        guidelines (IPEV), and tested the techniques used by the 
We focused on the valuation     Directors in determining the fair value of unquoted 
and existence of investments    investments. Our testing, performed on a sample basis, 
because investments             included: 
represent the principal         We found that the Directors' valuations of unquoted 
element of the net asset        investments were materially consistent with the IPEV 
value as disclosed in the       guidelines and that the assumptions used to derive the 
Statement of Financial          valuations within the financial statements were reasonable 
Position in the financial       based on the investee's circumstances or consistent with 
statements.                     appropriate third party sources. No material misstatements 
                                were identified from this testing. 
                                We tested the existence of the unquoted investment 
                                portfolio by agreeing a sample of the holdings to 
                                independently obtained third party confirmations as at 31 
                                March 2022. No variances were identified from this testing. 
How we tailored the audit scope 
We tailored the scope of our audit to ensure that we performed enough work to 
be able to give an opinion on the financial statements as a whole, taking into 
account the structure of the Company, the accounting processes and controls, 
and the industry in which it operates. 
As part of designing our audit, we determined materiality and assessed the 
risks of material misstatement in the financial statements. In particular, we 
looked at where the Directors made subjective judgements, for example in 
respect of significant accounting estimates that involved making assumptions 
and considering future events that are inherently uncertain. 
The scope of our audit was influenced by our application of materiality. We set 
certain quantitative thresholds for materiality. These, together with 
qualitative considerations, helped us to determine the scope of our audit and 
the nature, timing and extent of our audit procedures on the individual 
financial statement line items and disclosures and in evaluating the effect of 
misstatements, both individually and in aggregate on the financial statements 
as a whole. 
Based on our professional judgement, we determined materiality for the 
financial statements as a whole as follows: 
Overall Company         £22,682,000 (2021: £23,600,000). 
How we determined it    approximately 1% of net assets 
Rationale for benchmark We have applied this benchmark, a generally accepted 
applied                 auditing practice for investment trust audits, in the 
                        absence of indicators that an alternative benchmark 
                        would be appropriate and because we believe this 
                        provides an appropriate and consistent year- on-year 
                        basis for our audit. 
We use performance materiality to reduce to an appropriately low level the 
probability that the aggregate of uncorrected and undetected misstatements 
exceeds overall materiality. Specifically, we use performance materiality in 
determining the scope of our audit and the nature and extent of our testing of 
account balances, classes of transactions and disclosures, for example in 
determining sample sizes. Our performance materiality was 75% (2021: 75%) of 
overall materiality, amounting to £17,011,000 (2021: £17,700,000) for the 
Company financial statements. 
In determining the performance materiality, we considered a number of factors - 
the history of misstatements, risk assessment and aggregation risk and the 
effectiveness of controls - and concluded that an amount at the upper end of 
our normal range was appropriate. 
We agreed with the Audit & Risk Committee that we would report to them 
misstatements identified during our audit above £1,134,000 (2021: £1,180,000) 
as well as misstatements below that amount that, in our view, warranted 
reporting for qualitative reasons. 
Conclusions relating to going concern 
Our evaluation of the Directors' assessment of the Company's ability to 
continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting included: 
  * evaluating the Directors' updated risk assessment and considering whether 
    it addressed relevant threats, including the ongoing impact of Covid-19 and 
    the heightened economic uncertainty as a result of recent global events; 
  * evaluating the Directors' assessment of potential operational impacts, 
    considering their consistency with other available information and our 
    understanding of the business and assessed the potential impact on the 
    financial statements; 
  * reviewing the Directors' assessment of the Company's financial position in 
    the context of its ability to meet future expected operating expenses and 
    debt repayments, their assessment of liquidity as well as their review of 
    the operational resilience of the Company and oversight of key third-party 
    service providers; and 
  * assessing the implications of reductions in NAV as a result of market 
    performance on the ongoing ability of the Company to operate. 
Based on the work we have performed, we have not identified any material 
uncertainties relating to events or conditions that, individually or 
collectively, may cast significant doubt on the Company's ability to continue 
as a going concern for a period of at least twelve months from when the 
financial statements are authorised for issue. 
In auditing the financial statements, we have concluded that the directors' use 
of the going concern basis of accounting in the preparation of the financial 
statements is appropriate. 
However, because not all future events or conditions can be predicted, this 
conclusion is not a guarantee as to the Company's ability to continue as a 
going concern. 
In relation to the directors' reporting on how they have applied the UK 
Corporate Governance Code, we have nothing material to add or draw attention to 
in relation to the directors' statement in the financial statements about 
whether the directors considered it appropriate to adopt the going concern 
basis of accounting. 
Our responsibilities and the responsibilities of the directors with respect to 
going concern are described in the relevant sections of this report. 
Reporting on other information 
The other information comprises all of the information in the Annual Report 
other than the financial statements and our auditors' report thereon. The 
directors are responsible for the other information. Our opinion on the 
financial statements does not cover the other information and, accordingly, we 
do not express an audit opinion or, except to the extent otherwise explicitly 
stated in this report, any form of assurance thereon. 
In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is 
to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other 
information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our 
knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially 
misstated. If we identify an apparent material inconsistency or material 
misstatement, we are required to perform procedures to conclude whether there 
is a material misstatement of the financial statements or a material 
misstatement of the other information. If, based on the work we have performed, 
we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we 
are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report based on these 
With respect to the Strategic report and the Report of the Directors, we also 
considered whether the disclosures required by the UK Companies Act 2006 have 
been included. 
Based on our work undertaken in the course of the audit, the Companies Act 2006 
requires us also to report certain opinions and matters as described below. 
Strategic report and the Report of the Directors 
In our opinion, based on the work undertaken in the course of the audit, the 
information given in the Strategic report and the Report of the Directors for 
the year ended 31 March 2022 is consistent with the financial statements and 
has been prepared in accordance with applicable legal requirements. 
In light of the knowledge and understanding of the Company and its environment 
obtained in the course of the audit, we did not identify any material 
misstatements in the Strategic report and the Report of the Directors. 
Directors' Remuneration 
In our opinion, the part of the Directors' Remuneration Report to be audited 
has been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006. 
Corporate governance statement 
The Listing Rules require us to review the directors' statements in relation to 
going concern, longer-term viability and that part of the corporate governance 
statement relating to the Company's compliance with the provisions of the UK 
Corporate Governance Code specified for our review. Our additional 
responsibilities with respect to the corporate governance statement as other 
information are described in the Reporting on other information section of this 
Based on the work undertaken as part of our audit, we have concluded that each 
of the following elements of the corporate governance statement is materially 
consistent with the financial statements and our knowledge obtained during the 
audit, and we have nothing material to add or draw attention to in relation to: 
  * The Directors' confirmation that they have carried out a robust assessment 
    of the emerging and principal risks; 
  * The disclosures in the Annual Report that describe those principal risks, 
    what procedures are in place to identify emerging risks and an explanation 
    of how these are being managed or mitigated; 
  * The Directors' statement in the financial statements about whether they 
    considered it appropriate to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in 
    preparing them, and their identification of any material uncertainties to 
    the Company's ability to continue to do so over a period of at least twelve 
    months from the date of approval of the financial statements; 
  * The Directors' explanation as to their assessment of the Company's 
    prospects, the period this assessment covers and why the period is 
    appropriate; and 
  * The Directors' statement as to whether they have a reasonable expectation 
    that the Company will be able to continue in operation and meet its 
    liabilities as they fall due over the period of its assessment, including 
    any related disclosures drawing attention to any necessary qualifications 
    or assumptions. 
Our review of the Directors' statement regarding the longer-term viability of 
the group was substantially less in scope than an audit and only consisted of 
making inquiries and considering the Directors' process supporting their 
statement; checking that the statement is in alignment with the relevant 
provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code; and considering whether the 
statement is consistent with the financial statements and our knowledge and 
understanding of the Company and its environment obtained in the course of the 
In addition, based on the work undertaken as part of our audit, we have 
concluded that each of the following elements of the corporate governance 
statement is materially consistent with the financial statements and our 
knowledge obtained during the audit: 
  * The Directors' statement that they consider the Annual Report, taken as a 
    whole, is fair, balanced and understandable, and provides the information 
    necessary for the members to assess the Company's position, performance, 
    business model and strategy; 
  * The section of the Annual Report that describes the review of effectiveness 
    of risk management and internal control systems; and 
  * The section of the Annual Report describing the work of the Audit & Risk 
We have nothing to report in respect of our responsibility to report when the 
directors' statement relating to the Company's compliance with the Code does 
not properly disclose a departure from a relevant provision of the Code 
specified under the Listing Rules for review by the auditors. 
Responsibilities for the financial statements and the audit 
Responsibilities of the directors for the financial statements 
As explained more fully in the Statement of Directors' Responsibilities, the 
directors are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements in 
accordance with the applicable framework and for being satisfied that they give 
a true and fair view. The directors are also responsible for such internal 
control as they determine is necessary to enable the preparation of financial 
statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or 
In preparing the financial statements, the directors are responsible for 
assessing the Company's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as 
applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis 
of accounting unless the directors either intend to liquidate the Company or to 
cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so. 
Auditors' responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements 
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial 
statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud 
or error, and to issue an auditors' report that includes our opinion. 
Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that 
an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs (UK) will always detect a material 
misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and 
are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could 
reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on 
the basis of these financial statements. 
Irregularities, including fraud, are instances of non-compliance with laws and 
regulations. We design procedures in line with our responsibilities, outlined 
above, to detect material misstatements in respect of irregularities, including 
fraud. The extent to which our procedures are capable of detecting 
irregularities, including fraud, is detailed below. 
Based on our understanding of the Company and industry, we identified that the 
principal risks of non-compliance with laws and regulations related to breaches 
of section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010, and we considered the extent 
to which non-compliance might have a material effect on the financial 
statements. We also considered those laws and regulations that have a direct 
impact on the financial statements such as the Companies act 2006. We evaluated 
management's incentives and opportunities for fraudulent manipulation of the 
financial statements (including the risk of override of controls), and 
determined that the principal risks were related to posting inappropriate 
journal entries to increase revenue (investment income and capital gains) or to 
increase net asset value, and management bias in accounting estimates. Audit 
procedures performed by the engagement team included: 
  * discussions with the AIFM and the Audit & Risk Committee, including 
    consideration of known or suspected instances of non-compliance with laws 
    and regulation and fraud; 
  * reviewing relevant meeting minutes, including those of the Audit & Risk 
  * assessment of the Company's compliance with the requirements of section 
    1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010, including recalculation of numerical 
    aspects of the eligibility conditions; 
  * challenging assumptions and judgements made by management in their 
    significant accounting estimates, in particular in relation to the 
    valuation of unquoted investments (see related key audit matter above); 
  * identifying and testing journal entries, in particular any material or 
    revenue-impacting manual journal entries posted as part of the Annual 
    Report preparation process; and 
  * designing audit procedures to incorporate unpredictability around the 
    nature, timing or extent of our testing. 
There are inherent limitations in the audit procedures described above. We are 
less likely to become aware of instances of non-compliance with laws and 
regulations that are not closely related to events and transactions reflected 
in the financial statements. Also, the risk of not detecting a material 
misstatement due to fraud is higher than the risk of not detecting one 
resulting from error, as fraud may involve deliberate concealment by, for 
example, forgery or intentional misrepresentations, or through collusion. 
Our audit testing might include testing complete populations of certain 
transactions and balances, possibly using data auditing techniques. However, it 
typically involves selecting a limited number of items for testing, rather than 
testing complete populations. We will often seek to target particular items for 
testing based on their size or risk characteristics. In other cases, we will 
use audit sampling to enable us to draw a conclusion about the population from 
which the sample is selected. 
A further description of our responsibilities for the audit of the financial 
statements is located on the FRC's website at: www.frc.org.uk/ 
auditorsresponsibilities. This description forms part of our auditors' report. 
Use of this report 
This report, including the opinions, has been prepared for and only for the 
Company's members as a body in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the 
Companies Act 2006 and for no other purpose. We do not, in giving these 
opinions, accept or assume responsibility for any other purpose or to any other 
person to whom this report is shown or into whose hands it may come save where 
expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing. 
Companies Act 2006 exception reporting 
Under the Companies Act 2006 we are required to report to you if, in our 
  * we have not obtained all the information and explanations we require for 
    our audit; or 
  * adequate accounting records have not been kept by the Company, or returns 
    adequate for our audit have not been received from branches not visited by 
    us; or 
  * certain disclosures of directors' remuneration specified by law are not 
    made; or 
  * the financial statements and the part of the Directors' Remuneration Report 
    to be audited are not in agreement with the accounting records and returns. 
We have no exceptions to report arising from this responsibility. 
Following the recommendation of the Audit & Risk Committee, we were appointed 
by the members on 14 July 2014 to audit the financial statements for the year 
ended 31 March 2015 and subsequent financial periods. The period of total 
uninterrupted engagement is 8 years, covering the years ended 31 March 2015 to 
31 March 2022. 
Allan McGrath (Senior Statutory Auditor) 
for and on behalf of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 
Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors 
26 May 2022 
                                                  2022                          2021 
                                     Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue   Capital    Total 
                             Notes     £'000     £'000     £'000     £'000     £'000    £'000 
(Losses)/gains on                9         - (152,475) (152,475)         -   517,267  517,267 
Exchange losses on                         -   (6,342)   (6,342)         -   (6,076)  (6,076) 
currency balances 
Income from investments          2    23,471         -    23,471    19,247         -   19,247 
AIFM, portfolio                  3     (938)     1,061       123     (853)  (47,963) (48,816) 
management and 
performance fees 
Other expenses                   4   (1,305)     (529)   (1,834)   (1,338)     (155)  (1,493) 
Net return/(loss) before              21,228 (158,285) (137,057)    17,056   463,073  480,129 
finance charges and 
Finance costs                    5      (40)     (761)     (801)      (20)     (379)    (399) 
Net return/(loss) before              21,188 (159,046) (137,858)    17,036   462,694  479,730 
Taxation on net return           6   (3,668)         -   (3,668)   (2,712)         -  (2,712) 
Net return/(loss) after               17,520 (159,046) (141,526)    14,324   462,694  477,018 
Return/(loss) per share          7     26.8p   (243.5)   (216.7)     24.1p    777.8p   801.9p 
The "Total" column of this statement is the Income Statement of the Company. 
The "Revenue" and "Capital" columns are supplementary to this and are prepared 
under guidance published by The Association of Investment Companies. 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
The Company has no recognised gains and losses other than those shown above and 
therefore no separate Statement of Total Comprehensive Income has been 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. 
                                         Capital    Share                            Total 
                                Share redemption  premium   Capital  Revenue shareholders' 
                              capital    reserve  account   reserve  reserve         funds 
                                £'000      £'000    £'000     £'000    £'000         £'000 
At 1 April 2021                16,078      8,221  796,357 1,542,628   18,141     2,381,425 
Net (loss)/return after             -          -        - (159,046)   17,520     (141,526) 
Final dividend paid in              -          -        -         - (10,085)      (10,085) 
respect of year ended 31 
March 2021 
Interim dividend paid in            -          -        -         -  (4,586)       (4,586) 
respect of year ended 31 
March 2022 
New shares issued                 307          -   45,242         -        -        45,549 
Shares purchased for                -          -        -   (2,544)        -       (2,544) 
At 31 March 2022               16,385      8,221  841,599 1,381,038   20,990     2,268,233 
                                          Capital    Share                            Total 
                                 Share redemption  premium   Capital  Revenue shareholders' 
                               capital    reserve  account   reserve  reserve         funds 
                                 £'000      £'000    £'000     £'000    £'000         £'000 
At 1 April 2020                 13,406      8,221  418,441 1,079,934   18,296     1,538,298 
Net return after taxation            -          -        -   462,694   14,324       477,018 
Second interim dividend paid         -          -        -         - (10,512)      (10,512) 
in respect of year ended 31 
March 2020 
Interim dividend paid in             -          -        -         -  (3,967)       (3,967) 
respect of year ended 31 
March 2021 
New shares issued                2,672          -  377,916         -        -       380,588 
At 31 March 2021                16,078      8,221  796,357 1,542,628   18,141     2,381,425 
As at 31 March 2022 
                                                                         2022         2021 
                                                           Notes        £'000        £'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                                    9    2,379,848    2,416,038 
Derivative - OTC swaps                                    9 & 10          283       18,864 
                                                                    2,380,131    2,434,902 
Current assets 
Debtors                                                       11       14,724       18,172 
Cash                                                                   26,594       29,595 
                                                                       41,318       47,767 
Current liabilities 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                12    (147,804)     (92,932) 
Derivative - OTC swaps                                    9 & 10      (5,412)      (8,312) 
                                                                    (153,216)    (101,244) 
Net current liabilities                                             (111,898)     (53,477) 
Total net assets                                                    2,268,233    2,381,425 
Capital and reserves 
Share capital                                                 13       16,385       16,078 
Capital redemption reserve                                              8,221        8,221 
Share premium account                                                 841,599      796,357 
Capital reserve                                               17    1,381,038    1,542,628 
Revenue reserve                                                        20,990       18,141 
Total shareholders' funds                                           2,268,233    2,381,425 
Net asset value per share                                     14     3,465.2p     3,703.0p 
The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised 
for issue on 26 May 2022 and were signed on its behalf by: 
Sir Martin Smith 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 
Worldwide Healthcare Trust PLC - Company Registration Number 3023689 
(Registered in England) 
                                                                              2022        2021 
                                                                 Notes       £'000       £'000 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities                 18    (13,329)         931 
Purchases of investments and derivatives                               (1,330,279) (1,709,998) 
Sales of investments and derivatives                                     1,253,138   1,481,508 
Realised (loss)/gain on foreign exchange transactions                      (5,541)       3,205 
Net cash outflow from investing activities                                (82,682)   (225,285) 
Issue of shares                                                     13      48,126     378,728 
Shares repurchased                                                  13     (2,544)           - 
Equity dividends paid                                                     (14,671)    (14,479) 
Interest paid                                                                (801)       (399) 
Net cash inflow from financing activities                                   30,110     363,850 
(Increase)/decrease in net debt                                           (65,901)     139,496 
Cash flows from operating activities include interest received of £968,000 
(2021: £1,265,000) and dividends received of £23,853,000 (2021: £18,907,000). 
                                                                           2022       2021 
                                                                          £'000      £'000 
(Increase)/decrease in net debt resulting from cashflows               (65,901)    139,496 
Losses on foreign currency cash and cash equivalents                      (801)    (9,281) 
Movement in net debt in the year                                       (66,702)    130,215 
Net debt at 1 April                                                    (20,301)  (150,516) 
Net debt at 31 March                                                   (87,003)   (20,301) 
Net debt includes the bank overdraft of £113,597,000 (2021: £49,896,000) (see 
note 12) and cash as per the balance sheet of £26,594,000 (2021: £29,595,000). 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 
The principal accounting policies, all of which have been applied consistently 
throughout the year in the preparation of these financial statements, are set 
out below: 
(A) Basis of preparation 
These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Companies 
Act 2006, FRS 102 'The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and 
Ireland' ('UK GAAP') and the guidelines set out in the Statement of Recommended 
Practice ('SORP'), published in February 2021, for Investment Trust Companies 
and Venture Capital Trusts issued by the Association of Investment Companies 
('AIC'), the historical cost convention, as modified by the valuation of 
investments and derivatives at fair value. The Board has considered a detailed 
assessment of the Company's ability to meet its liabilities as they fall due, 
including stress and liquidity tests which modelled the effects of substantial 
falls in markets and significant reductions in market liquidity (including 
further stressing the current economic conditions caused by the coronavirus 
pandemic) on the Company's financial position and cash flows. Further 
information on the assumptions used in the stress scenarios is provided in the 
Audit & Risk Committee report. The results of the tests showed that the Company 
would have sufficient cash, or the ability to liquidate a sufficient proportion 
of its listed holdings, to meet its liabilities as they fall due. Based on the 
information available to the Directors at the time of this report, including 
the results of the stress tests, the Company's cash balances, and the liquidity 
of the Company's listed investments, the Directors are satisfied that the 
Company has adequate financial resources to continue in operation for at least 
the next 12 months from the date of approval of these financial statements and 
that, accordingly, it is appropriate to adopt the going concern basis in 
preparing these financial statements. 
The Company's financial statements are presented in sterling, being the 
functional and presentational currency of the Company. All values are rounded 
to the nearest thousand pounds (£'000) except where otherwise indicated. 
In addition, investments and derivatives held at fair value are categorised 
into a fair value hierarchy based on the degree to which the inputs to the fair 
value measurements are observable and the significance of the inputs to the 
fair value measurement in its entirety, which are described as follows: 
  * Level 1 - Quoted prices in active markets. 
  * Level 2 - Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are 
    observable (i.e. developed using market data), either directly or 
  * Level 3 - Inputs are unobservable (i.e. for which market data is 
Presentation of the Income Statement 
In order to reflect better the activities of an investment trust company and in 
accordance with the SORP, supplementary information which analyses the Income 
Statement between items of a revenue and capital nature has been presented 
alongside the Income Statement. The net revenue return is the measure the 
Directors believe appropriate in assessing the Company's compliance with 
certain requirements set out in Sections 1158 and 1159 of the Corporation Tax 
Act 2010. 
Critical Accounting Judgements and Key Sources of Estimation Uncertainty 
Critical accounting judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty used 
in preparing the financial information are continually evaluated and are based 
on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future 
events that are believed to be reasonable. The resulting estimates will, by 
definition, seldom equal the related actual results. 
In the course of preparing the financial statements, the only key source of 
estimation uncertainty in the process of applying the Company's accounting 
policies, is in relation to the valuation of the unquoted (Level 3) 
investments. The nature of estimation means that the actual outcomes could 
differ from those estimates, possibly significantly. The estimates relate to 
the investments where there is no appropriate market price i.e. the private 
investments. Whilst the board considers the methodologies and assumptions 
adopted in the valuation are supportable, reasonable and robust, because of the 
inherent uncertainty of valuation, those estimated values may differ 
significantly from the values that would have been used had a ready market for 
the investment existed. As at 31 March 2022, there is no single key assumption 
used in the valuation of the unquoted investments, or other key source of 
estimation uncertainty, that, in the Directors' opinion has a significant risk 
of causing a material adjustment to the carrying values of assets and 
liabilities within the next financial year. 
Unquoted investments are all valued in line with the accounting policy set out 
(B) Investments 
Investments are measured under FRS 102 and are measured initially, and at 
subsequent reporting dates, at fair value. Investments are recognised and 
de-recognised at trade date where a purchase or sale is under a contract whose 
terms require delivery within the time frame established by the market 
concerned. Changes in fair value and gains or losses on disposal are included 
in the Income Statement as a capital item. 
For quoted securities fair value is either bid price or last traded price, 
depending on the convention of the exchange on which the investment is listed. 
Fair value is the price for which an asset could be exchanged between 
knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm's length transaction. In estimating 
the fair value of unquoted investments, the AIFM and Board apply valuation 
techniques which are appropriate in light of the nature, facts and 
circumstances of the investment, and use reasonable current market data and 
inputs combined with judgement and assumptions and apply these consistently. 
The following principles used in determining the valuation of unquoted 
investments, are consistent with the International Private Equity and Venture 
Capital Valuation ("IPEV") Guidelines. The assumptions and estimates made in 
determining the fair value of each unquoted investment are considered at least 
each six months or sooner if there is a triggering event. An example of where a 
valuation would be considered out of the six-month cycle is the success or 
failure of a drug under development to meet an anticipated outcome of its 
trial, announcement of the company undergoing an initial public offering, or 
other performance against tangible development milestones. 
The primary valuation method applied in the valuation of the unquoted 
investments is the probability-weighted expected return method (PWERM), which 
considers on a probability weighted basis the future outcomes for the 
investment. When using the PWERM method significant judgements are made in 
estimating the various inputs into the model and recognising the sensitivity of 
such estimates. Examples of the factors where significant judgement is made 
include, but are not limited to, the probability assigned to potential future 
outcomes; discount rates; and, the likely exit scenarios for the investor 
company, for example, IPO or trade sale. 
Where the investment being valued was itself made recently, or there has been a 
third party transaction in the investment, the price of the transaction may 
provide a good indication of fair value. Using the Price of Recent Investment 
technique is not a default and at each reporting date the fair value of recent 
investments is estimated to assess whether changes or events subsequent to the 
relevant transaction would imply a material change in the investment's fair 
When using the price of a recent transaction in the valuations the Company 
looks to 're-calibrate' this price at each valuation point by reviewing 
progress within the investment, comparing against the initial investment 
thesis, assessing if there are any significant events or milestones that would 
indicate the value of the investment value has changed materially and 
considering whether an alternative methodology would be more appropriate. 
(C) Derivative financial instruments 
The Company uses derivative financial instruments (namely put and call options 
and equity swaps). 
All derivative instruments are valued initially, and at subsequent reporting 
dates, at fair value in the Statement of Financial Position. 
The equity swaps are accounted for as Fixed Assets or Current Liabilities. 
All gains and losses on over-the-counter (OTC) equity swaps are accounted for 
as gains or losses on investments. Where there has been a re-positioning of the 
swap, gains and losses are accounted for on a realised basis. All such gains 
and losses have been debited or credited to the capital column of the Income 
Cash collateral held by counterparties is included within cash, except where 
there is a right of offset against the overdraft-facility. 
(D) Investment income 
Dividends receivable are recognised on the ex-dividend date. Where no 
ex-dividend date is quoted, dividends are recognised when the Company's right 
to receive payment is established. Foreign dividends are grossed up at the 
appropriate rate of withholding tax, with the withholding tax recognised in the 
taxation charge. 
Income from fixed interest securities is recognised on a time apportionment 
basis so as to reflect the effective interest rate. Deposit interest is 
accounted for on an accruals basis. 
(E) Expenses 
All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. Expenses are charged 
through the revenue column of the Income Statement except as follows: 
  * expenses which are incidental to the acquisition or disposal of an 
    investment are charged to the capital column of the Income Statement; and 
  * expenses are charged to the capital column of the Income Statement where a 
    connection with the maintenance or enhancement of the value of the 
    investments can be demonstrated. In this respect the portfolio management 
    and AIFM fees have been charged to the Income Statement in line with the 
    Board's expected long-term split of returns, in the form of capital gains 
    and income, from the Company's portfolio. As a result 5% of the portfolio 
    management and AIFM fees are charged to the revenue column of the Income 
    Statement and 95% are charged to the capital column of the Income 
Any performance fee is charged in full to the capital column of the Income 
(F) Finance costs 
Finance costs are accounted for on an accruals basis. Finance costs are charged 
to the Income Statement in line with the Board's expected long-term split of 
returns, in the form of capital gains and income, from the Company's portfolio. 
As a result 5% of the finance costs are charged to the revenue column of the 
Income Statement and 95% are charged to the capital column of the Income 
Statement. Finance charges are accounted for on an accruals basis in the Income 
Statement using the effective interest rate method and are added to the 
carrying amount of the instrument to the extent that they are not settled in 
the period in which they arise. 
(G) Taxation 
The tax effect of different items of expenditure is allocated between capital 
and revenue using the marginal basis. 
Deferred taxation is provided on all timing differences that have originated 
but not been reversed by the Statement of Financial Position date other than 
those differences regarded as permanent. This is subject to deferred tax assets 
only being recognised when it is probable that there will be suitable profits 
from which the reversal of timing differences can be deducted. Any liability to 
deferred tax is provided for at the rate of tax enacted or substantially 
(H) Foreign currency 
Transactions recorded in overseas currencies during the year are translated 
into sterling at the appropriate daily exchange rates. Assets and liabilities 
denominated in overseas currencies at the Statement of Financial Position date 
are translated into sterling at the exchange rates ruling at that date. 
Exchange gains/losses on foreign currency balances 
Any gains or losses on the translation of foreign currency balances, including 
the foreign currency overdraft, whether realised or unrealised, are taken to 
the capital or the revenue column of the Income Statement, depending on whether 
the gain or loss is of a capital or revenue nature. 
(I) Capital redemption reserve 
This reserve arose when ordinary shares were redeemed by the Company and 
subsequently cancelled. When ordinary shares are redeemed by the Company and 
subsequently cancelled, an amount equal to the par value of the ordinary share 
capital is transferred from the ordinary share capital to the capital 
redemption reserve. 
(J) Capital reserve 
The following are transferred to this reserve: 
  * gains and losses on the disposal of investments; 
  * exchange differences of a capital nature, including the effects of changes 
    in exchange rates on foreign currency borrowings; 
  * expenses, together with the related taxation effect, in accordance with the 
    above policies; and 
  * changes in the fair value of investments and derivatives. 
This reserve can be used to distribute realised capital profits by way of 
dividend or share buy backs. Any gains in the fair value of investments that 
are not readily convertible to cash are treated as unrealised gains in the 
capital reserve. Distributions are only payable out of the capital reserve if 
capital reserves are greater than the proposed distribution and positive on the 
date of distribution. 
(K) Revenue reserve 
The revenue reserve is distributable by way of dividend. Dividends are only 
payable out of the revenue reserve if revenue reserves are greater than the 
proposed dividend and positive on the date of distribution. 
(L) Dividend payments 
Dividends paid by the Company on its shares are recognised in the financial 
statements in the year in which they become payable and are shown in the 
Statement of Changes in Equity. 
(M) Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash comprises cash at bank and cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid 
investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and are 
subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. 
Bank overdrafts are considered as a component of cash and cash equivalents as 
they are repayable on demand and form an integral part of the Company's cash 
                                                                           2022       2021 
                                                                          £'000      £'000 
Income from investments 
Overseas dividends                                                       19,678     16,730 
Fixed interest income                                                       772        999 
UK dividends                                                              2,825      1,449 
                                                                         23,275     19,178 
Other income 
Derivatives                                                                 151          - 
Deposit interest                                                             45         24 
Income from liquidity stocks                                                  -         45 
Total income from investments                                            23,471     19,247 
Total income comprises: 
Dividends                                                                22,503     18,179 
Interest                                                                    968      1,068 
                                                                         23,471     19,247 
                                                           2022                          2021 
                                    Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue   Capital     Total 
                                      £'000     £'000     £'000     £'000     £'000     £'000 
AIFM fee                                160     3,046     3,206       152     2,892     3,044 
Portfolio management fee                778    14,781    15,559       701    13,323    14,024 
Performance fee (reversal)/charge         -  (18,888)  (18,888)         -    31,748    31,748 
                                        938   (1,061)     (123)       853    47,963    48,816 
*          During the year ended 31 March 2022, due to underperformance against 
the Benchmark, a reversal of prior period performance fee provisions totalling 
£18,888,000 occurred (2021: charge of £31,748,000). 
Further details on the above fees are set out in the Strategic Report and the 
Report of the Directors. 
                                                                         2022      2021 
                                                                        £'000     £'000 
Directors' remuneration                                                   207       222 
Employer's NIC on Directors' remuneration                                  20        20 
Auditors' remuneration for the audit of the Company's financial            47        49 
Auditors' remuneration for non-audit services                               5         - 
Depositary and custody fees                                               213       177 
Listing fees*                                                              77       461 
Registrar fees                                                             63        48 
Legal and professional costs                                              255        78 
Broker fees                                                               117        30 
Other costs                                                               301       253 
                                                                        1,305     1,338 
Professional fees (Capital)^                                              529       155 
                                                                        1,834     1,493 
Details of the amounts paid to Directors are included in the Directors' 
Remuneration Report. 
*          2021 includes £405,000 in respect of London Stock Exchange block 
listing fees required as a result of the issuance of new shares by the Company 
during the year. 
^         Professional fees in respect of acquisition of unquoted investments. 
These fees do not form part of the ongoing charge ratio. See Glossary. 
                                                           2022                          2021 
                                    Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue   Capital     Total 
                                      £'000     £'000     £'000     £'000     £'000     £'000 
Finance costs                            40       761       801        20       379       399 
(A) Analysis of charge in year 
                                                           2022                          2021 
                                    Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue   Capital     Total 
                                      £'000     £'000     £'000     £'000     £'000     £'000 
Corporation tax at 19% (2020:             -         -         -         -         -         - 
Overseas taxation                     3,668         -     3,668     2,712         -     2,712 
                                      3,668         -     3,668     2,712         -     2,712 
(B) Factors affecting the tax charge for the year 
Approved investment trusts are exempt from tax on capital gains made within the 
The tax charged for the year is lower (2021: lower) than the standard rate of 
corporation tax of 19% (2021: 19%). 
The difference is explained below. 
                                                           2022                          2021 
                                    Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue   Capital     Total 
                                      £'000     £'000     £'000     £'000     £'000     £'000 
Net return before taxation           21,188 (159,046) (137,858)    17,036   462,694   479,730 
Corporation tax at 19% (2021:         4,026  (30,219)  (26,193)     3,237    87,912    91,149 
Non-taxable gains on investments          -    30,175    30,175         -  (97,126)  (97,126) 
Overseas withholding taxation         3,668         -     3,668     2,712         -     2,712 
Non taxable dividends               (4,276)         -   (4,276)   (3,468)         -   (3,468) 
Excess management expenses              250        44       294       231     9,214     9,445 
Total tax charge                      3,668         -     3,668     2,712         -     2,712 
(C) Provision for deferred tax 
No provision for deferred taxation has been made in the current or prior year. 
The Company has not provided for deferred tax on capital profits and losses 
arising on the revaluation or disposal of investments, as it is exempt from tax 
on these items because of its status as an investment trust company. 
The Company has not recognised a deferred tax asset of £45,055,000 (25% tax 
rate) (2021: £33,851,000 (19% tax rate)) as a result of excess management 
expenses and loan expenses. It is not anticipated that these excess expenses 
will be utilised in the foreseeable future. 
                                                                            2022       2021 
                                                                           £'000      £'000 
The return per share is based on the following figures: 
Revenue return                                                            17,520     14,324 
Capital (loss)/return                                                  (159,046)    462,694 
                                                                       (141,526)    477,018 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year   65,307,132 59,487,545 
Revenue return per ordinary share                                          26.8p      24.1p 
Capital (loss)/return per ordinary share                                (243.5p)     777.8p 
                                                                        (216.7p)     801.9p 
The calculation of the total, revenue and capital (loss)/return per ordinary 
share is carried out in accordance with IAS 33, "Earnings per Share", in 
accordance with the requirements of FRS 102. 
Under UK Company Law, final dividends are not recognised until they are 
approved by shareholders and interim dividends are not recognised until they 
are paid. They are also debited directly from reserves. Amounts recognised as 
distributable in these financial statements were as follows: 
                                                                            2022       2021 
                                                                           £'000      £'000 
Second interim dividend in respect of the year ended 31 March 2020             -     10,512 
Interim dividend in respect of the year ended 31 March 2021                    -      3,967 
Final dividend in respect of the year ended 31 March 2021                 10,085          - 
Interim dividend in respect of the year ended 31 March 2022                4,586          - 
                                                                          14,671     14,479 
In respect of the year ended 31 March 2022, an interim dividend of 7.0p per 
share was paid on 11 January 2022. A final dividend of 19.5p will be payable, 
subject to shareholder approval, on 13 July 2022, the associated ex dividend 
date will be 1 June 2022. The total dividends payable in respect of the year 
ended 31 March 2022 amount to 26.5p per share (2021: 22.0p per share). The 
aggregate cost of the final dividend, based on the number of shares in issue at 
25 May 2022, will be £12,721,000. In accordance with FRS 102 dividends will be 
reflected in the financial statements for the year in which they become 
payable. Total dividends in respect of the financial year, which is the basis 
on which the requirements of s1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 are 
considered, are set out below. 
                                                                            2022       2021 
                                                                           £'000      £'000 
Revenue available for distribution by way of dividend for the year        17,520     14,324 
Interim dividend in respect of the year ended 31 March 2022              (4,586)          - 
Final dividend in respect of the year ended 31 March 2022*              (12,721)          - 
Interim dividend in respect of the year ended 31 March 2021                    -    (3,967) 
Final dividend in respect of the year ended 31 March 2021                      -   (10,085) 
Net retained revenue                                                         213        272 
*          based on 65,233,404 shares in issue as at 25 May 2022. 
                                                      Quoted    Unquoted Instruments 
                                                 Investments Investments         Net       Total 
                                                       £'000       £'000       £'000       £'000 
Cost at 1 April 2021                               1,887,379     126,577           -   2,013,956 
Investment holdings gains at 1 April 2021            388,030      14,052      10,552     412,634 
Valuation at 1 April 2021                          2,275,409     140,629      10,552   2,426,590 
Movement in the year: 
Purchases at cost                                  1,284,504      69,066           -   1,353,570 
Sales - proceeds                                 (1,243,999)    (15,622)       6,304 (1,253,317) 
Transfer between levels*                              44,424    (44,424)           -           - 
Net movement in investment holding gains           (152,963)      22,824    (21,985)   (152,124) 
Valuation at 31 March 2022                         2,207,375     172,473     (5,129)   2,374,719 
Cost at 31 March 2022                              1,952,701     136,760           -   2,089,461 
Investment holding gains/(losses) at 31 March        254,674      35,713     (5,129)     285,258 
Valuation at 31 March 2022                         2,207,375     172,473     (5,129)   2,374,719 
*          See Note 16. 
The Company received £1,253,317,000 (2021: £1,484,698,000) from investments and 
derivatives sold in the year. The book cost of these was £1,278,065,000 (2021: 
£1,217,151,000). These investments and derivatives have been revalued over time 
and until they were sold any unrealised gains/losses were included in the fair 
value of the investments. 
                                                                            2022       2021 
                                                                           £'000      £'000 
Net movement in investment holding (losses)/gains in the year          (130,139)    483,612 
Net movement in derivative holding (losses)/gains in the year           (21,985)     33,760 
Effective interest rate amortisation                                       (351)      (105) 
(Losses)/gains on investments                                          (152,475)    517,267 
Purchase transaction costs were £1,668,000 (2021: £2,808,000). Sales 
transaction costs were £1,244,000 (2021: £1,352,000). These comprise mainly 
commission and stamp duty. 
                                                                            2022       2021 
                                                                           £'000      £'000 
Fair value of OTC equity swaps (asset)                                       283     18,864 
Fair value of OTC equity swaps (liability)                               (5,412)    (8,312) 
                                                                         (5,129)     10,552 
See note 9 above for movements during the year. 
                                                                            2022       2021 
                                                                           £'000      £'000 
Amounts due from brokers                                                  10,581     10,402 
Issue of own shares awaiting settlement                                        -      2,577 
Withholding taxation recoverable                                           2,587      2,295 
VAT recoverable                                                                -         66 
Prepayments and accrued income                                             1,556      2,832 
                                                                          14,724     18,172 
                                                                            2022       2021 
                                                                           £'000      £'000 
Amounts due to brokers                                                    30,131      6,840 
Overdraft drawn*                                                         113,597     49,896 
Performance fee provision**                                                    -     31,748 
Other creditors and accruals                                               4,076      4,448 
                                                                         147,804     92,932 
  * The Company's borrowing requirements are met through the utilisation of an 
    overdraft facility provided by J.P. Morgan Securities LLC. The overdraft is 
    drawn down in U.S. dollars. Interest on the drawn overdraft is charged at 
    the United States Overnight Bank Funding Rate plus 45 basis points. 
J.P. Morgan Securities LLC may take investments up to 140% of the value of the 
overdrawn balance as collateral and has been granted a first priority security 
interest or lien over the Company's assets. 
  * As at 31 March 2022 no performance fees were accrued or payable (31 March 
    2021: £31.7 million). Of the 31 March 2021 accrual, £12.9 million 
    crystallised and became payable as at 30 June 2021 and £18.9 million 
    reversed due to underperformance, as set out in note 3. The performance fee 
    paid related to outperformance generated as at 30 June 2020 that was 
    maintained to 30 June 2021. 
                                                                         Treasury     shares 
                                                                Shares     shares   in issue 
                                                                number     number     number 
Issued and fully paid at 1 April 2021                       64,310,255          - 64,310,255 
New shares issued                                            1,227,500          -  1,227,500 
Shares purchased for treasury                                 (80,509)     80,509          - 
At 31 March 2022                                            65,457,246     80,509 65,537,755 
                                                                             2022       2021 
                                                                            £'000      £'000 
Issued and fully paid: 
Ordinary Shares of 25p                                                     16,385     16,078 
During the year ended 31 March 2022 1,227,500 shares were issued raising £ 
45,549,000 and 80,509 shares were repurchased into Treasury at a cost of £ 
2,544,000 (2021: 10,690,977 shares were issued raising £380,588,000 and no 
shares were repurchased). 
                                                                            2022       2021 
Net asset value per share                                               3,465.2p   3,703.0p 
The net asset value per share is based on the assets attributable to equity 
shareholders of £2,268,233,000 (2021: £2,381,425,000) and on the number of 
shares in issue at the year end of 65,457,246 (2021: 64,310,255). 
The following are considered to be related parties: 
  * Frostrow Capital LLP (under the Listing Rules only) 
  * OrbiMed Capital LLC 
  * The Directors of the Company 
Details of the relationship between the Company and Frostrow Capital LLP, the 
Company's AIFM, and OrbiMed Capital LLC, the Company's Portfolio Manager, are 
disclosed in the Business Review and in the Report of the Directors. Sven 
Borho, who joined the Board on 7 June 2018, is a Managing Partner at OrbiMed. 
Sven Borho has waived his Director's fee of £33,573 (2021: £32,282). Details of 
fees paid to OrbiMed by the Company can be found in note 3. All material 
related party transactions have been disclosed in notes 3 and 4. 
Three current and two former partners at OrbiMed Capital LLC have a minority 
financial interest totalling 20% in Frostrow Capital LLP, the Company's AIFM. 
Details of the fees paid to Frostrow Capital LLP by the Company can be found in 
note 3. 
Risk management policies and procedures 
The Company's financial instruments comprise securities and other investments, 
derivative instruments, cash balances, loans and debtors and creditors that 
arise directly from its operations. 
As an investment trust, the Company invests in equities and other investments 
for the long term so as to secure its investment objective. In pursuing its 
investment objective, the Company is exposed to a variety of risks that could 
result in a reduction in the Company's net assets. 
The main risks that the Company faces arising from its financial instruments 
 i. market risk (including foreign currency risk, interest rate risk and other 
    price risk) 
ii. liquidity risk 
iii. credit risk 
These risks, with the exception of liquidity risk, and the Directors' approach 
to the management of them, are set out in the Strategic Report and have not 
changed from the previous accounting year. The AIFM, in close co-operation with 
the Board and the Portfolio Manager, co-ordinates the Company's risk 
Use of derivatives 
As noted in the Strategic Report, equity swaps are used within the Company's 
More details on swaps can be found in the Glossary. 
OTC equity swaps 
The Company uses OTC equity swap positions to gain access to the Indian and 
Chinese markets either when it is more cost effective to gain access via swaps 
or to gain exposure to thematic baskets of stocks. 
Details of financed swap positions* are noted in the Portfolio. 
*          See glossary. 
Offsetting disclosure 
Swap trades and OTC derivatives are traded under ISDA? Master Agreements. The 
Company currently has such agreements in place with Goldman Sachs and JP 
These agreements create a right of set-off that becomes enforceable only 
following a specified event of default, or in other circumstances not expected 
to arise in the normal course of business. As the right of set-off is not 
unconditional, for financial reporting purposes, the Company does not offset 
derivative assets and derivative liabilities. 
?         International Swap Dealers Association Inc. 
(i) Other price risk 
In pursuance of the Company's Investment Objective the Company's portfolio, 
including its derivatives, is exposed to the risk of fluctuations in market 
prices and foreign exchange rates. 
The Board manage these risks through the use of limits and guidelines, monthly 
compliance reports from Frostrow and reports from Frostrow and OrbiMed 
presented at each Board meeting. 
Other price risk exposure 
The Company's gross exposure to other price risk is represented by the fair 
value of the investments and the underlying exposure through the derivative 
investments held at the year end as shown in the table below. 
                                                           2022                            2021 
                                                      Notional*                       Notional* 
                                   Assets Liabilities  exposure    Assets Liabilities  exposure 
                                    £'000       £'000     £'000     £'000       £'000     £'000 
Investments                     2,379,848           - 2,379,848 2,416,038           - 2,416,038 
OTC equity swaps                      283     (5,412)   135,018    18,864     (8,312)   145,636 
                                2,380,131     (5,412) 2,514,866 2,434,902     (8,312) 2,561,674 
*          The notional exposure is calculated in accordance with the AIFMD 
requirements for calculating exposure via derivatives. See glossary. 
Other price risk sensitivity 
If market prices of all of the Company's financial instruments including the 
derivatives at the Statement of Financial Position date had been 25% higher or 
lower (2021: 25% higher or lower) while all other variables remained constant: 
the revenue return would have decreased/increased by £0.2 million (2021: £0.2 
million); the capital return would have increased by £608.4 million (2021: £ 
540.4 million)/decreased by £625.4 million (2021: £604.0 million); and, the 
return on equity would have increased by £608.2 million (2021: £540.1 million)/ 
decreased by £625.2 million (2021: £603.8 million). The calculations are based 
on the portfolio as at the respective Statement of Financial Position dates and 
are not representative of the year as a whole. 
(ii) Foreign currency risk 
A significant proportion of the Company's portfolio and derivative positions 
are denominated in currencies other than sterling (the Company's functional 
currency, and the currency in which it reports its results). As a result, 
movements in exchange rates can significantly affect the sterling value of 
those items. 
Foreign currency exposure 
The fair values of the Company's monetary assets and liabilities that are 
denominated in foreign currencies are shown below. 
                                                             2022                              2021 
                                  Current     Current               Current     Current 
                                   assets liabilities Investments    assets liabilities Investments 
                                    £'000       £'000       £'000     £'000       £'000       £'000 
U.S. dollar                        64,264   (169,551)   1,821,239    72,352    (99,943)   2,034,533 
Swiss franc                         2,202           -     113,899     1,513           -      47,411 
Japanese yen                          332         114      83,225       858           -      42,203 
Hong Kong dollar                      851       (851)     190,260         -           -     179,407 
Other                                 155           -      30,803       489           -      17,642 
                                   67,804   (170,288)   2,239,426    75,212    (99,943)   2,321,196 
Foreign currency sensitivity 
The following table details the sensitivity of the Company's net return for the 
year and shareholders' funds to a 10% increase and decrease in sterling against 
the relevant currency (2021: 10% increase and decrease). 
These percentages have been determined based on market volatility in exchange 
rates over the previous 12 months. The sensitivity analysis is based on the 
Company's significant foreign currency exposures at each Statement of Financial 
Position date. 
                                                   2022                                 2021 
                         USD      YEN      CHF      HKD       USD      YEN      CHF      HKD 
                       £'000    £'000    £'000    £'000     £'000    £'000    £'000    £'000 
Sterling             206,233    9,297   12,900   21,140   238,003    4,785    5,436   19,934 
Sterling           (168,736)  (7,606) (10,555) (17,296) (194,730)  (3,915)  (4,448) (16,310) 
(iii) Interest rate risk 
Interest rate changes may affect: 
  * the interest payable on the Company's variable rate borrowings; 
  * the level of income receivable from floating and fixed rate securities and 
    cash at bank and on deposit; 
  * the fair value of investments in fixed interest securities. 
Interest rate exposure 
The Company's main exposure to interest rate risks is through its overdraft 
facility with J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, which is repayable on demand, and its 
holding in fixed interest securities. The exposure of financial assets and 
liabilities to fixed and floating interest rates, is shown below. 
At 31 March 2022, the Company held 0.4% of the portfolio in securitised debt 
(2021: 0.7% of the portfolio). The exposure is shown in the table below. 
                                                     2022                                    2021 
                   Weighted  Weighted     Fixed  Floating  Weighted  Weighted     Fixed  Floating 
                    average   average      rate      rate   average   average      rate      rate 
                     period     fixed     £'000     £'000    period     fixed     £'000     £'000 
                  for which  interest                     for which  interest 
                    rate is      rate                       rate is      rate 
                      fixed         %                         fixed         % 
                      Years                                   Years 
Unquoted debt           2.9       2.6     5,024         -       3.9       2.6     6,945     4,486 
Cash                                          -    56,336                             -    40,858 
Overdraft                                     - (143,339)                             -  (61,159) 
Financed swap                                 - (140,147)                             - (135,084) 
                                          5,024 (227,150)                         6,945 (150,899) 
All interest rate exposures are held in U.S. dollars. 
Cash of £56.3 million (2021: £40.9 million) was held as collateral against the 
financed swap positions, of which £29.7 million (2021: £11.3 million) was 
offset against the overdraft position. 
Interest rate sensitivity 
If interest rates had been 1% higher or lower and all other variables were held 
constant, the Company's net return for the year ended 31 March 2022 and the net 
assets would increase/decrease by £2.3 million (2021: increase/decrease by £ 
1.5 million). 
(iv) Liquidity risk 
This is the risk that the Company will encounter difficulty in meeting 
obligations associated with financial liabilities. 
Management of the risk 
Liquidity risk is not considered significant as the majority of the Company's 
assets are investments in quoted securities that are readily realisable within 
one week, in normal market conditions. There maybe circumstances where market 
liquidity is lower than normal. Stress tests have been performed to understand 
how long the portfolio would take to realise in such situations. The Board is 
comfortable that in such a situation the Company would be able to meet its 
liabilities as they fall due. 
Liquidity exposure and maturity 
Contractual maturities of the financial liability exposures as at 31 March 
2022, based on the earliest date on which payment can be required, are as 
                                                                  2022                2021 
                                                     3 to 12  3 months   3 to 12  3 months 
                                                      months   or less    months   or less 
                                                       £'000     £'000     £'000     £'000 
Overdraft facility                                         -   143,339         -    61,159 
Amounts due to brokers and accruals                        -    30,131         -     6,840 
OTC equity swaps                                       5,412         -     8,312         - 
                                                       5,412   173,470     8,312    67,999 
£56.3 million of cash held as collateral is offset against the overdraft 
facility in the Statement of Financial Position, as set out in Note 16(iii) 
(v) Credit risk 
Credit risk is the risk of failure of a counterparty to discharge its 
obligations resulting in the Company suffering a financial loss. 
The carrying amounts of financial assets best represent the maximum credit risk 
at the Statement of Financial Position date. The Company's quoted securities 
are held on its behalf by J.P. Morgan Securities LLC acting as the Company's 
Custodian and Prime Broker. 
Certain of the Company's assets can be held by J.P. Morgan Securities LLC as 
collateral against the overdraft provided by them to the Company. As at 31 
March 2022 such assets held by J.P. Morgan Securities LLC are available for 
rehypothecation (see Glossary for further information). As at 31 March 2022, 
assets with a total market value of £203.1 million (2021: £106.9 million) were 
available to J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to be used as collateral against the 
overdraft facility which equates to 140% of the overdrawn position (calculated 
on a settled basis). 
                                                                           2022        2021 
                                                                          £'000       £'000 
Unquoted debt investments                                                 5,024      11,430 
Derivative - OTC equity swaps                                               283      18,864 
Current assets: 
Other receivables (amounts due from brokers, dividends and interest      14,724      18,172 
Cash                                                                     26,594      29,595 
(vi) Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities 
Financial assets and financial liabilities are either carried in the Statement 
of Financial Position at their fair value (investments and derivatives) or the 
Statement of Financial Position amount is a reasonable approximation of fair 
value (due from brokers, dividends and interest receivable, due to brokers, 
accrual, cash at bank, bank overdraft and amounts due under the loan facility). 
(vii) Hierarchy of investments 
The Company has classified its financial assets designated at fair value 
through profit or loss and the fair value of derivative financial instruments 
using a fair value hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used 
in making the fair value measurements. The hierarchy has the following levels: 
  * Level 1 - quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets 
    or liabilities; 
  * Level 2 - inputs other than quoted prices included with Level 1 that are 
    observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e. as prices) or 
    indirectly (i.e. derived from prices); and 
  * Level 3 - inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on 
    observable market data (unobservable inputs). 
As of 31 March 2022                                  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3     Total 
                                                       £'000     £'000     £'000     £'000 
Investments held at fair value through profit or   2,207,375         -   172,473 2,379,848 
Derivatives: OTC swaps (assets)                            -       283         -       283 
Derivatives: OTC swaps (liabilities)                       -   (5,412)         -   (5,412) 
Financial instruments measured at fair value       2,207,375   (5,129)   172,473 2,374,719 
As at 31 March 2022, one debt, twelve equity and a deferred consideration 
investment (included in the portfolio) have been classified as level 3. All 
level 3 positions have been valued in accordance with the accounting policy set 
out in Note 1(b). 
During 2022 four unquoted investments were transferred to Level 1 following 
their initial public offerings. 
As of 31 March 2021                                  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3     Total 
                                                       £'000     £'000     £'000     £'000 
Investments held at fair value through profit or   2,275,409         -   140,629 2,416,038 
Derivatives: OTC swaps (assets)                            -    18,864         -    18,864 
Derivatives: OTC swaps (liabilities)                       -   (8,312)         -   (8,312) 
Financial instruments measured at fair value       2,275,409    10,552   140,629 2,426,590 
As at 31 March 2021, three debt, eleven equity and a deferred consideration 
investment have been classified as Level 3. All level 3 positions have been 
valued using an independent third party pricing source or using the price of a 
recent transaction. 
During 2021 three unquoted investments were acquired and subsequently 
transferred to Level 1 following their initial public offerings. 
(viii) Capital management policies and procedures 
The Company's capital management objectives are to ensure that it will be able 
to continue as a going concern and to maximise the income and capital return to 
its equity shareholders through an appropriate level of gearing or leverage. 
The Board's policy on gearing and leverage is set out in the Strategic Report. 
As at 31 March 2022, the Company had a net leverage percentage of 10.9% (2021: 
The capital structure of the Company consists of the equity share capital, 
retained earnings and other reserves as shown in the Statement of Financial 
The Board, with the assistance of the AIFM and the Portfolio Manager, monitors 
and reviews the broad structure of the Company's capital on an ongoing basis. 
This includes a review of: 
  * the planned level of gearing, which takes into account the Portfolio 
    Manager's view of the market; 
  * the need to buy back equity shares, either for cancellation or to hold in 
    treasury, in light of any share price discount to net asset value per share 
    in accordance with the Company's share buy-back policy; 
  * the need for new issues of equity shares, including issues from treasury; 
  * the extent to which revenue in excess of that which is required to be 
    distributed should be retained. 
The Company's objectives, policies and processes for managing capital are 
unchanged from the preceding accounting year. 
                                                                     Capital Reserves 
                                                                  Other     Gains*     Total 
                                                                  £'000      £'000     £'000 
At 31 March 2021                                                966,717    575,911 1,542,628 
Net losses on investments                                      (25,105)  (127,370) (152,475) 
Expenses charged to capital                                       (229)          -     (229) 
Exchange loss on currency balances                              (6,342)          -   (6,342) 
Shares repurchased for Treasury                                 (2,544)          -   (2,544) 
At 31 March 2022                                                932,497    448,541 1,381,038 
*          Investment holding gains relate to the revaluation of investments 
and derivatives held at the reporting date. (See note 9 for further details). 
Under the Company's Articles of Association, sums within "capital reserves - 
other" are also available for distribution. 
                                                                            2022      2021 
                                                                           £'000     £'000 
(Loss)/returns before finance charges and taxation                     (137,057)   480,129 
Add: capital loss/(less: capital gain) before finance charges and        158,285 (463,073) 
Revenue return before finance charges and taxation                        21,228    17,056 
Expenses charged to capital                                                  532  (48,118) 
Decrease in other debtors                                                  1,342       934 
(Decrease)/increase in provisions, and other creditors and accruals     (32,120)    33,302 
Net taxation suffered on investment income                               (3,960)   (2,138) 
Amortisation                                                               (351)     (105) 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities                     (13,329)       931 
Agreed by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union and 
transported into UK legislation, the AIFMD classifies certain investment 
vehicles, including investment companies, as Alternative Investment Funds 
(AIFs) and requires them to appoint an Alternative Investment Fund Manager 
(AIFM) and a depositary to manage and oversee the operations of the investment 
vehicle. The Board of the Company retains responsibility for strategy, 
operations and compliance and the Directors retain a fiduciary duty to 
An APM is a numerical measure of the Company's current, historical or future 
financial performance, financial position or cash flows, other than a financial 
measure defined or specified in the applicable financial framework. In 
selecting these Alternative Performance Measures, the Directors considered the 
key objectives and expectations of typical investors in an investment trust 
such as the Company. 
A description of the difference between the share price and the net asset value 
per share. The size of the discount or premium is calculated by subtracting the 
share price from the net asset value per share and is usually expressed as a 
percentage (%) of the net asset value per share. If the share price is higher 
than the net asset value per share the result is a premium. If the share price 
is lower than the net asset value per share, the shares are trading at a 
An equity swap is an agreement where one party (counterparty) transfers the 
total return of an underlying equity position to the other party (swap holder) 
in exchange for a payment of the principal, and interest for financed swaps, at 
a set date. Total return includes dividend income and gains or losses from 
market movements. The exposure of the holder is the market value of the 
underlying equity position. 
The company uses two types of equity swap: 
  * funded, where payment is made on acquisition. They are equivalent to 
    holding the underlying equity position with the exception of additional 
    counterparty risk and not possessing voting rights in the underlying; and, 
  * financed, where payment is made on maturity. Financed swaps increase 
    exposure by the value of the underlying equity position, with no initial 
    outlay and no increase in the investment portfolio's value - there is 
    therefore embedded leverage within a financed swap due to the deferral of 
    payment to maturity. 
The Company employs swaps for two purposes: 
  * To gain access to individual stocks in the Indian, Chinese and other 
    emerging markets, where the Company is not locally registered to trade or 
    is able to gain in a more cost efficient manner than holding the stocks 
    directly; and, 
  * To gain exposure to thematic baskets of stocks (a Basket Swap). Basket 
    Swaps are used to build exposure to themes, or ideas, that the Portfolio 
    Manager believes the Company will benefit from and where holding a Basket 
    Swap is more cost effective and operationally efficient than holding the 
    underlying stocks or individual swaps. 
Gearing is calculated as the overdraft drawn, less net current assets 
(excluding dividends), divided by Net Assets, expressed as a percentage. For 
years prior to 2013, the calculation was based on borrowings as a percentage of 
Net Assets. 
*          Alternative Performance Measure 
ISDA has created a standardised contract (the ISDA Master Agreement) which sets 
out the basic trading terms between the counterparties to derivative contracts. 
Leverage is defined in the AIFMD as any method by which the AIFM increases the 
exposure of an AIF. In addition to the gearing limit the Company also has to 
comply with the AIFMD leverage requirements. For these purposes the Board has 
set a maximum leverage limit of 140% for both methods. This limit is expressed 
as a % with 100% representing no leverage or gearing in the Company. There are 
two methods of calculating leverage as follows: 
The Gross Method is calculated as total exposure divided by Shareholders' 
Funds. Total exposure is calculated as net assets, less cash and cash 
equivalents, adding back cash borrowing plus derivatives converted into the 
equivalent position in their underlying assets. 
The Commitment Method is calculated as total exposure divided by Shareholders 
Funds. In this instance total exposure is calculated as net assets, less cash 
and cash equivalents, adding back cash borrowing plus derivatives converted 
into the equivalent position in their underlying assets, adjusted for netting 
and hedging arrangements. 
See the definition of Options and Equity Swaps for more details on how exposure 
through derivatives is calculated. 
                                                           2022                2021 
                                                           £'000               £'000 
                                                      Fair    Exposure*   Fair    Exposure* 
                                                      Value               Value 
Investments                                         2,379,848 2,379,848 2,416,038 2,416,038 
OTC equity swaps                                      (5,129)   135,018    10,552   145,636 
                                                    2,374,719 2,514,866 2,426,590 2,561,674 
Shareholders' funds                                           2,268,233           2,381,425 
Leverage %                                                        10.9%                7.6% 
*          Calculated in accordance with AIFMD requirements using the 
Commitment Method 
The MSCI World Health Care Index is designed to capture the large and mid 
capitalisation segments across 23 developed markets countries: All securities 
in the index are classified as healthcare as per the Global Industry 
Classification Standard (GICS). Developed Markets countries include: Australia, 
Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, 
Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, 
Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland the UK and the U.S. The net total return 
of the Index is used which assumes the reinvestment of any dividends paid by 
its constituents after the deduction of relevant withholding taxes. The 
performance of the Index is calculated in U.S.$ terms. Because the Company's 
reporting currency is £ the prevailing U.S.$/£ exchange rate is applied to 
obtain a £ based return. 
The value of the Company's assets, principally investments made in other 
companies and cash being held, minus any liabilities. The NAV is also described 
as 'shareholders' funds' per share. The NAV is often expressed in pence per 
share after being divided by the number of shares which have been issued. The 
NAV per share is unlikely to be the same as the share price which is the price 
at which the Company's shares can be bought or sold by an investor. The share 
price is determined by the relationship between the demand and supply of the 
*          Alternative Performance Measure 
The theoretical total return on shareholders' funds per share, reflecting the 
change in NAV assuming that dividends paid to shareholders were reinvested at 
NAV at the time the shares were quoted ex-dividend. A way of measuring 
investment management performance of investment trusts which is not affected by 
movements in discounts/premiums. 
                                                                             2022      2021 
NAV Total Return                                                                p         p 
Opening NAV                                                               3,703.0   2,868.9 
(Decrease)/increase in NAV                                                (237.8)     834.1 
Closing NAV                                                               3,465.2   3,703.0 
% (decrease)/increase in NAV                                               (6.4%)     29.1% 
Impact of reinvested dividends                                               0.6%      0.9% 
NAV Total Return                                                           (5.8%)     30.0% 
Ongoing charges are calculated by taking the Company's annualised ongoing 
charges, excluding finance costs, taxation, performance fees and exceptional 
items, and expressing them as a percentage of the average daily net asset value 
of the Company over the year. 
                                                                             2022      2021 
                                                                            £'000     £'000 
AIFM & Portfolio Management fees (Note 3)                                  18,765    17,068 
Other Expenses - Revenue (Note 4)                                           1,305     1,338 
Total Ongoing Charges                                                      20,070    18,406 
Performance fees paid/crystallised                                         12,861         - 
Total                                                                      32,931    18,406 
Average net assets                                                      2,356,131 2,112,164 
Ongoing Charges                                                              0.9%      0.9% 
Ongoing Charges (including performance fees paid or crystallised during      1.4%      0.9% 
the year) 
Rehypothecation is the practice by banks and brokers of using, for their own 
purposes, assets that have been posted as collateral by clients. 
Return to the investor on mid-market prices assuming that all dividends paid 
were reinvested. 
                                                                             2022      2021 
Share Price Total Return                                                        p         p 
Opening share price                                                       3,695.0   2,920.0 
(Decrease)/increase in share price                                        (420.0)     775.0 
Closing share price                                                       3,275.0   3,695.0 
% (decrease)/increase in share price                                      (11.4%)     26.5% 
Impact of reinvested dividends                                               0.6%      0.9% 
Share Price Total Return                                                  (10.8%)     27.4% 
*          Alternative Performance Measure 
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Worldwide Healthcare 
Trust PLC will be held at etc. Venues 1-3 Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4BY on 
Wednesday, 6 July 2022 from 12.30 p.m. for the following purposes: 
To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following as ordinary resolutions: 
 1. To receive and, if thought fit, to accept the Audited Accounts and the 
    Report of the Directors for the year ended 31 March 2022 
 2. To approve the payment of a final dividend of 19.5p per ordinary share for 
    the year ended 31 March 2022 
 3. To approve the Company's dividend policy for the year ended 31 March 2022 
 4. To re-elect Mrs Sarah Bates as a Director of the Company 
 5. To re-elect Mr Humphrey van der Klugt as a Director of the Company 
 6. To re-elect Mr Doug McCutcheon as a Director of the Company 
 7. To re-elect Mr Sven Borho as a Director of the Company 
 8. To re-elect Dr Bina Rawal as a Director of the Company 
 9. To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's Auditors and to 
    authorise the Audit & Risk Committee to determine their remuneration 
10. To approve the Directors' Remuneration Report for the year ended 31 March 
To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolutions of which 
resolutions 12, 13, 14 and 15 will be proposed as special resolutions: 
Authority to allot shares 
11. THAT in substitution for all existing authorities the Directors be and are 
hereby generally and unconditionally authorised in accordance with section 551 
of the Companies Act 2006 (the "Act") to exercise all powers of the Company to 
allot relevant securities (within the meaning of section 551 of the Act) up to 
a maximum aggregate nominal amount of £1,630,835 (being 10% of the issued share 
capital of the Company at 25 May 2022) and representing 6,523,340 shares of 25 
pence each (or, if changed, the number representing 10% of the issued share 
capital of the Company at the date at which this resolution is passed), 
provided that this authority shall expire at the conclusion of the Annual 
General Meeting of the Company to be held in 2023 or 15 months from the date of 
passing this resolution, whichever is the earlier, unless previously revoked, 
varied or renewed, by the Company in General Meeting and provided that the 
Company shall be entitled to make, prior to the expiry of such authority, an 
offer or agreement which would or might require relevant securities to be 
allotted after such expiry and the Directors may allot relevant securities 
pursuant to such offer or agreement as if the authority conferred hereby had 
not expired. 
Disapplication of pre-emption rights 
12. THAT in substitution for all existing powers (and in addition to any power 
conferred on them by resolution 13 set out in the notice convening the Annual 
General Meeting at which this resolution is proposed ("Notice of Annual General 
Meeting")) the Directors be and are hereby generally empowered pursuant to 
Section 570 of the Companies Act 2006 (the "Act") to allot equity securities 
(within the meaning of Section 560 of the Act) for cash pursuant to the 
authority conferred on them by resolution 11 set out in the Notice of Annual 
General Meeting or otherwise as if Section 561(1) of the Act did not apply to 
any such allotment: 
 a. pursuant to an offer of equity securities open for acceptance for a period 
    fixed by the Directors where the equity securities respectively 
    attributable to the interests of holders of shares of 25p each in the 
    capital of the Company ("Shares") are proportionate (as nearly as may be) 
    to the respective numbers of Shares held by them but subject to such 
    exclusions or other arrangements in connection with the issue as the 
    Directors may consider necessary, appropriate or expedient to deal with 
    equity securities representing fractional entitlements or to deal with 
    legal or practical problems arising in any overseas territory, the 
    requirements of any regulatory body or stock exchange, or any other matter 
 b. provided that (otherwise than pursuant to sub-paragraph (a) above) this 
    power shall be limited to the allotment of equity securities up to an 
    aggregate nominal value of £1,630,835, being 10% of the issued share 
    capital of the Company as at 25 May 2022 and representing 6,523,340 Shares 
    or, if changed, the number representing 10% of the issued share capital of 
    the Company at the date of the meeting at which this resolution is passed, 
    and provided further that (i) the number of equity securities to which this 
    power applies shall be reduced from time to time by the number of treasury 
    shares which are sold pursuant to any power conferred on the Directors by 
    resolution 13 set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting and (ii) no 
    allotment of equity securities shall be made under this power which would 
    result in Shares being issued at a price which is less than the net asset 
    value per Share as at the latest practicable date before such allotment of 
    equity securities as determined by the Directors in their reasonable 
    discretion; and 
and such power shall expire at the conclusion of the next Annual General 
Meeting of the Company after the passing of this resolution or 15 months from 
the date of passing this resolution, whichever is earlier, unless previously 
revoked, varied or renewed by the Company in General Meeting and provided that 
the Company shall be entitled to make, prior to the expiry of such authority, 
an offer or agreement which would or might otherwise require equity securities 
to be allotted after such expiry and the Directors may allot equity securities 
pursuant to such offer or agreement as if the power conferred hereby had not 
13. THAT in substitution for all existing powers (and in addition to any power 
conferred on them by resolution 12 set out in the Notice of Annual General 
Meeting) the Directors be and are hereby generally empowered pursuant to 
Section 570 of the Companies Act 2006 (the "Act") to sell relevant shares 
(within the meaning of Section 560 of the Act) if, immediately before the sale, 
such shares are held by the Company as treasury shares (as defined in Section 
724 of the Act ("treasury shares")), for cash as if Section 561(1) of the Act 
did not apply to any such sale provided that: 
(a)    this power shall be limited to the sale of relevant shares having an 
aggregate nominal value of £1,630,835 being 10% of the issued share capital of 
the Company as at 25 May 2022 and representing 1,630,835 Shares or, if changed, 
the number representing 10% of the issued share capital of the Company at the 
date of the meeting at which this resolution is passed, and provided further 
that the number of relevant shares to which power applies shall be reduced from 
time to time by the number of Shares which are allotted for cash as if Section 
561(1) of the Act did not apply pursuant to the power conferred on the 
Directors by resolution 12 set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting, and 
such power shall expire at the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of 
the Company after the passing of this resolution or 15 months from the date of 
passing this resolution, whichever is earlier, unless previously revoked, 
varied or renewed by the Company in General Meeting and provided that the 
Company shall be entitled to make, prior to the expiry of such authority, an 
offer or agreement which would or might otherwise require treasury shares to be 
sold after such expiry and the Directors may sell treasury shares pursuant to 
such offer or agreement as if the power conferred hereby had not expired. 
Authority to repurchase ordinary shares 
14. THAT the Company be and is hereby generally and unconditionally authorised 
in accordance with section 701 of the Companies Act 2006 (the "Act") to make 
one or more market purchases (within the meaning of section 693(4) of the Act) 
of ordinary shares of 25 pence each in the capital of the Company ("Shares") 
(either for retention as treasury shares for future reissue, resale, transfer 
or cancellation), provided that: 
 a. the maximum aggregate number of Shares authorised to be purchased shall be 
    that number of shares which is equal to 14.99% of the issued share capital 
    of the Company as at the date of the passing of this resolution; 
 b. the minimum price (exclusive of expenses) which may be paid for a Share is 
    25 pence; 
 c. the maximum price (exclusive of expenses) which may be paid for a Share is 
    an amount equal to the greater of (i) 105% of the average of the middle 
    market quotations for a Share as derived from the Daily Official List of 
    the London Stock Exchange for the five business days immediately preceding 
    the day on which that Share is purchased and (ii) the higher of the price 
    of the last independent trade and the highest then current independent bid 
    on the London Stock Exchange as stipulated in Article 5(1) of Regulation 
    No. 2233/2003 of the European Commission (Commission Regulation of 22 
    December 2003 implementing the Market Abuse Directive as regards exemptions 
    for buy-back programmes and stabilisation of financial instruments); 
 d. the authority hereby conferred shall expire at the conclusion of the Annual 
    General Meeting of the Company to be held in 2023 or, if earlier, on the 
    expiry of 15 months from the date of the passing of this resolution unless 
    such authority is renewed prior to such time; and 
 e. the Company may make a contract to purchase Shares under this authority 
    before the expiry of such authority which will or may be executed wholly or 
    partly after the expiration of such authority, and may make a purchase of 
    Shares in pursuance of any such contract. 
General meetings 
15. THAT the Directors be authorised to call general meetings (other than the 
Annual General Meeting of the Company) on not less than 14 clear days' notice, 
such authority to expire on the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting 
of the Company, or, if earlier, on the expiry 15 months from the date of the 
passing of the resolution. 
By order of the Board                          Registered Office: 
                                               One Wood Street 
Frostrow Capital LLP                           London EC2V 7WS 
Company Secretary 
26 May 2022 
 1. Members are entitled to appoint a proxy to exercise all or any of their 
    rights to attend and to speak and vote on their behalf at the meeting. A 
    shareholder may appoint more than one proxy in relation to the meeting 
    provided that each proxy is appointed to exercise the rights attached to a 
    different share or shares held by that shareholder. A proxy need not be a 
    shareholder of the Company. 
 2. A vote withheld is not a vote in law, which means that the vote will not be 
    counted in the calculation of votes for or against the resolutions. If no 
    voting indication is given, a proxy may vote or abstain from voting at his/ 
    her discretion. A proxy may vote (or abstain from voting) as he or she 
    thinks fit in relation to any other matter which is put before the meeting. 
 3. This year, hard copy forms of proxy have not been included with this 
    notice. Members can vote by: logging onto www.signalshares.com and 
    following instructions; requesting a hard copy form of proxy directly from 
    the registrars, Link Group at enquiries@linkgroup.co.uk or in the case of 
    CREST members, utilising the CREST electronic proxy appointment service in 
    accordance with the procedures set out below. To be valid any proxy form or 
    other instrument appointing a proxy must be completed and signed and 
    received by post or (during normal business hours only) by hand at Link 
    Group, PXS1, 29 Wellington Street, 10th Floor, Central Square, Leeds LS1 
    4DL no later than 1.00 p.m. on Monday, 4 July 2022. 
 4. In the case of a member which is a company, the instrument appointing a 
    proxy must be executed under its seal or signed on its behalf by a duly 
    authorised officer or attorney or other person authorised to sign. Any 
    power of attorney or other authority under which the instrument is signed 
    (or a certified copy of it) must be included with the instrument. 
 5. The return of a completed proxy form, other such instrument or any CREST 
    Proxy Instruction (as described below) will not prevent a shareholder 
    attending the meeting and voting in person if he/she wishes to do so. 
 6. Any person to whom this notice is sent who is a person nominated under 
    section 146 of the Companies Act 2006 to enjoy information rights (a 
    "Nominated Person") may, under an agreement between him/her and the 
    shareholder by whom he/she was nominated, have a right to be appointed (or 
    have someone else appointed) as a proxy for the meeting. If a Nominated 
    Person has no such proxy appointment right or does not wish to exercise it, 
    he/she may, under any such agreement, have a right to give instructions to 
    the shareholder as to the exercise of voting rights. 
 7. The statement of the rights of shareholders in relation to the appointment 
    of proxies in paragraphs 1 and 3 above does not apply to Nominated Persons. 
    The rights described in these paragraphs can only be exercised by 
    shareholders of the Company. 
 8. Pursuant to regulation 41 of the Uncertificated Securities Regulations 
    2001, only shareholders registered on the register of members of the 
    Company (the "Register of Members") at the close of business on Monday, 4 
    July 2022 (or, in the event of any adjournment, on the date which is two 
    days before the time of the adjourned meeting) will be entitled to attend 
    and vote or be represented at the meeting in respect of shares registered 
    in their name at that time. Changes to the Register of Members after that 
    time will be disregarded in determining the rights of any person to attend 
    and vote at the meeting. 
 9. As at 25 May 2022 (being the last business day prior to the publication of 
    this notice) the Company's issued share capital consists of 65,537,755 
    ordinary shares, carrying one vote each. The Company holds 304,351 shares 
    in treasury. Therefore, the total voting rights in the Company as at 25 May 
    2022 are 65,233,404. 
10. CREST members who wish to appoint a proxy or proxies through the CREST 
    electronic proxy appointment service may do so by using the procedures 
    described in the CREST Manual. CREST Personal Members or other CREST 
    sponsored members, and those CREST members who have appointed a service 
    provider(s), should refer to their CREST sponsor or voting service provider 
    (s), who will be able to take the appropriate action on their behalf. 
11. In order for a proxy appointment or instruction made using the CREST 
    service to be valid, the appropriate CREST message (a "CREST Proxy 
    Instruction") must be properly authenticated in accordance with the 
    specifications of Euroclear UK and Ireland Limited ("CRESTCo"), and must 
    contain the information required for such instruction, as described in the 
    CREST Manual. The message, regardless of whether it constitutes the 
    appointment of a proxy or is an amendment to the instruction given to a 
    previously appointed proxy must, in order to be valid, be transmitted so as 
    to be received by the issuer's agent (ID RA10) no later than 48 hours 
    before the time appointed for holding the meeting. For this purpose, the 
    time of receipt will be taken to be the time (as determined by the 
    timestamp applied to the message by the CREST Application Host) from which 
    the issuer's agent is able to retrieve the message by enquiry to CREST in 
    the manner prescribed by CREST. After this time any change of instructions 
    to proxies appointed through CREST should be communicated to the appointee 
    through other means. 
12. CREST members and, where applicable, their CREST sponsors, or voting 
    service providers should note that CRESTCo does not make available special 
    procedures in CREST for any particular message. Normal system timings and 
    limitations will, therefore, apply in relation to the input of CREST Proxy 
    Instructions. It is the responsibility of the CREST member concerned to 
    take (or, if the CREST member is a CREST personal member, or sponsored 
    member, or has appointed a voting service provider, to procure that his 
    CREST sponsor or voting service provider(s) take(s)) such action as shall 
    be necessary to ensure that a message is transmitted by means of the CREST 
    system by any particular time. In this connection, CREST members and, where 
    applicable, their CREST sponsors or voting system providers are referred, 
    in particular, to those sections of the CREST Manual concerning practical 
    limitations of the CREST system and timings. 
13. The Company may treat as invalid a CREST Proxy Instruction in the 
    circumstances set out in Regulation 35(5)(a) of the Uncertificated 
    Securities Regulations-2001. 
14. In the case of joint holders, where more than one of the joint holders 
    purports to appoint a proxy, only the appointment submitted by the most 
    senior holder will be accepted. Seniority is determined by the order in 
    which the names of the joint holders appear in the Register of Members in 
    respect of the joint holding (the first named being the most senior). 
15. Members who wish to change their proxy instructions should submit a new 
    proxy appointment using the methods set out above. Note that the cut-off 
    time for receipt of proxy appointments (see above) also applies in relation 
    to amended instructions; any amended proxy appointment received after the 
    relevant cut-off time will be disregarded. 
16. Members who have appointed a proxy using the hard-copy proxy form and who 
    wish to change the instructions using another hard-copy form, should 
    contact Link Group on 0371 600 0300 or +44 371 600 0300. Calls are charged 
    at the standard geographic rate and will vary by provider. Calls outside 
    the United Kingdom are charged at the applicable international rate. Lines 
    are open 09.00 to 17.30 Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in 
    England and Wales. 
17. If a member submits more than one valid proxy appointment, the appointment 
    received last before the latest time for the receipt of proxies will 
18. In order to revoke a proxy instruction, members will need to inform the 
    Company. Members should send a signed hard copy notice clearly stating 
    their intention to revoke a proxy appointment to Link Group, PXS1, 29 
    Wellington Street, 10th Floor, Central Square, Leeds LS1 4DL. In the case 
    of a member which is a company, the revocation notice must be executed 
    under its common seal or signed on its behalf by an officer of the company 
    or an attorney for the company. Any power of attorney or any other 
    authority under which the revocation notice is signed (or a duly certified 
    copy of such power of attorney) must be included with the revocation 
    notice. If a member attempts to revoke their proxy appointment but the 
    revocation is received after the time for receipt of proxy appointments 
    (see above) then, subject to paragraph 4, the proxy appointment will remain 
How To Vote 
If you hold your shares directly you can: 
  * Log on to https://www.signalshares.com and follow the instructions; or 
  * Request a hard copy form of proxy from the Company's registrars, Link 
    Group, by emailing enquiries@linkgroup.co.uk or by calling +44 (0)371 664 
    0321 and returning the completed form to Link Group, PXS1, 10th Floor, 
    Central Square,  29 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL, no later than 12.30 
    pm on 4 July 2022. 
If you hold your shares via an investment platform (e.g. Hargreaves Lansdown) 
or a nominee, you should contact them to enquire about arrangements to vote. 
Resolution 1 - To receive the Annual Report and Accounts 
The Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2022 will be 
presented to the Annual General Meeting (AGM). These accounts accompany this 
Notice of Meeting. 
Resolution 2 - To approve a Final Dividend 
The rationale for the payment of a final dividend is set out in the Chairman's 
Statement and the Report of the Directors. 
Resolution 3 - Approval of the Company's Dividend Policy 
Resolution 3 seeks shareholder approval of the Company's dividend policy. 
Resolutions 4 to 8 - Re-election of Directors 
Resolutions 4 to 8 deal with the re-election of each Director. 
The Board has confirmed, following a performance review, that the Directors 
standing for re-election and election continue to perform effectively. 
Resolution 9 - Re-appointment of Auditors and the determination of their 
Resolution 9 relates to the re-appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the 
Company's independent Auditors to hold office until the next AGM of the Company 
and also authorises the Audit & Risk Committee to set their remuneration. 
Resolutions 10 - Remuneration Report 
The Directors' Remuneration Report is set out in full in the annual report. 
Resolutions 11, 12 and 13 - Issue of Shares 
Ordinary Resolution 11 in the Notice of AGM will renew the authority to allot 
the unissued share capital up to an aggregate nominal amount of £1,630,835 
(equivalent to 6,523,340 shares, or 10% of the Company's existing issued share 
capital on 25 May 2022, being the nearest practicable date prior to the signing 
of this Report (or if changed, the number representing 10% of the issued share 
capital of the Company at the date at which the resolution is passed). Such 
authority will expire on the date of the next AGM or after a period of 15 
months from the date of the passing of the resolution, whichever is earlier. 
This means that the authority will have to be renewed at the next AGM. 
When shares are to be allotted for cash, Section 551 of the Companies Act 2006 
(the "Act") provides that existing shareholders have pre-emption rights and 
that the new shares must be offered first to such shareholders in proportion to 
their existing holding of shares. However, shareholders can, by special 
resolution, authorise the Directors to allot shares otherwise than by a pro 
rata issue to existing shareholders. Special Resolution 12 will, if passed, 
give the Directors power to allot for cash equity securities up to 10% of the 
Company's existing share capital on 25 May 2022 (or if changed, the number 
representing 10% of the issued share capital of the Company at the date at 
which the resolution is passed), as if Section 551 of the Act does not apply. 
This is the same nominal amount of share capital which the Directors are 
seeking the authority to allot pursuant to Resolution 11. This authority will 
also expire on the date of the next Annual General Meeting or after a period of 
15 months, whichever is earlier. This authority will not be used in connection 
with a rights issue by the Company. 
Under the Companies (Acquisition of Own Shares) (Treasury Shares) Regulations 
2003 (as amended) (the "Treasury Share Regulations") the Company is permitted 
to buy-back and hold shares in treasury and then sell them at a later date for 
cash, rather than cancelling them. The Treasury Share Regulations require such 
sale to be on a pre-emptive, pro rata, basis to existing shareholders unless 
shareholders agree by special resolution to disapply such pre-emption rights. 
Accordingly, in addition to giving the Directors power to allot unissued share 
capital on a non pre-emptive basis pursuant to Resolution 12, Resolution 13, if 
passed, will give the Directors authority to sell shares held in treasury on a 
non pre-emptive basis. No dividends may be paid on any shares held in treasury 
and no voting rights will attach to such shares. The benefit of the ability to 
hold treasury shares is that such shares may be resold. This should give the 
Company greater flexibility in managing its share capital, and improve 
liquidity in its shares. It is the intention of the Board that any re-sale of 
treasury shares would only take place at a premium to the cum income net asset 
value per share. It is also the intention of the Board that sales from treasury 
would only take place when the Board believes that to do so would assist in the 
provision of liquidity to the market. The number of treasury shares which may 
be sold pursuant to this authority is limited to 10% of the Company's existing 
share capital on 25 May 2022 (or if changed, the number representing 10% of the 
issued share capital of the Company at the date at which the resolution is 
passed) (reduced by any equity securities allotted for cash on a non-pro rata 
basis pursuant to Resolution 12, as described above). This authority will also 
expire on the date of the next Annual General Meeting or after a period of 15 
months, whichever is earlier. 
The Directors intend to use the authority given by Resolutions 11, 12 and 13 to 
allot shares and disapply pre-emption rights only in circumstances where this 
will be clearly beneficial to shareholders as a whole. The issue proceeds would 
be available for investment in line with the Company's investment policy. No 
issue of shares will be made which would effectively alter the control of the 
Company without the prior approval of shareholders in general meeting. 
New Shares will only be issued at a premium to the Company's cum income net 
asset value per share at the time of issue. 
Resolution 14 - Share Repurchases 
The Directors wish to renew the authority given by shareholders at the previous 
AGM. The principal aim of a share buy-back facility is to enhance shareholder 
value by acquiring shares at a discount to net asset value, as and when the 
Directors consider this to be appropriate. The purchase of Shares, when they 
are trading at a discount to net asset value per share should result in an 
increase in the net asset value per share for the remaining shareholders. This 
authority, if conferred, will only be exercised if to do so would result in an 
increase in the net asset value per share for the remaining shareholders and if 
it is in the best interests of shareholders generally. Any purchase of shares 
will be made within guidelines established from time to time by the Board. It 
is proposed to seek shareholder authority to renew this facility for another 
year at the AGM. 
Under the current Listing Rules, the maximum price that may be paid on the 
exercise of this authority must not exceed the higher of (i) 105% of the 
average of the middle market quotations for the shares over the five business 
days immediately preceding the date of purchase and (ii) the higher of the last 
independent trade and the highest current independent bid on the trading venue 
where the purchase is carried out. The minimum price which may be paid is 25p 
per Share. Existing shares which are purchased under this authority will either 
be cancelled or held as Treasury Shares. 
Special Resolution 14 in the Notice of AGM will renew the authority to purchase 
in the market a maximum of 14.99% of Ordinary Shares in issue as at the date of 
the passing of the resolution. Such authority will expire on the date of the 
next AGM or after a period of 15 months from the date of passing of the 
resolution, whichever is earlier. This means in effect that the authority will 
have to be renewed at the next AGM or earlier if the authority has been 
Resolution 15 - General Meetings 
Special Resolution 15 seeks shareholder approval for the Company to hold 
General Meetings (other than the AGM) at 14 clear days' notice. The Board 
confirms that the shorter notice period would only be used where it was merited 
by the purpose of the meeting. 
The Board considers that the resolutions relating to the above items are in the 
best interests of shareholders as a whole. Accordingly, the Board unanimously 
recommends to the shareholders that they vote in favour of the above 
resolutions to be proposed at the forthcoming AGM as the Directors intend to do 
in respect of their own beneficial holdings totalling 53,881 shares. 
A description of the investment strategy and objectives of the Company, the 
types of assets in which the Company may invest, the techniques it may employ, 
any applicable investment restrictions, the circumstances in which it may use 
leverage, the types and sources of leverage permitted and the associated risks, 
any restrictions on the use of leverage and the maximum level of leverage which 
the AIFM and Portfolio Manager are entitled to employ on behalf of the Company 
and the procedures by which the Company may change its investment strategy and/ 
or the investment policy can be found in the Strategic Report under the heading 
"Investment Strategy". 
The table below sets out the current maximum permitted limit and actual level 
of leverages for the Company: as a percentage of net assets 
                                           Gross        Commitment 
                                          Method            Method 
Maximum level of leverage                 140.0%            140.0% 
Actual level at 31 March 2022             113.4%            110.9% 
Following completion of an assessment of the application of the proportionality 
principle to the FCA's AIFM Remuneration Code, the AIFM has disapplied the 
pay-out process rules with respect to it and any of its delegates. This is 
because the AIFM considers that it carries out non--complex activities and is 
operating on a small scale. 
Further disclosures required under the AIFM Rules can be found within the 
Investor Disclosure Document on the Company's website: www.worldwidewh.com. 
As defined in Article 3 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2365, securities financing 
transactions (SFT) include repurchase transactions, securities or commodities 
lending and securities or commodities borrowing, buy-sell back transactions or 
sell-buy back transactions and margin lending transactions. Whilst the Company 
does not engage in such SFT's, it does engage in Total Return Swaps (TRS) 
therefore, in accordance with Article 13 of the Regulation, the Company's 
involvement in and exposure to Total Return Swaps for the accounting year ended 
31 March 2022 are detailed below. 
Amount of assets engaged in TRS 
The following table represents the total value of assets engaged in TRS: 
                                                                         £'000    % of AUM 
TRS                                                                    (5,129)       (0.2) 
The following table provides details of the counterparties and their country of 
incorporation (based on gross volume of outstanding transactions with exposure 
on a gross basis) in respect of TRS as at the balance sheet date: 
                                                                      Country of 
                                                                   Incorporation       £'000 
Goldman Sachs                                                             U.S.A.      99,898 
JPMorgan                                                                  U.S.A.      35,120 
Type, quality, maturity, tenor and currency of collateral 
No collateral was received by the Company in respect of TRS during the year to 
31 March 2022. The collateral provided by the Company to the above 
counterparties is set out below. 
Type                    Currency         Maturity         Quality          £'000 
Cash                    USD              less than 1 day  n/a              56,336 
Maturity tenor of TRS 
The following table provides an analysis of the maturity tenor of open TRS 
positions (with exposure on a gross basis) as at the balance sheet date: 
Maturity                                                   £'000 
1 to 3 months                                                  - 
3 to 12 months                                           135,018 
Settlement and clearing 
OTC derivative transactions (including TRS) are entered into by the Company 
under an International Swaps and Derivatives Associations, Inc. Master 
Agreement ("ISDA Master Agreement"). An ISDA Master Agreement is a bilateral 
agreement between the Company and a counterparty that governs OTC derivative 
transactions (including TRS) entered into by the parties. All OTC derivative 
transactions entered under an ISDA Master Agreement are netted together for 
collateral purposes, therefore any collateral disclosures provided are in 
respect of all OTC derivative transactions entered into by the Company under 
the ISDA Master agreement, not just total return swaps. 
Safekeeping of collateral 
There was no non-cash collateral provided by the Company in respect of OTC 
derivatives (including TRS) with the counterparties noted above as at the 
statement of financial position date. 
Return and cost 
All returns from TRS transactions will accrue to the Company and are not 
subject to any returns sharing arrangements with the Company's AIFM, Portfolio 
Manager or any other third parties. Returns from those instruments are 
disclosed in Note 9 to the Company's financial statements. 
Frostrow Capital LLP, 
Company Secretary 
26 May 2022 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 27, 2022 02:40 ET (06:40 GMT)

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