Zambia Copper
  Investments Limited
(Registered in Bermuda)
     JSE code: ZCI
  ISIN: BMG988431240
    ("ZCI" or "the

1.  Introduction

    Further   to   the  cautionary  announcements  published  over  the   period
    16  May  2003  to 23 July 2004, Rand Merchant Bank ("RMB") is authorised  to
    announce  that  ZCI, the Government of the Republic of Zambia ("GRZ"),  ZCCM
    Investments  Holdings plc ("ZCCM-IH"), Konkola Copper Mines plc ("KCM")  and
    Vedanta  Resources  plc  ("Vedanta")  (collectively,  "the  Parties")   have
    reached  agreement on the terms of an investment by Vedanta into  KCM  ("the
    Vedanta  investment"),  subject  to  the fulfilment  of  certain  conditions
    precedent set out in paragraph 4 below ("conditions precedent").
2.  Background and rationale for the Vedanta investment

    Concomitant  with  the exit of Anglo American plc from ZCI  (and  indirectly
    KCM)  in  September 2002, the KCM shareholders and GRZ embarked on a process
    to  ensure  the  long-term sustainability of KCM.  It was  agreed  that  the
    introduction  of  a  new strategic equity partner was the  most  appropriate
    route  to follow to secure the future of KCM and to address two key  issues,
    -   the provision of technical expertise and management experience; and
-   funding support and financial stability for KCM.
    The  introduction of a new strategic equity partner would therefore  address
    the management and capital constraints of the business.
    A  bid  process  was  therefore initiated in  October  2002  and  bids  were
    received  in  February 2003.  After due consideration of the bids  received,
    Vedanta  was selected as the preferred bidder by the KCM board and  endorsed
    by  GRZ.  Vedanta is an international mining and metals group ("the  group")
    with zinc, copper and aluminium operations in India and two copper mines  in
    Australia. It listed on the London Stock Exchange plc in November  2003  and
    has  a  current  market  capitalisation  of  approximately  US$1.4  billion.
    Vedanta  holds  its  interests in its operations through  two  subsidiaries,
    Sterlite  Industries (India) Limited ("Sterlite") and the  Madras  Aluminium
    Company Limited. Sterlite is Vedanta's principal subsidiary company  and  is
    currently  listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange. Vedanta's copper  operations
    are  owned and operated by Sterlite, which also holds majority stakes in the
    group's  zinc  business, Hindustan Zinc Limited, and the  group's  principal
    aluminium business, the Bharat Aluminium Company Limited. Vedanta  has  also
    recently  embarked on a major capital expenditure programme of approximately
    US$2 billion to significantly expand its operations.
3.  Detailed terms of the Vedanta investment and associated arrangements
    The  key terms of the Vedanta investment that the Parties have agreed to are
    as follows:
    -   the subscription by Vedanta for sufficient new KCM ordinary shares for an
       amount of US$25 million such that Vedanta obtains a 51% interest in  KCM.
       Accordingly, ZCI will reduce its interest in KCM from 58% to 28.4% and ZCCM-IH
       will reduce its interest in KCM from 42% to 20.6%;
    -   to enable Vedanta to subscribe for KCM shares, ZCI and ZCCM-IH will waive
       their pre-emptive subscription rights. As consideration for this waiver, ZCI
       will receive a deferred consideration of US$23.2 million from Vedanta, payable
       over a period commencing on the completion date of the Vedanta investment and
       ending on 31 December 2008. The schedule of deferred payments is as follows:
        -   two million, three hundred and twenty thousand US dollars (US$2,320,000) on
           the Completion Date;
        -   five million, two hundred and twenty thousand US dollars (US$5,220,000) on
           31 December 2005;
        -   five million, two hundred and twenty thousand US dollars (US$5,220,000) on
           31 December 2006;
        -   five million, two hundred and twenty thousand US dollars (US$5,220,000) on
           31 December 2007; and
        -   five million, two hundred and twenty thousand US dollars (US$5,220,000) on
           31 December 2008;
    -    similarly, while ZCCM-IH will not receive a deferred consideration from
       Vedanta,  ZCCM-IH  will  receive,  as  consideration  for  their  waiver,
       US$16.8 million by way of a debt cancellation arrangement with GRZ, whereby GRZ
       will cancel debt owed by ZCCM-IH to GRZ;
    -   in the event that the free cash flow (after sustaining and project capital
       expenditures) of KCM is negative at any time during a period of nine years after
       the completion date of the Vedanta investment, then Vedanta will guarantee and
       be responsible for providing or securing the necessary additional funding
       required by KCM to immediately fund to the extent of the negative cash flow up
       to but not exceeding a cumulative amount of US$220 million ("standby funding
       commitment"). Should this standby funding commitment be provided by Vedanta in
       the form of equity, it will be non-dilutive to existing shareholders;
    -     Vedanta  will  contractually  undertake  not  to  exit  KCM  prior  to
       1 January 2008.  Thereafter if it wishes to exit, Vedanta is required to provide
       a twelve month notice period during which time it will provide management to KCM
       and it will pay an exit fee equivalent to the following years budgeted capital
       expenditure (as adjusted for any over or under spending of capital expenditure
       in prior financial periods), with its standby funding commitment terminating on
       the exit date;
-   Vedanta has agreed that KCM will set aside a portion of its future annual
free cash flow to create a cash reserve so that the shareholders and GRZ have
assurance that as cash is accumulated in the reserve, KCM has dedicated funds
available to fund its environmental and terminal benefit obligations;
-   an undertaking has been given by Vedanta  to support a feasibility study on
the extension of the Konkola ore body by no later than 31 December 2006. Vedanta
will contribute US$1million towards the cost of the feasibility study;
-   should the KCM board determine to proceed with further development of the
Konkola ore body, Vedanta will be responsible for securing the debt finance
necessary in accordance with typical market practices for similar projects.  In
addition, Vedanta will be required to contribute whatever equity is required by
KCM to secure the debt funding.  ZCI and ZCCM-IH will be able to follow their
rights but should they decline to do so, the additional equity will be
contributed by Vedanta on a dilutive basis;
-   Vedanta will have a call option in favour of Vedanta over ZCI's shares in
KCM, exercisable on either a positive development decision on the Konkola ore
body or the achievement by Konkola mine, a division of KCM, of 3 million tonnes
per annum ("tpa") of ore production for four consecutive quarters.  The exercise
price will be the prevailing fair market value of ZCI's KCM shares as agreed to
between ZCI and Vedanta or, failing agreement, as determined by an independent
investment bank;
-   if the KCM board determines not to proceed with the further development of
the Konkola ore body, then ZCI and ZCCM-IH will have a call option over
Vedanta's shares in KCM, exercisable on or after 31 December 2009 at the
prevailing fair market value of such shares. However, if Vedanta can
demonstrate, at any time before the exercise date of the call option, that an
additional five years production for the period from 2013 to 2017, at 175 000
tpa of produced finished copper utilising the existing KCM mining licence and
adjacent areas is achievable, then in those circumstances the exercise date of
the call option will be deferred for a period of five years, such that it may
not be exercised prior to 31 December 2014; and
    -   GRZ will continue to own one special share in KCM which will allow GRZ to
       vote at KCM shareholder meetings under certain circumstances as specified in the
       new KCM articles of association and which will become effective on completion.
       For example, the consent of GRZ shall be required for any material change in the
       nature of the business of KCM.
    The  resulting ownership structure subsequent to the Vedanta investment will
    be as follows:
    On  the  basis of Vedanta becoming the new controlling shareholder  of  KCM,
    GRZ  has  also  agreed  the terms of a new development agreement  with  KCM,
    which  regulates the legal and fiscal framework under which KCM operates  in
    Zambia.  In  addition  to providing legislative certainty  to  KCM  for  the
    agreed   stability  period,  the  development  agreement  also  has  certain
    incentives  which will benefit KCM if the KCM board decides to proceed  with
    the further development of the Konkola ore body.
    At  present,  the board of directors of KCM consists of three ZCI  appointed
    directors,  two  ZCCM-IH appointed directors and one GRZ appointed  director
    (with limited voting rights).  On completion of the Vedanta investment,  the
    board  of  KCM  will be reconstituted and consist of five Vedanta  appointed
    directors, two ZCI appointed directors, two ZCCM-IH appointed directors  and
    one GRZ appointed director (with limited voting rights).

4.  Conditions precedent

    The  Vedanta  investment is conditional upon the fulfilment of, inter  alia,
    the following conditions precedent:
    -    approval  of the Vedanta investment by ZCI shareholders by  way  of  an
       ordinary resolution requiring the approval of 75% of ZCI shareholders present or
       represented by proxy at the meeting;
    -   approvals by the JSE Securities Exchange South Africa, Paris Bourse and the
       South African Reserve Bank of the circular to ZCI shareholders;
    -    a  waiver  by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zambia  of  the
       requirement that Vedanta make an offer to ZCCM-IH and ZCI for their shares in
       KCM and the consent thereto by ZCI and ZCCM-IH;
    -   the consent of certain KCM debt providers to the Vedanta investment;
    -    the  signature of a management agreement for the provision  of  certain
       services by Vedanta to KCM; and
    -   upon satisfaction of the above conditions precedent, the execution of a new
       shareholders agreement governing the relationship between the Parties, the
       execution of a new development agreement between KCM and GRZ, the execution of
       the call option agreements between Vedanta, ZCI and ZCCM-IH and the adoption by
       KCM of new articles of association.
5.  Warranties

    ZCI,  ZCCM-IH and KCM have provided certain warranties to Vedanta normal  in
    a transaction of this nature.
6.  Opinion
    RMB  has  been appointed by ZCI to prepare a fair and reasonable opinion  in
    respect  of  the  terms  and  conditions of  the  Vedanta  investment.  This
    opinion,  together with the opinion of the board of directors of  ZCI,  will
    be contained in the circular to shareholders.
    The  board  of  directors  of  ZCCM-IH is  of  the  view  that  the  Vedanta
    investment  is  in  the  best interests of ZCCM-IH  shareholders,  who  will
    continue to benefit from ZCCM-IH's 20.6% retained interest in KCM, and  thus
    share in the future development of KCM's assets.
7.  Documentation

    A  circular, which is subject to the approval of the JSE Securities Exchange
    South  Africa and the Paris Bourse, giving details of the Vedanta investment
    and  containing a notice of a general meeting of ZCI shareholders, is  being
    prepared  and  will  be  posted to ZCI shareholders by no later than Monday  4
    October 2004.

8.  Financial   effects  of  the  Vedanta  investment  and  further   cautionary
    The  financial effects of the Vedanta investment are in the process of being
    finalised.  Full disclosure of the financial effects, including  the  effect
    on  net  asset  value  per share, net tangible asset  value  per  share  and
    headline   loss   per   share,  will  be  published  shortly.   Accordingly,
    shareholders  are advised to continue to exercise caution  when  dealing  in
    the  securities of the company until such time as a further announcement  is
    made containing the financial effects of the Vedanta investment.
    By order of the board
    20 August 2004
    Sponsor and independent             Legal Adviser to ZCI
    financial advisor
    Rand  Merchant  Bank  (A            Maitland International         
    division   of  FirstRand
    Bank Limited)
    Corporate Finance


    Webber Wentzel Bowens             

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Zambia Copper (LSE:ZCI)
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