RNS Number : 5689V
  Zenith Hygiene Group plc
  29 May 2008

    Zenith Hygiene Group plc

    30 May 2008                            AIM:ZHG 

    Zenith Hygiene Group plc

    Interim Results for the 6 months ended 29 February 2008
    Zenith Hygiene Group plc ("Zenith" or "the Company" or "the Group"), the independent manufacturer and supplier of cleaning and non-food
ancillary products to the food service, leisure, education and healthcare markets, today announces its interim results for the six months
ended 29 February 2008.


    The first half of the year has, as detailed in the 2007 annual report, been overshadowed by the business review carried out by the
Company's new management team and by the investigation of the certain significant issues affecting the 2006 and 2007 accounts. This has
taken up a lot of management time and has caused significant disruption and cost to the business.
    Whilst this continues to be a difficult time for the Group, steady progress is being made to resolve the issues faced following the
    Financial Highlights 
    Results for the six months ended 29 February 2008
    *     Turnover down 6% to �17.5m (2007: �18.6m)
    *     Gross margins increased from 44% to 48%
    *     Cash generated from operating activities of �1.1m (2007: �0.5m)
    *     Operating result improved to near break even. Loss before restructuring charges of �0.2m (2007: �1.2m)
    *     Group loss before tax decreased by 35% to �1.1m (2007: �1.7m), including restructuring and exceptional costs of �0.5m (2007:
    *     Group net borrowings reduced to �9.95m (31 August 2007: �10.2m)
    Results for the six months ended 28 February 2007
    *     Due to the previously highlighted inadequate accounting records and internal controls, comparative figures for this half year
period have now also been restated.
    *     Reconciliation between the original interim results published on 16 May 2007 and the restated results can be found in Appendix 1
to these accounts. 

    Operational Highlights
    *     Group continues to operate within its banking covenants
    *     Considerable increases in input and distribution costs
    *     Significant improvements in delivery, control and resolution of customer issues made by the new warehouse and distribution
management team
    Gavin Gracie, Chief Executive of Zenith Hygiene Group, commented:

    "Whilst it is disappointing to be reporting a loss for the first six months, progress has been made in turning the business around.  The
increase in gross margins and the implementation of some of the results of the review have led to the Group reporting an operating profit
before restructuring and share option expenses, and also generating cash from operating activities.

    Although the Group continues to improve its performance and is providing very competitive service levels to customers, as stated at the
time of the full year results , the full turnaround of the business will still take some time given the magnitude of the issues it has

    For further information, please contact:

    Zenith Hygiene Group plc

    Gavin Gracie, Chief Executive               07939 694722
    Ian Selby, Group Finance Director         07939 694638

    Oriel Securities Limited

    Malcolm Strang                                   020 7710 7600
    Michael Shaw

    Scott Harris                

    Stephen Scott                                     020 7653 0030
    James O'Shaughnessy 


    Interim Financial Statements
    for the six months ended 29 February 2008


 Chairman's statement                                                       1-2
 Independent review report                                                  3-4
 Consolidated interim income statement (unaudited)                            5
 Consolidated interim balance sheet (unaudited)                               6
 Consolidated interim cash flow statement (unaudited)                         7
 Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders' equity (unaudited)        8
 Notes to the interim financial statements (unaudited)                     9-14
 Appendix I - Reconciliation of 2007 comparative information (unaudited)     15
 Appendix II - UK GAAP to IFRS reconciliation (unaudited)                 16-21

    Interim Financial Statements

    for the six months ended 29 February 2008

    Chairman's Statement


    The first half of the year has, as detailed in the 2007 annual report, been overshadowed by the business review carried out by the
Company's new management team into the performance in 2006 and 2007 . This has taken up a lot of management time and has caused significant
disruption and cost to the business.

    Results for the Six Months ended 29 February 2008

    Whilst it is disappointing to be reporting a loss for the first six months, progress has been made in turning the business around.
Turnover is down 6% on 2007 at �17.5m (2007:�18.6m) reflecting the loss of some lower margin customers, resulting in gross margins
increasing from 44% to 48%.

    However, the increase in gross margins and the implementation of some of the results of the review has led to the Group being able to
report a near breakeven operating result, before restructuring charges of �0.2m compared to �1.2m in the previous period. 

    The Group has generated cash from operating activities of �1.1m (2007: �0.5m). This has been utilised in the investment of fixed assets,
primarily dosing and dispensing equipment, and the payment of bank interest.

    The Group made a loss before tax of �1.1m (2007:�1.7m). This includes restructuring and exceptional costs of �0.5m (2007: �0.2m)
relating to:

    *     professional and consulting fees associated with financial and operational reviews; 
    *     additional costs associated with the re-creation of the August 2007 balance sheet; and
    *     costs incurred in reorganising the group to realise productivity and efficiency gains.  

    Interest payable increased to �0.4m (2007 �0.2m), due to increased average net debt in the period and was based on the banking
arrangements in place prior to the grant of additional facilities on 22 February 2008. The interest charge for the remaining six months will
be higher due to the additional facilities arranged with the bank. The impact of arrangement fees and revised interest rates on the first
six months was not material.

    This is the first set of results prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards. Details of the transition are set out in
Appendix II to these accounts. 

    Results for the Six Months ended 28 February 2007

    The 2007 Annual Report and Accounts, reported inadequate accounting records and internal controls for the year, with the year end
balance sheet requiring a reconstruction involving the use of forensic accountants.  

    The 2007 half year comparative period was also affected by the inadequate accounting records. On the grounds of resource constraint a
full reconstruction similar to that at August 2007 has not been performed, however, as a result of the review the comparative figures in
this statement have today been restated. 

    These figures have been prepared by adjusting the underlying accounting records for issues which were known, as a result of the recent
financial review, to have specifically affected the results for the first six months of 2007.  These largely related to items identified as
prior year adjustments affecting the year ended 31 August 2006, where the costs were originally incorrectly recorded as being attributed to
2007. Further adjustments have been made by reviewing certain costs against those recorded in the annual audited accounts and revising
certain estimates. The interim results originally published on 16 May 2007 were not reviewed by the auditors. 

    A reconciliation between those originally published on 16 May 2007 and the restated results is included in Appendix I to these accounts.

    Banking Facilities

    The Group had net bank borrowings of �9.96m at the end of the review period, compared to �10.2m as at the audited balance sheet of 31
August 2007.  

    As explained in the audited accounts for the year ended 31 August 2007 the Group's banking facilities were increased on 22 February 2008
to �12.75m of which the final �1.0m of the overdraft facility is due for drawdown on 1 June 2008.  

    The Group has continued to operate within its banking facilities.


    During the period in which the business review has been undertaken, the Group has continued to experience lower than expected
performance against "first time on time in full deliveries". This has been a continuing issue over the previous 18 months and major steps
are being taken in this area to improve our delivery performance. Customer churn has been at a similar level to prior periods.  

    The Group has noticed a cooling economy and during this same period has faced considerable increases in raw material and distribution
costs. At present a very limited amount of these costs have been passed on to customers.

    Major changes were made to the warehouse and distribution management early in 2008 calendar year. The new team has made significant
improvements in delivery, control and resolving customer issues. Bulk manufacturing of both liquid and powder products has been integrated
under single management with overall manufacturing performance being satisfactory.  


    Whilst this continues to be a difficult time for the Group, steady progress is being made to resolve the issues faced following the

    Although Zenith continues to improve its performance and is providing competitive service levels to customers, as stated at the time of
the full year results, the full 'turnaround of the business will take some time given the magnitude of the issues it has faced'.  

    I would like to thank staff, customers and suppliers for their continued support over the last six months.

    Simon Barrell
Acting Chairman
    29 May 2008

    Independent Review Report
    to Zenith Hygiene Group plc

    We have been engaged by the Company to review the interim financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months
ended 29 February 2008 which comprise the Consolidated Income Statement, the Consolidated Balance Sheet, the Consolidated Cash Flow
Statement, Statement of changes in shareholders' equity, the notes to the interim financial statements and Appendices I and II.  We have
read the other information contained in the interim report which comprises only the Chairman's Statement and considered whether it contains
any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial information.
    This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with guidance contained in ISRE (UK and Ireland) 2410, "Review of Interim
Financial Information performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity". Our review work has been undertaken so that we might state to the
Company those matters we are required to state to them in a review report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law,
we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company, for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusion we
have formed.
    Directors' responsibilities
    The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors. The Directors are responsible for
preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the AIM Rules of the London Stock Exchange plc.
    As disclosed in the notes to the interim financial statements, the next annual financial statements of the Group will be prepared in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union.  This interim report has been prepared in
accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" and the requirements of IFRS 1 "First-time Adoption of
International Financial Reporting Standards" relevant to interim reports.
    The accounting policies are consistent with those that the Directors intend to use in the next annual financial statements.
    Our Responsibility 
    Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the interim financial statements in the half-yearly financial report
based on our review.
    Scope of Review
    We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, Review of Interim
Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United
Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and
accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in
accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would
become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. 
    Limitation of scope - comparative results to 28 February 2007
    The half yearly financial report for the six months ended 28 February 2007 was issued without the inclusion of an independent review
report by the auditor, and we carried out no work on the financial statements for that period included within this report. As set out in the
notes to the interim financial statements, in the opinion of the Directors, proper accounting records were not maintained during the
comparative period. The Directors have adjusted the reported comparative results for the assumed impact of prior year adjustments identified
during the preparation of the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 August 2007. They have also reviewed certain key cost
categories, as set out in Appendix I, and have adjusted for inconsistent run rates in the comparative period.
    We have not carried out a review of the interim financial statements for the six months ended 28 February 2007 in accordance with
International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410. Our review has been limited to verifying that these comparative
financial statements have been prepared in accordance 
    with management's assumptions as stated in Appendix I and we make no comment on whether these results have been prepared in accordance
with International Accounting Standard 34.
    Except for the effect of the limitation of scope referred to in the preceding paragraph, based on our review, nothing has come to our
attention that causes us to believe that the interim financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 29
February 2008 are not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 as adopted by the European
Union and the AIM Rules of the London Stock Exchange plc.
    Based on our review, the restated results for the comparative period of six months ended 28 February 2007 have been prepared, in all
material respects, in accordance with the assumptions set out in Appendix I.


    29 May 2008

    Consolidated Income Statement
    for the six months ended 29 February 2008

                                           February 2008         February 2007          August 2007
                                 Note          (unaudited)           (unaudited)         (unaudited)
                                                    �'000s                �'000s              �'000s

 Revenue                          3                17,508                18,566              38,056 
 Cost of sales                                     (9,158)              (10,376)            (22,724)
 Gross profit                                       8,350                 8,190              15,332 

 Other income                                          21                     7                  72 
 Distribution costs                                (3,428)               (3,687)             (7,557)

 Goodwill impairment                                    -                     -              (1,509)
 Restructuring & other            4                  (499)                 (237)             (2,034)
 exceptional costs
 Share option expense                                   -                   (23)                (55)
 Other administrative expenses                     (5,124)               (5,672)            (10,480)

 Total administrative expenses                     (5,623)               (5,932)            (14,078)

 Operating loss                                      (680)               (1,422)             (6,231)

 Finance expense                                     (440)                 (245)               (697)
 Loss before taxation                              (1,120)               (1,667)             (6,928)

 Taxation                         5                     -                   (20)                (40)
 Loss for the period                               (1,120)               (1,687)             (6,968)

 Basic and diluted loss per       6                (5.44)p               (8.28)p            (34.03)p

    Consolidated Balance Sheet

    for the six months ended 29 February 2008

                                           February 2008     February 2007     August 2007
                                 Note         (unaudited)       (unaudited)     (unaudited)
                                                   �'000s            �'000s          �'000s
 Non-current assets
 Goodwill                           7              7,734             9,243           7,734 
 Other intangible assets                             181               366             196 
 Property, plant & equipment                       4,518             5,463           4,646 
 Total non-current assets                         12,433            15,072          12,576 

 Current assets
  Inventories                                      2,311             3,613           2,568 
  Trade and other receivables                      6,387             9,184           7,251 
  Cash and cash equivalents                            -               455               - 
 Total current assets                              8,698            13,252           9,819 

 Current liabilities
  Financial liabilities -           8               (374)             (152)        (10,357)
  Trade and other payables                       (10,944)          (13,205)        (10,771)
  Current tax liabilities                            (20)              (20)            (20)
 Total current liabilities                       (11,338)          (13,377)        (21,148)
 Net current liabilities                          (2,640)             (125)        (11,329)

 Non-current liabilities
  Financial liabilities -           8             (9,876)           (8,331)           (210)
  Deferred tax liabilities                          (110)              (90)           (110)
 Total non-current liabilities                    (9,986)           (8,421)           (320)

 Net (liabilities) / assets                         (193)            6,526             927 

 Shareholders' equity
  Share capital                                    1,030             1,030           1,030 
  Share premium                                   10,442            10,442          10,442 
  Other reserve                                      326               326             326 
  Merger reserve                                    (210)             (210)           (210)
  Share option reserve                               214               182             214 
 Accumulated losses                              (11,995)           (5,244)        (10,875)

 Total (deficit) / equity                           (193)            6,526             927 
 attributable to shareholders


    Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
    for the six months ended 29 February 2008

                                                  6                      6                 12 months to
                                      months to             months to
                                            February               February                       
                                         2008                  2007                         August 2007
                                     (unaudited)           (unaudited)
                                               �'000s                �'000s                        �'000s

 Loss before taxation                         (1,120)               (1,667)                       (6,928)
 Adjustments for:
 Depreciation                                    982                   862                         1,778 
 Impairment of property, plant                      -                     -                          888 
 & equipment
 Loss on disposal of property,                     -                     2                             4 
 plant & equipment
 Impairment of goodwill                            1                     -                         1,509 
 Foreign exchange gain                           (44)                    -                             - 
 Investment income                                 -                     -                            (1)
 Interest expense                                440                   244                           698 
 Adjustment to employee share                      -                    23                            55 
                                                 259                  (536)                       (1,997)

 Decrease in trade & other                       912                   221                         2,154 
 Decrease in inventories                         257                   154                         1,199 
 Increase / (decrease) in trade                  180                   910                        (1,606)
 Cash generated from operations                1,608                   749                          (250)

 Interest paid                                  (427)                 (244)                         (615)
 Corporation taxes paid                          (48)                    -                             - 
 Net cash from operating                       1,133                   505                          (865)

 Cash flows from investing
 Acquisition of subsidiaries                     (20)                 (200)                         (200)
 Purchase of intangible assets                   (14)                  (90)                         (115)
 Purchase of property, plant &                  (827)               (1,010)                       (1,805)
 Sale of property, plant &                         -                     -                            22 
 Interest received                                 -                     -                             1 
 Net cash used in investing                     (861)               (1,300)                       (2,097)

 Cash flows from financing
 (Repayment) / proceeds from                    (250)                1,000                         3,000 
 long term borrowings
 Payment of finance lease                        (97)                 (113)                         (225)
 Payment of other loans                            -                   (52)                          (52)
 Dividends paid                                    -                     -                          (350)
 Net cash used in financing                     (347)                  835                         2,373 

 Net (decrease) / increase in                    (75)                   40                          (589)
 cash and cash equivalents

 Cash and cash equivalents at                   (174)                  415                           415 
 beginning of period
 Foreign exchange                                 44                     -                             - 
 Cash and cash equivalents at                   (205)                  455                          (174)
 end of period

    Statement of changes in shareholders' equity
    for the six months ended 29 February 2008
                                   Share capital  Share premium  Shares to be issued  Other reserve  Merger reserve  Share option reserve 
Accumulated losses    Total
                                          �'000s         �'000s               �'000s         �'000s          �'000s                �'000s   
          �'000s   �'000s
 At 1 September 2007                      1,030         10,442                    -            326            (210)                  214    
        (10,875)     927 
 Net loss recognised directly    
 in equity                       
 Loss for the period                          -              -                    -              -               -                     -    
         (1,120)  (1,120)
 Total recognised income and                  -              -                    -              -               -                     -    
         (1,120)  (1,120)
 expense for the period          
 At 29 February 2008                      1,030         10,442                    -            326            (210)                  214    
        (11,995)    (193)

    For the six months ended 28 February 2007
 At 1 September 2006               1,016   10,086    370   326   (210)  159   (3,557)   8,190 
 Changes in equity               
 Employee share scheme                 -        -      -     -      -    23        -       23 
 Net loss recognised directly    
 in equity                       
 Loss for the period                   -        -      -     -      -     -   (1,687)  (1,687)
 Total recognised income and           -        -      -     -      -    23   (1,687)  (1,664)
 expense for the period          
 Shares issued                        14      356   (370)    -      -     -        -        - 
 At 28 February 2007               1,030   10,442      -   326   (210)  182   (5,244)   6,526 

    For the year ended 31 August 2007
 At 1 September 2006               1,016   10,086    370   326   (210)  159    (3,557)   8,190 
 Changes in equity               
 Employee share scheme                 -        -      -     -      -    55         -       55 
 Net loss recognised directly    
 in equity                       
 Loss for the year                     -        -      -     -      -     -    (6,968)  (6,968)
 Total recognised income and           -        -      -     -      -    55    (6,968)  (6,913)
 expense for the year            
 Shares issued                        14      356   (370)    -      -     -         -        - 
 Dividends paid                        -        -      -     -      -     -      (350)    (350)
 At 31 August 2007                 1,030   10,442      -   326   (210)  214   (10,875)     927 


    Notes to the Interim Financial Statements
    for the six months ended 29 February 2008

    The consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the AIM Rules for Companies and IAS 34, Interim
Financial Reporting, and on a basis consistent with accounting policies set out in note 1, which will be applied when the Group prepares its
first set of annual financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the EU for the
financial year ending 31 August 2008.

    These are the Group's first interim financial statements prepared under the recognition and measurement principles of IFRS and therefore
IFRS 1, 'First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards' has been applied. An explanation of the transition to IFRS is
provided in Appendix II.

    Zenith's consolidated interim financial statements are presented in Pounds Sterling (�), which is also the functional currency of the
parent company. The interim financial statements are unaudited and do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of
the Companies Act 1985. They do not include all of the information required for full annual financial statements and should be read in
conjunction with the consolidated financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 August 2007.

    The financial information for the year ended 31 August 2007 has been derived from the published statutory accounts as restated by the
IFRS adjustments set out in Appendix II. A copy of the full accounts for that period, on which the auditors issued a qualified report on the
basis that proper books and records had not been kept for that period, is available at Zenith House, A1(M) Business Centre, Dixons Hill
Road, Welham Green, Hertfordshire, AL9 7JE, and from the Group's website www.zhgplc.com. These consolidated interim financial statements
have been approved for issue by the board of directors on 29 May 2008.

    During the years ended 31 August 2006 and 2007 and the first part of the six months ended 29 February 2008, the Group experienced
widespread failures in controls, as set out in the Chairman's Statement , and proper accounting records were not kept. These control
failures are continuing to be addressed by the Directors.  For the year ended  31 August 2007 and at 29 February 2008, the Group was able to
carry out a reconstruction of accounting records and therefore was able to prepare the financial statements for the year ended 31 August
2007 and the interim financial statements for the six months ended 29 February 2008.

    1. Significant accounting policies

    The Group interim financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention except for the valuation of financial
instruments. A summary of the significant Group accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the financial statements is set out

    Going concern
    The interim financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. Although the Group incurred trading losses and significant
restructuring charges and cash outflows during the 6 month period ended 29 February 2008, the directors believe that the effects of internal
restructuring combined with the current sales pipeline and increased banking facilities should bring about improved operating results.  The
directors have also updated the detailed profit and cash flow projections for the period to 31 August 2009 which show that the Group should
remain within its facilities throughout this period. As a result, the directors are of the opinion that the Group has adequate working
capital to continue as a going concern for the foreseeable future and, in particular, for a period of 12 months from the date of approval of
these interim financial statements.

    First time adoption of IFRS

    The Group's transition date is 1 September 2006, and the Group prepared its opening balance sheet at that date in accordance with IFRS
that are expected to be effective at 1 September 2006 except as specified below. In preparing these financial statements, the Group applied
mandatory exceptions and certain of the optional exemptions available in IFRS 1 from the full retrospective application of IFRS:

    Optional exemptions to full retrospective restatement elected by the Group

    The Group has taken the business combination exemption, which allows that IFRS 3 not be applied to business combinations that took place
prior to 1 September 2006, the date of transition to IFRS.

    Mandatory exceptions to full retrospective restatement applied by the Group

    Estimates under IFRS at the date of transition are consistent with estimates made at the same time under UK GAAP. Reconciliations and
explanations of the effect of the transition from UK GAAP to IFRS on the Group's equity and its profit or loss are provided in Appendix II.

    Basis of consolidation

    The consolidated financial statements incorporate the results, assets, liabilities and cash flows of the company and each of its
subsidiaries for the six months ended 29 February 2008, 28 February 2007 and year ended 31 August 2007. Subsidiaries are entities controlled
by the Group. Control is deemed to exist when the Group has the power, directly or indirectly, to govern the financial and operating
policies of an entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities. The results, assets, liabilities and cash flows of subsidiaries are
included in the consolidated financial statements from the date control commences until the date that control ceases. Where necessary,
adjustments are made to the financial statements of subsidiaries to bring the accounting policies used into line with those used by the

    Intra-group balances and transactions are eliminated on consolidation.  Unrealised gains on transactions between the Group and its
subsidiaries are eliminated. Unrealised losses are also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of impairment of the asset


    Goodwill on acquisition of subsidiaries represents the excess of the cost of an acquisition over the fair value of the Group's share of
the identifiable net assets of the acquired subsidiary. Goodwill is not amortised, but tested at least annually for impairment, and carried
at cost less accumulated impairment losses. Impairment losses are immediately recognised in the income statement and are not subsequently

    Impairment of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment
    The Group tests goodwill at least annually for impairment, and whenever there is an indication that the asset may be impaired. All other
intangible assets and property, plant and equipment are tested for impairment when indicators of impairment exist. Impairment is determined
with reference to the higher of fair value less costs to sell and value in use.

    Financial Instruments

    The Group classifies financial instruments, or their component parts, on initial recognition as a financial asset, a financial liability
or an equity instrument in accordance with the substance of the contractual arrangement.

    Financial assets and liabilities are recognized on the Group's balance sheet when the Group becomes party to the contractual provisions
of the instrument. The particular recognition and measurement methods adopted by the group's financial instruments are disclosed below:

    Trade and other receivables
    Trade and other receivables do not carry interest and are stated at their nominal value, as reduced by appropriate allowances for
estimated irrecoverable amounts. A provision for impairment of trade receivables is established when there is evidence that the Group will
not be able to collect all the amounts 
    due according to the original terms of these receivables. The amount of provision is the difference between the carrying value and the
present value of estimated future cash flows, discounted at the effective interest rate. Impairment losses are recognized in the income

    Cash and cash equivalents
    Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand and deposits on call with banks.

    Trade and other payables
    Trade and other payables are not interest bearing and are stated at their settlement value.

    Borrowings include bank overdrafts, bank fixed term loans and obligations under hire purchase contracts and finance leases. These
balances are interest bearing and interest is accrued in accordance with the terms of the loans and agreements to reflect the Group's
obligations at the balance sheet date.

    Recognition of short-term compensated absences  
    The Group has recognised an accrual for the outstanding compensated holiday due to employees at each balance sheet date based on the
service provided by the employees to that date.

    Other significant accounting policies
    The remaining accounting policies used in the consolidated interim financial statements are consistent with those applied in the Group's
most recent annual financial statements. Full details of the Group's accounting policies are detailed in its Annual Report and Accounts for
the year ended 31 August 2007. These were published on 24 February 2008 and are available on the Group's website. 

    2.  Critical accounting judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty

    In the process of applying the Group accounting policies, the following judgements have had the most significant effect on the amounts
recognised in the financial statements. Furthermore, key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources of estimation uncertainty
that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial
year, are as follows:

    Operating lease commitments

    The Group has entered into commercial property leases in relation to offices. The Group has determined that the present value of
outstanding lease payments does not exceed the market value of the properties and has considered all other factors when determining whether
a transfer of risk and rewards has taken place. As a result, these leases have been treated as operating leases.

    Income taxes

    The determination of the Group's tax liabilities requires the interpretation of tax law. The Group obtains appropriate professional
advice from its tax advisers in relation to all significant tax matters. The directors believe that the judgements made in determining the
Group's tax liabilities are reasonable and appropriate; however, actual experience may differ and materially affect future tax charges.

    Impairment of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment

    Value in use is estimated using adjusted future cash flows. Significant assumptions are made in estimating future cash flows about
future events including future market conditions and future growth rates. Changes in these assumptions could affect the outcome of
impairment reviews.  See note 7 for further detail.

    3.  Segmental analysis
    Analysis by area of geographical operations
    The Group has one class of business, cleaning products, which is analysed by geographical segment below:

                          6 months to    6 months to  12 months to
                        February 2008  February 2007   August 2007
                                �*000          �*000         �*000
 UK                            17,167         18,151        37,039
 Other EU countries               341            415         1,017
 Total revenue                 17,508         18,566        38,056

    4.  Restructuring and other exceptional costs

                                       6 monthsto    6 months to  12 months to
                                    February 2008  February 2007   August 2007
                                            �*000          �*000         �*000
 Restructuring of operations                  302            237           436
 Operating and financial review               448              -             -
 Prior period accounting                        -              -         1,212
 Release of prior period                    (251)              -             -
 accounting adjustments
 Professional fees arising from                 -              -           386
 private equity bids and
 financial consultancy fees
 regarding bank renegotiation
                                              499            237         2,034

    5.  Taxation
    The amounts represent the movement in deferred tax liabilities principally due to accelerated capital allowances.  

    6. Loss per share

                                    6 months to    6 months to   12months  to 
                                   February 2008  February 2007     August2007
                                          �*000s         �*000s         �*000s
 Loss after taxation                     (1,120)        (1,687)        (6,968)
 Weighted average number of           20,591,056     20,362,661     20,476,859
 ordinary shares
 Basic and diluted loss per share        (5.44)p        (8.28)p       (34.03)p

    The basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of
ordinary shares outstanding during the period.

    The share options in issue are anti-dilutive as in all periods the Group was loss making therefore the dilutive loss per share is the
same as the basic loss per share.  

    7.  Goodwill

                                 February 2008  February 2007  August 2007
                                        �*000s         �*000s       �*000s
 At beginning and end of period         10,651         10,651       10,651
 Aggregate impairment                                                     
 At beginning of period                (2,917)        (1,408)      (1,408)
 Impairment during the period                -              -      (1,509)
 At end of period                      (2,917)        (1,408)      (2,917)
 Net book value                          7,734          9,243        7,734

    Goodwill principally represents the expected net present value of future cash flows arising from customers brought in through
acquisition. Where the carrying value is greater than the present value of these future cash flows an impairment charge is recognised. 

    An impairment review was carried out at 31 August 2007 to compare on an individual basis the carrying value of investments against the
net present value of their future expected cash flows.  This included a review of changes in gross margin, customer retention rates and
costs of distribution.  This impairment review was rolled back to 31 August 2006 to provide an estimate of the impairment of goodwill as
required by IFRS1, First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards. A discount rate of 12.75% was used comprising the
cost of capital and an equity risk premium.

    Goodwill associated with the acquisition of the GWP group and Baker Hygiene & Health Care Supplies was determined to be carried at
approximately �1.2 million and �0.2 million in excess of the net present value of their future cash flow values respectively as at 1
September 2006 and a further �1.1 million and �0.2 million in excess of the net present value of their future cash flows as at 31 August
2007. Additional impairments totaling �0.2 million were also identified as at 31 August 2007. Consequently, an impairment charge of �1.5
million was recognised in the year to 31 August 2007 as well as an additional impairment charge against the opening reserves as at 1
September 2006 of �1.4 million.

    The table below shows the movement in the carrying value of goodwill under UK GAAP and IFRS for the year to 31 August 2007.  The total
charge under UK GAAP amounted to �3,179,000 comprising �2,465,000 of impairment and �714,000 of amortisation. This compares to a total
impairment charge under IFRS of �2,917,000. The difference between the two charges and the carrying value of goodwill under IFRS and UK GAAP
of �262,000 represents the amortisation charged under UK GAAP on investments where the net present value of future cash flows is in excess
of their carrying value.  

                                   Charge    IFRS      Charge   UK GAAP
                                   �'000s   �'000s     �'000s   �'000s
 Balance at 1 September 2006                10,651              10,651
 Impairment charge per IAS 38      (1,408)                -
                                            (1,408)               - 
 Revised balance 1 September 2006            9,243              10,651
 Amortisation in the year             -                 (714)
 Impairment charge                 (1,509)             (2,465)
                                            (1,509)             (3,179)
 Balance as at 31 August 2007      (2,917)   7,734     (3,179)   7,472
    8.  Financial liabilities - Borrowings

                                     February 2008  February 2007  August 2007
                                            �*000s         �*000s       �*000s
 Bank loans and overdrafts due               (205)              -     (10,174)
 within one year or on demand
 Finance lease obligations (other            (169)          (152)        (183)
 current liabilities)
                                             (374)          (152)     (10,357)
 Bank loans                                (9,750)        (8,000)            -
 Finance lease obligations (other            (126)          (331)        (210)
 non-current liabilities)
                                           (9,876)        (8,331)        (210)


    On 22 February 2008 the group concluded renegotiation of its banking facilities.  The principal terms of the ongoing facility are set
out below:

    1.     A fixed term loan of �6 million carrying an interest charge of 2% over LIBOR repayable on 31 August 2009.

    2.    A mezzanine facility of �3.75 million carrying an interest charge of 3% over the bank's base lending rate payable on a
           quarterly  basis across the term.  In addition a further charge of LIBOR plus 7% is payable on 31 August 2009. 

    3.    An overdraft facility of up to �3 million repayable on an on demand basis carrying an interest charge of LIBOR plus 2%. 

    4.    The group issued warrants on 22 February 2008 over ordinary shares to the bank equal to 10% of the group's then issued
            share capital.  These warrants will survive for five years from the date of grant and have a subscription price of 5 pence

    In addition the group has provided certain financial covenants and has incurred arrangement and ongoing monitoring fees.  

    Appendix 1

    Reconciliation of 2007 comparative information to that previously published

 Restatement of results for the six months ended 28 February 2007


 Originally reported loss for the six months ended 28 February 2007      (151)

 Reversal of unsupported adjustments made to 2007 interims             (1,616)

 Unwinding of prior year adjustments made at 31 August 2006 relating    1,495 
 to 2007

 Adjustments for costs potentially accrued                             (1,730)

 Total UK GAAP result                                                  (2,002)

 Adjustments made for translation to IFRS                                 315 

 Loss for the period under IFRS                                        (1,687)

 Reconciliation of movement in net assets
 Opening net assets 1 September 2006 as originally stated under UK     12,897 

 Prior year adjustments as reported in the 31 August 2007 financial    (3,199)

 Restated loss for the period                                          (2,002)

 Share option reserve movement in the period to 28 February 2007            23

 IFRS adjustments (related to the six months ended 28 February 2007)       315

 IFRS adjustments made to the transition balance sheet at 1 September  (1,508)

 Net assets as at 28 February 2007 under IFRS                           6,526 

    Adjustments for under accrued costs arose from a comparison of those in the audited annual accounts for the year ended 31 August 2007
compared to those originally recorded in the books and records for the first half of the year. They specifically included customer rebates
(�0.8 million), sales commissions (�0.2 million), provisions against bad debts (�0.3 million) as well as other smaller individual

    Appendix II

    Reconciliation of equity and loss under UK GAAP to IFRS (unaudited)

    Zenith Hygiene Group plc reported under UK GAAP in its previously published financial statements for the year ended 31 August 2007 and
interim report for the six months ended 28 February 2007.  The analysis below shows a reconciliation of equity and loss as reported under UK
GAAP as at 31 August 2007 and 28 February 2007 to the revised equity and loss under IFRS. In addition there is a reconciliation of equity
under UK GAAP to IFRS at the transition date for the group, being 1 September 2006.

    Adjustments from UK GAAP to IFRS

    Adjustment (a) IAS 36, Impairment of assets.
    Goodwill principally represents the expected net present value of future cash flows arising from customers brought in through
acquisition. Where the carrying value is greater than the present value of these future cash flows an impairment charge is recognised. 

    An impairment review was carried out at 31 August 2007 to compare on an individual basis the carrying value of investments against the
net present value of their future expected cash flows.  This included a review of changes in gross margin, customer retention rates and
costs of distribution.  This impairment review was rolled back to 31 August 2006 to provide an estimate of the impairment of goodwill as
required by IFRS1, First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards. A discount rate of 12.75% was used comprising the
cost of capital and an equity risk premium.

    Goodwill associated with the acquisition of the GWP group and Baker Hygiene & Health Care Supplies were determined to be carried at
approximately �1.2 million and �0.2 million in excess of the net present value of their future cash flow values respectively as at 1
September 2006 and a further �1.1 million and �0.2 million in excess of the net present value of their future cash flows as at 31 August
2007. Additional impairments totaling �0.2 million were also identified as at 31 August 2007. Consequently, an impairment charge of �1.5
million was recognised in the year to 31 August 2007 as well as an additional impairment charge against the opening reserves as at 1
September 2006 of �1.4 million.

    Adjustment (b) Reclassification of computer software and licences to Other intangible assets
    Computer software and licences were previously included under computers and equipment under UK GAAP. In accordance with IAS 38,
Intangible Assets, computer software and licences meets the definition of an intangible asset and has therefore been reclassified as an
intangible asset.

    Adjustment (c) Recognition of short-term compensated absences in accordance with IAS 19, Employee Benefits.  
    The Group has recognised an accrual for the outstanding compensated holiday due to employees at each balance sheet date based on the
service provided by the employees to that date.

    Reconciliation of consolidated loss for the year ended 31 August 2007 (unaudited)

                                              UK GAAP     (a)      IFRS

                                                �'000  �'000s    �'000s

 Revenue                                      38,056       -    38,056 
 Cost of sales                               (22,724)      -   (22,724)
 Gross profit                                 15,332       -    15,332 

 Other income                                     72       -        72 
 Distribution costs                           (7,557)      -    (7,557)

 Goodwill impairment                          (3,179)  1,670    (1,509)
 Restructuring & other exceptional costs      (2,034)      -    (2,034)
 Share option expense                            (55)      -       (55)
 Other administrative expenses               (10,480)      -   (10,480)

 Total administrative expenses               (15,748)  1,670   (14,078)

 Operating loss                               (7,901)  1,670    (6,231)

 Finance expense                                (697)      -      (697)
 Loss before taxation                         (8,598)  1,670    (6,928)

 Taxation                                        (40)      -       (40)
 Loss for the period                          (8,638)  1,670    (6,968)


    Reconciliation of equity and loss under UK GAAP to IFRS (Unaudited)

    Reconciliation of consolidated loss for the six months 28 February 2007

                                             UK GAAP      (a)      IFRS

                                                �'000  �'000s    �'000s

 Revenue                                      18,566       -    18,566 
 Cost of sales                               (10,376)      -   (10,376)
 Gross profit                                  8,190       -     8,190 

 Other income                                      7       -         7 
 Distribution costs                           (3,687)      -    (3,687)

 Goodwill impairment                            (315)    315         - 
 Restructuring & other exceptional costs        (237)      -      (237)
 Share option expense                            (23)      -       (23)
 Other administrative expenses                (5,672)      -    (5,672)

 Total administrative expenses                (6,247)    315    (5,932)

 Operating loss                               (1,737)    315    (1,422)

 Finance expense                                (245)      -      (245)
 Loss before taxation                         (1,982)    315    (1,667)

 Taxation                                        (20)      -       (20)
 Loss for the period                          (2,002)    315    (1,687)

    Reconciliation of equity and loss under UK GAAP to IFRS (unaudited)
    Reconciliation of consolidated equity at 31 August 2007
                                     UK GAAP     (a)     (b)     (c)      IFRS

                                      �'000s  �'000s  �'000s  �'000s    �'000s
 Non-current assets
 Goodwill                             7,472     262       -       -     7,734 
 Other intangible assets                  -       -     196       -       196 
 Property, plant & equipment          4,842       -    (196)      -     4,646 
 Total non-current assets            12,314     262       -       -    12,576 

 Current assets
  Inventories                         2,568       -       -       -     2,568 
  Trade and other receivables         7,251       -       -       -     7,251 
  Cash and cash equivalents               -       -       -       -         - 
 Total current assets                 9,819       -       -       -     9,819 

 Current liabilities
  Financial liabilities -           (10,357)      -       -       -   (10,357)
  Trade and other payables          (10,671)      -       -    (100)  (10,771)
  Current tax liabilities               (20)      -       -       -       (20)
 Total current liabilities          (21,048)      -       -    (100)  (21,148)
 Net current liabilities            (11,229)      -       -    (100)  (11,329)

 Non-current liabilities
  Financial liabilities -              (210)      -       -       -      (210)
  Deferred tax liabilities             (110)      -       -       -      (110)
 Total non-current liabilities         (320)      -       -       -      (320)

 Net assets                             765     262       -    (100)      927 

 Shareholders' equity
  Share capital                       1,030       -       -       -     1,030 
  Share premium                      10,442       -       -       -    10,442 
  Other reserve                         326       -       -       -       326 
  Merger reserve                       (210)      -       -       -      (210)
  Share option reserve                  214       -       -       -       214 
 Accumulated losses                 (11,037)    262       -    (100)  (10,875)

 Total equity attributable to           765     262       -    (100)      927 
    Reconciliation of equity and loss under UK GAAP to IFRS (unaudited)
    Reconciliation of consolidated equity at 28 February 2007

                                    UK GAAP      (a)     (b)     (c)      IFRS

                                     �'000s   �'000s  �'000s  �'000s    �'000s
 Non-current assets
 Goodwill                           10,336   (1,093)      -       -     9,243 
 Other intangible assets                 -        -     366       -       366 
 Property, plant & equipment         5,829        -    (366)      -     5,463 
 Total non-current assets           16,165   (1,093)      -       -    15,072 

 Current assets
  Inventories                        3,613        -       -       -     3,613 
  Trade and other receivables        9,184        -       -       -     9,184 
  Cash and cash equivalents            455        -       -       -       455 
 Total current assets               13,252        -       -       -    13,252 

 Current liabilities
  Financial liabilities -             (152)       -       -       -      (152)
  Trade and other payables         (13,105)       -       -    (100)  (13,205)
  Current tax liabilities              (20)       -       -       -       (20)
 Total current liabilities         (13,277)       -       -    (100)  (13,377)
 Net current liabilities               (25)       -       -    (100)     (125)

 Non-current liabilities
  Financial liabilities -           (8,331)       -       -       -    (8,331)
  Deferred tax liabilities             (90)       -       -       -       (90)
 Total non-current liabilities      (8,421)       -       -       -    (8,421)

 Net assets                          7,719   (1,093)      -    (100)    6,526 

 Shareholders' equity
  Share capital                      1,030        -       -       -     1,030 
  Share premium                     10,442        -       -       -    10,442 
  Other reserve                        326        -       -       -       326 
  Merger reserve                      (210)       -       -       -      (210)
  Share option reserve                 182        -       -       -       182 
 Accumulated losses                 (4,051)  (1,093)      -    (100)   (5,244)

 Total equity attributable to        7,720   (1,093)      -    (100)    6,526 

    Reconciliation of equity and loss under UK GAAP to IFRS (unaudited)
    Reconciliation of consolidated equity at 31 August 2006

                                    UK GAAP      (a)     (b)     (c)      IFRS

                                     �'000s   �'000s  �'000s  �'000s    �'000s
 Non-current assets
 Goodwill                           10,651   (1,408)      -       -     9,243 
 Other intangible assets                 -        -     239       -       239 
 Property, plant & equipment         5,564        -    (239)      -     5,325 
 Total non-current assets           16,215   (1,408)      -       -    14,807 

 Current assets
  Inventories                        3,767        -       -       -     3,767 
  Trade and other receivables        9,405        -       -       -     9,405 
  Cash and cash equivalents            415        -       -       -       415 
 Total current assets               13,587        -       -       -    13,587 

 Current liabilities
  Financial liabilities -             (219)       -       -       -      (219)
  Trade and other payables         (12,447)       -       -    (100)  (12,547)
  Current tax liabilities              (20)       -       -       -       (20)
 Total current liabilities         (12,686)       -       -    (100)  (12,786)
 Net current assets                    901        -       -    (100)      801 

 Non-current liabilities
  Financial liabilities -           (7,348)       -       -       -    (7,348)
  Deferred tax liabilities             (70)       -       -       -       (70)
 Total non-current liabilities      (7,418)       -       -       -    (7,418)

 Net assets                          9,698   (1,408)      -    (100)    8,190 

 Shareholders' equity
  Share capital                      1,016        -       -       -     1,016 
 Shares to be issued                    370       -       -       -       370 
  Share premium                     10,086        -       -       -    10,086 
  Other reserve                        326        -       -       -       326 
  Merger reserve                      (210)       -       -       -      (210)
  Share option reserve                 159        -       -       -       159 
 Accumulated losses                 (2,049)  (1,408)      -    (100)   (3,557)

 Total equity attributable to        9,698   (1,408)      -    (100)    8,190 
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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