The following table lists unplanned and planned production outages at U.S. refineries as reported by Dow Jones Newswires. The information is compiled from both official and unofficial refining sources and doesn't purport to be a comprehensive list.

Tesoro Corp. (TSO) will restart its Kenai, Alaska, refinery after 30-days of planned maintenance during the first week of May, the company said Monday.

ExxonMobil (XOM) restarted process units, including the FCCU at its Billings, Montana, refinery last week, the company said Monday.

Shell (RDSB, RDSA) declared force majeure on crude oil receipts to its Anacortes, Wash., refinery on April 23 following a plant-wide shutdown owing to a power failure. Efforts continue to bring the refinery back on line.

Tesoro's Anacortes, Wash., refinery was back at planned rates Monday following the April 23 unplanned plant-wide shutdown due to the region's power failure.

And at Marathon's (MRO) Garyville, La., refinery on April 23, a worker died after falling while working in an area of the refinery involved in the expansion project.

WRB Refining, LLC (COP) (ECA) has begun month-long maintenance at FCCU No. 40 and Sulfur Recovery Unit No. 34 at its Borger, Texas, refinery.

ConocoPhillips (COP) Monday began 24-hours of maintenance at its Sweeny, Texas, refinery. Unit 26.1, which was shut for five weeks of maintenance to perform catalyst change earlier this year, was shut at around 7:00 a.m. CDT. The unit was not identified other than by number.

Sunoco Inc. (SUN) on April 20 shut a crude unit and FCCU at the Point Breeze section of its Philadelphia, Pa., refining complex due to market conditions. The units will be restarted when it makes sense to do so, the company said.

Alon USA's (ALJ) Paramount, Calif. refinery reduced rates on April 22 following an explosion at a heater unit in the hydrotreater section of the plant. One employee was injured in the incident. He was treated and released from an area hospital. There is no estimate on when the plant will return to normal operations.

Total Petrochemicals USA (TOT) on April 22 began the process of restarting its Port Arthur, Texas, refinery; the plant was shut on March 24 for economic reasons. Starting at about 5:00 a.m. CDT, 18 units will be restarted in an orderly fashion; the process is expected to end at around the same time on April 28. A steam boiler was restarted on April 20.

ConocoPhillips on April 21 said that planned maintenance is ongoing at its Rodeo, Calif., refinery. A hydrocracking unit and reformer were taken out of service in early March for what was expected to be 45 days of scheduled work.

Marathon Oil (MRO) on April 21 said that crude oil throughput has been reduced at its Catlettsburg, Kentucky, refinery since April 17 due to a crude oil delivery pipeline leak. The company has allocated product deliveries to its customers within the area which will be lifted when the refinery resumes normal crude rates.

Delek US Holdings (DK) on April 21 began the sequential restart of all processing units at its Tyler, Texas, refinery following a fatal fire and explosion on Nov. 20, 2008.

ConocoPhillips on April 20 began four days of work at two FCCUs at its Borger, Texas, refinery to replace electronic cards associated with electrostatic precipitator rappers. It was not clear whether the work will affect production.

BP (BP) began work on April 20 at a key gasoline-making unit at its Texas City, Texas, refinery. FCCU 1 will undergo two days of maintenance on the Electrostatic Precipitator Stack starting at 8:00 a.m. on Monday. The work will not affect production at the plant, a source familiar with operations said.

On April 17, Valero Energy Corp. (VLO) said it was planning maintenance on a hydrotreater at its Port Arthur, Texas, refinery. The company didn't specify when or how long the maintenance would last.

For more detailed information, search Dow Jones Newswires using the code N/REF.

Operator   Refinery    Capacity   Description                  Restart 
                       (in 000s 
Valero     Delaware     210.0   Boiler system inspection and     May 3 
           City, DE             repair extends refinery down- 
                                time by one mo. to early May. 
                                Entire refinery shut Mar. 4 
                                for 30 days maintenance at 
                                coker unit which has been 
                                shuttered since Feb. 15. 
                                FCCU at reduced rates since      n/a 
                                mid-Dec. for economic reasons. 
Citgo      Corpus        156.0  April 11  power outage 
                                shuts West plant.               Apr 14 
                                SRU restarted. Back to 
                                normal, Co. said April 14. 
Conoco     Belle Chasse  247.0  Power outage April 5            mid- 
           La.                  shuts refinery.                 Apr 
Conoco     Sweeny Tx    247.0   24-hours of work starts         Apr 28 
                                April 27 at Unit 26.1. 
                                Fire partially shuts coker      n/a 
                                unit April 9th. 
Delek US   Tyler, TX     60.0   Refinery expected to be wholly   May 
                                on-line by May 2009, following 
                                Nov. 20 fire at sat. gas unit 
                                killed two workers and injured 
Marathon   Garyville     245.0  Worker dies on Apr. 23 after     n/a 
           La.                  falling while working on 
                                crude oil throughput expan- 
                                sion project. 
Valero     Port Arthur   325.0  FCCU at reduced rates since      n/a 
           TX                   mid-Dec. for economic rea- 
                                sons. Shut hydrocracker for 
                                repairs April 3.                 Apr 
Marathon   Catlettsburg  226.0  Refinery at reduced rates        n/a 
           KY                   since Apr. 17 owing to 
                                crude oil delivery pipe- 
                                line leak. Pipeline shut for 
                                repair on Apr. 24; refinery 
                                still at reduced rate; no 
                                estimate on return to normal 
Sinclair   Sinclair,      66.0  Refinery ops at 50%              mid- 
           WY                   after March fire.                Apr 
Alon       Paramount,    53.0   Refinery at reduced rates       n/a 
           CA                   on April 23 due to an 
                                explosion at a hydro- 
Flint      North Pole   210.0   One of three processing          n/a 
Hills      AK                   units has been shut due 
                                to low jet fuel demand, 
                                the co. confirmed on Mar. 
PetroStar  Valdez, AK    48.0   Refinery shut due to Dec.        n/a 
                                28 fire. 
Shell      Anacortes    145.0   Co. on Apr 23 declares           n/a 
                                Force Majeure on crude oil 
                                deliveries following plant- 
                                wide shutdown due to power 
                                failure. Refinery not at 
                                normal rates as of Apr 27. 
Tesoro     Anacortes    120.0   Refinery at normal rates         Apr 27 
           WA                   on April 27 following plant- 
                                wide shutdown due to power 
                                outage on April 23. 
North      Newfound-     115.0  Plantwide shutdown will begin    Early 
Atlantic   land                 first week of April for 21       May 
                                days of planned maintenance. 
                                Upgrade work at hydrotreater 
                                will take an additional 14 
Sunoco     Philadelphia  340.0  Point Breeze crude unit and     n/a 
           PA                   FCCU shut April 20 due to 
                                market conditions. Units will 
                                be restarted as soon as it 
                                makes sense to do so, the Co. 
                                said on Apr. 23 
                                Reformer unit shut in Girard    n/a 
                                Point section in early Oct. 
                                for economic reasons. Shutdown 
                                to last one to six months. 
Valero     Delaware      210.0  82,000-b/d FCCU operating        n/a 
           DE                   at reduced rate for eco- 
                                nomic reasons, Co. said on 
                                Dec. 16. 
Valero     Paulsboro     160.0  27,000-b/d coker unit to        n/a 
           NJ                   shut in April for 35-days 
                                of planned work, the Co. 
                                said on Mar. 11. 
Chevron    Pascagoula    330.0  Pre-commercial heavy oil         2010 
           Miss.                conversion project delayed 
                                from 2008 to 2010 due to 
                                economic factors. 
Flint      Corpus        288.1  $250 mil. project for new        Spr 
Hills      Christi, TX          diesel desulfurization,          2010 
                                sulfur recovery unit to begin 
                                in Fall 2008. Construction 
                                to last 18 months. 
Marathon   Garyville     245.0  Project to increase crude oil    4Q 
           LA                   refining capacity by 180,000-    2009 
                                b/d expected to conclude in 
                                4th-quarter, 2009. 
Total      Port Arthur   232.0  Refinery in restart mode; 18     Apr 22 
           TX                   units will be sequentially 
                                restarted starting at about 
                                5:00 a.m. CDT on Apr. 22. 
                                The process is expected to 
                                conclude on Apr. 28. The units 
                                shut due to poor economic con- 
                                ditions on Mar. 24 
Valero     Corpus        340.0  20,000-b/d FCCU in East          n/a 
           Christi, TX          Plant shut; West Plant 
                                50,000-b/d FCCU at reduced 
                                rates since mid-Dec. for 
                                economic reasons. 
Valero     McKee, TX     170.0  Smaller of two crude units       May/ 
                                at 60,000-b/d to shut in         June 
                                May for 14 days; 55,000-b/d 
                                to shut in May for 21 days. 
Valero     Norco, LA     250.0  Upgrade project to build         2012 
                                a new diesel hydrotreater 
                                unit moved from 2010 to 
                                4th-quarter 2012, the Co. 
                                said on Jan. 27. 
Valero     Port Arthur   325.0  77,000-b/d FCCU at reduced       n/a 
           TX                   rates since mid-Dec. for 
                                economic reasons. Mainte- 
                                is planned at a hydrotreater 
                                unit, the company said on 
                                April 17; no details were 
Valero     Sunray, TX    170.0  55,000-b/d FCCU at reduced       n/a 
                                rates since mid-Dec. for 
                                economic reasons. 
Valero     Three Rivers   95.0  24,000-b/d FCCU at reduced       n/a 
           TX                   rates since mid-Dec. for 
                                economic reasons. 
WRB        Borger, TX    152.0  Month-long maintenance starts   May 27 
                                April 27 at FCCU No. 40 and 
                                Sulfur Recovery Unit No. 34, 
                                according to a TCEQ filing. 
Frontier   El Dorado     130.0  A coker turnaround and expan-    Mid- 
           KS                   sion project was delayed until   Aug. 
                                Mid-July, and subsequently 
                                delayed until August. 
Marathon   Robinson      204.0  Crude unit, two coker units      Mid- 
           IL                   shut Mar. 9 restarted mid-       Apr. 
Valero     Memphis, TN   195.0  FCCU upgrade originally slated   2012 
                                for completion in 2009 has been 
                                shifted to 2012, the Co. said 
                                on Jan. 27. 
Conoco     Billings,     61.0   On Mar. 5 the Co. delayed for    Jan. 
           MT                   one year an expansion project    2010 
                                which will increase capacity 
                                to 71,000 bbls. Construction of 
                                a new crude unit is now scheduled 
                                to begin in January 2010. 
                                Co. said April 14 that planed 
                                work was ongoing at the refinery. 
                                Co. did not give more specifics. 
Exxon      Billings       60.0  Planned maintenance at several   Apr 24 
           MT                   process units, including the 
                                FCCU, concluded last week. Work 
                                started in early Apr, the Co. on 
                                Apr 27. 
Frontier   Cheyenne       52.0  The refinery is operating at     n/a 
           WY                   reduced rates for economic 
Alon       Paramount      55.0  Hydrocracker project post- 
           CA                   poned indefinitely, the Co. 
                                said on Feb. 4 
Conoco     Rodeo, CA    153.5   Work continues at hydro-         n/a 
                                cracker and reformer units. 
                                45 days of planned work was 
                                expected to conclude by Apr. 
                                15. No restart estimate. 
Tesoro     Kenai, AK     72.0   Refinery to restart first        Early 
                                week of May after 30-days        May 
                                of planned maintenance, 
                                the Co. said on Apr 27.