French oil major Total SA (TOT) and compatriot utility GDF Suez SA (GSZ.FR) will share a stake in a nuclear power project awarded to GDF Suez, the two companies said Monday in a joint statement.

French Prime Minister Francois Fillon said on May 1 that GDF Suez would have 33.33% of the joint-venture company to build an EPR reactor at Penly, in northern France. Electricite de France SA (EDF.FR) is to have 50%.

"GDF Suez and Total agreed on a partnership agreement with respective stakes of 75% and 25% to jointly own this stake," Total and GDF Suez said.

"The two groups are happy with the government's decision and will jointly contribute to the project's success, lead by EDF," the two companies added.

Total Chief Executive Christophe de Margerie said the Penly project "will constitute a new reference for the group."

Total wants to branch out into nuclear power, which involves major international projects, which it sees as having broad similarities with those that it already orchestrates for oil and gas.

The EPR reactor is designed by French nuclear group Areva (CEI.FR).

-By Adam Mitchell, Dow Jones Newswires; +33-1-4017-1756;