New York Governor David Paterson said Eric Dinallo would resign as New York state insurance superintendent July 3, confirming speculation earlier Thursday he would leave the post.

Dinallo's resignation comes after the Republican Party called for an investigation into a $100,000 donation to the state Democratic Party from American International Group Inc. (AIG) days before officials there initiated the bailout of the insurance giant.

Records show the donation occurred Aug. 29. Dinallo said he started negotiating with AIG and federal officials days later, but the governor hadn't been informed.

On Sept. 16, the state announced it had helped the insurer strike a deal with the Federal Reserve to keep it afloat. AIG's bailout came under heavy scrutiny after employees received performance bonuses and retention payments, and some government officials questioned the secrecy of the government's rescue.

Paterson said Dinallo played "an integral part in the reform of workers' compensation system and facilitated more than $15 billion in new capital for the bond insurance industry."

Dinallo will take a teaching position at New York University's Stern School of Business. There has been speculation Dinallo may run for attorney general of New York if current Attorney General Andrew Cuomo sought another post.

-By John Kell, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-5285;