Parents and caregivers should stop using infant sleep positioners because babies can suffocate, two federal government agencies warned Wednesday.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said they've received 12 reports of deaths involving babies who've suffocated in a sleep positioner or became trapped and suffocated between a sleep positioner and the side of a crib or bassinet. The babies were between one month and four months old and most suffocated after rolling from a side to stomach position.

The two main types of infant sleep positioners are flat mats with side bolsters or inclined mats with side bolsters.

Some of the positioners were cleared by the FDA in the 1980s to reduce symptoms of gastrointestinal reflux disease or so-called "flat-head" syndrome, but many products currently on the market were never approved by the FDA.

Many of the sleep positioners claim to help keep babies on their backs and reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, but the FDA has never cleared any of the products to reduce the risk of SIDS.

Joshua Sharfstein, FDA's principal deputy commissioner, said the FDA recently sent letters to 18 manufacturers of sleep positioners asking to stop making their devices or to submit additional information to the agency in support of the products.

Sharfstein said, however, he expects the manufacturers to stop making their devices. The FDA does have a process to force the products off the market if necessary.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission will ask major retailers major to stop selling the products.

The government has also received dozens of reports of babies put to sleep on their backs or side who were later found in a potentially dangerous position within or near the sleep positions.

Rachel Moon, the chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics' Sudden Infant Death Syndrome task Force, said her group backs the government's position calling on consumers not to use infant sleep positioners.

The AAP also recommends always placing babies on their backs in a bed or bassinet with a firm mattress covered with a fitted sheet. Soft bedding, bumper pads, pillows and stuffed animals should also be kept out babies' beds.

-By Jennifer Corbett Dooren, Dow Jones Newswires; 202-862-9294;
