According to a Traq-wireless Study, WLNP Will Prompt Enterprises to Switch Wireless Carriers 62 Percent of Businesses With 1000 or More Employees Are Poised to Switch AUSTIN, Texas, Oct. 27 /PRNewswire/ -- Traq-wireless, the leading provider of enterprise mobile communications management solutions, today announced the results of its research on wireless local number portability (WLNP) and the impact on the enterprise. With WLNP launching on November 24, 2003, businesses are preparing to switch wireless carriers. The results of the study show that 16 percent of respondents would definitely switch carriers with an additional 46 percent likely to switch. Better coverage and pricing comprised 71 percent of the respondents' primary reasons for switching. "It is no surprise that companies are looking for better coverage and quality of service for a better price," said Jim Offerdahl, President and CEO of Traq-wireless. "Also, the survey indicated that those carriers focused on improving their networks and coverage are more likely to retain and gain customers as a result of WLNP. However, improved coverage alone may not retain enterprises given the significant savings opportunities with switching carriers. Our recent cross-carrier analysis for a Fortune 500 firm revealed cost-per-minute savings of 30-48 percent by employees switching to alternative carriers." Coverage is key: 46 percent of respondents indicated that improved coverage would keep them from switching while 25 percent indicated a price reduction of 10 percent would maintain their loyal to existing carriers. "Porting numbers from one carrier to another can be a complex process," said Offerdahl. "Especially if the enterprise is using pool plans. At Traq, we're excited to have advanced technology and expertise to constantly match our customers' subscribers with the very best rate plan and pricing options and drive down their total cost of ownership (TCO) of wireless communications." With patented wireless optimization technology, advanced pool plan algorithms and a database of more than 18,000 rate plans, Traq has saved its customers up to 40% off their direct wireless service expense by ensuring wireless subscribers are on the best rate plans each and every month. Additional savings in the tens-of-millions of dollars are realized through the reduction of administrative burdens through the use of a single, cross-carrier management solution. The Traq WLNP study was derived from 100 responses from wireless decision makers in companies with 1000 or more employees resulting in a 95 percent confidence level with +/- 9.9 percent margin of error. 70 percent of respondents represent companies with 10,000 or more employees. About Traq-wireless Traq-wireless dramatically reduces the cost and complexity for enterprises conducting business with mobile devices and wireless services, including cellular phones, PDAs, laptops, pagers, remote access services and other untethered devices. Traq's innovative software and services provide companies constant visibility into the devices, carriers and rate plans used by employees, as well as proactively matching those employees to the optimal rate plans. Over 80 of the world's largest companies, such as FedEx Freight, Cadbury Schweppes and Burlington Northern Santa Fe, continuously rely on Traq's mobile communications management software and services to reduce costs and improve administration while implementing their wireless strategies. For more information go to . Contact: Jeff Fugitt Traq-wireless 512.344.0117 DATASOURCE: Traq-wireless CONTACT: Jeff Fugitt of Traq-wireless, +1-512-344-0117, or Web site:
