Comunicamos que, conforme Oficio Circular 001/2017-DN de 27/07/2017, foram cadastradas na plataforma de negociacao PUMA Trading System series de REDE D OR ON EJ NM com as seguintes caracteristicas:

We communicate that according to the Circular Letter 001/2017-DN from 07/27/2017, the following series of REDE D OR ON EJ NM were registered in the negotiation platform PUMA Trading System as with the characteristics below:

Nome de Pregao/Option's Underlying Asset: RDORE ON 37,00
Exercicio/Strike: R$ 37,00
Vencimento/Expiration: 17/01/2025
Lote Padrao/Round-Lot: 100
Fator de Cotacao/Quotation Factor: UNITARIO/UNITARIAN
Grupo de Negociacao/Negotiation Group: GRUPO/GROUP 56

Esclarecimentos adicionais poderao ser obtidos com a Gerencia da Plataforma de Negociacao, pelo telefone (11) 2565-5024.

Additional clarifications can be obtained with the Negotiation Trading Platform Management, by the phone +55 11 2565-5024.