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Free Top Lists

Free Top Lists (Available to all users)

Free top lists provide a powerful tool to search through shares information.

Percentage Gainers
A list of the shares with the highest percentage price rises on the day.
Includes Moverscope (an intraday chart of the stocks perfomance)

Percentage Losers
A list of the shares with the with the greatest percentage loss of value on the day.
Includes Moverscope (an intraday chart of the stocks perfomance)

Volume Leaders
A list of the shares that have traded the greatest number of shares on the day.
Includes Moverscope (an intraday chart of the stocks perfomance)

Price & Volume Leaders
A list of the shares with the greatest overal value traded on the day.
Includes Moverscope (an intraday chart of the stocks perfomance)

Largest bid/offer spreads
A list of the shares with the greatest difference between buy & sell price
Stocks with wide spreads tend to illiquid and less likely trade.
Includes Moverscope (an intraday chart of the stocks perfomance)

Smallest bid/offer spreads
A list of the shares with the smallest difference between buy & sell price
Stocks with small spreads tend to be more volatile and fluctuate in value.
Includes Moverscope (an intraday chart of the stocks perfomance)

A list of the shares with the largest numerical increase in cash value
(in terms of pence gain). Not to be confused with percentage gainers.
Includes Moverscope (an intraday chart of the stocks perfomance)

A list of the shares with the largest numerical drop in value (in terms of pence lost).
Not to be confused with percentage Losers
Includes Moverscope (an intraday chart of the stocks perfomance)

Directors' Shareholdings
Directors' by law have to make an announcement when they buy and sell stock
in the company they direct. Director's shareholdings display directors trades
on the day.

Major Shareholder trades
If a company or individual owns 3% or more of a companies shares they like
directors have to make an announcement when they trade in that stock. We
display Major Shareholder trades on the day.

Sector Indices
A sector indices represents investment performance in a specific area of
industry. eg Banking or Telecommunications.
As with all price information on ADVFN rising values are blue, unchanged
values are green and losers are red.

The "Sort By" pulldown list box at the top of indices list allows you to sort

Percentage Change: (The default setting) Displays the sectors in order
of "Percentage Change" from the most to the least successful sector.

Change: Displays the numerical "Change" (in terms of pence)

Alphabetically: Find your indice quickly and efficiently.

FTSE 100 Grid
Displays FTSE 100 with "Epic"(Epics will click through to market makers
screens for level 2 users) "current price" and "Change(P)" real-time
streaming prices.

FTSE Techmrk 100 Grid
Displays FTSE Techmrk 100 with "Epic" Epics will click through to market
makers screens for level 2 users) "current price" and "Change (P)" real-
time streaming prices.

Indices List
List of all LSE indices and codes
Type code into quote, chart, monitor and portfolio "epic search/add" fields
to see indices performance in depth.

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