In the last few years, cbd has become quite popular with a lot of rumors, either true or false going around regarding its uses associated with it. While the uses of cbf are quite diverse, the most popular one among them is as an anti-depression anti-stress medication. People have different opinions about Cannabidiol like they use it as an alternative to coffee, an energy booster, or as a pain relief drug but still, more than half of its users use it for stress relief. However, do remember that no scientifically proven research proves that cannabidiol is effective as it is shown. The widespread use and popularity of cbf in various drugs and products have also affected its standing in the commercial and retail market. In this article, we are going to talk about all things that you should know about cannabidiol from where it comes from to what is the future of the cannabidiol industry.

What is cbd/ cannabidiol?
CBD is also known as Cannabidiol is a phytocannabinoid found in Cannabis plants. It is one of the many chemical ingredients of the cannabis plant or hemp. Unlike its relative chemical tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive chemical. It means that Cannabidiol does not make you intoxicated or make you feel high upon intake from any method like upon inhalation or ingestion. It is different from marijuana in that marijuana is a drug made from the cannabis plant but it is just one of the chemicals found in plants of this genus. It comes in different forms like cbd oil, Gummis, capsules, and dietary supplements.
The general used Cannabidiol oil comes as full-spectrum cbd oil, broad-spectrum cbd oil, and isolate. Among the three types, the Full-spectrum contains every other type of cannabinoids compounds including a trace amount of THC ( maximum 0.3%) while the broad-spectrum cbd is supposed to be the same just without any THC content. And the cbd isolate is pure Cannabidiol without any other cannabinoid compound.
Where did cbd come from?
Cannabidiol is found in nearly every type of plant related to the Cannaceae family. So, any type of plant from this family can be a source of cbd. However, the main source for cbd extracted in the industry comes from Hemp or industrial Hemp. Why? Because it is legal in most states with different degrees of restrictions. Hemp is a variety of Cannabis Sativa plants that are specifically cultivated for industrial use. Hemp has a higher level of cannabidiol content than other cannabis plants which makes them a good source of cbd. What makes hemp different from cannabis is that any cannabis Sativa plant that has less than 0.2 percent of THC content can be called Hemp.
Is Hemp illegal?
In the year 2018, hemp production was legalized and a new definition was given that differentiates it from marijuana. The legality of hemp depends upon its THC content. If the THC content of your crop is lower than 0.2 percent then it is legal otherwise it is illegal and will fall under schedule 1 controlled substance. So if you are a farmer then do make sure that your crop has the right THC level.
Is cbd legal?
Different from the hemp rules the legality of it depends upon its source i.e from where it is extracted from plus your state laws. It is because in 2018 all hemp-derived products along with cbd were legalized by federal law but the cannabis-derived product remains illegal under the same law. It was like that even if the products are the same which happened to be the case of cannabis-derived Cannabidiol. But some state laws regard cannabis-derived cbd the same as Hemp-derived Cannabidiol that is legal. So you should first check your state legislation before buying or selling cannabis-derived cbd.
The food and drug administration (FDA) has also not approved the Cannabidiol products without prescription.
What is cbd used for?
Cannabidiol nowadays is more popular than Clark Stanley’s snake oil. While just like snake oil, it also has tons of said uses that are not proven yet. However, unlike snake oil, its effectiveness is not groundless but has shown promising results during studies conducted till now. One of the most popular uses of cbd is what Cannabis or marijuana was medically used for, as a pain reliever. It is also used from skincare to mental health care to heart benefits. We are listing some of the most popular reasons for which it is used.
#As a painkiller
Reachers have found that cbd along with THC is one of the active ingredients for marijuana’s pain relief effect. According to recent studies they have found that Cannabidiol may help in reducing pain by influencing the ECS system’s activity. So it can be helpful for those who suffer from chronic pain.
Thanks to its outstanding anti-inflammatory properties cbd is found to be a good solution for acne or pimple-like skin-related problems. It acts as an inhibitor and stops the activation of acne-causing agents such as inflammatory cytokines. It has shown promising results in tests and according to researchers is likely to be the solution for the old pimple problem.
#Relieve stress
Because of its ability to act on the brain’s serotonin receptors, it is ascertained to be helpful for those who are suffering from post-trauma stress and depression. In many research conducted on people who were suffering from anxiety and depression, it is found that cbd oil is effective and soothing if given in a certain amount. It is also helpful for those who have difficulty quitting drugs or are do drug abuse
Some other uses of cannabidiol upon which research is still going on are listed below
- Help in chemotherapy-related vomiting and nausea
- May benefit those with a neurological disorder
- Heart health benefits
- Help in sleep disorders
- Improve cholesterol
- help in epilepsy
- Help high blood pressure
While there are also other potential benefits of cannabidiol on which the research is going on but those described above are the most popular ones which are also under trial.
Side effects of Cannabidiol
Alonge with benefits there are also some unwanted side effects of cannabidiol that come with its benefits package. People have said that they feel drowsy and it is also the most common symptom that people feel using cbd. Some clever people choose to take Cannabidiol with coffee to combine the energizing properties of coffee and calming properties of cbd. Some other common side effects of cannabidiol which people hate even more than Fatigue are diarrhea and a change in appetite. We all know what diarrhea is and the change in appetite in most cases was seen to be an increasing gradient that in turn affects weight and diet routine. Some medications should not be taken with cbd like levothyroxine and amiodarone.
Future of cbd industry
What is its current condition?
Cannabidiol emerges as the perfect answer for those who want a stress-relieving non-psychoactive medication. It is most widely used for therapeutic reasons. cbd products including cannabidiol oil and other products which use it as a raw material will become increasingly more popular and as more countries are legalizing cbd with consumer’s interest in it as a beauty solution the industry will help it create its own stable place among the global market for pharmacy and beauty products. Right now, the cannabidiol industry is one of the fastest-growing and most lucrative industries in the world. From the year 2014, it has seen a constant growth in yearly product sales and has become a billion-dollar industry in the year 2020.
How covid-19 affected the cbd industry?
The covid-19 pandemic has shaken all markets and industries all around the world. Worldwide lockdowns and curfews have created drastic changes in the market. These changes include everything from financial inflation to change in customer’s interests, and from a blockage in supply chains to a decrease in raw material for secondary industries. Every sector of the economy has suffered from various degrees of damage.
The cbd industry hasn’t remained unaffected as it has also seen a nearly 6% decrease in revenue growth from the year 2019 to 2020. National-wide lockdowns have shut down the retail store which in turn has decreased the sales of cannabidiol products. Pandemic has caused nationwide lockdowns in China and India too, especially china which is the biggest hemp producer country in the world. These lockdowns have barred international transportation and logistics which has affected supply chains of raw materials such as hemp and cbd oil negatively.
So, has the pandemic influenced the cbd industry negatively?
Well, certainly not. Experts say that while the covid-19 pandemic on the one hand had negatively influenced the market by affecting retail sales and logistics however it has also made the general consumers more aware of their health. This will be a good thing for the pharmaceutical sector as a whole as it will increase the consumer base without them doing anything. Plus with increasing liberal laws the companies will start making international partnerships for increasing their consumers base by spreading in other countries.
What does the future hold for the cannabidiol industry?
While the cannabis industry has been constantly shuffling in the hands of government and illegal merchants, the cbd industry is bound to boom.
Because cannabidiol has earned worldwide recognition as medication among the general public and experts both. This has forced the government to make more liberal rules, and which in turn has again increased its popularity among health-conscious consumers.
Many financial experts and business analysts say that because of the increasing health awareness among consumers and global acceptance of cbd products among general consumers for pain relief, treating anxiety and depression, heart health, inflammation, spiritual meditation, and cancer symptoms relief, the cannabidiol industry is expected to see rapid growth in the coming 5 years. The businesses will grow on a global scale and the industry will see an annual growth from anywhere between 20% to 33% in the coming 5-8 years.
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