SER needs your votes. You as shareholders can force change.
This is the email you must send should you wish to remove the current management at Sefton and replace with a more competent management team.
Investment Dealing Account *account number*
Dear *your trading provider*
Urgent request as part of the named requisition regarding (SER) Sefton Resources,I *your name* wish the *your broker/trading provider** to vote in advance via proxy with the ****** shares in my account at the EGM and AGM.
Both meetings to be held on the 6.10.15
Proxy form 1) *your broker/trading provider* Vote YES to all 5 resolutions at the EGM.
Proxy form 2) *your broker/trading provider* Vote NO to all AGM resolutions.
I will also need an attendance card to both meetings confirming my appointment which i need to take with me to include my address above.
Please contact my mobile ******* if you have any questions or email me at *EMAIL*
Can you please confirm when this will be completed before end of September 2015
Kind regards
The above will allow the action group to take over Sefton and bring on the much needed assets along with removing the old Nomad and replacing with a Nomad that, unlike the current nomad, wont let the company rob investors.
You must get your votes in as early as you can as these things take time to process.
All the best,
Anthony Wintle
Why get rid of the current management you ask?
Some words from Chris Oil. Like him or not he has a good point.
Who mess up asset deals within months of Dan leaving because the FD did not want to take responsibility…. yes Raylene Whitford Sefton
Who did a smear campaign on the latest two RNS and leaked my confidential lodged email to Ben Turney…. Raylene Whitford corporate governance ?
Who choice to do a rubbish placing at 0.65p when another broker offered 12p with conditions at the same time? . ….. Seftons Raylene.
From the number crunching rob sepherd done a runner with $200,000 of seftons money. No mention in RNS. Raylene worst FD in history.
Also you must understand that a Nomad is in place to take over from the old, assets are ready to be taken on and the new management have a track record of SAVING ser. Remember that this is business and nothing to do with how much you like those involved. We know they have the skill set to save ser so why not let them and you might just make some money back that Raylene and the current team has robbed from you!
Once again,
All the best.
Anthony Wintle
All in my opinion and not to be taken as fact nor advice.
Always seek professional advice before investing in any company.