Dec 30 2020 @ 04:43
The internet used to be a tool largely concerned with entertainment, a primitive games console of sorts. Today, however, many of us live our lives online. It’s where we play, yes – but it’s also where we communicate, where we shop, where we bank. We complete mortgage applications online, store sensitive personal data with a […]
Dec 16 2020 @ 04:33
Car finance has been a sector that has shown excellent growth but there could be some clouds on the horizon in the shape of the FCA and PCP One of the most popular areas for private investors in recent years has been financial services and if you pick your stock right you can certainly achieve […]
Dec 08 2020 @ 04:35
In cryptocurrency quarters, 2020 will forever be remembered as the year that digital currencies finally started to go mainstream. In August, Goldman Sachs created a new position for head of digital assets, appointing an internal candidate who previously ran the bank’s internal funding operations. JPMorgan, formerly one of the most outspoken skeptics of Bitcoin, admitted […]
Dec 02 2020 @ 10:45
In the recent past, cryptocurrency was strictly for trading and hodling. But nowadays, using crypto to pay for everyday goods and services is pretty easy. While this was the case even before PayPal announced that its 346 million users would be able to spend digital assets at 26 million eligible merchants, it’s even truer now. […]
Nov 23 2020 @ 12:01
Yes, we’ve all heard of Bitcoin, and how much of a great investment it is. But what about other cryptocurrencies that look promising? Nearly all alternative digital assets promise to be the next big thing: the next solution to your credit problems, the quickest way to send cash overseas or the real deal for handling […]
Nov 19 2020 @ 12:20
In a way, this is a volatile time for cryptocurrency. Specifically, exchanges that offer cryptocurrency derivatives and other related services are often in the hot seat as regulators crack down on looser activities that could facilitate money laundering. Sure, there’s more common buy-in from investors, including the “whales” that tend to set the course. Sure, […]
Oct 29 2020 @ 11:36
bitFlyer has announced it will drastically cut trading fees on its Lightning exchange, with the highest trading fees beginning at 0.1%, and dropping incrementally as users rack up more trading volume. The reduction in trading fees is expected to make bitFlyer the US regulated exchange with the lowest fee structure in the country. bitFlyer Lightning […]
Oct 29 2020 @ 06:49
More people are trading cryptocurrency than ever before. According to the latest market report, trading volumes for the third quarter of 2020 surged by $155 billion. At a time when the world is gripped by pandemic, traders have been busy staking, selling, farming, swapping and longing, posting $330.6 billion in volume between July and September. […]
Oct 19 2020 @ 09:44
The stock market is a burgeoning mix of opportunities. Extreme volatility tends to favor traders by presenting lucrative options to buy on the dip, and catch the wave on the way up. Anyone who’s ever watched Wall Street with Michael Douglas and Charlie Sheen, and the follow-up Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, invariably becomes fascinated […]
Sep 23 2020 @ 11:35
Margin trading in crypto markets is a concept borrowed from the stock markets. However, in crypto markets, traders borrow to buy crypto assets, instead of stock, and they borrow from exchanges instead of stockbrokers. Over time, however, blockchain developers have wondered if there is a way to implement margin trading based on the core blockchain […]