A nibble of Findel
Clem Chambers
Dec 01 2011 @ 05:29
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From an investment position it’s about as wrong as you can get. The company after all pays your wages so from a position of diversification it the worst thing possible you can do. To make it yet worse you can’t liquidate the holding without upsetting everyone.
As a PLC director I know that buying shares in your own company takes a fair amount of nerve.
This is why when directors buy a large chunk of stock I take notice. So today it was brought to my attention that Findel directors were buying. I like companies at a fraction to their sales, even if they seem to be up the creek a fair way. Findel is not selling at 10% of sales for nothing, but the directors buys have forced me to bite. Rather I have taken a nibble as even though I’m desperately trying not to buy and shares at all I can’t resist it. However I can still show restraint.
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