Aug 23 2012 @ 10:21
Bringing an end to its antitrust investigations on Wednesday, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission has approved Facebook Inc.’s (
NASDAQ:FB) acquisition of Instagram. Accordingly, Facebook is now allowed to complete its acquisition of Instagram.
Aug 22 2012 @ 09:14
I have explained numerous times since Facebook (
NASDAQ:FB) stock IPO’d at $38 a share in mid May why I think that the shares are on fundamentals worth no more than $7.30. Actually it is pretty hard to put any value on this company as there is just so little visibility of earnings. And for that […]
Aug 22 2012 @ 08:43
I have warned so many times that China is set for a hard landing in the second half of 2012 that if you have ignored my numerous articles then there is probably no helping you at any stage. But I shall try again and I shall be brief. That is a pun. I am talking underpants here. […]
Aug 16 2012 @ 11:32
“What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” Was there a banking scandal in Sir Walter Scott’s day, or did he foresee one coming? Whatever, the answer, he sure got it right. The banking world is a mess. It seems like Barclays has been in the headlines more often in the […]
Aug 15 2012 @ 09:30
Standard Chartered (
LSE:STAN) is a global bank offering financial services in nearly 70 countries. Although headquartered in London, the bank is heavily involved in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. The banking firm often provides its services in developing countries with emerging markets. This business strategy made it one of the best performing banks during […]
Aug 13 2012 @ 16:40
In Washington, D.C., there is a cozy connection between business and government. Corporate donations of large sums of money to their politicians, parties and special interest groups of choice are legion. Since the donations are considerable in most cases, it makes one wonder exactly what the businesses are getting out of the deal. Obviously nothing […]
Aug 13 2012 @ 10:03
After any bear run in shares some folks always grab headlines by saying we have seen “The Death of Equities.” Heck, you have lost your shirt it sounds believable. And so when major bond investor Bill Gross proclaimed the Death of Equities on August 1st he grabbed the headlines. Before you rush out to buy […]
Aug 13 2012 @ 03:28
I explained on Friday why the Manchester United (
NYSE:MANU) IPO was, at $14, a joke. I am asked what I think that the stock is worth? I am not sure that there is any terribly scientific answer to that as there are so many imponderables/unknowns, but since most are on the downside I would happy to […]
Aug 10 2012 @ 17:49
Whenever President Obama says Jobs you know bad news is on the way. He has spent hundreds of billions creating non Jobs while squeezing the private sector (which creates real jobs) ever harder. But the JOBS I refer to here is his JOBS act which allowed “emerging growth companies” to float in the US with […]
Aug 09 2012 @ 04:09
Supreme Court approves ObamaCare and stocks rise. What impact will the uncertain Presidential election have on the market? Register for a free ADVFN account and gain access to real-time stock charts, streaming prices, information and data and follow ObamaCare’s and the 2012 Presidential race’s impact on the market. After the United States Supreme Court ruled […]