Washington, D.C. 20549








PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16



For the month of January 2024


Commission File Number: 333-274650




MicroCloud Hologram Inc.

(Registrant’s Name)




Room 302, Building A, Zhong Ke Na Neng Building,

Yue Xing Sixth Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen,

People’s Republic of China 518000

(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)




Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.


Form 20-F ☒       Form 40-F ☐







Explanatory Note


On January 23, 2024, the Company entered into Convertible Note Purchase Agreements (“CNPA”) with certain investors (the “Investors”). On January 24, 2024, the Company issued to each Investor an Unsecured Convertible Promissory Note (the “Notes”) pursuant to the CNPAs. The aggregate original principal amount of the Notes is $9,500,000.00.


The Notes were offered in a registered direct offering and registered under the Securities Act pursuant to a prospectus supplement to an existing effective shelf registration statement of the Company.


The Note has a term of twenty-four (24) months commencing on January 24, 2024. The Notes carry an aggregate original issue discount of $760,000. The Company bore the costs and other transaction expenses incurred in connection with the purchase and sale of the Notes.


Subject to a Ownership Limitation (defined below), each Investor has the right to elect to convert all or a portion of the outstanding balance under the Note into ordinary shares of the Company pursuant to the following formula: conversion shares equals amount being converted divided by the conversion price, which is calculated as (A) the lowest market closing price of the Company’s ordinary shares in the twenty (20) trading days preceding the date of conversion request (B) multiplied by 70% and (C) rounded down to the nearest 2 decimal places. The conversion is subject to adjustment in the event of a stock split, stock dividend, recapitalization, or similar transaction.


Ownership Limitation: The Company may at it option decline to effect any conversion of the outstanding balance under the Note to the extent that after giving effect to such conversion would cause the Investors (on an individual basis) to beneficially own a number of shares exceeding 9.99% of the number of shares outstanding on such date


Upon occurrence of an Event of Default (as defined in the Note), the interest rate shall accrue on the outstanding balance at the rate equal to 10% per annum. In the event of a default, Investors will continue to have the right to make conversions until such time the outstanding balance is paid in full.


The Registrant will use the net proceeds from the offering of the Note for working capital and general corporate purposes.


The foregoing descriptions of the CNPAs and the Notes are summaries of the material terms of such agreements, do not purport to be complete and are qualified in their entirety by reference to the CNPAs and the Note, which are attached hereto as Exhibits 99.1 and 99.2. The prospectus supplement relating to the Offering is filed on the SEC’s web site at http://www.sec.gov.


The information contained in this Report is hereby incorporated by reference into the Company’s registration statement on Form F-3 as amended (File No. 333-274650), filed with the Commission on October 11, 2023.







Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


  MicroCloud Hologram Inc.
  By: /s/ Guohui Kang
  Name: Guohui Kang
  Title: Chief Executive Officer


Date: January 24, 2024







Exhibit No.   Description
5.1   Opinion of Maples & Calder (Hong Kong) LLP
99.1   Convertible Note Purchase Agreement
99.2   Convertible Promissory Note




Exhibit 5.1




Our ref: SQG/813280-000001/28574413v2



24 January 2024


MicroCloud Hologram Inc.


We have acted as counsel as to Cayman Islands law to MicroCloud Hologram Inc. (the “Company”) in connection with the entry by the Company into the Transaction Documents (as defined below) and its issue of certain convertible promissory notes (the “Notes”) with a principal amount of US$9,500,000 to the Purchasers which are convertible into certain ordinary shares of a par value of US$0.0001 each in the capital of the Company upon the terms and subject to the limitations and conditions set forth in the Notes.


1Documents Reviewed


We have reviewed originals, copies, drafts or conformed copies of the following documents:


1.1The certificate of incorporation dated 9 May 2018 and the certificate of incorporation on change of name of the Company dated 16 September 2022 issued by the Registrar of Companies in the Cayman Islands.


1.2The amended and restated memorandum and articles of association of the Company as adopted by a special resolution passed on 8 September 2022 (the “Memorandum and Articles”).


1.3The written resolutions of the board of directors of the Company dated 23 January 2024 (the “Resolutions”) and the corporate records of the Company maintained at its registered office in the Cayman Islands.


1.4A certificate of good standing with respect to the Company issued by the Registrar of Companies dated 24 January 2024 (the “Certificate of Good Standing”).







1.5A certificate from a director of the Company a copy of which is attached to this opinion letter (the “Director’s Certificate”).


1.6The transaction documents listed in the Schedule (the “Transaction Documents”).




The following opinions are given only as to, and based on, circumstances and matters of fact existing and known to us on the date of this opinion letter. These opinions only relate to the laws of the Cayman Islands which are in force on the date of this opinion letter. In giving the following opinions, we have relied (without further verification) upon the completeness and accuracy, as at the date of this opinion letter, of the Director’s Certificate and the Certificate of Good Standing. We have also relied upon the following assumptions, which we have not independently verified:


2.1The Transaction Documents and the Notes have been or will be authorised and duly executed and unconditionally delivered by or on behalf of all relevant parties in accordance with all relevant laws (other than, with respect to the Company, the laws of the Cayman Islands).


2.2The Transaction Documents and the Notes are, or will be, legal, valid, binding and enforceable against all relevant parties in accordance with their terms under the laws of New York (the “Relevant Law”) and all other relevant laws (other than, with respect to the Company, the laws of the Cayman Islands).


2.3The choice of the Relevant Law as the governing law of the Transaction Documents and the Notes has been made in good faith and would be regarded as a valid and binding selection which will be upheld by the courts of New York (the “Relevant Jurisdiction”) and any other relevant jurisdiction (other than the Cayman Islands) as a matter of the Relevant Law and all other relevant laws (other than the laws of the Cayman Islands).


2.4Where a Transaction Document has been provided to us in draft or undated form, it will be duly executed, dated and unconditionally delivered by all parties thereto in materially the same form as the last version provided to us and, where we have been provided with successive drafts of a Transaction Document marked to show changes to a previous draft, all such changes have been accurately marked.


2.5Copies of documents, conformed copies or drafts of documents provided to us are true and complete copies of, or in the final forms of, the originals, and translations of documents provided to us are complete and accurate.


2.6All signatures, initials and seals are genuine.


2.7The capacity, power, authority and legal right of all parties under all relevant laws and regulations (other than, with respect to the Company, the laws and regulations of the Cayman Islands) to enter into, execute, unconditionally deliver and perform their respective obligations under the Transaction Documents.


2.8There is no contractual or other prohibition or restriction (other than as arising under Cayman Islands law) binding on the Company prohibiting or restricting it from entering into and performing its obligations under the Transaction Documents and the Notes.





2.9The Notes will be issued and authenticated in accordance with the provisions of the Note Purchase Agreements (as defined below).


2.10No monies paid to or for the account of any party under the Transaction Documents or any property received or disposed of by any party to the Transaction Documents in each case in connection with the Transaction Documents or the consummation of the transactions contemplated thereby represent or will represent proceeds of criminal conduct or criminal property or terrorist property (as defined in the Proceeds of Crime Act (As Revised) and the Terrorism Act (As Revised), respectively).


2.11No invitation has been or will be made by or on behalf of the Company to the public in the Cayman Islands to subscribe for the Notes.


2.12There is nothing under any law (other than the laws of the Cayman Islands) which would or might affect the opinions set out below. Specifically, we have made no independent investigation of the Relevant Law.


2.13The Court Register constitutes a complete record of the proceedings before the Grand Court as at the time of the Litigation Search (as those terms are defined below).




Based upon, and subject to, the foregoing assumptions and the qualifications set out below, and having regard to such legal considerations as we deem relevant, we are of the opinion that:


3.1The Company has been duly incorporated as an exempted company with limited liability and is validly existing and in good standing with the Registrar of Companies under the laws of the Cayman Islands.


3.2The Company has all requisite power and authority under the Memorandum and Articles to enter into, execute and perform its obligations under the Transaction Documents and the Notes.


3.3The execution and delivery of the Transaction Documents do not, and the issue and offer of the Notes and the performance by the Company of its obligations under the Transaction Documents will not, conflict with or result in a breach of any of the terms or provisions of the Memorandum and Articles or any law, public rule or regulation applicable to the Company currently in force in the Cayman Islands.


3.4The execution, delivery and performance of the Transaction Documents have been authorised by and on behalf of the Company and, upon the execution and unconditional delivery of the Transaction Documents by an Authorized Officer (as defined in the Board Resolutions) for and on behalf of the Company, the Transaction Documents will have been duly executed and delivered on behalf of the Company and will constitute the legal, valid and binding obligations of the Company enforceable in accordance with their terms.


3.5The Notes have been duly authorised by the Company and when the Notes are signed in fax or manually by a director on behalf of the Company and, if appropriate, authenticated in the manner set forth in the Note Purchase Agreements and delivered against due payment therefor will be duly executed, issued and delivered and will constitute the legal, valid and binding obligations of the Company enforceable in accordance with their respective terms.





3.6No authorisations, consents, approvals, licences, validations or exemptions are required by law from any governmental authorities or agencies or other official bodies in the Cayman Islands in connection with:


(a)the execution, creation or delivery of the Transaction Documents by and on behalf of the Company;


(b)subject to the payment of the appropriate stamp duty, enforcement of the Transaction Documents against the Company;


(c)the offering, execution, authentication, allotment, issue or delivery of the Notes;


(d)the performance by the Company of its obligations under the Notes and the Transaction Documents; or


(e)the payment of the principal and interest and any other amounts under the Notes.


3.7No taxes, fees or charges (other than stamp duty) are payable (either by direct assessment or withholding) to the government or other taxing authority in the Cayman Islands under the laws of the Cayman Islands in respect of:


(a)the execution or delivery of the Transaction Documents or the Notes;


(b)the enforcement of the Transaction Documents or the Notes;


(c)payments made under, or pursuant to, the Transaction Documents; or


(d)the issue, transfer or redemption of the Notes.


The Cayman Islands currently has no form of income, corporate or capital gains tax and no estate duty, inheritance tax or gift tax.


3.8The courts of the Cayman Islands will observe and give effect to the choice of the Relevant Law as the governing law of the Transaction Documents and the Notes.


3.9Based solely on our search of the Register of Writs and Other Originating Process (the “Court Register”) maintained by the Clerk of the Court of the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands (the “Grand Court”) from the date of incorporation of the Company to the close of business (Cayman Islands time) on 22 January 2024 (the “Litigation Search”), the Court Register disclosed no writ, originating summons, originating motion, petition (including any petition for the winding-up of the Company or for the appointment of restructuring officers or interim restructuring officers thereto), counterclaim nor third party notice (“Originating Process”) nor any amended Originating Process pending before the Grand Court, in which the Company is identified as a defendant or respondent.


3.10Although there is no statutory enforcement in the Cayman Islands of judgments obtained in the Relevant Jurisdiction, a judgment obtained in such jurisdiction will be recognised and enforced in the courts of the Cayman Islands at common law, without any re-examination of the merits of the underlying dispute, by an action commenced on the foreign judgment debt in the Grand Court, provided such judgment:


(a)is given by a foreign court of competent jurisdiction;





(b)imposes on the judgment debtor a liability to pay a liquidated sum for which the judgment has been given;


(c)is final;


(d)is not in respect of taxes, a fine or a penalty; and


(e)was not obtained in a manner and is not of a kind the enforcement of which is contrary to natural justice or the public policy of the Cayman Islands.


3.11It is not necessary to ensure the legality, validity, enforceability or admissibility in evidence of the Transaction Documents or the Notes that any document be filed, recorded or enrolled with any governmental authority or agency or any official body in the Cayman Islands.




The opinions expressed above are subject to the following qualifications:


4.1The obligations assumed by the Company under the Transaction Documents and the Notes will not necessarily be enforceable in all circumstances in accordance with their terms. In particular:


(a)enforcement may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, liquidation, reorganisation, readjustment of debts or moratorium or other laws of general application relating to, protecting or affecting the rights of creditors and/or contributories;


(b)enforcement may be limited by general principles of equity. For example, equitable remedies such as specific performance may not be available, inter alia, where damages are considered to be an adequate remedy;


(c)some claims may become barred under relevant statutes of limitation or may be or become subject to defences of set off, counterclaim, estoppel and similar defences;


(d)where obligations are to be performed in a jurisdiction outside the Cayman Islands, they may not be enforceable in the Cayman Islands to the extent that performance would be illegal under the laws of that jurisdiction;


(e)the courts of the Cayman Islands have jurisdiction to give judgment in the currency of the relevant obligation and statutory rates of interest payable upon judgments will vary according to the currency of the judgment. If the Company becomes insolvent and is made subject to a liquidation proceeding, the courts of the Cayman Islands will require all debts to be proved in a common currency, which is likely to be the “functional currency” of the Company determined in accordance with applicable accounting principles. Currency indemnity provisions have not been tested, so far as we are aware, in the courts of the Cayman Islands;


(f)arrangements that constitute penalties will not be enforceable;


(g)enforcement may be prevented by reason of fraud, coercion, duress, undue influence, misrepresentation, public policy or mistake or limited by the doctrine of frustration of contracts;





(h)provisions imposing confidentiality obligations may be overridden by compulsion of applicable law or the requirements of legal and/or regulatory process;


(i)the courts of the Cayman Islands may decline to exercise jurisdiction in relation to substantive proceedings brought under or in relation to the Transaction Documents in matters where they determine that such proceedings may be tried in a more appropriate forum;


(j)any provision in a Transaction Document which is governed by Cayman Islands law purporting to impose obligations on a person who is not a party to such Transaction Document (a “third party”) is unenforceable against that third party. Any provision in a Transaction Document which is governed by Cayman Islands law purporting to grant rights to a third party is unenforceable by that third party, except to the extent that such Transaction Document expressly provides that the third party may, in its own right, enforce such rights (subject to and in accordance with the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act (As Revised) of the Cayman Islands);


(k)any provision of a Transaction Document which is governed by Cayman Islands law which expresses any matter to be determined by future agreement may be void or unenforceable;


(l)we reserve our opinion as to the enforceability of the relevant provisions of the Transaction Documents to the extent that they purport to grant exclusive jurisdiction as there may be circumstances in which the courts of the Cayman Islands would accept jurisdiction notwithstanding such provisions;


(m)a company cannot, by agreement or in its articles of association, restrict the exercise of a statutory power and there is doubt as to the enforceability of any provision in the Transaction Documents whereby the Company covenants to restrict the exercise of powers specifically given to it under the Companies Act (As Revised) of the Cayman Islands (the “Companies Act”), including, without limitation, the power to increase its authorised share capital, amend its memorandum and articles of association or present a petition to a Cayman Islands court for an order to wind up the Company;


(n)if the Company becomes subject to Part XVIIA of the Companies Act, enforcement or performance of any provision in the Transaction Documents which relates, directly or indirectly, to an interest in the Company constituting shares, voting rights or director appointment rights in the Company may be prohibited or restricted if any such relevant interest is or becomes subject to a restrictions notice issued under the Companies Act; and


(o)enforcement or performance of any provision in the Transaction Documents which relates, directly or indirectly, to an interest in a Cayman Islands company or limited liability company constituting shares, membership interests, voting rights or director or manager appointment rights in respect of such company or limited liability company may be prohibited or restricted if any such relevant interest is or becomes subject to a restrictions notice issued under the Companies Act or the Limited Liability Companies Act (As Revised) (the “LLC Act”).


4.2Applicable court fees will be payable in respect of the enforcement of the Transaction Documents.


4.3Cayman Islands stamp duty may be payable if the original Transaction Documents are brought to or executed in the Cayman Islands.





4.4To maintain the Company in good standing with the Registrar of Companies under the laws of the Cayman Islands, annual filing fees must be paid and returns made to the Registrar of Companies within the time frame prescribed by law.


4.5The Company must make an entry in its register of mortgages and charges in respect of all mortgages and charges created under the Transaction Documents in order to comply with section 54 of the Companies Act; failure by the Company to comply with this requirement does not operate to invalidate any mortgage or charge though it may be in the interests of the secured parties that the Company should comply with the statutory requirements.


4.6The obligations of the Company may be subject to restrictions pursuant to:


(a)United Nations and United Kingdom sanctions extended to the Cayman Islands by Orders in Council; and


(b)sanctions imposed by Cayman Islands authorities under Cayman Islands legislation.


4.7A certificate, determination, calculation or designation of any party to the Transaction Documents as to any matter provided therein might be held by a Cayman Islands court not to be conclusive, final and binding if, for example, it could be shown to have an unreasonable or arbitrary basis, or in the event of manifest error.


4.8The Litigation Search of the Court Register would not reveal, amongst other things, an Originating Process filed with the Grand Court which, pursuant to the Grand Court Rules or best practice of the Clerk of the Courts’ office, should have been entered in the Court Register but was not in fact entered in the Court Register (properly or at all), or any Originating Process which has been placed under seal or anonymised (whether by order of the Court or pursuant to the practice of the Clerk of the Courts’ office).


4.9In principle the courts of the Cayman Islands will award costs and disbursements in litigation in accordance with the relevant contractual provisions but there remains some uncertainty as to the way in which the rules of the Grand Court will be applied in practice. Whilst it is clear that costs incurred prior to judgment can be recovered in accordance with the contract, it is likely that post-judgment costs (to the extent recoverable at all) will be subject to taxation in accordance with Grand Court Rules Order 62.


4.10We reserve our opinion as to the extent to which the courts of the Cayman Islands would, in the event of any relevant illegality or invalidity, sever the relevant provisions of the Transaction Documents and enforce the remainder of the Transaction Documents or the transaction of which such provisions form a part, notwithstanding any express provisions in the Transaction Documents in this regard.


4.11We express no opinion as to the meaning, validity or effect of any references to foreign (i.e. non-Cayman Islands) statutes, rules, regulations, codes, judicial authority or any other promulgations and any references to them in the Transaction Documents.


We express no view as to the commercial terms of the Transaction Documents or whether such terms represent the intentions of the parties and make no comment with regard to warranties or representations that may be made by the Company.





We express no opinion with respect to any direct or indirect acquisition, disposal or exercise of rights by the Company of or in respect of any interest in any property governed by the laws of or situated in the Cayman Islands.


The opinions in this opinion letter are strictly limited to the matters contained in the opinions section above and do not extend to any other matters. We have not been asked to review and we therefore have not reviewed any of the ancillary documents relating to the Transaction Documents and express no opinion or observation upon the terms of any such document.


This opinion letter is addressed to and for the benefit solely of the addressee and may not be relied upon by any other person for any purpose, nor may it be transmitted or disclosed (in whole or part) to any other person without our prior written consent.


Yours faithfully


/s/ Maples and Calder (Hong Kong) LLP


Maples and Calder (Hong Kong) LLP




Exhibit 99.1


Convertible Note Purchase Agreement


This Convertible Note Purchase Agreement (this “Agreement”), dated as of [   ], is entered into by and between MicroCloud Hologram Inc., a Cayman Islands exempted company (the “Company”), and the purchaser identified on the signature page hereto (including its successors and assigns, the “Purchaser”).


A. The Company and the Purchaser are executing and delivering this Agreement in reliance upon an exemption from securities registration afforded by the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “1933 Act”), and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.


B. The Purchaser desires to purchase and the Company desires to Issue and sell, upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, that certain Convertible Promissory Note in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, in the original principal amount of US$[ ] (the “Note”). The Note shall be convertible into ordinary shares of par value US$0.0001 each of the Company (“Shares”), upon the terms and subject to the limitations and conditions set forth in the Note.


C. This Agreement, the Note, and all other certificates, documents, agreements, resolutions and instruments delivered to any party under or in connection with this Agreement, as the same may be amended from time to time, are collectively referred to herein as the “Transaction Documents”.


D. For purposes of this Agreement: “Conversion Shares” means all Shares issuable upon conversion of all or any portion of the Note; and “Securities” means the Note and the Conversion Shares.


NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Company and the Purchaser hereby agree as follows:


1. Purchase and Sale of Securities.


1.1. Purchase of Securities. The Company shall issue and sell to Purchaser and each Purchaser shall purchase from the Company the Note. In consideration thereof, the Purchaser shall pay the purchase price in an amount equal to the original principal amount of the Note (the “Purchase Price”) to the Company.


1.2. Form of Payment. On the Closing Date (as defined below), the Purchaser shall pay the Purchase Price to the Company via wire transfer of immediately available funds against delivery of the Note.


1.3. Closing Date. Subject to the satisfaction (or written waiver) of the conditions set forth in Section 5 and Section 6 below, the date of the issuance and sale of the Note pursuant to this Agreement (the “Closing Date”) shall be within 30 days after the date of this Agreement, or another mutually agreed upon date. The closing of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (the “Closing”) shall occur on the Closing Date by means of the exchange by email of signed .pdf documents, but shall be deemed for all purposes to have occurred at the Company’s principal executive offices in Shenzhen, People’s Republic of China.





2. Purchaser’s Representations and Warranties. The Purchaser represents and warrants to the Company that as of the date hereof and as of the Closing Date as follows (unless as of a specific date therein, in which case they shall be accurate as of such date):


(a) Organization; Authority. The Purchaser is either an individual or an entity duly incorporated or formed, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its incorporation or formation with full right, corporate, partnership limited liability company or similar power and authority to enter into and to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and otherwise to carry out its obligations hereunder and thereunder. The execution and delivery of this Agreement and performance by the Purchaser of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate, partnership, limited liability company or similar action, as applicable, on the part of the Purchaser. Each Transaction Document to which it is a party has been duly executed by the Purchaser, and when delivered by the Purchaser in accordance with the terms hereof, will constitute the valid and legally binding obligation of the Purchaser, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, except: (i) as limited by general equitable principles and applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium and other laws of general application affecting enforcement of creditors’ rights generally, (ii) as limited by laws relating to the availability of specific performance, injunctive relief or other equitable remedies and (iii) insofar as indemnification and contribution provisions may be limited by applicable law.


(b) Purchaser Status. At the time the Purchaser was offered the Securities, it was, and as of the date hereof it is, and on the Closing Date, it will be either: (i) an “accredited investor” as defined in Rule 501(a) under the 1933 Act or (ii) a “qualified institutional buyer” as defined in Rule 144A(a) under the 1933 Act. If it is not a U.S. Person (as defined in Regulation S), the Purchaser (i) acknowledges that the certificate(s) representing or evidencing the Conversion Shares shall contain a customary restrictive legend restricting the offer, sale or transfer of any Conversion Shares except in accordance with the provisions of Regulation S, pursuant to registration under the 1933 Act, or pursuant to an available exemption from registration, (ii) agrees that all offers and sales by the Purchaser of the Conversion Shares shall be made pursuant to an effective registration statement under the 1933 Act or pursuant to an exemption from, or a transaction not subject to the registration requirements of, the 1933 Act, (iii) represents that the offer to purchase the Securities was made to the Purchaser outside of the United States, and the Purchaser was, at the time of the offer and will be, at the time of the sale and is now, outside the United States, (iv) has not engaged in or directed any unsolicited offers to purchase Securities in the United States, (v) is not a Distributor (as such terms are defined in Rule 902(k) and 902(d), respectively, of Regulation S), (vi) has purchased the Securities for its own account and not for the account or benefit of any U.S. Person, (vii) is the sole beneficial owner of the Securities and has not pre-arranged any sale with the Purchaser in the United States, and (viii) is familiar with and understands the terms and conditions and requirements contained in Regulation S, specifically, without limitation, the Purchaser understands that the statutory basis for the exemption claimed for the sale of the Securities would not be present if the sale, although in technical compliance with Regulation S, is part of a plan or scheme to evade the registration provisions of the 1933 Act.





(c) Experience of Purchaser. The Purchaser, either alone or together with its representatives, has such knowledge, sophistication and experience in business and financial matters so as to be capable of evaluating the merits and risks of the prospective investment in the Securities, and has so evaluated the merits and risks of such investment. The Purchaser is able to bear the economic risk of an investment in the Securities and, at the present time, is able to afford a complete loss of such investment.


(d) Restricted Securities. The Purchaser acknowledges that absent an effective registration under the 1933 Act, the Securities may only be offered, sold or otherwise transferred (i) to the Company, or (ii) pursuant to an exemption from registration under the 1933 Act.


(e) Access to Information. The Purchaser acknowledges that it has had the opportunity to review the Transaction Documents (including all exhibits and schedules thereto) and all reports, schedules, forms, statements and other documents filed by the Company under the 1933 Act and Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “1934 Act”), including pursuant to Section 13(a) or 15(d) thereof, including the exhibits thereto and documents incorporated by reference therein and has been afforded (i) the opportunity to ask such questions as it has deemed necessary of, and to receive answers from, representatives of the Company concerning the terms and conditions of the offering of the Securities and the merits and risks of investing in the Securities; (ii) access to information about the Company and its financial condition, results of operations, business, properties, management and prospects sufficient to enable it to evaluate its investment; and (iii) the opportunity to obtain such additional information that the Company possesses or can acquire without unreasonable effort or expense that is necessary to make an informed investment decision with respect to the investment.


(f) General Solicitation. The Purchaser is not purchasing the Securities as a result of any advertisement, article, notice or other communication regarding the Securities published in any newspaper, magazine or similar media or broadcast over television or radio or presented at any seminar or, to our knowledge, any other general solicitation or general advertisement.


3. Company’s Representations and Warranties. The Company represents and warrants to the Purchaser that as of the Closing Date:


(a) Organization and Qualification. The Company is an exempted company with limited liability duly incorporated, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the Cayman Islands, and each subsidiary of the Company is duly incorporated or organized, validly existing and in good standing (with respect to jurisdictions that recognize the concept of good standing) under the laws of its jurisdiction of organization. Each of the Company and its subsidiaries has the requisite power and authority to own, lease and operate its properties and to carry on its business as currently being conducted, and is duly qualified or licensed to do business in all material respects in each jurisdiction in which the property owned, leased or operated by it or the nature of the business conducted by it makes such qualification or licensing necessary.





(b) Authorization; Enforcement; Validity. The Company has the requisite corporate power and authority to execute and deliver the Transaction Documents and to perform its obligations thereunder. The execution, delivery and performance by the Company of the Transaction Documents, including the issuance of the Note and the Conversion Shares, have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on the part of the Company. Each Transaction Document to which the Company is a party has been or will be duly executed and delivered by the Company, and, assuming the due authorization, execution and delivery by the Purchaser and the other parties thereto, constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Company, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, except as limited by general equitable principles and applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium and other laws of general application affecting enforcement of creditors’ rights generally.


(c) Issuance of the Conversion Shares. The Conversion Shares are duly authorized and, when issued and paid for in accordance with the applicable Transaction Documents, will be duly and validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable, free and clear of all liens imposed by the Company.


(d) Capitalization. All issued and outstanding ordinary shares have been duly authorized and validly issued and are fully paid and non-assessable, were issued in compliance with applicable U.S. and other applicable securities laws and were not issued in violation of any preemptive right, resale right or right of first refusal.


(e) No Conflicts. The execution, delivery and performance by the Company of the Transaction Documents, including the issuance of the Note and the Conversion Shares, will not (i) result in a violation of the Memorandum and Articles, (ii) conflict with, or constitute a default (or an event which with notice or lapse of time or both would become a default) under, or give to others any rights of termination, amendment, acceleration or cancellation of, any agreement to which the Company is a party, or (iii) result in a violation of any law applicable to the Company or by which any property or asset thereof is bound, except in the case of clauses (ii) and (iii) above, for such conflicts, defaults, rights or violations which would not, individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the ability of the Company to perform its obligations under the Transaction Documents to which it is a party.


(f) Filings, Consents and Approvals. The Company is not required to obtain any consent, waiver, authorization or order of, give any notice to, or make any filing or registration with, any court or other federal, state, local or other governmental authority or other person in connection with the execution, delivery and performance by the Company of the Transaction Documents, other than such filings as are required to be made under applicable federal securities laws and the laws of the PRC.


(g) No Additional Representations. The Company makes no representations or warranties as to any matter whatsoever except as expressly set forth in the Transaction Documents or in any certificate delivered by the Company to the Purchaser in accordance with the terms thereof.





3. Company Covenants. Until all of Company’s obligations under the Note are paid and performed in full, or within the timeframes otherwise specifically set forth below, so long as Purchaser beneficially owns Company’s securities, Company will at all times comply with the following covenants: (i) Company will timely file on the applicable deadline all reports required to be filed with the SEC pursuant to Sections 13 or 15(d) of the 1934 Act, and will take all reasonable action under its control to ensure that adequate current public information with respect to Company, as required in accordance with Rule 144 of the 1933 Act, is publicly available, and will not terminate its status as an issuer required to file reports under the 1934 Act even if the 1934 Act or the rules and regulations thereunder would permit such termination; (ii) the Ordinary shares shall be listed or quoted for trading on NYSE or NASDAQ; (iii) trading in Company’s Ordinary shares will not be suspended, halted, chilled, frozen, reach zero bid or otherwise cease trading on Company’s principal trading market; (iv) from the Closing Date until five (5) days after the Note is satisfied in full, Company will not make any Restricted Issuance (as defined below) without Purchaser’s prior written consent, which consent may be granted or withheld in Purchaser’s sole and absolute discretion; (v) while Company may raise any capital it deems necessary for its operations, Company shall not enter into any agreement or otherwise agree to any covenant, condition, or obligation that locks up, restricts in any way or otherwise prohibits Company: (a) from entering into a variable rate transaction with Purchaser or any affiliate of Purchaser, or (b) from issuing Ordinary shares, preferred stock, warrants, convertible notes, other debt securities, or any other Company securities to Purchaser or any affiliate of Purchaser; and (vi) on or before June 30, 2023, Company will file a Form 424B prospectus supplement to its registration statement on Form F-3 (No. 333-248197) for the registration of $1,800,000.00 in Conversion Shares (as defined in the Note) (or an amount agreed to between Company and Purchaser) for any conversion by Purchaser under the Note. 


4. Conditions to Company’s Obligation to Sell. The obligation of the Company hereunder to issue and sell the Securities to the Purchaser at the Closing is subject to the satisfaction, on or before the Closing Date, of each of the following conditions:


4.1. The Purchaser shall have executed this Agreement and delivered the same to the Company.


4.2. The Purchaser shall have delivered the Purchase Price to the Company in accordance with Section 1.2 above.


5. Conditions to Purchaser’s Obligation to Purchase. The obligation of the Purchaser hereunder to purchase the Securities at the Closing is subject to the satisfaction, on or before the Closing Date, of each of the following conditions, provided that these conditions may be waived by the Purchaser at any time in its sole discretion:


5.1. The Company shall have executed this Agreement and the Note and delivered the same to the Purchaser.


5.2. The Company shall have delivered to the Purchaser fully executed copies of all other Transaction Documents required to be executed by the Company herein or therein.





6. Miscellaneous.


6.1. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated by the Company by written notice to the Purchaser if the Closing has not been consummated on or before January 30, 2024.


6.2. Governing Law; Dispute Resolution. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed exclusively in accordance with the laws of New York, without giving effect to any choice of law rule that would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction to the rights and duties of the parties hereunder. The Company and the Purchaser agree to negotiate in good faith to resolve any dispute, controversy, difference or claim arising out of or relating to or regarding this Agreement including the existence, validity, interpretation, performance, breach or termination thereof or any dispute regarding non-contractual obligations arising out of or relating to it (each, a “Dispute”).


6.3. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two (2) or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Counterparts may be delivered via facsimile, electronic mail (including pdf or any electronic signature complying with the U.S. federal ESIGN Act of 2000, e.g., www.docusign.com) or other transmission method and any counterpart so delivered shall be deemed to have been duly and validly delivered and be valid and effective for all purposes.


6.4. Headings. The headings of this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and shall not form part of, or affect the interpretation of, this Agreement.


6.5. Severability. In the event that any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under any applicable statute or rule of law, then such provision shall be deemed inoperative to the extent that it may conflict therewith and shall be deemed modified to conform to such statute or rule of law. Any provision hereof which may prove invalid or unenforceable under any law shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision hereof.


6.6. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with the other Transaction Documents, contains the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the matters covered herein and therein and, except as specifically set forth herein or therein, neither Company nor the Purchaser makes any representation, warranty, covenant or undertaking with respect to such matters. For the avoidance of doubt, all prior term sheets or other documents between Company and the Purchaser, or any affiliate thereof, related to the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Documents (collectively, “Prior Agreements”), that may have been entered into between Company and the Purchaser, or any affiliate thereof, are hereby null and void and deemed to be replaced in their entirety by the Transaction Documents. To the extent there is a conflict between any term set forth in any Prior Agreement and the term(s) of the Transaction Documents, the Transaction Documents shall govern.


6.7. Amendments. No provision of this Agreement may be waived or amended other than by an instrument in writing signed by both parties hereto.





6.8. Notices. Any notice required or permitted hereunder shall be given in writing (unless otherwise specified herein) and shall be deemed effectively given on the earliest of: (i) the date delivered, if delivered by personal delivery as against written receipt therefor or by email to an executive officer named below or such officer’s successor, or by facsimile (with successful transmission confirmation which is kept by sending party), (ii) the earlier of the date delivered or the third Business Day after deposit, postage prepaid, in the United States Postal Service by certified mail, or (iii) the earlier of the date delivered or the third Business Day after mailing by express courier, with delivery costs and fees prepaid, in each case, addressed to each of the other parties thereunto (or at such other addresses as such party may designate by five (5) calendar days’ advance written notice similarly given to each of the other parties hereto). The address for such notices and communications shall be as set forth on the signature pages attached hereto. “Business Day” means any day that is not a Saturday, a Sunday or other day on which banks are required or authorized by applicable laws to be closed in Beijing, Cayman Islands, Hong Kong or New York.


6.9. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement or any of the severable rights and obligations inuring to the benefit of or to be performed by the Purchaser hereunder may be assigned by the Purchaser to a third party, including its affiliates, in whole or in part, without the need to obtain Company’s consent thereto. Company may not assign its rights or obligations under this Agreement or delegate its duties hereunder without the prior written consent of the Purchaser.


6.10. Survival. The representations and warranties of Company and the agreements and covenants set forth in this Agreement shall survive the Closing hereunder notwithstanding any due diligence investigation conducted by or on behalf of the Purchaser. Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Purchaser and all its officers, directors, employees, attorneys, and agents for loss or damage arising as a result of or related to any breach or alleged breach by Company of any of its representations, warranties and covenants set forth in this Agreement or any of its covenants and obligations under this Agreement, including advancement of expenses as they are incurred.


6.11. Further Assurances. Each party shall do and perform, or cause to be done and performed, all such further acts and things, and shall execute and deliver all such other agreements, certificates, instruments and documents, as the other party may reasonably request in order to carry out the intent and accomplish the purposes of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.


6.12. Purchaser’s Rights and Remedies Cumulative. All rights, remedies, and powers conferred in this Agreement and the Transaction Documents are cumulative and not exclusive of any other rights or remedies, and shall be in addition to every other right, power, and remedy that the Purchaser may have, whether specifically granted in this Agreement or any other Transaction Document, or existing at law, in equity, or by statute, and any and all such rights and remedies may be exercised from time to time and as often and in such order as the Purchaser may deem expedient.





6.13. Fees and Expenses. Except as expressly set forth in the Transaction Documents to the contrary, each party shall pay the fees and expenses of its advisers, counsel, accountants and other experts, if any, and all other expenses incurred by such party incident to the negotiation, preparation, execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement.


6.14. No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is intended for the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns and is not for the benefit of, nor may any provision hereof be enforced by, any other person.


6.15. Waiver. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in the form of a writing signed by the party granting the waiver. No waiver of any provision or consent to any prohibited action shall constitute a waiver of any other provision or consent to any other prohibited action, whether or not similar. No waiver or consent shall constitute a continuing waiver or consent or commit a party to provide a waiver or consent in the future except to the extent specifically set forth in writing.


[Remainder of page intentionally left blank; signature page follows]





IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned the Purchaser and the Company have caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the date first above written.


[signature page to follow]





  Printed Name:   


  MicroCloud Hologram Inc.
  Printed Name:   


[Signature Page to Convertible Note Purchase Agreement]









Exhibit 99.2




Effective Date: [   ] U.S. $[  ]


FOR VALUE RECEIVED, MicroCloud Hologram Inc., a Cayman Islands exempted company (“Borrower”), promises to pay to _______, a __________ company, or its successors or assigns (“Lender”), $[ ] and any interest, fees, charges, and late fees accrued hereunder on the date (the “Maturity Date”) that is twenty-four (24) months after the date the Purchase Price for this Note is delivered by Lender to Borrower (the “Purchase Price Date”) in accordance with the terms set forth herein and to pay interest on the Outstanding Balance (as defined below) at the simple rate of 0% per annum from the Purchase Price Date until the same is paid in full. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Borrower may, in its sole discretion, by delivery of a written notice to Lender not less than two (2) days prior to the then applicable Maturity Date, extend the Maturity Date; provided that the new Maturity Date shall in no event be more than three hundred and sixty-four (364) days after the Purchase Price Date. All interests hereunder shall be computed on the basis of a 360-day year comprised of twelve (12) thirty (30) day months, and shall be payable on the Maturity Date.


This Convertible Promissory Note (this “Note”) is issued and made effective as of [ ] (the “Effective Date”). This Note is issued pursuant to that certain Convertible Note Purchase Agreement dated [ ], as the same may be amended from time to time, by and between Borrower and Lender (the “Purchase Agreement”). For all purposes of this Note, (a) the “Outstanding Balance” means, as of any date of determination, the Purchase Price, as reduced or increased, as the case may be, pursuant to the terms hereof for payment, Conversion (as defined below), offset, or otherwise, plus accrued but unpaid interest, and (b) “Business Day” means any day that is not a Saturday, a Sunday or other day on which banks are required or authorized by applicable laws to be closed in Beijing, Cayman Islands, Hong Kong or New York.


The purchase price for this Note shall be $[ ] (the “Purchase Price”). The Purchase Price shall be payable by Lender by wire transfer of immediately available funds.


1. Payment; Prepayment.


1.1. Payment. All payments owing hereunder shall be in lawful money of the United States of America or Conversion Shares (as defined below), as provided for herein, and delivered to Lender at the address or bank account furnished to Borrower for that purpose. All payments shall be applied first to (a) costs of collection, if any, then to (b) fees and charges, if any, then to (c) accrued and unpaid interest, and thereafter, to (d) principal.


1.2. Prepayment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Borrower shall have the right to prepay all or any portion of the Outstanding Balance (less such portion of the Outstanding Balance for which Borrower has received a Conversion Notice (as defined below) from Lender where the applicable Conversion Shares have not yet been delivered).





2. Security. This Note is unsecured.


3. Lender Optional Conversion.


3.1. Conversions. Lender has the right at any time after the Purchase Price Date until the Outstanding Balance has been paid in full, at its election, to convert (“Conversion”) all, or a portion of the Outstanding Balance into ordinary shares of par value US$0.0001 each of Borrower (“Conversion Shares”) as per the following conversion formula: the number of Conversion Shares equals the amount being converted (the “Conversion Amount”) divided by the Conversion Price. Conversion notices shall be in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A (each, a “Conversion Notice”) and may be effectively delivered to Borrower by any method set forth in the “Notices” section of the Purchase Agreement. Borrower shall take necessary actions to enable the share registrar or transfer agent to deliver the Conversion Shares from any Conversion to Lender or its Permitted Designee (as defined below) in accordance with Section 7 below. “Permitted Designee” means any individual, partnership, firm, corporation, association, trust, unincorporated organization or other entity which directly, legally and beneficially owns any issued and outstanding equity securities of Lender.


3.2. Conversion Price. Subject to adjustment as set forth in this Note, the price at which Lender has the right to convert all, and no less than all, of the Outstanding Balance into Conversion Shares is the Conversion Price, which shall be calculated as (A) the lowest market closing price of the Company’s ordinary shares in the twenty (20) trading days preceding the date of the Conversion Notice (the “Reference Price”), (B) multiplied by 70%, and (C) rounded down to the nearest 2 decimal places, subject to adjustment in the event of a stock split, stock dividend, recapitalization, or similar transactions.


4. Trigger Events; Defaults; and Remedies.


4.1. Trigger Events. The following are trigger events under this Note (each, a “Trigger Event”): (a) Borrower fails to pay any principal, interest, fees, charges, or any other amount when due and payable hereunder; (b) a receiver, trustee or other similar official shall be appointed over Borrower or a material part of its assets and such appointment shall remain uncontested for 60 days or shall not be dismissed or discharged within 60 days; (c) Borrower files a petition for relief under any bankruptcy, insolvency or similar law (domestic or foreign); (d) an involuntary bankruptcy proceeding is commenced or filed against Borrower.


4.2. Defaults. At any time following the occurrence of a Trigger Event, Lender may, at its option, send written notice to Borrower demanding that Borrower cure the Trigger Event within 60 Business Days. If Borrower fails to cure the Trigger Event within the required 60 Business Day cure period, the Trigger Event will automatically become an event of default hereunder (each, an “Event of Default”) and the date of the Event of Default shall be the 60th Business Day following the occurrence of the relevant Trigger Event.





4.3. Default Remedies. At any time and from time to time following the occurrence of any Event of Default, Lender may accelerate this Note by written notice to Borrower, with the Outstanding Balance becoming immediately due and payable in cash. At any time following the occurrence of any Event of Default, upon written notice given by Lender to Borrower to accelerate this Note, interest shall accrue on the Outstanding Balance beginning on the date the applicable Event of Default occurred at an interest rate equal to 10% per annum (“Default Interest”) until the Outstanding Balance is paid in full. For the avoidance of doubt, the foregoing interest rate of 10% per annum shall be the only interest that may accrue on the Outstanding Balance beginning on the date of the applicable Event of Default, and the original interest rate of 0% per annum shall cease to have effect from the date of the applicable Event of Default. Lender may continue making Conversions at any time following a Trigger Event or an Event of Default until such time as the Outstanding Balance is paid in full. Such acceleration may be rescinded and annulled by Lender at any time prior to payment hereunder and Lender shall have all rights as a holder of the Note until such time, if any, as Lender receives full payment pursuant to this Section 4.3. No such rescission or annulment shall affect any subsequent Event of Default or impair any right consequent thereon. Nothing herein shall limit Lender’s right to pursue any other remedies available to it at law or in equity including, without limitation, a decree of specific performance and/or injunctive relief with respect to Borrower’s failure to timely deliver Conversion Shares upon Conversion of the Note as required pursuant to the terms hereof.


5. Waiver. No waiver of any provision of this Note shall be effective unless it is in the form of a writing signed by the party granting the waiver. No waiver of any provision or consent to any prohibited action shall constitute a waiver of any other provision or consent to any other prohibited action, whether or not similar. No waiver or consent shall constitute a continuing waiver or consent or commit a party to provide a waiver or consent in the future except to the extent specifically set forth in writing.


6. Adjustment of Conversion Price upon Share Subdivision or Combination. Without limiting any provision hereof, if Borrower at any time on or after the Effective Date subdivides (by any stock split, stock dividend, recapitalization, ratio change or otherwise) its outstanding ordinary shares into a greater number of shares, the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to such subdivision will be proportionately reduced. Without limiting any provision hereof, if Borrower at any time on or after the Effective Date combines (by combination, reverse stock split, ratio change or otherwise) its outstanding Class ordinary shares into a smaller number of shares, the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to such combination will be proportionately increased. Any adjustment pursuant to this Section 6 shall become effective immediately after the effective date of such subdivision or combination. If any event requiring an adjustment under this Section 6 occurs during the period that a Conversion Price is calculated hereunder, then the calculation of such Conversion Price shall be adjusted appropriately to reflect such event.


7. Method of Conversion Share Delivery. On or before the close of business on the 10th Business Day following the date of delivery of a Conversion Notice (the “Delivery Date”), Borrower shall deliver or cause its share registrar or transfer agent to deliver the applicable Conversion Shares and a certificate representing the number of Conversion Shares to which Lender shall be entitled, registered in the name of Lender or its Permitted Designee. Moreover, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein or in any other Transaction Document, in the event Borrower or its share registrar or transfer agent refuses to deliver any Conversion Shares without a restrictive securities legend to Lender on grounds that such issuance is in violation of Rule 144 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (“Rule 144”), Borrower shall deliver or cause its share registrar or transfer agent to deliver the applicable Conversion Shares to Lender with a restricted securities legend, but otherwise in accordance with the provisions of this Section 7.





8. Issuance Fees. Lender will be solely liable for any fees that must be paid by Borrower in order to issue any Conversion Shares.


9. Ownership Limitation. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Note or the other Transaction Documents, Borrower may, at its option, decline to effect any conversion of this Note to the extent that after giving effect to such conversion would cause each of Lender or any Permitted Designee to, on an individual basis, beneficially own a number of shares exceeding 9.99% of the number of shares outstanding on such date (including for such purpose the Conversion Shares issuable upon such issuance) (the “Maximum Percentage”). For purposes of this section, beneficial ownership of shares will be determined pursuant to Section 13(d) of the 1934 Act. Borrower and Lender may, by written agreement, increase, decrease or waive the Maximum Percentage as to Lender.


10. Opinion of Counsel. In the event that an opinion of counsel is needed for any matter related to this Note, Lender has the right to have any such opinion provided by its counsel at its own costs.


11. Governing Law; Dispute Resolution. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed exclusively in accordance with the laws of New York, without giving effect to any choice of law rule that would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction to the rights and duties of the parties hereunder. The Company and the Purchaser agree to negotiate in good faith to resolve any dispute, controversy, difference or claim arising out of or relating to or regarding this Agreement including the existence, validity, interpretation, performance, breach or termination thereof or any dispute regarding non-contractual obligations arising out of or relating to it (each, a “Dispute”).


12. Cancellation. After repayment or conversion of the entire Outstanding Balance, this Note shall be deemed paid in full, shall automatically be deemed canceled, and shall not be reissued.


13. Amendments. The prior written consent of both parties hereto shall be required for any change or amendment to this Note.


14. Assignments. Borrower may not assign this Note without the prior written consent of Lender. This Note may not be offered, sold, assigned or transferred by Lender without the consent of Borrower, and Borrower is not obligated to give such consent. For avoidance of doubt, ADSs issued to Lender upon conversion of Conversion Shares may be offered, sold, assigned or transferred by Lender without the consent of Borrower.


15. Notices. Whenever notice is required to be given under this Note, unless otherwise provided herein, such notice shall be given in accordance with the section of the Purchase Agreement titled “Notices.”


16. Severability. If any part of this Note is construed to be in violation of any law, such part shall be modified to achieve the objective of Borrower and Lender to the fullest extent permitted by law and the balance of this Note shall remain in full force and effect.


[Remainder of page intentionally left blank; signature page follows]





IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has caused this Note to be duly executed as of the Effective Date.


  MicroCloud Hologram Inc.
  Name: Guohui Kang
  Title: Chief Executive Officer and Director








[Signature Page to Convertible Promissory Note]



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