Washington, D.C. 20549










PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16



August 16, 2023




Pan American Silver Corp.

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


1500-625 HOWE STREET



(Address of principal executive offices)



(Commission File Number)




Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.


  Form 20-F  ¨ Form 40-F    x  


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1). ¨


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Exhibit   Description
99.1   Technical Report for the El Peñon Gold-Silver Mine, Antofagasta Region, Chile dated effective December 31, 2020
99.2   Consent of Sergio Castro, Registered Member Chilean Mining Commission
99.3   Consent of Carlos Iturralde, P.Eng.
99.4   Consent of Henry Marsden, P.Geo.
99.5   Consent of Marco Velásquez Corrales, Registered Member Chilean Mining Commission


Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors Concerning Estimates of

Measured, Indicated and Inferred Resources


The Technical Report for the El Peñon Gold-Silver Mine, Antofagasta Region, Chile, with an effective date of December 31, 2020, included as Exhibit 99.1 hereto (the “Technical Report”), has been prepared and disclosed in accordance with Canadian National Instrument 43-101 — Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”) and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum classification system. NI 43-101 is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators that establishes standards for all public disclosure an issuer makes of scientific and technical information concerning mineral projects.


Canadian public disclosure standards, including NI 43-101, differ significantly from the requirements of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), and mineral reserve and mineral resource information included in the Technical Report may not be comparable to similar information disclosed by U.S. companies. In particular, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Technical Report uses the terms “measured mineral resources,” “indicated mineral resources” and “inferred mineral resources” as defined under Canadian regulations. The requirements of NI 43-101 for the identification of “mineral reserves” are also not the same as those of the SEC, and reserves reported by the Registrant in compliance with NI 43-101 may not qualify as “reserves” under SEC standards. While the SEC has adopted amendments to its disclosure rules to modernize the mineral property disclosure requirements for issuers whose securities are registered with the SEC under the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including amendments to certain definitions to be substantially similar to the corresponding standards under NI 43-101, there are still differences in these standards and definitions. U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that any part of a “measured mineral resource” or “indicated mineral resource” will ever be converted into a “mineral reserve”. U.S. investors should also understand that “inferred mineral resources” have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence and as to their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of “inferred mineral resources” exist, are economically or legally mineable or will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimated “inferred mineral resources” may not form the basis of feasibility or pre-feasibility studies except in rare cases. In addition, disclosure of “contained ounces” in a mineral resource is permitted disclosure under Canadian regulations. However, the SEC normally only permits issuers to report mineralization that does not constitute “reserves” by SEC standards as in place tonnage and grade, without reference to unit measures. Accordingly, information concerning mineral deposits set forth in the Technical Report may not be comparable with information made public by companies that report in accordance with U.S. standards.







Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


  Pan American Silver Corp.
Date: August 16, 2023 By:    /s/ “Delaney Fisher”
    Delaney Fisher
    SVP Associate General Counsel & Corporate Secretary




Exhibit 99.1








El Peñón gold-silver MINE


Antofagasta Region, Chile



Qualified Persons:


Sergio Castro, Registered Member CMC


Marco Velásquez Corrales, Registered Member CMC


Henry Marsden, P.Geo.


Carlos Iturralde, P.Eng.


Royal Bank Plaza, North Tower


200 Bay Street, Suite 2200


Toronto, Ontario M5J 2J3


Effective Date: December 31, 2020


Signature Date: March 25, 2021






Yamana Gold Inc.

Royal Bank Plaza, North Tower

200 Bay Street, Suite 2200

Toronto, ON, Canada

M5J 2J3



El Peñón gold-silver MINE


Antofagasta Region, Chile

Effective Date: December 31, 2020      
Signature Date: March 25, 2021      
Authors: [Signature]   [Signature]

Sergio Castro

Registered Member CMC

Technical Services Manager, El Peñón

Yamana Gold Inc. 


Marco Velásquez Corrales,

Registered Member CMC

Chief Resource Geologist, El Peñón

Yamana Gold Inc. 

  [Signature]   [Signature]

Henry Marsden, P.Geo.

Senior Vice President, Exploration

Yamana Gold Inc. 


Carlos Iturralde, P.Eng.

Director, Tailings, Health, Safety & Sustainable Development

Yamana Gold Inc. 

Reviewer [Signature]    

Sébastien Bernier, P.Geo.

Senior Director, Geology & Mineral Resources,

Yamana Gold Inc. 






Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile



Signature Page   I
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements   VIII
List of Abbreviations   X
1   Summary   1
  1.1   Property Description   1
  1.2   Geology and Mineralization   2
  1.3   Exploration Status   2
  1.4   Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimates   3
  1.5   Mining and Processing Methods   6
  1.6   Environmental Studies, Permitting, and Social or Community Impact   7
  1.7   Conclusions and Recommendations   8
2   Introduction   11
  2.1   Sources of Information   12
3   Reliance on Other Experts   13
4   Property Description and Location   14
  4.1   Mineral and Surface Tenure   15
  4.2   Underlying Agreements   23
  4.3   Permits and Authorizations   23
  4.4   Environmental Considerations   23
5   Accessibility, Climate, Local Resources, Infrastructure, and Physiography   24
  5.1   Accessibility   24
  5.2   Climate   24
  5.3   Local Resources   24
  5.4   Infrastructure   24
  5.5   Physiography   25
6   History   26
  6.1   Historical Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimates   26
  6.2   Past Production   27
7   Geological Setting and Mineralization   28
  7.1   Regional Geology   28
  7.2   Local Geology   29
  7.3   Property Geology   32


Signature Date: March 25, 2021 ii





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


    7.3.1   Structure   32
  7.4   Mineralization 34
8   Deposit Types   36
9   Exploration   37
  9.1   Exploration Potential   37
10   Drilling   39
11   Sample Preparation, Analyses, and Security   43
  11.1   Sample Preparation and Analysis   43
    11.1.1   Sampling of Drill Core   43
    11.1.2   Underground Channel Sampling   44
    11.1.3   Preparation and Analytical Procedures   45
  11.2   Quality Assurance/ Quality Control   48
    11.2.1   Certified Reference Materials   50
    11.2.2   Blank Samples   51
    11.2.3   Umpire Laboratory Check Assays   54
  11.3   Sample Security   55
12   Data Verification   57
13   Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Testing   58
  13.1   Processing Plant   58
  13.2   Metallurgical Testing   58
14   Mineral Resource Estimates   61
  14.1   Mineral Resource Summary   61
  14.2   Resource Database and Validation 63
  14.3   Definition and Interpretation of Estimation Domains   63
  14.4   Compositing Methods   65
  14.5   Basic Statistics   65
  14.6   Specific Gravity   67
  14.7   Variography   67
  14.8   Block Models   70
  14.9   Block Model Validation   72
  14.10   Resource Classification   76
  14.11   Resource Estimation of Stockpiles and Tailings   76
  14.12   Mineral Resource Estimate   76
15   Mineral Reserve Estimates   80
  15.1   Mineral Reserve Summary   80
  15.2   Conversion Methodology   81
  15.3   NSR Cut-Off Value   81
  15.4   Design, Dilution, and Mining Recovery Parameters   82


Signature Date: March 25, 2021 iii





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


  15.5   Reconciliation   83
  15.6   Mineral Reserve Estimate   83
16   Mining Methods   86
  16.1   Underground Mining Methods   86
  16.2   Underground Mine Design   87
  16.3   Mining Sequence   88
  16.4   Geomechanics and Ground Support   89
  16.5   Mine Equipment   90
  16.6   Mine Services   91
    16.6.1   Dewatering   91
    16.6.2   Ventilation   92
    16.6.3   Electrical   93
    16.6.4   Compressed Air   93
    16.6.5   Communications   94
  16.7   Life of Mine Plan   94
17   Recovery Methods   96
  17.1   Primary Crushing   96
  17.2   Grinding and Pre-Leach Thickening   98
  17.3   Clarification   98
  17.4   Leaching   98
  17.5   CCD Concentrate Solution Recovery   99
  17.6   Pregnant Solution Precipitation   99
  17.7   Refining   100
  17.8   Tailings Filtering and Disposal   100
  17.9   Metallurgical Reporting   101
  17.10   Plant Consumption   101
  17.11   Optimization Opportunities   102
18   Project Infrastructure   103
  18.1   Filtered Tailings Stack Design and Construction   105
  19.1   Market Studies   107
  19.2   Contracts   107
20   Environmental Studies, Permitting, and Social or Community Impact   108
  20.1   Project Permitting and Authorizations   108
  20.2   Environmental Management   110
    20.2.1   Environmental Management System   110
    20.2.2   Tailings Management   111
    20.2.3   Water Management   112
  20.3   Community Relations   114


Signature Date: March 25, 2021 iv





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


    20.3.1   General Social Context   114
    20.3.2   Social and Environmental Assessment and Management Systems   114
    20.3.3   Workplace Health and Safety   115
    20.3.4   Support for Community Priorities   116
    20.3.5   Cultural Heritage   117
  20.4   Mine Closure   117
21   Capital and Operating Costs   119
  21.1   Capital Costs   119
  21.2   Operating Costs   120
22   Economic Analysis   121
23   Adjacent Properties   122
24   Other Relevant Data and Information   123
25   Interpretation and Conclusions   124
26   Recommendations   126
27   References   127
28   Certificates of Qualified Persons   130
Signature Date: March 25, 2021 v





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile




Figure 4-1: General location map 14
Figure 4-2: Map of mineral tenure 16
Figure 4-3: Detailed map of mineral tenure 22
Figure 5-1: Infrastructure and typical landscape 25
Figure 7-1: Regional geological setting 29
Figure 7-2: Local and property geology 31
Figure 7-3: Schematic geological plan and cross-sections of the El Peñón deposit 33
Figure 7-4: Photographs of mineralization in underground exposures and in drill core 35
Figure 8-1: Generalized gold deposit types and environments 36
Figure 10-1: Plan view of drill holes in El Peñón core mine area 40
Figure 11-1: Time-series plots: gold assays of select CRMs by laboratory (2018–2020) 51
Figure 11-2: Time-series plots: gold assays of select blanks by type and laboratory (2018–2020) 53
Figure 11-3: Comparison between SGS and Geoassay umpire gold assays (2019-2020) 55
Figure 14-1: Plan view of estimation domains in El Peñón core mine area 64
Figure 14-2: Experimental gold and silver correlograms and fitted correlograms models for the 505 and Magenta veins 69
Figure 14-3: Gold swath plots for 505 Vein 74
Figure 14-4: Gold swath plots for Magenta Vein 75
Figure 16-1: Schematic cross-section of drift and vein showing extent of split-blasting technique 87
Figure 16-2: Schematic example of bench-and-fill mining method 88
Figure 16-3: Ventilation circuit of the Pampa Augusta Victoria underground mine 93
Figure 17-1: Mineral processing flowsheet 97
Figure 18-1: Plan map of main infrastructure at El Peñón 104
Figure 18-2: Schematic cross-section of western face of filtered tailings stack 105


Signature Date: March 25, 2021 vi





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile




Table 1-1: El Peñón Mineral Resource Statement as of December 31, 2020 3
Table 1-2: El Peñón Mineral Reserve Statement as of December 31, 2020 5
Table 4-1: Mineral tenure list 17
Table 6-1: Commercial production at El Peñón, January 2000 to December 31, 2020 27
Table 7-1: Description of main lithologies 30
Table 10-1: Exploration and infill drilling by year and type, 1993 to December 31, 2020 39
Table 11-1: Sample preparation and analytical standard operating procedures 43
Table 11-2: Summary of analytical quality control data produced between 2018 and 2020 49
Table 11-3: Lower detection limits and acceptance limits for blanks 52
Table 13-1: Gold recovery by zone, ore type, and grade category 59
Table 13-2: Silver recovery by zone, ore type, and grade category 59
Table 13-3: Processing plant production for 2019 60
Table 13-4: Processing plant production for 2020 60
Table 14-1: El Peñón Mineral Resource Statement as of December 31, 2020 62
Table 14-2: Summary of gold and silver capping values by zone 65
Table 14-3: Specific gravity density values assigned to each zone 67
Table 14-4: Typical calculation parameters for experimental correlograms 68
Table 14-5: Correlogram model parameters for 505 and Magenta veins 68
Table 14-6: Generalized block model variables 70
Table 14-7: Block models per veins and per mining zones 71
Table 14-8: Summary of the typical estimation search parameters 72
Table 14-9: Statistical validation of the estimated block model – 505 Vein 73
Table 14-10: Statistical validation of the estimated block model – Magenta Vein 73
Table 14-11: Resource NSR cut-off value calculation parameters 77
Table 14-12: Summary of El Peñón mineral resources by zone, as of December 31, 2020 78
Table 15-1: El Peñón Mineral Reserve Statement as of December 31, 2020 80
Table 15-2: NSR cut-off value calculation parameters for mineral reserves 82
Table 15-3: Stope SMU design parameters by zone 82
Table 15-4: Drift (split blasting) SMU design parameters 82
Table 15-5: Reconciliation 83
Table 15-6: Summary of El Peñón mineral reserves by zone, as of December 31, 2020 84
Table 16-1: Underground mobile equipment for development & production 90
Table 16-2: Support mobile equipment 91
Table 16-3: Life of mine plan (LOM) 95
Table 17-1: Consumption of reagents for 2020 101
Table 17-2: Consumption of processing supplies for 2020 102
Table 20-1: Summary of environmental resolutions since 1998 109
Table 20-2: Social risk management element of Yamana’s HSEC Framework (2016) 114
Table 20-3: Health and safety management elements of Yamana’s HSEC Framework (2016) 115
Table 20-4: Mine closure costs 118
Table 21-1: Life of mine capital costs 119
Table 21-2: LOM average unit operating costs 120


Signature Date: March 25, 2021 vii





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile




Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This report contains or incorporates by reference “forward-looking statements” and “forward-looking information” under applicable Canadian securities legislation within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking information includes, but is not limited to: cash flow forecasts, projected capital, operating and exploration expenditures, targeted cost reductions, mine life and production rates, grades, infrastructure, capital, operating and sustaining costs, the future price of gold, potential mineralization and metal or mineral recoveries, estimates of mineral resources and mineral reserves and the realization of such mineral resources and mineral reserves, information pertaining to potential improvements to financial and operating performance and mine life at El Peñón (as defined herein) that may result from expansion projects or other initiatives, maintenance and renewal of permits or mineral tenure, estimates of mine closure obligations, leverage ratios and information with respect to the Company’s (as defined herein) strategy, plans or future financial or operating performance. Forward-looking statements are characterized by words such as “plan,” “expect”, “budget”, “target”, “project”, “intend”, “believe”, “anticipate”, “estimate” and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions “may” or “will” occur, including the negative connotations of such terms. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are based on the opinions, assumptions and estimates of Qualified Persons (as defined herein) considered reasonable at the date the statements are made, and are inherently subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other known and unknown factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to: the impact of general domestic and foreign business; economic and political conditions; global liquidity and credit availability on the timing of cash flows and the values of assets and liabilities based on projected future conditions; fluctuating metal and commodity prices (such as gold, silver, diesel fuel, natural gas and electricity); currency exchange rates (such as the Chilean Peso and the Canadian dollar versus the United States dollar); changes in interest rates; possible variations in ore grade or recovery rates; the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development; changes in mineral production performance, exploitation and exploration successes; diminishing quantities or grades of reserves; increased costs, delays, suspensions, and technical challenges associated with the construction of capital projects; operating or technical difficulties in connection with mining or development activities, including disruptions in the maintenance or provision of required infrastructure and information technology systems; damage to the Company’s or El Peñón’s reputation due to the actual or perceived occurrence of any number of events, including negative publicity with respect to the handling of environmental matters or dealings with community groups, whether true or not; risk of loss due to acts of war, terrorism, sabotage and civil disturbances; risks associated with infectious diseases, including COVID-19; risks associated with nature and climatic conditions; uncertainty regarding whether El Peñón will meet the Company’s capital allocation objectives; the impact of global liquidity and credit availability on the timing of cash flows and the values of assets and liabilities based on projected future cash flows; the impact of inflation; fluctuations in the currency markets; changes in national and local government legislation, taxation, controls or regulations and/or changes in the administration of laws, policies and practices, expropriation or nationalization of property and political or economic developments in Chile; failure to comply with environmental and health and safety laws and regulations; timing of receipt of, or failure to comply with, necessary permits and approvals; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined; changes in project development, construction, production and commissioning time frames; contests over title to properties or over access to water, power, and other required infrastructure; increased costs and physical risks including extreme weather events and resource shortages related to climate change; availability and increased costs associated with mining inputs and labor; the possibility of project cost overruns or unanticipated costs and expenses, potential impairment charges, higher prices for fuel, steel, power, labour, and other consumables contributing to higher costs; unexpected changes in mine life; final pricing for concentrate sales; unanticipated results of future studies; seasonality and unanticipated weather changes; costs and timing of the development of new deposits; success of exploration activities; risks related to relying on local advisors and consultants in foreign jurisdictions; unanticipated reclamation expenses; limitations on insurance coverage; timing and possible outcome of pending and outstanding litigation and labour disputes; risks related to enforcing legal rights in foreign jurisdictions, vulnerability of information systems and risks related to global financial conditions. In addition, there are risks and hazards associated with the business of mineral exploration, development, and mining, including environmental hazards, industrial accidents, unusual or unexpected formations, pressures, cave-ins, flooding, failure of plant, equipment, or processes to operate as anticipated (and the risk of inadequate insurance, or inability to obtain insurance, to cover these risks), as well as those risk factors discussed or referred to herein and in the Company's Annual Information Form filed with the securities regulatory authorities in all of the provinces and territories of Canada and available under the Company’s profile at www.sedar.com, and the Company’s Annual Report on Form 40-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission at www.edgar.com. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events, or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events, or results not to be anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management’s estimates, assumptions, or opinions should change, except as required by applicable law. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The forward-looking information contained herein is presented for the purpose of assisting investors in understanding the Company’s expected financial and operational performance and results as at and for the periods ended on the dates presented in the Company’s plans and objectives and may not be appropriate for other purposes.


Signature Date: March 25, 2021 viii





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Cautionary Note to United States Investors Concerning Estimates of Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources


This report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the securities laws in effect in Canada, which differ in certain material respects from the disclosure requirements promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). For example, the terms “Mineral Reserve”, “Proven Mineral Reserve”, “Probable Mineral Reserve”, “Mineral Resource”, “Measured Mineral Resource”, “Indicated Mineral Resource” and “Inferred Mineral Resource” are Canadian mining terms as defined in accordance with Canadian National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (May 2014), adopted by the CIM Council, as amended. These definitions differ from the definitions in the disclosure requirements promulgated by the SEC. Accordingly, information contained in this report may not be comparable to similar information made public by U.S. companies reporting pursuant to SEC disclosure requirements.


Non-GAAP Measures


The Company has included certain non-GAAP financial measures and additional line items or subtotals, which the Company believes that, together with measures determined in accordance with IFRS, provide investors with an improved ability to evaluate the underlying performance of the Company. Non-GAAP financial measures do not have any standardized meaning prescribed under IFRS, and therefore they may not be comparable to similar measures employed by other companies. The data is intended to provide additional information and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS. The non-GAAP financial measures included in this report include: free cash flow, cash costs per gold-equivalent ounce sold, and all-in sustaining costs per gold-equivalent ounce sold. Please refer to section 11 of the Company’s current annual Management’s Discussion and Analysis, which is filed under the Company’s profile on SEDAR at www.sedar.com and which includes a detailed discussion of the usefulness of the non-GAAP measures. The Company believes that in addition to conventional measures prepared in accordance with IFRS, the Company and certain investors and analysts use this information to evaluate the Company’s performance. In particular, management uses these measures for internal valuation for the period and to assist with planning and forecasting of future operations.


Signature Date: March 25, 2021 ix





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


List of Abbreviations



Units of measurement used in this report conform to the metric system. All currency in this report is listed in US dollars (US$) unless noted otherwise


° degrees   HDPE high-density polyethylene   NSR net smelter return
greater than   hp horsepower   NPV net present value
less than   HSEC Health, Safety, Environment, and Community   NTU nephelometric turbidity units
% percent   ID3 inverse distance cubed   oz troy ounce (31.1035 g)
a annum   k kilo (thousand)   PFS pre-feasibility study
A ampere or amp   kg kilogram   ppm parts per million
AAS atomic absorption spectrometry   km kilometre   QA/QC quality assurance/quality control
Ag silver   km2 square kilometre   RAR return air raise
ARD acid rock drainage   kV kilovolt   RC reverse circulation
Au gold   kVA kilovolt-amperes   RCA Environmental Qualification Resolutions
C&F cut and fill mining method   kW kilowatt   RMR89 rock mass rating
°C degree Celsius   kWh kilowatt-hour   s second
CRM certified reference material   L litre   SD Standard deviation
cm centimetre   LHD load-haul-dump truck   SMU selective mining units
cm2 square centimetre   LOM life of mine   SOP standard operating procedures
cog cut-off grade   L/s litres per second   t metric tonne
d day   m metre   tpa metric tonnes per year
DL detection limit   M Mega, million   tpd metric tonnes per day
DIA Declaration of Environmental Impacts   m2 square metre   tph metric tonnes per hour
dmt dry metric tonne   m3 cubic metre   tpm metric tonnes per month
EDA exploratory data analysis   masl metres above sea level   US$ United States dollar
EIA environmental impact assessment   μg microgram   TFS tailings storage facility
Fm formation   m3/h cubic metres per hour   V volt
g gram   min minute   VFD variable frequency drive
g peak ground acceleration   ML metal leaching   VSO Vulcan Stope Optimizer
G giga (billion)   mm micrometre, micron   W watt
GDMS geological data management system   mm millimetre   wt % weight percent
g/L grams per litre   Mtpa million tonnes per year      
g/t grams per metric tonne   MVA megavolt-amperes      
ha hectare   MW megawatt      
      MWh megawatt-hour      
      NN nearest neighbour      


Signature Date: March 25, 2021 x





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile




This report documents the El Peñón mine (El Peñón), an underground and open-pit gold-silver mine located in northern Chile in the Atacama Desert. Yamana Gold Inc. (Yamana) holds a 100% interest in El Peñón through its subsidiary, Minera Meridian Limitada (Minera Meridian).


Yamana is a Canadian-based precious metals producer with significant gold and silver production- and development-stage properties, exploration properties, and land positions throughout the Americas, including Canada, Brazil, Chile, and Argentina. Yamana plans to continue to build on this base through expansion and optimization initiatives at existing operating mines, development of new mines, advancement of its exploration properties and, at times, by targeting other consolidation opportunities, with a primary focus on the Americas.


This technical report prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (NI 43-101) documents the current mining operation as well as the mineral resource and mineral reserve estimate of El Peñón as of December 31, 2020.


1.1Property Description


El Peñón is located approximately 165 km southeast of the city of Antofagasta. The mine site, situated approximately midway between the Pacific Coast and the border with Argentina, is in the Atacama Desert, a desert plateau with one of the driest climates on earth. The mine has been in operation since 1999 and it operates on a year-round basis.


Yamana acquired the property in late 2007 with the purchase of Meridian Gold Inc. (Meridian Gold). The mineral rights consist of 443 individual mining exploitation claims that comprise an area measuring 92,387 ha. It covers the El Peñón core mine area, the Fortuna area, the Laguna area, the Pampa Augusta Vitoria (PAV) area, and the surrounding exploration lands.


Minera Meridian is subject to a royalty tax between 5% and 14% based on the mining gross profit margin and currently pays approximately a 5% to 7% royalty tax on taxable mining income. In addition, El Peñón is also subject to First Category Tax (income tax) in Chile at a rate of 27%.


Minera Meridian has all required permits to continue carrying out mining and processing operations on the El Peñón property.


A 2% Net Smelter Return (NSR) royalty is payable to Maverix Metals Inc. as agreed as part of the purchase of the Nado claims covering the Fortuna area and a further 2% NSR is payable to Soquimich Comercial SA for claims Providencia 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and claims Dominador 1, 2, and 4. These claims are also located in the Fortuna area.



1 –Summary 1
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


1.2Geology and Mineralization


The discovery of the El Peñón gold-silver deposit was the result of successful grassroots exploration throughout the early 1990s. El Peñón is classified as a low- to intermediate-sulphidation epithermal gold-silver deposit associated with steeply dipping fault-controlled veins emplaced following rhyolite dome emplacement.


The gold-silver mineralization is hosted in near-horizontal to gently dipping Paleocene to Eocene basaltic to rhyolitic volcanic rocks. The deposit comprises many individual tabular and steeply dipping zones that are amenable to mining by both underground and surface methods. Vein thickness range from decimetre-scale to more than 20 metres. The strike length of individual mineralized zones ranges from less than 1 km to 4 km and the down-dip extent reaches up to 350 m.


1.3Exploration Status


Yamana has been successful in expanding the footprint of mineralization through geological mapping, geochemical characterization, geophysics, and abundant surface and underground drilling within the northeast trend, first starting at the El Peñón area, with Quebrada Orito in the southwest and ending at Angosta in the northeast.


The significant exploration results were obtained by surface and underground core drilling. As of the end of December 2020, over three million metres have been drilled at El Peñón. Yamana continually conducts exploration work to develop drill targets to replenish mineral reserves. Drilling is carried out on a 60 × 60 m grid with infill drill holes on a 30 × 30 m grid pattern.


Drilling activities have been successful in defining and expanding known mineralized zones and have led to the discovery of new mineralized zones. Based on these exploration successes and the production history of El Peñón, good potential exists for the discovery of new mineralized zones in the proximity of the current mine infrastructure and in the strike and dip extents of known mineralized horizons.


Analytical samples include both drill core and channel samples. The drill core samples are generated from exploration and infill drilling programs that are conducted on surface and underground; analytical results are used for target generation and estimation of mineral resources and reserves. The sample preparation, sample security, and analytical procedures at El Peñón are adequate and consistent with industry standards. The verification of the sampling data by Yamana and external consultants, including the analytical quality control data produced by Yamana for samples submitted to various laboratories, suggests that the analytical results delivered by the laboratories are sufficiently reliable for the purpose of mineral resource and mineral reserve estimation.



1 –Summary 2
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


1.4Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimates


Interpreted geological wireframes were constructed based on a three-dimensional and sectional interpretation of geological continuity, assay results, lithological information and structural data. Assays were composited to one-metre lengths, then interpolated using capping and a high-yield restriction for anomalously high grades. Gold and silver grades were interpolated into a sub-blocked model with minimum block size of 0.5 × 0.5 × 0.5 m and a parent block size of 20 × 20 × 20 m. Estimated grades were interpolated into blocks using Inverse Distance Cubed (ID3) and checked using Nearest Neighbor (NN) methods. Block estimates were validated using industry standard validation techniques. Classification of blocks was completed following distance-based criteria.


El Peñón mineral resources have been estimated in conformity with generally accepted standards set out in Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserves Estimation Best Practices Guidelines (November 2019) and were classified according to CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (May 2014) (CIM (2014) Standards). Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and have not demonstrated economic viability. Underground mineral resources are estimated within conceptual underground mining shapes at a cut-off value of US$95.31/t, which corresponds to 75% of the break-even cut-off value used to estimate the mineral reserves. A minimum mining width of 0.60 m as well as 0.30 m of hanging-wall and 0.30 m of footwall overbreak dilution are used to construct the conceptual mining shapes. Mineral resources are reported fully diluted.


Table 1-1: El Peñón Mineral Resource Statement as of December 31, 2020


Mineral Resources   Category   Tonnage   Grade   Contained Metal
    (kt)   Au (g/t)   Ag (g/t)   Au (koz)   Ag (koz)
Underground   Measured   667   4.81   143.0   103   3,063
  Indicated   6,355   3.06   105.4   625   21,535
  Total Measured + Indicated   7,022   3.22   109.0   728   24,599
  Inferred   5,208   3.61   118.0   605   19,758
Tailings   Measured          
  Total Measured + Indicated          
  Inferred   13,767   0.55   18.9   245   8,380
Stockpiles   Measured          
  Indicated   1,019   1.13   28.8   37   942
  Total Measured + Indicated   1,019   1.13   28.8   37   942
Combined   Measured   667   4.81   143.0   103   3,063
  Indicated   7,374   2.79   94.8   662   22,478
  Total Measured + Indicated   8,041   2.96   98.8   765   25,541
  Inferred   18,975   1.39   46.1   850   28,138



1 –Summary 3
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


1.Mineral resources have been estimated by the El Peñón resource geology team under the supervision of Marco Velásquez Corrales, Registered Member of the Chilean Mining Commission, a full-time employee of Minera Meridian Limitada, and a qualified person as defined by NI 43-101. The estimate conforms to the CIM (2014) Standards. Mineral resources are reported exclusive of mineral reserves. Mineral resources were evaluated using an inverse distance weighting algorithm informed by capped composites and constrained by three-dimensional mineralization wireframes. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and have not demonstrated economic viability. Metal price assumptions of US$1,250/oz for gold and US$18.00/oz for silver were used.


2.Underground mineral resources are estimated at a cut-off NSR of US$95.31/t, which corresponds to 75% of the mineral reserves cut-off value. Processing recoveries assumptions range from 84.13% to 97.38% for gold and from 56.47% to 92.33% for silver. The estimation considered the following cost assumptions: mine operating cost of US$80.10/t; processing cost of US$29.42/t; sustaining capital cost of US$4.10/t; and G&A costs of US$13.46/t. A royalty of 2% was also considered for mineral resources contained in the Fortuna zone. Mineral resources are reported fully diluted; they consider a minimum mining width of 0.60 m and hanging wall and footwall overbreak dilutions of 0.30 m each to determine reasonable prospects of economic extraction. Bulk densities ranging from 2.36 g/cm3 to 2.57 g/cm3 were used to convert volume to tonnage.


3.Mineral resources contained in tailings are reported at a cut-off grade of 0.50 g/t gold-equivalent, using recoveries of 60% for gold and 30% for silver, operating cost of US$2.39/t, and processing cost of US$29.42/t. A bulk density value of 1.75 g/cm3 was used to convert tailings volume to tonnage.


4.Mineral resources contained in stockpiles are reported at a cut-off grade of 0.79 g/t gold-equivalent, using recoveries of 88.0% for gold and 80.8% for silver, operating cost of US$2.39/t, and processing cost of US$29.42/t. A bulk density value of 1.60 g/cm3 was used to convert the stockpile volume to tonnage.


5.Mineral resources are reported as of December 31, 2020.


6.All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the estimate.


7.Numbers may not add up due to rounding.


The methodology used at El Peñón to convert mineral resources to mineral reserves is summarized as follows:


Drift and bench (stope) selective mining units (SMUs) are designed using Vulcan Stope Optimiser; design parameters calibrated with actual operational results.


Long-term metal price assumptions for gold and silver of US$1,250/oz and US$18/oz, respectively, as well as processing recoveries and average operating costs obtained respectively from geometallurgical tests and last year’s life of mine (LOM) plan are used to determine an economic score for each SMU. Only measured and indicated mineral resources are considered for conversion to mineral reserves


SMUs with positive scores are analyzed for inclusion into the mineral reserve inventory. This is done by analyzing development costs, considering the capital and auxiliary development required to enable mining of the designed SMUs.



1 –Summary 4
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Before including SMUs with positive scores in the mineral reserves inventory, geomechanical considerations are revised. Design is adjusted where required.


SMUs containing a majority portion of measured or indicated blocks are converted to proven or probable mineral reserves, respectively.


Table 1-2: El Peñón Mineral Reserve Statement as of December 31, 2020


Mineral Reserves   Category   Tonnage   Grade   Contained Metal
    (kt)   Au (g/t)   Ag (g/t)   Au (koz)   Ag (koz)
Open Pit   Proven            
  Probable   53   0.34   316.2   1   543
  Total Open Pit   53   0.34   316.2   1   543
Underground   Proven   368   5.73   213.4   68   2,526
  Probable   5,068   5.07   158.6   826   25,835
  Total Underground   5,436   5.12   162.3   894   28,361
Stockpile   Proven   9   1.40   54.1   0   16
  Probable   651   1.26   14.1   26   294
  Total Stockpile   660   1.26   14.6   27   310
Combined   Proven   377   5.63   209.5   68   2,542
  Probable   5,772   4.60   143.7   853   26,672
  Grand Total   6,149   4.66   147.8   921   29,214


1.Mineral reserves have been estimated by the El Peñón long-term mine planning team under the supervision of Sergio Castro, Registered Member of the Chilean Mining Commission, a full-time employee of Minera Meridian Limitada, and a qualified person as defined by NI 43-101. The estimate conforms to the CIM (2014) Standards. Mineral reserves are stated at a mill feed reference point and allow for dilution and mining losses. Metal price assumptions of US$1,250/oz for gold and US$18.00/oz for silver were used.


2.Open-pit mineral reserves are reported at a cut-off NSR of US$ 49.14/t. Processing recoveries assumptions range from 84.13% to 89.22% for gold and from 79.71% to 81.67% for silver. Mine operating (including transport), processing, and G&A costs assumptions of US$6.27/t and US$29.42/t and US$13.46/t were considered, respectively.


3.Underground mineral reserves are reported at an NSR cut-off of US$127.08/t. Processing recoveries assumptions range from 84.13% to 97.38% for gold and from 56.47% to 92.33% for silver. The following cost assumptions were considered: mine operating cost: US$80.10/t; processing cost: US$29.42/t; sustaining capital cost: US$4.10/t, and G&A cost: US$13.46/t. A royalty of 2% was considered for reserves planned to be mined in the Fortuna zone.


4.Mineral reserves contained in low-grade stockpiles are reported at a cut-off grade of 0.90 g/t gold-equivalent. Processing recoveries assumptions of 95.2% for gold and 83.0% for silver were used. Operating and processing costs assumptions of US$2.02/t and US$29.42/t, respectively, were considered.


5.Mineral reserves are reported as of December 31, 2020.


6.All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the estimate.


7.Numbers may not add up due to rounding



1 –Summary 5
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


1.5Mining and Processing Methods


Ore from underground mines have recently been—and will continue to be—the main source of feed for the El Peñón mill.


The various underground mining zones are accessed by ramps; this type of access is suitable for this mine in light of its shallow depth. The underground workings of the core mine extend approximately ten kilometers along strike and span a vertical extent of approximately 500 m, measured from the highest portal collar elevation to the bottom-most mine workings. The ramps provide flexibility for rapid adjustments for changes in direction and elevation and allow access to the veins at appropriate elevations.


Mining at El Peñón utilizes mainly the bench-and-fill mining method, which is a narrow longhole-stoping method that uses a combination of rockfill and cemented rockfill; a small percentage of cut-and-fill mining is also applied where required, depending on the characteristics of vein geometry and ground conditions. Due to the narrow vein widths, a “split-blasting” technique is used in many areas of the mine to reduce dilution in secondary development in ore zones.


The major assets and facilities associated with El Peñón are: the mining and processing infrastructure, which include office buildings, shops, and equipment; a processing plant which produces gold doré by crushing, grinding, leaching, counter-current decantation (CCD) concentrate solution recovery, zinc precipitation and refining; concrete and cemented backfill plants, and a filtered tailings stack storage facility.


El Peñón is connected to the National Electric Grid through a 66 kV transmission line connected to the Palestina substation.


The tailings produced at the El Peñón mill are stored in a filtered tailings stack storage facility, located 1.5 km southeast of the mineral processing plant. The current filter stack stores 25.4 Mt of tailings. The final design considers an additional storage capacity of 24.5 Mt.


The El Peñón mineral processing plant and associated facilities process run-of-mine as well as stockpiled ore. Comminution comprises a single stage of crushing followed by wet grinding in a SAG mill operating in series with a ball mill; these feed a battery of hydrocyclones. Leaching starts at the SAG mill, where sodium cyanide is added as a leaching agent. The hydrocyclones overflow is subsequently clarified and leached in reactors with mechanical agitators. The leached pulp is finally transported by gravity to a CCD thickener circuit to wash the pulp and recover the pregnant solution for gold and silver by zinc precipitation and refining to doré.



1 –Summary 6
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


1.6Environmental Studies, Permitting, and Social or Community Impact


The El Peñón operation submitted its first Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in 1997 to the Chilean Environmental Impact Assessment System (SEIA). The Environmental Commission of the Region of Antofagasta (Comision Regional de Medio Ambiente de Antofagasta) approved the application with Exempt Resolution Nr. 043 in 1998.


The El Peñón operation has undergone a series of modifications since its original EIA submission. Required Environmental Qualification Resolutions (RCAs) were granted through a series of Declaration of Environmental Impacts (DIAs). A DIA was approved in 2019. Based on the increase in mineral reserves over the past three years, a new DIA was submitted in February 2021 for a life of mine plan extension; approval is expected in 2021.


El Peñón consists of historical open pits, underground mining operations, a process plant, and other support infrastructure, including waste dumps and a filtered tailings facility with a total storage capacity of 49.8 Mt. The approved plant capacity is 4,800 tpd.


Yamana has implemented an integrated management system covering health, safety, environment, and community through internationally accredited systems that include the ISO 14001 Environment Management System and the OSHAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System. A risk assessment matrix has been developed for the El Peñón mine operation that integrates risk matrices for ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007.


Beginning in 2020, El Peñón also began the implementation of the Mining Association of Canada’s Towards Sustainable Mining framework, as well as the World Gold Council’s Responsible Gold Mining Principles, each of which included internal assessments and will require external audits within a 3-year timeframe.


Water conservation is a primary focus at El Peñón. The water management system at El Peñón has been designed as a closed circuit. Process water from the mill is recovered in the tailings filter plant and recirculated back to the processing plant.


Even though no communities are located near El Peñón, Yamana has made a number of commitments to the well-being, health, and safety of the communities in the area. As such, the social and community activities conducted by Yamana are concentrated in the Taltal District and are of philanthropic orientation.


El Peñón has developed a closure plan covering all current and approved facilities; this plan is in accordance with applicable legal requirements. The closure plan addresses progressive and final closure actions, post-closure inspections, and monitoring.



1 –Summary 7
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


1.7Conclusions and Recommendations


More than 5.3 Moz of gold and 134 Moz of silver have been produced from El Peñón since commercial production commenced in 2000. The mine’s current production rate, the result of the rightsizing of the operation initiated in late 2016, increased free cash flow generation and reduced capital expenditures while ensuring the long-term sustainability of the mine, matching production rate with replacement of mineral reserves and mineral resources.


Exploration results at El Peñón continue to highlight the expansion potential of the mine and Yamana’s ability to replenish mineral reserves and mineral resources so as to extend the life of mine past its current mineral reserve base. Drilling is effective at adding mineral resources and mineral reserves at El Peñón. Similar to drilling results from the previous two years, the 2020 drilling successfully replenished the 2020 depletion of gold mineral reserves. Based on this successful track record, a drilling program totalling 384,000 m is planned from 2021 to 2023.


El Peñón mineral resources and mineral reserves have been estimated in conformity with generally accepted CIM Estimation of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Best Practice Guidelines (November 2019) and were classified in accordance with CIM (2014) Standards.


The total proven and probable mineral reserve at El Peñón as of December 31, 2020, is 6.1 Mt averaging 4.66 g/t gold and 147.8 g/t silver, for approximately 0.921 Moz of contained gold and 29.21 Moz of silver. In addition, measured and indicated mineral resources are estimated at 8.0 Mt grading 2.96 g/t gold (0.765 Moz gold) and 98.8 g/t silver (25.5 Moz silver), and inferred mineral resources are estimated at 18.98 Mt grading 1.39 g/t gold (0.850 Moz gold) and 46.1 g/t silver (28.1 Moz silver).


The mineral reserves supporting the life of mine (LOM) plan consists of an integrated operation, mining mainly underground ore and small amounts of ore from the Chiquilla Chica open pit. The ore produced by the mining operations and reclaimed from stockpiles is fed to the mill to sustain a six-year mine life. LOM production is estimated at 866 koz gold and 25,591 koz silver.


Yamana is confident that, based on required infill drilling, the future conversion of mineral resources to mineral reserves will continue to show positive results. In recent years, mineral resources converted to mineral reserves have more than offset the depletion of mineral reserves; this indicates the significant potential of extending the mine life beyond the current LOM and sustaining a strategic mine life of 10 years or more.


The capital and operating cost estimates are based on mine budget data and operating experience, and are appropriate for the known mining methods and production schedule. Under the assumptions in this technical report, El Peñón has positive project economics until the end of mine life, which supports the mineral reserve estimate. Capital costs over the LOM period are estimated at US$167M, consisting mainly of sustaining underground mine development (83%) and capital required for equipment replacement (14%). An additional budget of US$37M is estimated for mine closure purposes.



1 –Summary 8
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


No environmental or social issues were identified that could materially impact the ability to extract the mineral resources and mineral reserves. El Peñón has all the operational licences required for operation according to the national legislation. The approved licences address the authority’s requirements for mining extraction and operation activities. The results of this technical report are subject to variations in operational conditions including, but not limited to the following:


Assumptions related to commodity and foreign exchange (in particular, the relative movement of gold and the Chilean peso/US dollar exchange rate)


Unanticipated inflation of capital or operating costs


Significant changes in equipment productivities


Geological continuity of the mineralized structures


Geotechnical assumptions in pit and underground designs


Ore dilution or loss


Throughput and recovery rate assumptions


Changes in political and regulatory requirements that may affect the operation or future closure plans


Changes in closure plan costs


Availability of financing and changes in modelled taxes


In the opinion of the qualified persons, there are no reasonably foreseen inputs from risks and uncertainties identified in the technical report that could affect the project’s continued economic viability.


Over the past 20 years, El Peñón has established an exploration strategy to continually replace depletion of mineral reserves and extend mine life. The strategy involves maintaining a pipeline of mineral resources and exploration potential to maintain a rolling mine life visibility of at least 10 years. To continue this trend, drilling programs should continue to be carried out with the following objectives:


Infill drilling to replace production by upgrading and extending known mineral resources.


Expansion exploration drilling to upgrade inferred mineral resources to measured or indicated categories, or to transform zones of geological potential into inferred mineral resources.


District exploration to test the extension of little-known areas of mineralization or to discover new primary structures by testing targets identified in mapping, geochemistry, geophysics, or machine learning programs.



1 –Summary 9
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Ongoing exploration success could also unlock the opportunity to leverage the available processing capacity which could increase annual gold and silver production and reduce unit costs.


Yamana instituted an Operational Excellence program to improve productivity and control costs. An assessment of the processing plant performed in the first quarter of 2021 has identified several opportunities to improve gold and silver recoveries and/or reduce operating costs. Opportunities include leach solution management, additional filblast in the leaching circuit, optimized automated reagent dosing, thickener Advanced Process Control, and Viper filtration technology. These opportunities could be quickly implemented with minimal capital investment. The El Peñón team should continue to evaluate and prioritize these opportunities and develop an action plan for their implementation.


In the underground mine, El Peñón should continue the implementation of Operational Excellence initiatives with an objective to increase productivity minimize dilution, and control operating costs. Mining initiatives include testing of smaller drift profiles for specific sectors, optimized stoping and development face drill patterns, and opportunities to reduce specific consumption of consumables.


In 2021, El Peñón should initiate the process of certification for ISO 45001 (replacing OSHAS 18001) and recertification of the ISO 14001 Environment Management System; it should also continue the implementation of the Mining Association of Canada’s Towards Sustainable Mining framework as well as the World Gold Council’s Responsible Gold Mining Principles.



1 –Summary 10
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile




The El Peñón mine (El Peñón) is an underground and open-pit gold-silver mine located in the Atacama Region of Chile, approximately 165 km southeast of the city of Antofagasta. Yamana Gold Inc. (Yamana) holds a 100% interest in El Peñón through its subsidiary, Minera Meridian Limitada (Minera Meridian).


Yamana is a Canadian-based precious metals producer with significant gold and silver production- and development-stage properties, exploration properties, and land positions throughout the Americas, including Canada, Brazil, Chile, and Argentina. Yamana plans to continue to build on this base through the expansion and optimization initiatives at existing operating mines, the development of new mines, advancement of its exploration properties and, at times, by targeting other consolidation opportunities, with a primary focus on the Americas.


Yamana acquired El Peñón when it completed the purchase of Meridian Gold Inc. (Meridian Gold) in 2007.


Yamana’s other operations include:


100% ownership of the Jacobina underground gold mine located in the state of Bahia in eastern Brazil


50% ownership in the Canadian Malartic open-pit gold mine located in Malartic, Québec, Canada


100% ownership of the Minera Florida underground gold-silver mine located southwest of Santiago, Chile


100% ownership in the Cerro Moro underground and open-pit gold-silver mine located in Santa Cruz province, Argentina


This technical report, prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (NI 43-101) and Form 43-101F1, documents the mineral resource estimate for El Peñón as of December 31, 2020, the mineral reserve estimate for El Peñón as of December 31, 2020, and also summarizes the current mining operation at El Peñón as of December 31, 2020.


The mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates reported herein were prepared in conformity with generally accepted standards set out in the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserves Estimation Best Practices Guidelines (November 2019) and were classified according to CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (May 2014) (CIM (2014) Standards).



2–Introduction 11
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


2.1Sources of Information


The qualified persons for this technical report are Sergio Castro, Registered Member of the Chilean Mining Commission; Marco Velásquez Corrales, Registered Member of the Chilean Mining Commission; Henry Marsden, P.Geo.; and Carlos Iturralde, P.Eng.; all are full-time employees of Yamana.


Mr. Castro is the Technical Services Manager of El Peñón for Yamana. Mr. Velásquez is Chief Resource Geologist at El Peñón for Yamana. Mr. Castro and Mr. Velásquez are both local employees and work full time at the mine. Mr. Marsden, Senior Vice President, Exploration for Yamana visited the project on many occasions since January 2016 and most recently between March 11 and 13, 2020. Mr. Iturralde, Director, Tailings, Health, Safety & Sustainable Development at Yamana, has not visited the project due to travel restrictions related to the global COVID-19 pandemic.


Sergio Castro is responsible for Sections 13, 15 to 19 (excluding sub-section 18.1), 21 to 22, and 24; he also shares responsibility for related disclosure in Sections 1, 25, 26, and 27 of the technical report. Marco Velásquez Corrales is responsible for Section 11, 12, and 14, and shares responsibility for related disclosure in Sections 1, 25, 26, and 27 of the technical report. Henry Marsden is responsible for Sections 2 to 10, 23, and shares responsibility for related disclosure in Sections 1, 25, 26, and 27 of the technical report. Carlos Iturralde is responsible for Sections 18.1 and 20, and shares responsibility for related disclosure in Sections 1, 25, 26, and 27 of the technical report.


In preparation of this technical report, the qualified persons reviewed technical documents and reports on El Peñón supplied by on-site personnel. The documentation reviewed and other sources of information are listed at the end of this technical report in Section 27 - References.


The prior technical report on El Peñón was compiled by RPA Inc. (RPA) with an effective date and signature date of March 2, 2018 (RPA, 2018). The RPA report served as the foundation for this current technical report, which updates the information as of an effective date of December 31, 2020.



1 –Introduction 12
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  





Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


3Reliance on Other Experts


The information, conclusions, opinions, and estimates contained herein in this technical report are based on the following parameters:


Information available to Yamana at the time of preparation of this technical report


Assumptions, conditions, and qualifications as set forth in this technical report


The qualified persons have not performed an independent verification of the land title and tenure information, as summarized in Section 4 of this technical report, nor have they verified the legality of any underlying agreement(s) that may exist concerning the permits or other agreement(s) between third parties, as summarized in Section 4 of this technical report. For this topic, the qualified persons of this report have relied on information provided by the legal department of Yamana.


The qualified persons have not performed an independent verification of the permitting and environmental monitoring information and have relied on documents and information provided by Yamana’s Health, Safety, Environment, and Community (HSEC) teams.


The qualified persons have relied on various Yamana departments for guidance on applicable taxes, royalties, and other government levies or interests, applicable to revenue or income from the El Peñón mine.


Except for the purposes legislated under applicable securities laws, any use of this technical report by any third party is at that party’s sole risk.


3 –Reliance on Other Experts 13
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  




Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


4Property Description and Location


El Peñón is located in north-central Chile, at latitude 24°40′ S and longitude 69°50′ W, approximately 165 km southeast of the city of Antofagasta (Figure 4-1). The mine site, situated approximately midway between the Pacific Coast and the border with Argentina, is in the Atacama Desert, a desert plateau with one of the driest climates on earth. The mine operates on a year-round basis.



Figure 4-1: General location map


4 –Property Description and Location 14
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  




Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


4.1Mineral and Surface Tenure


The El Peñón property consists of 443 individual mining exploitation claims owned by Minera Meridian Limitada (Minera Meridian), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yamana. The claims comprise an area measuring 92,387 ha that covers the El Peñón core mine area, the Fortuna area, the Laguna area, the Pampa Augusta Vitoria (PAV) area, and the surrounding exploration lands (Figure 4-2, Figure 4-3, and Table 4-1). Canons are paid annually to maintain the active claim status. The boundaries of the mining exploitation concessions are legally surveyed and are covered by an additional layer of claims for increased legal protection.


El Peñón has been in operation since 1999 and the existing surface rights are deemed sufficient for mining and processing operations. As well, El Peñón has sufficient water, power, and labour supplies and sufficient areas for tailings and waste disposal.


Minera Meridian is subject to a royalty tax between 5% and 14% based on the mining gross profit margin and currently pays approximately a 5% to 7% royalty tax on taxable mining income.


In addition, El Peñón is also subject to First Category Tax (income tax) in Chile at a rate of 27%.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile



Figure 4-2: Map of mineral tenure


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Table 4-1: Mineral tenure list


Name National Roll   Area (ha) 
AURIA 10 1/60  22015122    60 
AURIA 11 1/60  22015123    300 
AURIA 4 1/60  22015120    300 
AURIA 5 1/60  22015121    300 
AZUL 01 1/10  22012619    100 
AZUL 02 1/10  22012620    100 
AZUL 03 1/10  22012621    100 
AZUL 04 1/10  22012622    100 
AZUL 05 1/10  22012623    100 
AZUL 06 1/10  22012624    100 
AZUL 07 1/10  22012625    100 
AZUL 08 1/10  22012626    100 
AZUL 09 1/10  22012627    100 
AZUL 10 1/10  22012628    100 
AZUL 11 1/10  22012629    100 
AZUL 12 1/10  22012630    100 
AZUL 13 1/10  22012631    100 
AZUL 14 1/10  22012632    100 
AZUL 15 1/10  22012633    100 
AZUL 16 1/10  22012634    100 
AZUL 17 1/10  22012635    100 
AZUL 18 1/10  22012636    50 
AZUL 19 1/10  22012637    100 
AZUL 22 1/5  22012640    50 
AZUL 23 1/10  22012641    100 
AZUL 24 1/10  22012642    100 
BLANCA 1 1/20  22014370    300 
BLANCA 1 1/30  22015721    100 
BLANCA 10 1/30  22015727    300 
BLANCA 11 1/20  22015728    200 
BLANCA 12 1/20  22015729    200 
BLANCA 13 1/20  22015730    200 
BLANCA 14 1/30  22015731    300 
BLANCA 15 1/30  22015732    300 
BLANCA 16 1/30  22015733    300 
BLANCA 17 1/30  22015734    300 
BLANCA 18 1/30  22015735    300 
BLANCA 3 1/30  22015722    300 
BLANCA 5 1/20  22015723    200 
BLANCA 7 1/30  22015724    300 
BLANCA 8 1/30  22015725    300 
BLANCA 9 1/30  22015726    300 
BLANCO CHIQUILLA 2 1/16  22016498    300 
BLANCO NORTE 110 1/30  22016524    300 
BLANCO NORTE 2B 1/20  22016218    200 
BLANCO NORTE 3B 1/20  22016215    200 
BLANCO NORTE 4B 1/10  22016216    100 
BLANCO NORTE 5B 1/10  22016217    100 
BLANCO NORTE 8 1/30  22016351    300 
BLANCO NORTE 9 1/30  22016352    300 
Name National Roll   Area (ha) 
BLANCO SUR 1 1/30  22016499    300 
BLANCO SUR 10 1/30  22016508    300 
BLANCO SUR 2 1/30  22016500    300 
BLANCO SUR 3 1/30  22016501    300 
BLANCO SUR 4 1/30  22016502    300 
BLANCO SUR 5 1/20  22016503    200 
BLANCO SUR 6 1/30  22016504    300 
BLANCO SUR 7 1/30  22016505    300 
BLANCO SUR 8 1/20  22016506    200 
BLANCO SUR 9 1/30  22016507    300 
CAMBIAR 131 1/60  22016373    300 
CAMBIAR 132 1/60  22016413    300 
CAMBIAR 133 1/60  22016374    300 
CAMBIAR 134 1/60  22016375    300 
CAMBIAR 135 1/40  22016376    200 
CAMBIAR 136 1/60  22016377    300 
CAMBIAR 137 1/60  22016378    300 
CAMBIAR 138 1/60  22016379    300 
CERRO 1 1/20  22014311    100 
CERRO 2 1/20  22014312    100 
CERRO AZUL 01 1/5  22012704    50 
CERRO AZUL 02 1/10  22012705    100 
CERRO AZUL 03 1/5  22012706    50 
CERRO AZUL 04 1/10  22012707    100 
CERRO AZUL 05 1/10  22012708    100 
CERRO AZUL 06 1/10  22012709    100 
CERRO AZUL 07 1/5  22012710    50 
CERRO AZUL 08 1/10  22012711    100 
CERRO AZUL 09 1/10  22012712    100 
CERRO AZUL 10 1/10  22012713    100 
CERRO AZUL 11 1/10  22012714    100 
CERRO AZUL 12 1/5  22012715    50 
CERRO AZUL 13 1/5  22012716    50 
CERRO AZUL 14 1/10  22012717    100 
CERRO AZUL 15 1/10  22012718    100 
CERRO AZUL 16 1/5  22012719    50 
CERRO AZUL 17 1/10  22012720    100 
CERRO AZUL 18 1/5  22012721    50 
CERRO AZUL 19 1/10  22012722    100 
CERRO AZUL 20 1/10  22012723    100 
CERRO AZUL 21 1/10  22012724    100 
CERRO AZUL 22 1/10  22012725    100 
CERRO AZUL 23 1/5  22012726    50 
CERRO AZUL 24 1/10  22012727    100 
CERRO AZUL 25 1/10  22012728    100 
CERRO AZUL 26 1/10  22012729    100 
CERRO AZUL 27 1/10  22012730    100 
CERRO AZUL 28 1/10  22012731    100 
CERRO AZUL 29 1/5  22012732    50 
CERRO AZUL 30 1/10  22012733    100 

4 –Property Description and Location 17
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  




Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Name National Roll   Area (ha) 
CERRO AZUL 31 1/10  22012734    100 
CERRO AZUL 32 1/10  22012735    100 
CERRO AZUL 33 1/10  22012736    100 
CERRO AZUL 34 1/10  22012737    100 
CERRO AZUL 35 1/5  22012738    50 
CERRO AZUL 36 1/5  22012739    50 
CERRO AZUL 37 1/5  22012740    50 
CERRO AZUL 38 1/5  22012741    50 
CERRO AZUL 39 1/5  22012742    25 
CERRO AZUL A 1/10  22012608    100 
CERRO AZUL B 1/5  22012609    50 
CERRO AZUL PONIENTE A 1/5  22012610    50 
CERRO AZUL PONIENTE B 1/10  22012611    100 
CERRO AZUL PONIENTE C 1/10  22012612    100 
CERRO AZUL PONIENTE D 1/10  22012613    100 
CERRO AZUL PONIENTE E 1/5  22012614    50 
CERRO AZUL PONIENTE F 1/5  22012615    50 
CERRO AZUL PONIENTE G 1/5  22012616    50 
CERRO AZUL PONIENTE H 1/10  22012617    100 
CERRO AZUL PONIENTE I 1/10  22012618    100 
CERRO IMAN 1/30  22011796    300 
CERRO IMAN II  1/10  22011845    100 
CERRO IMAN III 1/10  22011846    100 
CERRO IMAN IV 1/5  22011847    50 
CERRO IMAN IX 1/10  22012315    100 
CERRO IMAN SUR 1/10  22014488    100 
CERRO IMAN SUR 1/5  22012369    50 
CERRO IMAN V 1/10  22011848    100 
CERRO IMAN VI 1/10  22011849    100 
CERRO IMAN VII 1/10  22011850    100 
CERRO IMAN VIII 1/10  22012314    100 
CERRO IMAN X 1/10  22012316    100 
CERRO IMAN XI 1/10  22012317    100 
CERRO IMAN XII 1/10  22012318    100 
CERRO IMAN XIII 1/10  22012319    100 
CERRO IMAN XIV 1/10  22012320    100 
CERRO IMAN XV 1/10  22012321    100 
CERRO IMAN XVII 1/10  22012450    100 
CERRO IMAN XVIII 1/15  22012366    50 
CHICA 15 1/20  22015443    200 
CHICA 28 1/10  22015444    100 
CHICA 29 1/20  22015445    200 
CHICA 30 1/20  22015446    200 
CHICA 31A 1/10  22015447    75 
CHICA 31B 1/10  22015448    100 
CHIQUILLA CHICA II 1/30  22014786    300 
CHIQUILLA CHICA III 1/30  22014787    300 
CHIQUILLA CHICA IV 1/30  22014788    300 
CHIQUILLA CHICA IX 1/30  22014792    300 
CHIQUILLA CHICA V 1/30  22014789    300 
CHIQUILLA CHICA VI 1/30  22014790    300 
Name National Roll   Area (ha) 
CHIQUILLA CHICA VII 1/30  22014791    300 
CHIQUILLA CHICA VIII 1/30  22014829    300 
CHIQUILLA CHICA X 1/30  22014830    300 
CHIQUILLA CHICA XI 1/30  22014793    300 
CHIQUILLA CHICA XIX 1/30  22014798    300 
CHIQUILLA CHICA XVI 1/30  22014832    300 
CHIQUILLA CHICA XVII 1/30  22014833    300 
CHIQUILLA CHICA XVIII 1/30  22014797    300 
CHIQUILLA CHICA XX 1/30  22014799    300 
CHIQUILLA CHICA XXIII 1/30  22014801    300 
CHIQUILLA CHICA XXIX 1/30  22014804    300 
CHIQUILLA CHICA XXVI 1/30  22014834    300 
CHIQUILLA CHICA XXVII 1/30  22014802    300 
CHIQUILLA CHICA XXVIII 1/30  22014803    300 
CHIQUILLA CHICA XXX 1/30  22014805    300 
DOMINADOR 1 1/20  22013109    100 
DOMINADOR 1 1/5  22012743    50 
DOMINADOR 2 1/20  22013110    100 
DOMINADOR 2 1/5  22012744    50 
DOMINADOR 3 1/20  22013111    100 
DOMINADOR 4 1/10  22013112    50 
DOMINADOR 4 1/15  22012745    150 
EL PENON 10 1/20  22013491    100 
EL PENON 11 1/20  22013492    100 
EL PENON 12 1/20  22013493    100 
EL PENON 13 1/30  22013494    150 
EL PENON 14 1/50  22013495    250 
EL PENON 15 1/40  22013496    200 
EL PENON 16 1/40  22013497    200 
EL PENON 17 1/10  22013498    50 
EL PENON 18 1/10  22013650    50 
EL PENON 18 1/50  22013518    250 
EL PENON 19 1/60  22013519    300 
EL PENON 20 1/60  22013520    300 
EL PENON 21 1/60  22013521    300 
EL PENON 22 1/60  22013522    300 
EL PENON 23 1/60  22013523    300 
EL PENON 24 1/60  22013524    300 
EL PENON 25 1/40  22013525    200 
EL PENON 26 1/60  22013526    300 
EL PENON 27 1/60  22013527    300 
EL PENON 28 1/60  22013528    300 
EL PENON 29 1/60  22013529    300 
EL PENON 3 1/20  22013482    100 
EL PENON 30 1/60  22013530    300 
EL PENON 31 1/60  22013531    300 
EL PENON 32 1/40  22013532    200 
EL PENON 33 1/60  22013533    300 
EL PENON 34 1/60  22013534    300 
EL PENON 35 1/60  22013535    300 
EL PENON 36 1/60  22013536    300 

4 –Property Description and Location 18
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  




Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Name National Roll   Area (ha) 
EL PENON 37 1/40  22013537    200 
EL PENON 38 1/40  22013538    200 
EL PENON 39 1/60  22013539    300 
EL PENON 4 1/20  22013483    100 
EL PENON 40 1/60  22013540    300 
EL PENON 41 1/60  22013541    300 
EL PENON 42 1/40  22013543    200 
EL PENON 42 1/60  22013542    300 
EL PENON 43 1/40  22013544    200 
EL PENON 44 1/60  22013545    300 
EL PENON 45 1/60  22013546    300 
EL PENON 46 1/60  22013547    300 
EL PENON 5 1/10  22013484    50 
EL PENON 6 1/10  22013485    50 
EL PENON 7 1/40  22013488    200 
EL PENON 8 1/60  22013489    300 
EL PENON 9 1/50  22013490    250 
ENCANTADA 1 1/60  22013964    300 
ENCANTADA 12 1/60  22013968    300 
ENCANTADA 13 1/60  22013969    300 
ENCANTADA 14 1/60  22013970    300 
ENCANTADA 15 1/60  22013971    300 
ENCANTADA 16 1/60  22013972    300 
ENCANTADA 18 1/40  22014110    200 
ENCANTADA 2 1/40  22014109    200 
ENCANTADA 21 1/60  22013975    300 
ENCANTADA 22 1/20  22013976    100 
ENCANTADA 3 1/60  22013965    300 
ENCANTADA 44 1/17  22014270    85 
ENCANTADA 5 1/40  22013967    200 
FRANCISCA XIX 1/20  22014780    200 
FRANCISCA XXIII 1/30  22014781    300 
FRANCISCA XXIV 1/30  22014782    300 
LA SUERTE 1/20  22014965    100 
LAGUNA 1 1/60  22014099    300 
LAGUNA 2 1/60  22014100    300 
LAGUNA 3 1/60  22014101    300 
LAGUNA 4 1/60  22014102    300 
LAGUNA 5 1/60  22014103    300 
LAGUNA 6 1/60  22014104    300 
LAGUNA 7 1/60  22014105    300 
LAS CONDES 1 1/40  22013147    200 
LAS CONDES 10 1/10  22013156    50 
LAS CONDES 11 1/10  22013157    50 
LAS CONDES 2 1/30  22013148    150 
LAS CONDES 3 1/20  22013149    100 
LAS CONDES 4 1/60  22013150    300 
LAS CONDES 5 1/60  22013151    300 
LAS CONDES 6 1/30  22013152    150 
LAS CONDES 7 1/30  22013153    150 
LAS CONDES 8 1/60  22013154    300 
Name National Roll   Area (ha) 
LAS CONDES 9 1/60  22013155    300 
LINA 1 1/60  22014251    300 
LINA 10 1/10  22014260    50 
LINA 11 1/40  22014455    200 
LINA 12 1/60  22014456    300 
LINA 14 1/10-21/40  22014457    150 
LINA 2 1/60  22014252    300 
LINA 3 1/20  22014253    100 
LINA 4 1/60  22014254    300 
LINA 5 1/60  22014255    300 
LINA 6 1/60  22014256    300 
LINA 7 1/20  22014257    100 
LINA 8 1/30  22014258    150 
LINA 9 1/30  22014259    150 
LINEA 1 1/60  22014136    300 
LINEA 2 1/60  22014137    300 
LINEA 3 1/60  22014138    300 
LINEA 4 1/60  22014139    300 
LLANO 1 1/20  22014539    100 
LLANO 10 1/20  22014548    100 
LLANO 2 1/20  22014540    100 
LLANO 3 1/20  22014541    100 
LLANO 4 1/20  22014542    100 
LLANO 5 1/20  22014543    100 
LLANO 6 1/20  22014544    100 
LLANO 7 1/20  22014545    100 
LLANO 8 1/20  22014546    100 
LLANO 9 1/20  22014547    100 
LOBA 1 1/60  22014061    300 
LOBA 3 1/60  22014063    300 
LOBA 34 1/60  22014520    300 
LOBA 35 1/60  22014519    300 
LOBA 4 1/60  22014064    300 
LOBA 5 1/60  22014065    300 
LOBA 6 1/60  22014066    300 
LOBA 7 1/40  22014067    200 
LOBITA 1 1/40  22014002    200 
LOBITA 23 1/40  22014024    200 
LOBITA 24 1/60  22014025    300 
LOBITA 25 1/60  22014026    300 
LOBITA 3 1/60  22014004    300 
LOBITA 38 1/60  22014106    300 
LOBITA 39 1/60  22014035    300 
LOBITA 4 1/60  22014005    300 
LOBITA 40 1/60  22014036    300 
LOBITA 41 1/60  22014037    300 
LOBITA 42 1/60  22014038    300 
LOBO 18 1/30  22016197    300 
LOBO 19 1/30  22016196    300 
LOBO 20 1/30  22016195    300 
MAGICA 1 1/40  22016565    200 

4 –Property Description and Location 19
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  




Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Name National Roll   Area (ha) 
MAGICA 2 1/40  22016566    200 
MERLIN 40 1/60  22016656    300 
NADIAN 4A 1/40  22016169    200 
NADIAN 4B 1/40  22016170    200 
NADIAN 7A 1/60  22016171    300 
NADIAN 7B 1/60  22016172    300 
NADIAN 8A 1/60  22016173    300 
NADIAN 8B 1/60  22016174    300 
NADIAN 9A 1/40  22016175    200 
NADO 1 1/60  22015529    300 
NADO 10 1/60  22015538    300 
NADO 11 1/60  22015539    300 
NADO 12 1/60  22015540    300 
NADO 13 1/60  22015541    300 
NADO 14 1/60  22015542    300 
NADO 15 1/60  22015543    300 
NADO 16 1/60  22015544    300 
NADO 17 1/60  22015545    300 
NADO 18 1/60  22015546    300 
NADO 19 1/60  22015547    300 
NADO 2 1/60  22015530    300 
NADO 20 1/60  22015548    300 
NADO 21 1/60  22015549    300 
NADO 22 1/60  22015550    300 
NADO 23 1/20  22015551    100 
NADO 24 1/40  22015552    200 
NADO 25 1/60  22015553    300 
NADO 26 1/60  22015554    300 
NADO 27 1/60  22015555    300 
NADO 3 1/60  22015531    300 
NADO 4 1/60  22015532    300 
NADO 5 1/60  22015533    300 
NADO 6 1/60  22015534    300 
NADO 7 1/60  22015535    300 
NADO 8 1/60  22015536    300 
NADO 9 1/60  22015537    300 
NIVA  3 1/60  22025455    300 
NIVA 4 1/60  22025456    300 
NIVA 7 1/40  22025457    200 
PAISAJE 1 1/20  22013208    100 
PAISAJE 1 1/40  22013651    200 
PAISAJE 11 1/60  22013661    300 
PAISAJE 12 1/60  22013662    300 
PAISAJE 13 1/20  22013663    100 
PAISAJE 14 1/20  22013664    100 
PAISAJE 18 1/60  22013668    300 
PAISAJE 19 1/60  22013669    300 
PAISAJE 2 1/40  22013652    200 
PAISAJE 20 1/40  22013670    200 
PAISAJE 21 1/40  22013671    200 
PAISAJE 22 1/40  22013672    200 
Name National Roll   Area (ha) 
PAISAJE 23 1/40  22013962    200 
PAISAJE 24 1/40  22013963    200 
PAISAJE 3 1/40  22013653    200 
PAISAJE 4 1/40  22013654    200 
PAISAJE 5 1/40  22013655    200 
PAISAJE 6 1/40  22013656    200 
PAMPA 4 1/60  22014730    300 
PAMPA 5 1/60  22014731    300 
PAMPA 6 1/40  22014732    200 
PAMPA 7 1/60  22014733    300 
PAMPA 8 1/60  22014734    300 
PAMPA 9 1/60  22014735    300 
PAMPA AUGUSTA I 1/59  22015271    292 
PENON 50 1/10  22013977    50 
PENON 51 1/20  22013978    100 
PENON 53 1/60  22013980    300 
PENON 54 1/60  22013981    300 
PENON 55 1/60  22013982    300 
PENON 56 1/60  22013983    300 
PENON 57 1/60  22013984    300 
PENON 58 1/60  22013985    300 
PENON 59 1/60  22013986    300 
PENON 60 1/60  22013987    300 
PENON 61 1/40  22013988    200 
PENON 62 1/40  22013989    200 
PENON 63 1/20  22013990    100 
PROVIDENCIA 1 1/40  22013073    200 
PROVIDENCIA 1 II 1/30  22013556    300 
PROVIDENCIA 1 II 31/60  22013557    300 
PROVIDENCIA 1 II 61/90  22013558    300 
PROVIDENCIA 1 II 91/120  22013559    300 
PROVIDENCIA 10 1/10  22013082    50 
PROVIDENCIA 11 1/10  22013083    50 
PROVIDENCIA 2 1/30  22013074    150 
PROVIDENCIA 2 II 1/40  22013561    400 
PROVIDENCIA 3 1/20  22013075    100 
PROVIDENCIA 3 II 1/30  22013562    300 
PROVIDENCIA 3 II 121/150  22013566    300 
PROVIDENCIA 3 II 31/60  22013563    300 
PROVIDENCIA 3 II 61/90  22013564    300 
PROVIDENCIA 3 II 91/120  22013565    300 
PROVIDENCIA 4 1/60  22013076    300 
PROVIDENCIA 4 II 1/40  22013567    400 
PROVIDENCIA 4 II 41/80  22013568    400 
PROVIDENCIA 5 1/60  22013077    300 
PROVIDENCIA 5 II 1/10  22013569    100 
PROVIDENCIA 5 II 31/40  22013570    100 
PROVIDENCIA 5 II 61/70  22013571    100 
PROVIDENCIA 6 1/30  22013078    150 
PROVIDENCIA 7 1/30  22013079    150 
PROVIDENCIA 8 1/60  22013080    300 

4 –Property Description and Location 20
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  




Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Name National Roll   Area (ha) 
PROVIDENCIA 9 1/60  22013081    300 
PUNTA BLANCA 1 1/30  22015474    300 
PUNTA BLANCA 2 1/30  22015475    300 
PUNTA BLANCA 3 1/30  22015476    300 
SERRUCHO 1 1/60  22013591    300 
SERRUCHO 2 1/60  22013592    300 
SERRUCHO 3 1/60  22013593    300 
SERRUCHO 4 1/20  22014600    100 
SERRUCHO 5 1/20  22014601    100 
TACO 1 1/20  22014154    100 
TOSTADO 1 1/60  22013145    300 
TOSTADO 1 1/60  22013612    300 
TOSTADO 10 1/60  22013621    300 
TOSTADO 11 1/20  22013622    100 
TOSTADO 12 1/40  22013623    200 
TOSTADO 13 1/20  22013624    100 
TOSTADO 15 1/40  22013626    200 
TOSTADO 16 1/60  22013627    300 
TOSTADO 17 1/20  22013628    100 
TOSTADO 18 1/40  22013629    200 
TOSTADO 19 1/60  22013630    300 
TOSTADO 2 1/20  22013146    100 
TOSTADO 2 1/60  22013613    300 
TOSTADO 20 1/60  22013631    300 
TOSTADO 21 1/20  22013632    100 
TOSTADO 22 1/60  22013633    300 
TOSTADO 23 1/40  22013635    200 
TOSTADO 24 1/60  22014186    300 
TOSTADO 25 1/40  22014187    200 
TOSTADO 3 1/60  22013614    300 
TOSTADO 4 1/60  22013615    300 
TOSTADO 5 1/60  22013616    300 
TOSTADO 6 1/60  22013617    300 
TOSTADO 7 1/20  22013618    100 
TOSTADO 8 1/40  22013619    200 
TOSTADO 9 1/60  22013620    300 
VERDE 4 6/10-16/20  22014317    50 
Total: 443 claims       92,387 


4 –Property Description and Location 21
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  




Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile



Figure 4-3: Detailed map of mineral tenure


4 –Property Description and Location 22
Signature Date: March 25, 2021  




Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


4.2Underlying Agreements


A 2% Net Smelter Return (NSR) royalty is payable to Maverix Metals Inc. as agreed as part of the purchase of the Nado claims covering the Fortuna area and a further 2% NSR is payable to Soquimich Comercial SA for claims Providencia 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and claims Dominador 1, 2, and 4. These claims are also located in the Fortuna area.


4.3Permits and Authorizations


Minera Meridian has all required permits to continue carrying out mining and processing operations at El Peñón. Further details of these permits can be found in Section 20 of this technical report.


Government regulations require that a full closure plan be submitted when mine life is less than five years. The latest closure plan was approved through Exempt Resolution Nº 2658/2019. Updates to the closure plan are required whenever the life of mine is extended.


4.4Environmental Considerations


The primary environmental considerations and potential liabilities for El Peñón are related to the operations of the tailings storage facility (TSF) and the management of seepage water and mine water. Yamana prioritizes the management of tailings and is in the process of aligning the company’s tailings management system with best practices developed by the Mining Association of Canada (MAC), Canadian Dam Association (CDA) guidelines, and other international standards.


Additional details on tailings infrastructure and management at El Peñón are provided in Sections 17.11 and 20 of this technical report.


The qualified person responsible for this section is not aware of any other significant factors and risks that may affect access, title, or the right or ability to perform mining and exploration work on the property.


4 –Property Description and Location 23
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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


5Accessibility, Climate, Local Resources, Infrastructure, and Physiography




El Peñón is located approximately 165 km southeast of Antofagasta. It is accessible by paved roads, a trip taking approximately 2.5 hours. Antofagasta, the principal source of supplies for the mine, is linked to Santiago (the capital) by daily air service. Minera Meridian has surface rights deemed sufficient for mining and processing operations.




The climate in the Atacama Desert is renowned as among the most arid in the world, with a mean annual precipitation between 0 and 15 mm per year, with some areas with no precipitation whatsoever. Temperatures in the area close to the mine can range from -5°C to +30°C. Climatic conditions do not hinder mining operations, which can be carried out throughout the whole year.


5.3Local Resources


There are no significant population centres or infrastructure in the immediate vicinity of El Peñón. Antofagasta, a port city with a population of 380,000, is the main supply source for the mine. It hosts a variety of commercial establishments, hotels, restaurants, retailers, service suppliers, high schools, and universities as well as hospitals and health clinics. The city also hosts a large number of manufacturing companies and suppliers who serve the mining industry.


Skilled personnel can be easily sourced from Antofagasta or from other cities of the region and country, where mining is the main economic activity.




The current major assets and facilities associated with the mining operations at El Peñón are listed as follows:


Mine and mill infrastructure including office buildings, shops, laboratories, stockpiles, tailing storage facility, and equipment.


Campsite/housing facilities


Facilities providing basic infrastructure to the mine, such as access roads, electric power distribution systems connected to national power grid, water treatment and supply and sewage treatment.


Underground infrastructure including portals, access ramps, ventilation raises, maintenance shops, and mobile fleet equipment.


The open-pit infrastructure including haulage roads, ramps, and mobile fleet equipment.


5 –Accessibility, Climate, Local Resources, Infrastructure, and Physiography

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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile




The mine is located in the Atacama Desert region of Chile at an elevation of approximately 1,800 masl. Relief in the area is modest, with widely spaced hills and peaks separated by broad open valleys. There is little to no vegetation or wildlife in the area around the mine, and the principal land use is mining.



Figure 5-1: Infrastructure and typical landscape


A.Atacama Desert and mineral processing plant

B.Orito portal

C.Mine site overview at surface and Atacama Desert


5 –Accessibility, Climate, Local Resources, Infrastructure, and Physiography

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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile




The history of El Peñón has been described in Pearson and Rennie (2008) and Collins, Moore and Scott (2010). Information from both reports is summarized below.


The El Peñón gold-silver deposit was discovered by Meridian Gold in the early 1990s and went into production in 1998. Meridian Gold was acquired by Yamana in late 2007.


Regional exploration throughout the 1990s focussed on Early to Mid-Eocene volcanic belts in northern Chile and led to the acquisition of the El Peñón property in 1993. Trenching carried out that year was followed by a 13-hole drilling program which led to the discovery of significant gold-silver mineralization. The next year, the first hole of a follow-up program intersected 100 m grading 10.9 g/t Au and 123.4 g/t Ag in what eventually became the Quebrada Orito deposit.


Various geological, petrographic, and mineralogical studies occurred during the exploration and operation stages of the project. These include Pérez (1999), Robbins (2000), Warren et al. (2004), Zuluaga (2004), Warren (2005), and Cornejo et al. (2006). Various geophysical surveys were performed on the property including transient electromagnetic (TEM) surveys in 2001, a magnetotelluric (CSAMT) survey in 2002, a gravity survey in the El Peñón area in 2003, a very low frequency (VLF) electromagnetic (EM) survey in 2004, and an aeromagnetic and radiometric survey in the El Peñón and Amancaya areas in 2005. Geochemical soil sampling was also undertaken in targeted areas of the deposit. The geophysical and geochemical surveys provided key data to map the lithology, alteration, and structures on the El Peñón property.


Between 1993 and 2007, 1,052,996 metres of exploration drilling and 649,639 metres of infill drilling were carried out for a total of 1,702,635 metres drilled. Additional details on drilling at El Peñón are provided in Section 10 of this technical report


In July 1998, it was decided to advance the property into production, and construction on a 2,000 tpd mine and mill facility commenced later that year. Production began in September 1999, ramping up to full capacity by January 2000. Production has continued uninterrupted to the present day.


6.1Historical Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimates


Although a number of historical mineral resource estimates and mineral reserve estimates have been prepared for El Peñón throughout its life, none of these estimates are currently regarded as significant.


6 –History 26
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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


6.2Past Production


Since September 1999, the operation has run continually at design and increased capacity, treating both open-pit and underground ore. As of December 31, 2020, the mine had processed approximately 23.7 million tonnes (Mt) of ore grading 7.46 g/t gold and 202.7 g/t silver, producing 5.4 million ounces (Moz) of gold and 134.0 Moz of silver, as shown in Table 6-1. In late 2016, Yamana decided to rightsize the El Peñón operation at a production rate of approximately 150 to 160 koz gold and 4,000 to 4,500 koz silver per year, to promote cash flow generation rather than maximizing production.


Table 6-1: Commercial production at El Peñón, January 2000 to December 31, 2020


Year   Processed
   Au Feed
   Ag Feed
2000    739,450    13.18    194.4    93.6    89.1    282,718    4,018,397 
2001    715,413    14.87    234.4    94.5    89.0    318,012    4,751,758 
2002    688,876    15.33    249.5    95.3    90.8    328,061    5,077,188 
2003    703,775    14.62    204.5    96.6    92.4    320,998    4,283,436 
2004    837,111    11.96    192.7    96.5    92.2    314,080    4,812,152 
2005    880,229    11.13    211.1    96.4    92.8    303,508    5,537,589 
2006    935,105    8.10    234.6    95.5    92.8    230,145    6,428,905 
20071    998,252    7.64    274.6    94.2    91.8    234,598    8,186,718 
2008    1,124,567    6.73    305.4    92.0    89.2    224,990    9,864,275 
2009    1,271,596    5.79    276.3    91.2    86.9    215,846    9,820,474 
2010    1,522,366    5.74    228.5    91.1    84.1    256,530    9,427,207 
2011    1,452,090    7.05    215.9    93.0    84.0    306,184    8,470,112 
2012    1,415,292    7.47    199.2    93.4    80.0    317,508    7,249,430 
2013    1,422,055    7.94    187.2    93.0    75.6    338,231    6,464,623 
2014    1,475,857    6.36    212.0    93.3    83.9    282,617    8,475,133 
2015    1,418,132    5.32    194.0    93.6    86.9    227,228    7,692,811 
2016    1,421,243    5.11    153.9    94.3    85.7    220,209    6,020,758 
2017    1,041,199    5.05    148.3    95.1    86.4    160,510    4,282,339 
2018    1,103,835    4.53    131.3    94.1    83.6    151,893    3,903,961 
2019    1,290,239    4.09    120.6    94.0    86.2    159,515    4,317,292 
2020    1,266,829    4.22    138.9    93.7    86.7    160,824    4,917,101 
Total    23,723,511    7.46    202.7    93.8    86.3    5,354,205    134,001,658 


1.Acquisition by Yamana in late 2007


6 –History 27
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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


7Geological Setting and Mineralization


The geological setting and mineralization of El Peñón are described in Robbins (2000) and in former technical reports on El Peñón (Pearson and Rennie (2008); Collins, Moore, and Scott (2010)). The most recent update to the regional and district geology is outlined in the Aguas Blancas (Ferrando et al., 2013) and Augusta Victoria (Astudillo et al., 2017) geological maps by SERNAGEOMIN, the Chilean National Geology and Mining Service. This section is based on these reports and maps.


7.1Regional Geology


El Peñón is located in the Central Depression (also known as the Central or Longitudinal Valley), that extends for 650 km from the Chile-Peru border in the north to south-central Chile in the south. In the Atacama Desert, this valley corresponds in part to a Late Cretaceous to Paleogene volcanic belt that separates the Mesozoic magmatic arc, exposed in the Coast Mountains located to the west, from the Paleozoic and Triassic volcanic and sedimentary assemblages of the Domeyko Cordillera to the east.


The Late Cretaceous to Eocene volcanic and intrusive rocks within the Central Depression consist of an alkali-enriched calk-alkaline bimodal suite. Rocks consist of basaltic andesite to rhyolitic lavas and tuffs, subvolcanic porphyritic intrusions, and granitoid stocks. This belt is host to many epithermal deposits and subvolcanic porphyry systems.


Late Cretaceous volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks were deposited in narrow fault-bounded extensional basins (84 Ma to 65 Ma). The margins of the basins were intruded by dioritic to monzonitic plutons. Compressive tectonism, active from 65 Ma to 62 Ma, resulted in the inversion of the Late Cretaceous basins, uplift and erosion of Late Cretaceous plutonic rocks to the west of the basin, and syn-tectonic magmatism along the basin-bounding faults.


Volcanism continued through the Paleocene and into the Middle Eocene, with mafic to felsic magmatism depositing flows, volcaniclastic, epiclastic, and subvolcanic rocks. A sequence of late Paleocene felsic domes, tuffs, and subvolcanic rocks is associated with the hydrothermal veining and brecciation responsible mineralization at El Peñón. These rocks are overlain by Eocene volcanic and subvolcanic rocks (rhyolitic dome complexes, andesites and basalts) that host significant areas of acid sulphate or high-sulphidation alteration.


Deformation occurred in the Middle to Late Eocene with uplift of the pre-Cordillera, triggering copper porphyry emplacement further to the east. Low-angle offset of the El Peñón vein system occurred during this period.


7 –Geological Setting and Mineralization

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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile



Figure 7-1: Regional geological setting


7.2Local Geology


The local area is underlain by a fault-bounded north-south trending panel of Paleocene to Eocene volcanic rocks. This panel is bounded to the east and west by rocks of Permian to Cretaceous age. Formation names and ages as reported below are from updated extensive recent work by the Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), which resulted in significant changes from stratigraphic divisions reported in earlier reports (Robbins, 2000). The Cretaceous sequence (95-90 Ma) dominates and consists of volcanic and minor sedimentary rocks of the Paradero del Desierto Strata Formation and continental sedimentary and volcanic rocks Quebrada Mala Formation. The Paradero del Desierto Strata outcrops northwest of the deposit area. The Upper Cretaceous Quebrada Mala Formation is present to the west, north, and northeast of El Peñón; it consists of volcanic rocks varying in composition from basaltic andesite to high-silica rhyolite; textures vary from flows to ignimbrites (Astudillo et al, 2017; Ferrando et al., 2013). Ignimbrites and other rock types formerly assigned to the Augusta Vitoria Formation are now included in the Quebrada Mala Formation. Away from the deposit, these rocks are intruded by large granitic to dioritic stocks dated at between 40 and 50 Ma.


7 –Geological Setting and Mineralization

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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


The geology of the El Peñón deposit area is characterized by the emplacement of a Paleocene to Lower Eocene dacite/rhyolite dome complex into volcanic and tuffaceous rocks of the Chile Alemania Formation (Figure 7-2).


The kilometre-scale Paleocene to Lower Eocene dome consists of several layers or sill-like masses of rhyolite, up to 200 m-thick, intercalated with units of pyroclastic rocks, volcaniclastic rocks, and volcanic flows or intermediate composition assigned to the Chile Alemania Formation (Ferrando et al., 2013; Figure 7-3); these are interpreted to provide important lithological controls for development of vein mineralization.


Extensive colluvium, alluvial gravel, and saline crust deposits cover the bedrock.


The main rock types in the area are described in Table 7-1. The local and property-scale geology of the El Peñón property is illustrated in Figure 7-2.


Table 7-1: Description of main lithologies


Age   Formation   Description
Cretaceous to Eocene       Diorite and monzonite intrusions
Paleocene to Lower Eocene   Chile Alemania Formation   Basalt, andesite, dacite, and rhyolite volcanic rocks. Flow breccia, pyroclastic rocks, and minor epiclastic volcanic sandstone and conglomerate. Prominent rhyolite to dacite domes and highly welded ignimbrites that host mineralization.
Upper Cretaceous   Quebrada Mala Formation   Andesitic lavas, breccia volcaniclastic and epiclastic sandstone, rhyolite and dacite with characteristic quartz phenocrysts.
Lower Cretaceous   Estratos de Paradero del Desierto   Fluvial sandstone, volcanic breccia, andesitic lava, with some dacitic tuff.


7 –Geological Setting and Mineralization

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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile



Figure 7-2: Local and property geology


7 –Geological Setting and Mineralization

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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


7.3Property Geology


Surface exposures at El Peñón are not common, and much of the mapping for the area is based on float. The property is mostly underlain by Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene pyroclastic flows and lavas, volcaniclastic breccias, and tuffs of basaltic to rhyolitic composition. Several thin Early Cretaceous rhyolite tuff and dacite to andesite flow layers occur in the northern part of the property. These rocks are intruded by Late Cretaceous diorite and monzodiorite stocks and dacite domes.


The rocks hosting gold-silver mineralization at El Peñón are near-horizontal to gently dipping Paleocene to Eocene basaltic to rhyolitic volcanic rocks. The stratigraphy consists of a lower sequence of volcanic breccias and andesitic to basaltic flows overlain by rhyolitic to dacitic pyroclastic rocks, dacitic to andesitic flows, and volcanic breccias. Rhyolitic intrusions, domes, and associated flows are intercalated with earlier volcanic units.




The distribution of Cretaceous and Eocene volcanic rocks is controlled by graben structures bounded by north–northeast-trending faults. These are steeply dipping regional-scale structures with displacements in the order of hundreds of metres. The dominant orientation of late dykes and many of the highest-grade mineralized faults is parallel to the bounding faults. Mineralized faults dip steeply eastward on the east side of the property and westward on the west side, in a distribution interpreted as a horst/graben extensional structure (Figure 7-3).


Most of the mining takes place along north-trending veins (dipping 75°–85° W or 55°–80° E). A relatively minor amount of production has also taken place along northeast-striking structures dipping 65°NW. Locally, northeast-trending shallow-dipping faults dipping 20°SE displace the veins.


7 –Geological Setting and Mineralization

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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile



Figure 7-3: Schematic geological plan and cross-sections of the El Peñón deposit


7 –Geological Setting and Mineralization

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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile




The gold-silver mineralization at El Peñón is hosted in near-horizontal to gently dipping Paleocene to Eocene basaltic to rhyolitic volcanic rocks. The El Peñón deposit comprises many individual tabular and steeply dipping zones that are amenable to mining by both underground and surface methods. Vein thickness range from decimetre-scale to more than 20 metres. The strike length of individual mineralized zones ranges from less than 1 km to 4 km and the down-dip extent reaches up to 350 m. Photographs depicting examples of the gold-silver mineralization at El Peñón are presented in Figure 7-4.


The known deposit consists of 19 main vein zones and many subsidiary veins. They are grouped in vein systems that have previously supported, currently support, or are planned to support surface and underground mining operations. The 19 principal mineralized veins are listed as follows:


Abundancia/La Paloma



Borde Oeste

Cerro Martillo/Dorada


El Valle/Discovery Wash



Martillo Flat

Pampa Augusta Vitoria (PAV)

Pampa Campamento/ Sorpresa



Quebrada Colorada

Quebrada Orito


Veta NW

The veins strike predominantly north-south and dip steeply to the east and west. A small proportion of the deposit is also hosted in fault zones striking north–northeast to northeast.


Vein textures often display crustiform textures, although the highest-grade gold and silver mineralization are associated with massive banded quartz-adularia. Gangue minerals occur as open space filling as well as replacements of primary host rock mineral phases.


Gold and silver mineralization occurs as disseminated electrum, acanthite, native gold, native silver, silver sulphosalts, and silver halides; these minerals are hosted in a gangue dominated by quartz, adularia, carbonate, and clay. Precious metals occur mainly as micron- to millimetre-size subrounded and irregular grains of electrum. Two phases of electrum are present: a primary phase, which contains approximately 55 to 65% gold, and a secondary phase where the gold content is usually greater than 95%, due to the supergene remobilization of silver.


Sulphide minerals are relatively rare, except at the northeastern portion of the El Peñón mine area. This paucity of sulphides may be due to oxidation, or to an initial overall low abundance of sulphides as would be expected in a low-sulphidation environment. Iron- and manganese-oxyhydroxides are common, with only trace occurrences of relict sulphides. In order of abundance, trace amounts of pyrite, galena, sphalerite, chalcocite and covellite occur locally.


7 –Geological Setting and Mineralization

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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Age-dating of adularia from the veins at El Peñón suggests that mineralization took place at around 52 Ma to 53 Ma (Early Eocene). Two mineralization and alteration events have been defined from fluid inclusion studies. The principal mineralization event resulted from circulation of neutral reduced fluids that replaced host-rock phenocrysts and groundmass by quartz, adularia, albite, carbonate, clays, calcite, and chlorite. It also produced quartz-adularia flooding and breccia-filling in the vicinity of the veins. Another, more widespread, alteration process was derived from acidic oxidized hydrothermal solutions. This event resulted in the formation of lithocaps of quartz-alunite alteration, quartz-alunite breccia-filling, with minor copper and silver and little or no gold.



Figure 7-4: Photographs of mineralization in underground exposures and in drill core


7 –Geological Setting and Mineralization

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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


8Deposit Types


El Peñón is classified as a low- to intermediate-sulphidation epithermal gold-silver deposit associated with steeply dipping fault-controlled veins emplaced following rhyolite dome emplacement. Gold and silver mineralization consists of disseminations of electrum, native gold and silver, acanthite, silver sulphosalts, halides, and accessory pyrite occurring with quartz, adularia, carbonates, and clay minerals (Pearson and Rennie, 2008). Epithermal deposits represent shallow parts of larger, mainly subaerial, hydrothermal systems (Figure 8-1) formed at temperatures as high as about 300°C and at depths from about 50 to as much as 1,500 m below the water table (John et al., 2010).


Analogous epithermal gold-silver deposits set in an extensional-transtensional continental-margin arc are the Comstock Lode in Nevada, Martha Hill in New Zealand, Peñasquito in Mexico, and Hishikari in Japan (John et al., 2010).



Figure 8-1: Generalized gold deposit types and environments


8 –Deposit Types

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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile




Initial regional exploration focused on Early to Mid-Eocene volcanic belts in northern Chile and led to their acquisition of the El Peñón property in 1993. Trenching carried out that year, followed by a 13-hole drilling program, discovered significant gold-silver mineralization. The next year, the first drill hole of a follow-up program intersected 100 m grading 10.9 g/t gold and 123.4 g/t silver in what eventually became the Quebrada Orito deposit.


Since 2007 Yamana has been successful in expanding the footprint of mineralization through geological mapping, geochemical characterization, geophysics, and abundant surface and underground drilling within the northeast trend, first starting at the El Peñón area, with Quebrada Orito in the southwest and ending to Angosta in the northeast.


Exploration has also been successful at the Fortuna and Pampa Augusta Vitoria (PAV) areas located to the southwest and to the north of El Peñón, respectively. Geophysical anomalies and positive drill intersections remain to be followed up in all areas. GoldSpot Discoveries Corp. (GoldSpot) was contracted in 2019 to apply machine learning to target unknown mineralization.


Exploration work completed to date has defined 40 main mineralized zones and subsidiary veins, within ten geological trends.


The significant exploration results at El Peñón that are material to this technical report were obtained by surface and underground core drilling. This work and resulting interpretations are summarized in Sections 10, 14, and 15 of this technical report.


9.1Exploration Potential


Exploration conducted between 2018 and 2020 can be divided into three categories: infill, expansion, and district.


Infill drilling is designed to replace production by upgrading and extending known mineral resources with a combination of reverse circulation (RC) and core drilling methodology (ratio of approximately 70% RC to 30% core drilling).


Expansion (or step-out) exploration drilling aims to upgrade inferred mineral resources to measured or indicated categories, or to transform zones of geological potential into inferred mineral resources.


District exploration is meant to test the extension of little-known areas of mineralization or to discover new primary structures by testing targets identified in mapping, geochemistry, geophysics, or machine learning programs.


9 –Exploration

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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


A total of 384,000 m of drilling has been planned for 2021 through 2023 at a budgeted cost of US$54M. The amount of proposed drilling is based on the past success rate of adding resources at El Peñón.


Infill targets in 2020 included Martillo Flat, Pampa Campamento, El Valle, Dorada, Cerro Martillo and La Paloma. Expansion targets tested in 2020 included Colorada Sur, El Valle-Sorpresa extension, deeper portions of Martillo Flat, Pampa Campamento and La Paloma Profundo. District targets tested in 2020 included Angosta, Augusta Victoria, Chiquilla Chica, Laguna-Fortuna, and Cerro Seco-Estanque de Agua.


Exploration results at El Peñón continue to highlight the expansion potential of the mine and Yamana’s ability to replenish mineral reserves and mineral resources so as to extend the life of mine past its current mineral reserve base.


9 –Exploration

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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile




Systematic testing of the gold-silver-bearing zones was started by Meridian Gold in 1993 and continued until 2007. Yamana has drilled continuously on the property since 2007 to expand the mineral resources and replace depletion of mineral reserves. To the end of December 2020, over three million metres have been drilled at El Peñón in the Fortuna, El Peñón, and Pampa Augusta Vitoria (PAV) areas (Table 10-1). This includes 130,298 m completed in 2020 (71,263 m exploration and 59,035 m infill drilling), with intersections at Colorada Sur, El Valle, Pampa Campamento, Sorpresa, La Paloma and Dorada veins.


Figure 10-1 illustrates the location of drilling in the El Peñón area. Significant exploration results and interpretations obtained from surface and underground drilling are summarized in Sections 14 and 15 of this technical report.


Table 10-1: Exploration and infill drilling by year and type, 1993 to December 31, 2020


Year  Exploration
  Year  Exploration
1993  2,507  0  2,507  20071  113,507  70,534  184,041
1994  16,606  0  16,606  2008  66,917  65,911  132,828
1995  51,451  0  51,451  2009  93,690  22,592  116,282
1996  48,370  0  48,370  2010  69,470  77,724  147,194
1997  85,248  0  85,248  2011  78,746  49,919  128,665
1998  73,941  0  73,941  2012  65,401  57,937  123,338
1999  58,561  48,325  106,886  2013  70,323  26,440  96,763
2000  49,388  134,994  184,382  2014  68,582  57,262  125,844
2001  101,440  80,905  182,345  2015  40,950  105,807  146,757
2002  84,753  56,573  141,326  2016  95,701  70,397  166,098
2003  87,581  39,072  126,653  2017  29,240  82,875  112,115
2004  99,674  58,498  158,172  2018  31,179  66,630  97,809
2005  107,443  52,851  160,294  2019  45,325  69,885  115,210
2006  72,526  107,887  180,413  2020  71,263  59,035  130,298
            TOTAL  1,879,783  1,462,053  3,341,836


1.Acquisition by Yamana in late 2007



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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile





Figure 10-1: Plan view of drill holes in El Peñón core mine area



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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Yamana continually conducts exploration work to develop drill targets to replenish mineral reserves. Drilling is carried out on a 60 × 60 m grid; infill drill holes are based on a 30 × 30 m grid pattern. Preliminary mineral resource estimates are made using the drill information. Later, the mineral resource models are refined using chip sample assays collected from the underground development. Underground definition core drilling is completed on a 30 × 30 m spacing where required, and short test drill holes are drilled from underground to locate veins and parallel structures and to assist with mining and grade control.


Surface drilling is mostly collared with reverse circulation (RC) and converted to core drilling prior to intersecting the mineralized zone. At least one hole per 30 m section is drilled as a core drill hole for its entire length. Core size is HQ (63.5 mm core diameter), sometimes reduced to NQ (47.6 mm core diameter). RC holes are drilled with 146 mm-diameter equipment, which produces a hole approximately 152 mm in diameter. Drilling on the mine property from 2018 to 2020 was performed by AK Drilling International.


The procedures used during drilling programs are as follows:


The collar locations of all drill holes are surveyed and marked by El Peñón crews.


Directional deviation (for both azimuth and inclination) is surveyed in each drill hole using a REFLEX multi-shot survey instrument by IMDEX Ltd for underground drill holes and using a gyroscope survey instrument by Axis Mining Technology for drill holes drilled from the surface.


Lithological logging is done on drill core and RC chips. Geotechnical observations are made by company geologists and technicians. All information is recorded on digital tablets using commercial software and depicts all downhole data. This includes recording the following items as appropriate for the drilling method:


Drill type


Collar coordinates


Core diameter


Downhole inclination


Percent core recovery record


Rock Quality Designation (RQD) measurements


Lithologic contacts


Descriptive geology


Core angles


Intensity of various alteration types


Structural features, such as foliation, fractures, and brecciated zones



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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Recording of mineralization, such as quartz type, sulphide type and content


A photographic record of the core taken with a digital camera


Drill core recoveries are generally good (>95%) but are moderately lower at the Quebrada Orito and El Valle veins (>85%). The lower core recovery in those veins, however, does not have significant impact on the quality of the samples.


Collars of surface drill holes are preserved by a PVC casing. A wooden stake is placed close to each collar; it is affixed with metal plates, on which the code, azimuth, dip, and other relevant drill hole information is recorded


The qualified person responsible for this section of the technical report is of the opinion that the logging and recording procedures are comparable to industry standards. There are no other known drilling, sampling, or recovery factors that could materially impact the accuracy and reliability of results.



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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


11Sample Preparation, Analyses, and Security


Analytical samples include both drill core and channel samples. The drill core samples are generated from exploration and infill drilling programs that are conducted on surface and underground; they are used for target generation and estimation of mineral resources and mineral reserves. The channel samples come from underground grade-control channels in development drifts; they are used for short-term forecasting and grade control as well as for estimation of mineral resources and reserves.


11.1Sample Preparation and Analysis


Sample preparation and analysis of drill core and underground channel samples at El Peñón are carried out according to a series of standard operating procedures (SOPs) listed in Table 11-1 and are described below.


Table 11-1: Sample preparation and analytical standard operating procedures


Procedure Number Description
GE-P06_R02 Sampling of drill core
GE-P11_R02 Validation of results
GE-P14_R01 Quality control of exploration samples
GE-P37_R02 Quality control of Production samples
GE-P03_R02 Sampling and splitting samples in RC drill holes
GE-I02_R02 Creation of dispatch forms
GE-P04_R03 Underground sampling
GE-P07_R02 QA/QC monthly report
GE-P08_R02 CRM control
GE-P09_R02 Sample shipment, storage, and disposal
GE-P36_R02 Procedure for quality control failures


11.1.1Sampling of Drill Core


Drill core is received in the logging area by technicians who first verify depth markers and reassemble the core so that pieces connect with each other; they then apply depth marks to the core verifying with the wooden block markers placed by the drillers.


Before geological logging, all drill holes are logged for geotechnical parameters; these include core recovery, rock quality designation (RQD), number of fractures, and if core intervals include major structures such as faults. Drill holes are not oriented.



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The geological description is then made by an on-site geologist who enters the data directly into the geological data management system (GDMS). In this step, lithology, alteration, structures, mineralization and percentage of quartz vein/veinlets are recorded. The limits of each sample interval are marked with an indelible marker on the core and on the box by the logging geologist. The core boxes are photographed with a digital camera prior to sampling.


Sampling of Exploration Drill Holes

For exploration drill holes, the complete length of the drill hole is sampled and sent for analysis. The sample lengths are determined by the presence or absence of quartz veins or veinlets.


In mineralized zones of Hydrothermal Breccia (unit HyB) or Massive Quartz Vein (MQV) with abundant sulphides, the minimum sample length is 0.35 m and the maximum samples length is 0.5 m. For drill core without veins or sulphides and in exploration areas, the maximum sample length is 2 m.


The exploration drill cores are cut in half along the longitudinal axis, using a hydraulic core splitter. Half of the core is placed in previously labelled plastic bags; the other half is left in the core box as a reference.


Sampling of Infill Drill Holes

For infill drill holes, the minimum and maximum sample lengths in mineralized zones are 0.2 and 0.5 m, respectively. For each interval, the full drill core is sampled; it is broken with a hammer and placed in a previously labelled plastic bag.


Sample shipments

The bagged samples are placed in plastic bins to be sent to the primary laboratory along with the submittal form (Dispatch Order).


In the opinion of the qualified person responsible for this section of the technical report, the sampling methodologies at El Peñón conform to industry standards and are adequate for use in mineral resource estimation.


11.1.2Underground Channel Sampling


The sampling of underground faces is carried out systematically by production geologists and technicians in the advance galleries after each advance. After the face is washed and secured, the sample is taken from left to right along a line of constant elevation, generally 1.5 m above the floor. The sample location is determined by measuring the distance and azimuth from the nearest bolt left by the surveying team.


Geological contacts (lithology, alteration, mineralization, structures, etc.) are identified and sampling intervals respect these contacts. Once the limit of the samples has been defined, they are marked with red spray paint. The area to be sampled is then delimited by a rectangle. In mineralized zones mapped as MQV or HyB, the maximum sample length is 1 m, whereas in host rocks the maximum sample length is 2.0 m.



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Sampling is done with a rock hammer or with a mallet and wedge. The rock fragments that are detached from the wall are collected in a bag on the ground and then placed in plastic bags properly identified with correlative numbering tags. The samples are then transported to the El Peñón mine laboratory for preparation and assaying.


The results of the underground channel samples are used for short-term forecasting and grade control as well as in the grade estimation process for mineral resource models.


In the opinion of the qualified person responsible for this section of the technical report, the sampling methodologies at El Peñón conform to industry standards and are adequate for use in mineral resource estimation.


11.1.3Preparation and Analytical Procedures


Primary Exploration and Infill Drilling Analytical Laboratories 2018 to 2020

As of January 2018, the Geoassay Group Ltda. (Geoassay) laboratory in Antofagasta, Chile, was the primary laboratory for exploration and infill drilling samples, but only for one final month as the contract terminated at the end of January 2018. Geossay is independent of Yamana and was not certified at the time.


Starting in February 2018, samples from exploration and infill drilling were prepared and analyzed at SGS Minerals S.A. (SGS) laboratories in Antofagasta and Santiago, Chile. The SGS laboratories are independent of Yamana and hold ISO/IEC 17025 certification. SGS moved its headquarters from Antofagasta to Santiago in September 2019 and transferring the El Peñón samples from Antofagasta to Santiago created significant delays and problems with accuracy. The samples from exploration drilling were processed at SGS in Antofagasta from February 2018 to September 2019, after which they were processed at the Santiago laboratory until March 2020. Samples from infill drilling were processed at SGS in Antofagasta from February 2018 to September 2019, after which they were processed in the Santiago laboratory until May 2020.


For a short period in late 2018, Intertek Caleb Brett Chile S.A. (Intertek) laboratory in Copiapo was also used as a primary laboratory, in parallel with SGS, to help provide analytical results in time for year-end reporting. Intertek is independent of Yamana and was certified to ISO9001:2015 standards by ABS Quality Evaluations.


The primary laboratory for exploration samples was changed to Geoassay in Antofagasta starting in March 2020. In May 2020, Geoassay became the primary laboratory for both exploration and infill drilling program samples. Geossay is a local laboratory independent of Yamana and is in the process of being certified to ISO/IEC 17025 standards.


Umpire Laboratories 2018 to 2020

Umpire laboratory check assays were carried out at Intertek laboratory in Copiapo, Chile, until February 2019 and at Geoassay’s laboratory in Antofagasta, Chile, until May 2020, when it became the primary laboratory. Intertek is independent of Yamana and was certified to ISO9001:2015 standards by ABS Quality Evaluations, but not to ISO/IEC 17025 standards. Geoassay is a local laboratory independent of Yamana and is in the process of being certified to ISO/IEC 17025 standards. The selection process for a new umpire laboratory is ongoing.



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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Laboratory for Underground Laboratory for Channel Samples 2018 to 2020

Samples from underground channels are assayed at the in-house El Peñón mine laboratory. This laboratory is owned and operated by Yamana and is certified to ISO/IEC 17025 standards.


Analytical Procedures

The following procedures are used for sample preparation and analysis at SGS, Geoassay, Intertek, and El Peñón laboratories:


1.A submittal form (or Dispatch Form) is filled out by an El Peñón geologist or technician and is delivered with the samples to the El Peñón or SGS/Geoassay/Intertek laboratories.


2.Samples are sorted, logged in the laboratory database (LIMS), weighed, and dried in a furnace at 105°C.


3.The complete sample is crushed to 85% less than # 10 mesh (passing 2 mm), and riffle split to obtain 1 kg of material.


4.A 1 kg sample is pulverized at 95% through # 140 mesh (passing 0.105 mm).


5.The laboratories clean the crushing and grinding instruments with compressed air between samples, insert sterile quartz every 10 samples, and perform a granulometric control of crushing and pulverization on at least 3% of the samples.


6.Two pulp packages of 250 g each (labelled A and B) are prepared at SGS, Geoassay, or Intertek laboratories. The master pulp (pulp A) is used for the analysis. Remaining material from pulp A is combined with pulp B, which is returned to site for storage. At the El Peñón mine laboratory, only a single package of 250 g pulp is prepared and used for analysis.


7.To determine the gold content, the samples are analyzed by fire assay (FA) on 30 g samples (prior to February 2018, the fire assays used a 50 g sample). Fluxes, lead oxide litharge, and silver are mixed and fired at 1,100°C to 1,170°C for 50 to 60 minutes to separate the precious metals as a molten lead metallic phase. The samples are removed from the oven and poured into moulds. Next, the slag is removed from the cooled lead button and the button is placed in a cupel and fired at 920°C to 960°C for an hour to oxidize all the lead and make a precious metal bead.



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The cupels are removed from the furnace and the beads are separated by acid digestion using nitric and hydrochloric acid to dissolve the precious metals into solution.


At SGS, Geoassay, and Intertek laboratories the sample solutions are analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and samples containing more than 5 g/t gold are finished by gravimetry. At the El Peñón mine laboratory, the analysis is finished by gravimetry.


8.The silver determination is done by AAS at SGS, Geoassay, and Intertek laboratories and by fire assay at the internal El Peñón mine laboratory.


At SGS, Geoassay, and Intertek laboratories, a 2 g sample is first digested in a solution of four acids (nitric, hydrochloric, perchloric, and hydrofluoric). The digested solution is brought to volume with hydrochloric acid for the quantification of the analytes through AAS. If the sample contains more than 220 g/t silver, the silver content is quantified by gravimetry.


At the El Peñón mine laboratory, the silver is determined in a manner similar to gold, using fire assay and finished by gravimetry.


9.For screened metallic assays, the totality of the coarse fraction is assayed and an aliquot of the fine fraction is analyzed. The gold concentration of the entire sample is determined by weighted average.


At SGS and Geoassay laboratories, each analytical batch contains the following:


75 client samples


2 preparation blanks (quartz) per batch, one at the beginning and the other at the end of the batch


1 pulp duplicate every 50th sample


2 reagent blanks per batch


2 Certified Reference Materials (CRMs or standards) per batch


In addition, the laboratories perform granulometric control of the crushing and pulverization of 3% of the samples.


At the El Peñón mine laboratory, analytical batches contain 24 samples, described as follows:


18 client samples


1 preparation blank (quartz)


2 CRMs


1 analytical blank



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In addition, the laboratory performs granulometric controls of the crushing and pulverization every 20th processed sample.


The qualified person responsible for this section of the technical report is of the opinion that the sample preparation, analytical, and assay procedures of channels and drill core samples used for production and exploration are consistent with industry standards and adequate for use in the estimation of mineral resources.


11.2Quality Assurance/ Quality Control


Yamana employs a comprehensive quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) program for the El Peñón exploration drilling programs, infill drilling programs, and grade control channel samples. This program applies the following steps to monitor the accuracy and bias of the gold and silver:


Insertion of CRMs.


Monitoring of contamination in preparation and analysis by inserting blanks in the preparation and analytical sampling streams.


Control of the precision by taking duplicates during preparation and analysis.


Sending pulp samples for umpire check assaying at secondary laboratories.


Yamana has protocols in place for describing the insertion frequency and the type of QA/QC samples as well as failure limits for each type of control sample. The insertion protocol for control samples states that one blank pulp, one coarse blank and two CRMs per batch of 75 samples should be inserted. This results in an insertion rate of quality control samples for exploration and infill drilling of approximately 5% (Table 11-2). There are also established criteria to be followed in case of failure when a failure is flagged in the QA/QC database. The results from the QA/QC program are reviewed and monitored by a geologist who presents the results in monthly reports.



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Table 11-2: Summary of analytical quality control data produced between 2018 and 2020


    Production     Exploration and Infill      
    El Peñón Lab.     Intertek     SGS     Geoassay      
    Samples   (%)     Samples   (%)     Samples   (%)     Samples   (%)     Source
Sample Count   121,946       3,836       130,481       62,793        
Blanks   1,775   1.5 %   70   1.8 %   2,562   2.0 %   1,900   3.0 %    
Pulp Blank           885       53       2,265       810       CDN Laboratories
Sterile Blank           -       17       36       548       Core from previous drilling
Quartz Blank           890       -       261       542       Winkler milled quartz
CRM   Au (g/t)   Ag (g/t)   876   0.7 %   76   2.0 %   2,835   2.2 %   1,214   1.9 %    
EP_STD7   0.52   48.6   -       -       18       536       Geoassay from El Peñón material
EP_STD1   0.56   47.0   -       20       268       -       INTEM from El Peñón material
CDN-GS-P5D   0.64   66.0   -       -       384       41       CDN Laboratories
CDN-ME-1403   0.95   53.9   -       -       481       1       CDN Laboratories
EP_STD8   1.91   86.6   -       -       5       162       Geoassay from El Peñón material
CDN-ME-1407   2.12   245.0   -       -       273       19       CDN Laboratories
CDN-ME-1605   2.85   269.0   173       -       33       -       CDN Laboratories
EP_STD3   2.88   184.2   -       18       335       -       INTEM from El Peñón material
EP_STD2   3.07   191.4   15       15       147       -       INTEM from El Peñón material
CDN-ME-1607   3.33   150.0   -       -       440       5       CDN Laboratories
EP_STD9   3.41   173.1   -       -       23       316       Geoassay from El Peñón material
OREAS 603   5.18   284.0   32       -       56       -       Ore Research
EP_STD4   5.96   253.2   49       2       65       -       INTEM from El Peñón material
EP_STD10   8.00   341.0   41       -       2       67       Geoassay from El Peñón material
IN-B156-53   10.02   253.0   47       -       80       11       INTEM from El Peñón material
EP_STD11   13.11   501.8   28       -       4       27       Geoassay from El Peñón material
IN-156-55   13.37   429.0   342       -       113       6       INTEM from El Peñón material
EP_STD5   14.25   633.0   31       13       58       -       INTEM from El Peñón material
EP_STD6   18.84   523.5   99       8       50       -       INTEM from El Peñón material
EP_STD12   25.54   923.0   18       -       -       23       Geoassay from El Peñón material
EP_LP30   30.60   15.5   16       -       -       -       ALS from La Pepa material
Umpire Check Assay Intertek   1,561   1.1 %   -       317   0.2 %   -       Inter-laboratory check
Umpire Check Assay Geoassay   1,537   1.1 %   -       585   0.4 %   -       Inter-laboratory check
QA/QC Samples   5,749   4.7 %   146   3.8 %   6,299   4.8 %   3,114   5.0 %    



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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


11.2.1Certified Reference Materials


Yamana inserts two CRMs (or standards) for every 75 samples submitted to the primary laboratories (SGS, Geoassay, Intertek, and El Peñón laboratories) to control accuracy and bias. The majority of reference materials have been manufactured with material from El Peñón. The CRMs have been prepared by the National Institute of Technology, Standardization and Metrology (INTEM) in Chile, and Geoassay Group, both in Antofagasta, Chile. Each CRM is provided with a certificate listing the round-robin assay results and the expected standard deviation. These CRMs are individually packed in paper envelopes (100 to 120 g per envelope), inserted in plastic bags, and vacuum sealed.


Other reference materials were purchased from Ore Research & Exploration Pty Ltd in Australia, CDN Resource Laboratories Ltd. in Canada, and one CRM prepared by ALS Chemex with material from Yamana’s La Pepa project.


El Peñón exploration staff submitted 4,927 CRMs between 2018 and 2020 (Table 11-2). Results from commonly used CRMs at the three primary laboratories are presented in Figure 11-1.



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Figure 11-1: Time-series plots: gold assays of select CRMs by laboratory (2018–2020)


11.2.2Blank Samples


Three types of blank samples are inserted that are known to contain gold and silver grades that are less than the detection limit of the analytical methods. The first type consists of pulp blanks purchased from CDN Resource Laboratories Ltd. in British Columbia, Canada. The second type consists of sterile core from previous drilling campaigns that assayed below detection limit for gold and silver. The third type consists of coarse quartz purchased from Winkler Ltda in Antofagasta, Chile, with granulometry within 2.00 to 2.83 mm.



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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


The insertion protocol establishes that one coarse quartz blank and one pulp blank should be inserted per batch of 75 samples. In addition, a sterile blank should be inserted immediately after an expected mineralized zone. Between 2018 and 2020, El Peñón exploration staff submitted 6,237 blank samples with drilling and channel samples (Table 11-2). The criteria for acceptance or rejection of results due to contamination for all the blank control samples is ten times the lower detection limit (DL x 10) (Table 11-3). Results from select blanks at the three primary laboratories are shown in Figure 11-2.


Table 11-3: Lower detection limits and acceptance limits for blanks


Laboratory   Analyte   Method   Detection Limit   Blank Acceptance Limit
      (g/t)   (DL x 10) (g/t)
El Peñón   Au   FA Grav   0.2   2
  Ag   FA Grav   1   10
SGS   Au   FA AAS   0.02   0.2
    FA Grav   0.5    
  Ag   MA AAS   0.5   5
    Grav   10    
Geoassay   Au   FA AAS   0.02   0.05
    FA Grav   0.2    
  Ag   MA AAS   0.5   5
    Grav   10    
Intertek   Au   FA AAS   0.01   0.1
    FA Grav   0.2    
  Ag   MA AAS   0.5   5
    Grav   10    



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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile




Figure 11-2: Time-series plots: gold assays of select blanks by type and laboratory (2018–2020)



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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


11.2.3Umpire Laboratory Check Assays


The primary laboratories are requested to send pulp samples, as selected by El Peñón staff, on a monthly basis to the secondary laboratory as defined in Section 11.1.3, for umpire check assays. Analysis of these pulps is useful for measuring the precision of the analytical process of the primary laboratories, including the in-house mine laboratory, assuring a better degree of accuracy and control on assays. A total of 902 pulp samples from drill core and 3,098 channel pulp samples were sent between January 2018 and May 2020 (Table 11-2). Results of umpire check assays comparing SGS and Geoassay are shown in Figure 11-3.



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Figure 11-3: Comparison between SGS and Geoassay umpire gold assays (2019-2020)


11.3Sample Security


Samples are handled only by personnel authorized by Yamana. Channel samples from the mining operation are delivered directly to the El Peñón mine laboratory each day upon completion of underground sampling. All drill core from surface and underground drill holes is taken directly to authorized exploration personnel to a drill logging and sampling area within the secured and guarded mine property. The mineralized core intervals are logged, sampled, placed in plastic bags properly labelled for identification. Core samples are subsequently delivered to the primary laboratory in Antofagasta by truck in secured plastic bins along with dispatch forms. The pulps and rejects that are returned by the laboratory are transported inside the plastic bins, by the same truck that collects the samples at the mine.



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Each sample is assigned a unique sample number that allows it to be traced through the sampling, database, and analytical procedure workflow, and is validated against the original sample site. For exploration drill holes, the remaining half of the split core is stored on-site as a control sample, available for review and resampling if required. The photographic record of all drill holes is kept as reference.


In the opinion of the qualified person responsible for this section of the technical report, the sample preparation, sample security, and analytical procedures at El Peñón are adequate and consistent with industry standards.



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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


12Data Verification


The exploration work carried out on the El Peñón property is conducted by Yamana personnel. Yamana implements a series of routine verification procedures to ensure the collection of reliable exploration data. All work is conducted by appropriately qualified personnel under the supervision of qualified geologists.


El Peñón staff carried out a data verification program for the assay tables included in the drill hole databases by spot-checking 5% of the assay data from a selection of drill holes that intersected the mineralized wireframe domains, thus relevant to the current mineral resource estimate. The validation was done by comparing the selected information entered in the digital database with that of the original laboratory certificates.


Additional checks included a comparison of the drill hole collar location data with the digital models of the surface topography and excavation models, as well as a visual inspection of the downhole survey information. The validation routines in Leapfrog Geo and Maptek Vulcan software, consisting of checking for overlapping samples and duplicate records, were also carried out.


The on-site database administrator, under the supervision of the El Peñón resource geology team, validated the QA/QC results when received from the laboratories. The pre-2018 QA/QC database has been validated by independent consultants, most recently by RPA (2018). The QA/QC database review for the drilling and underground channel sampling from 2018 to 2020 is described in Section 11.2.


There were no limitations in the ability of the qualified person to verify the data. In the opinion of the qualified person responsible for this section of the technical report, the verification of the sampling data, including the data entry and verification procedures, and the analytical quality control data produced by Yamana for samples submitted to various laboratories, indicate that the analytical results delivered by the laboratories are sufficiently reliable for the purpose of mineral resource and mineral reserve estimation.



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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


13Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Testing


13.1Processing Plant


The El Peñón processing plant has a nominal production capacity of approximately 1.533 Mtpa, or 4,200 tpd, for stockpiled and mined ore. Mineral processing includes the following principal stages:




Grinding and pre-leaching thickening




Recovery of concentrate solution from counter-current decantation


Pregnant solution clarification


Gold and silver recovery by zinc precipitation (Merrill-Crowe process)


Filtering of precipitate


Refining to doré


Tailings are filtered to recover water and to obtain tailings with an approximate moisture content of about 20%. These are subsequently loaded on trucks and transported to the nearby tailings storage area.


Since 2017, the plant throughput has been lower than design, ranging from 1 Mtpa to 1.3 Mtpa, in line with the mine plan. The lower throughput is beneficial in terms of leach residence time and results in a marginal increase of both gold and silver recovery. Stockpiled ore can be fed to the plant feed system to supplement feed if required.


Manganese and silver salts that occur in zones of high sulphur are deleterious elements that have a negative effect on silver recoveries and therefore on potential economic extraction.


13.2Metallurgical Testing


Significant metallurgical testwork has been carried out on a continual basis at El Peñón since 2014. Samples, both from drill holes and from chip samples obtained from faces, have been collected across a range of grades and from different zones that include oxides and material with high and low sulphur content. The qualified person considers the samples to be representative of the plant feed expected in the life of mine plan. The following metallurgical tests have been conducted:


Leaching tests to address gold and silver recoveries as well as cyanide consumption


Sedimentation and filtration tests


Mill time or Bond Work Index tests



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Tests results have allowed obtaining a gold and silver recovery matrix based by zone, ore type and grade range, which is used to calculate net-smelter returns (NSR) (Section 15.3) on the block models, is considered for mineral resource and mineral reserve estimation, and is updated continually. The recovery matrices for gold and silver are shown in Table 13-1 and Table 13-2 respectively.


Table 13-1: Gold recovery by zone, ore type, and grade category


    Gold Recovery (%)
Zone and Ore Type    Low-Grade Supplementary Ore1
 (< 3.0 g/t Au)
 (3.0–6.0 g/t Au)
(6.0–15.0 g/t Au)
(> 15.0 g/t Au)
El Peñón Core Mine - Oxide   84.13   94.06   96.22   96.64 to 97.38
El Peñón Core Mine - Low Sulphur   84.13   92.98   94.75   92.57
El Peñón Core Mine - High Sulphur   84.13   91.13   93.88   93.49
Fortuna - Oxide   84.13   90.34   90.34   90.34
Fortuna - High Sulphur   84.13   89.95   89.95   89.95
Pampa Augusta Victoria - Oxide   84.13   86.93   89.30   89.30
Pampa Augusta Victoria - High Sulphur   84.13   84.99   92.50   92.50
Laguna - All   84.13   88.74   88.74   88.74
Chiquilla Chica - All   84.13   89.22   89.22   89.22


1 Low-grade supplementary ore is defined in Section 15.2.


Table 13-2: Silver recovery by zone, ore type, and grade category


    Silver Recovery (%)
Zone and Ore Type   Low-Grade
(< 3.0 g/t Au) 
  Low-Grade Ore
(3.0–6.0 g/t Au)
  Medium-Grade Ore
(6.0–15.0 g/t Au)
  High-Grade Ore
(> 15.0 g/t Au)
El Peñón Core Mine - Oxide   79.71   88.92   90.74   92.31 to 92.33
El Peñón Core Mine - Low Sulphur   79.71   90.96   89.52   75.23
El Peñón Core Mine - High Sulphur   79.71   76.49   74.86   68.76
Fortuna - Oxide   79.71   88.24   88.24   88.24
Fortuna - High Sulphur   79.71   82.29   82.29   82.29
Pampa Augusta Victoria - Oxide   79.71   83.98   83.98   83.98
Pampa Augusta Victoria - High Sulphur   79.71   67.06   56.47   56.47
Laguna - All   79.71   64.42   64.42   64.42
Chiquilla Chica - All   79.71   81.67   81.67   81.67


1 Low-grade supplementary ore is defined in section 15.2


Results from metallurgical tests inform the geometallurgical block model utilized for operational and mine planning purposes. The geometallurgical model includes variables for gold and silver recoveries, cyanide consumption, and sedimentation and filtration rates. Grinding parameters for different ores have also been established. Typically, the ores are relatively hard, with Bond Work Index values of between 19 and 20 kWh/t.



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Actual plant-adjusted production figures with gold and silver recoveries for 2019 and 2020 are presented in Table 13-3 and Table 13-4.


Table 13-3: Processing plant production for 2019


  Tonnage   Gold   Silver
Month   Tonnes   Grade   Production   Recovery   Grade   Production   Recovery
  (t)   (g/t Au)   (Au oz)   (% Au)   (g/t Ag)   (Ag oz)   (% Ag)
January   109,847   3.62   11,964   93.11   121.3   366,197   84.20
February   92,079   3.91   11,011   93.62   123.7   311,695   83.10
March   114,515   3.24   11,050   92.93   100.7   316,917   85.68
April   96,634   3.18   9,238   93.26   98.8   272,944   87.28
May   96,646   4.00   11,769   94.52   99.8   270,618   87.18
June   112,810   4.06   13,639   93.76   96.2   300,023   86.98
July   100,588   3.99   11,938   92.43   95.8   268,973   87.38
August   109,823   4.36   14,660   94.05   124.3   382,258   88.68
September   108,211   5.00   16,116   94.39   148.6   444,704   86.72
October   117,830   4.72   17,156   94.51   127.1   430,110   86.71
November   111,756   4.42   15,086   94.58   142.2   430,206   86.98
December   119,500   4.40   15,888   94.52   159.8   522,646   84.42
Total 2019   1,290,239   4.09   159,515   93.96   120.6   4,317,292   86.20


Table 13-4: Processing plant production for 2020


  Tonnage   Gold   Silver
Month   Tonnes   Grade   Production   Recovery   Grade   Production   Recovery
  (t)   (g/t Au)   (Au oz)   (% Au)   (g/t Ag)   (Ag oz)   (% Ag)
January   113,436   4.57   15,734   94.11   156.1   493,664   85.05
February   97,409   4.63   13,759   95.03   168.8   458,479   88.41
March   112,128   3.72   12,738   94.36   124.9   403,768   87.83
April   90,386   4.53   12,113   92.68   196.1   474,100   85.47
May   93,108   4.24   12,011   93.41   139.1   370,957   86.96
June   90,616   4.50   11,636   93.39   184.1   432,181   86.41
July   101,546   4.52   14,083   93.40   183.3   536,760   85.59
August   92,424   4.40   12,462   93.85   174.7   467,049   88.00
September   118,680   3.65   12,777   93.13   106.9   357,190   87.45
October   117,920   3.59   12,630   93.37   100.1   323,819   85.67
November   120,443   4.04   14,589   94.26   84.2   292,879   88.71
December   118,733   4.57   16,292   93.41   93.5   306,255   86.40
Total 2020   1,266,829   4.22   160,824   93.71   138.9   4,917,101   86.74



13 –Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Testing 60
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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile

14Mineral Resource Estimates


14.1Mineral Resource Summary


The mineral resource estimate of El Peñón has been estimated in conformity with generally accepted standards set out in CIM Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserves Estimation Best Practices Guidelines (November 2019) and has been classified according to CIM (2014) Standards.


Interpreted geological wireframes were constructed in Vulcan based on geology sections, assay results, lithological information and structural data. Assays were composited to one-metre lengths, then interpolated using capping and a high-yield restriction for anomalously high grades. Gold and silver grades were interpolated into a sub-blocked model with minimum block size of 0.5 × 0.5 × 0.5 m and a parent block size of 20 × 20 × 20 m. Estimated grades were interpolated into blocks using Inverse Distance Cubed (ID3) and checked using Nearest Neighbor (NN) methods. Block estimates were validated using industry standard validation techniques. Classification of blocks was completed following distance-based criteria.


Mineral resources are reported exclusive of mineral reserves. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and have not demonstrated economic viability. Underground mineral resources are estimated within conceptual underground mining shapes at a cut-off value of US$95.31/t, which corresponds to 75% of the break-even cut-off value used to estimate the mineral reserves. A minimum mining width of 0.60 m as well as 0.30 m of hanging-wall and 0.30 m of footwall overbreak dilution are used to construct the conceptual mining shapes. Mineral resources are reported fully diluted.


The Mineral Resource Statement of El Peñón as of December 31, 2020, exclusive of mineral reserves, is presented in Table 14-1.


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Table 14-1: El Peñón Mineral Resource Statement as of December 31, 2020


Mineral Resources   Category   Tonnage   Grade   Contained Metal
  (kt)   Au (g/t)   Ag (g/t)   Au (koz)   Ag (koz)
Underground   Measured   667   4.81   143.0   103   3,063
  Indicated   6,355   3.06   105.4   625   21,535
  Total Measured + Indicated   7,022   3.22   109.0   728   24,599
  Inferred   5,208   3.61   118.0   605   19,758
Tailings   Measured          
  Total Measured + Indicated          
  Inferred   13,767   0.55   18.9   245   8,380
Stockpiles   Measured          
  Indicated   1,019   1.13   28.8   37   942
  Total Measured + Indicated   1,019   1.13   28.8   37   942
Combined   Measured   667   4.81   143.0   103   3,063
  Indicated   7,374   2.79   94.8   662   22,478
  Total Measured + Indicated   8,041   2.96   98.8   765   25,541
  Inferred   18,975   1.39   46.1   850   28,138


1.Mineral resources have been estimated by the El Peñón resource geology team under the supervision of Marco Velásquez Corrales, Registered Member of the Chilean Mining Commission, a full-time employee of Minera Meridian Limitada, and a qualified person as defined by NI 43-101. The estimate conforms to the CIM (2014) Standards. Mineral resources are reported exclusive of mineral reserves. Mineral resources were evaluated using an inverse distance weighting algorithm informed by capped composites and constrained by three-dimensional mineralization wireframes. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and have not demonstrated economic viability. Metal price assumptions of US$1,250/oz for gold and US$18.00/oz for silver were used.


2.Underground mineral resources are estimated at a cut-off NSR of US$95.31/t, which corresponds to 75% of the mineral reserves cut-off value. Processing recoveries assumptions range from 84.13% to 97.38% for gold and from 56.47% to 92.33% for silver. The estimation considered the following cost assumptions: mine operating cost of US$80.10/t; processing cost of US$29.42/t; sustaining capital cost of US$4.10/t; and G&A costs of US$13.46/t. A royalty of 2% was also considered for mineral resources contained in the Fortuna zone. Mineral resources are reported fully diluted; they consider a minimum mining width of 0.60 m and hanging wall and footwall overbreak dilutions of 0.30 m each to determine reasonable prospects of economic extraction. Bulk densities ranging from 2.36 g/cm3 to 2.57 g/cm3 were used to convert volume to tonnage.


3.Mineral resources contained in tailings are reported at a cut-off grade of 0.50 g/t gold-equivalent, using recoveries of 60% for gold and 30% for silver, operating cost of US$2.39/t, and processing cost of US$29.42/t. A bulk density value of 1.75 g/cm3 was used to convert tailings volume to tonnage.


4.Mineral resources contained in stockpiles are reported at a cut-off grade of 0.79 g/t gold-equivalent, using recoveries of 88.0% for gold and 80.8% for silver, operating cost of US$2.39/t, and processing cost of US$29.42/t. A bulk density value of 1.60 g/cm3 was used to convert the stockpile volume to tonnage.


5.Mineral resources are reported as of December 31, 2020.


6.All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the estimate.


7.Numbers may not add up due to rounding.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


14.2Resource Database and Validation


All information used for the mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates, including drill core, survey, geological, and assay data, is verified and approved by the El Peñón geological staff and is maintained in on-site databases. Verification is done using the Maptek Vulcan software data validation tools. Drill hole data are stored in 6 databases; underground face samples are stored in 26 databases (one database per mining zone).


14.3Definition and Interpretation of Estimation Domains


The mineral resource models of El Peñón are supported by geological domains defined by samples logged as either massive quartz vein (MQV), hydrothermal breccia (HYB), or stockwork (STW). These domains are modelled in the Vulcan software by snapping the limit of the selected samples in each drill hole or underground face sample. No cut-off grade or value is used to define the estimation domains. Wireframes are classified into two different zones:


Wireframes in zones supported by drill hole information extend a maximum of 60 m from the last sample along the dip and strike directions.


Wireframes in zones supported by underground face samples extend 10 m along the dip direction of the vein and 2 to 3 m along the strike direction.


The resultant wireframes define the mineral resource estimation domains at El Peñón (Figure 14-1). Each independent splay or parallel vein is considered as an independent estimation domain to avoid sharing samples between adjacent structures. It is important to note that wireframes have to be spatially disconnected to be considered to be an independent structure and domain.


The modelling process results in two sets of wireframes per mining zone:


The first wireframe corresponds to all the interpreted veins located within the zone; the wireframe is used to code drill hole and channel databases, is used as a hard boundary for the generation of composites, and is coded into a variable called “shellug” contained in the composites database.


The second wireframe corresponds to each individual vein or vein splay which define the estimation domains at El Peñón. This second set of wireframes is used to code the “ug” variable in the composites database according to the position of the centre of each composite.


14 –Mineral Resource Estimates


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile




Figure 14-1: Plan view of estimation domains in El Peñón core mine area


14 –Mineral Resource Estimates


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


14.4Compositing Methods


A sample length of 1.0 m is the most common sample length at El Peñón. Therefore, a regular composite length of 1.0 m was selected for all drill holes and channel samples to try to minimize the splitting of assays into different composites. Interpreted vein wireframes are used as a hard boundary for compositing. Generation of equal-length composites commonly results in fractional length composites, especially at the last interval of each drill hole contained within the constraining wireframes. Composites shorter than 0.10 m were discarded for mineral resource estimation purposes.


Before exploratory data analysis (EDA) is carried out, coordinates of the centre of each composite as well as vein- and splay-codes were assigned.


14.5Basic Statistics


Descriptive statistics were computed for every interpreted vein domain on composite datasets; the exploratory data analysis was done performed using histograms, probability plots, and box-plots.


Since, the presence of local high-grade outliers could potentially affect the accuracy of the mineral resource estimate, composite samples were statistically examined for the presence of grade outliers using a combination of methodologies, such as inspection of probability plots, histogram analysis, and the Parrish method. Based on historical calibration with production data, outliers were usually defined for channel samples at the 96th percentile of the cumulative distribution, while for drill hole data this threshold was generally set at close to the 99th percentile.


Once defined, both capping and high-yield restriction were used to control the influence of the high-grade composites on the block model. High-yield restrictions were used by setting the thresholds equal to the capping threshold and by limiting the influence to a 5.0 × 2.5 × 2.5 m search ellipse, measured along the strike, dip, and width directions, respectively. Threshold used for capping and high-yield restriction for each zone are summarized in Table 14-2.


Table 14-2: Summary of gold and silver capping values by zone


Vein   Gold   Silver
  Drill Hole
Samples (g/t)
Samples (g/t)
Samples (g/t)
  Drill Hole
Samples (g/t)
Samples (g/t)
Samples (g/t)
505   101   45   40   1,000   537   520
506   60   40   N/A   324   433   N/A
Abundancia   40   195   N/A   750   1,750   N/A
Aleste   50   145   N/A   3,500   4,954   N/A
Angosta   30   N/A   N/A   500   N/A   N/A


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Vein   Gold   Silver
  Drill Hole
Samples (g/t)
Samples (g/t)
Samples (g/t)
  Drill Hole
Samples (g/t)
Samples (g/t)
Samples (g/t)
Bermellón   30   150   N/A   800   3,320   N/A
Bermuda   25   N/A   N/A   400   N/A   N/A
Bonanza   169   100   N/A   1,944   1,150   N/A
Borde Oeste   70   N/A   N/A   1,990   N/A   N/A
Caracoles   N/A   N/A   N/A   N/A   N/A   N/A
Carmín   90   157   N/A   800   2,020   N/A
Cerro Martillo   25   36   N/A   1,407   1,311   N/A
Cerro Martillo Central Sur   36   137   N/A   2,346   6,155   N/A
Chiquilla Chica   2   N/A   8   1,730   N/A   3,336
Diablada   70   103   N/A   312   438   N/A
Discovery Wash   25   20   N/A   700   536   N/A
Dominador   45   35   N/A   1,540   920   N/A
Dorada   20   40   N/A   1,385   2,090   N/A
Dorada SW   29   47   N/A   2,281   3,000   N/A
El Valle   50   23   N/A   1,190   773   N/A
Elizabeth   15   65   N/A   1,420   10,927   N/A
Esmeralda   40   137   N/A   1,517   5,678   N/A
Esperanza   86   46   N/A   1,655   1,949   N/A
Fortuna Este   20   N/A   N/A   1,400   N/A   N/A
Fortuna Norte   27   105   N/A   2,000   6,200   N/A
Fortuna Sur   35   55   N/A   3,500   3,675   N/A
La Paloma   75   53   N/A   1,300   1,110   N/A
Laguna   36   53   N/A   370   524   N/A
Lazo   10   N/A   N/A   200   N/A   N/A
Magenta   64   115   N/A   1,080   2,140   N/A
Martillo Flat   60   44   N/A   2,131   2,648   N/A
Orito Norte   50   54   127   308   320   1,357
Orito Sur   40   41   N/A   817   778   N/A
Orito West   35   N/A   N/A   1,500   N/A   N/A
Pampa Campamento   56   56   N/A   1,569   1,200   N/A
Pampa Providencia   35   N/A   N/A   600   N/A   N/A
Providencia   41   33   N/A   1,726   2,001   N/A
Quebrada Colorada Sur   60   N/A   N/A   1,200   N/A   N/A
Rieles   N/A   N/A   N/A   N/A   N/A   N/A
Sorpresa   40   47   N/A   1,561   1,743   N/A
Ventura   70   99   N/A   2,100   7,246   N/A
Veta NW   56   24   N/A   2,314   1,054   N/A
Victoria   36   97   N/A   1,235   3,012   N/A
Vista Norte   63   90   N/A   508   1,041   N/A


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


14.6Specific Gravity


Specific gravity (or density) measurements using the water immersion method were performed on core samples and on specimens collected underground. Approximately 670 samples were analyzed at the University of Antofagasta between September 2011 and July 2014, and 7% of those samples were cross-checked at Laboratorio Geoanalítica in Antofagasta. Average bulk densities were calculated for each zone (Table 14-3) and single density values were assigned to the block models for each zone for both mineralization and waste.


Table 14-3: Specific gravity density values assigned to each zone


Zone   SG
505   2.36
506   2.36
Abundancia   2.40
Aleste   2.57
Angelina   2.44
Angosta   2.40
Bermellón   2.43
Bermuda   2.40
Bonanza   2.57
Borde Oeste   2.40
Caracoles   2.40
Carmín   2.43
Cerro Martillo   2.40
Cerro Martillo CS   2.40
Chiquilla Chica   2.40
Diablada   2.44
Zone   SG
Discovery Wash   2.43
Dominador   2.40
Dorada   2.40
Dorada SW   2.40
El Valle   2.43
Escarlata   2.43
Esmeralda   2.40
Esperanza   2.40
Fortuna   2.40
Fortuna Este   2.40
Laguna   2.40
Lazo   2.43
Magenta   2.43
Martillo Flat   2.40
Orito Norte   2.44
Orito Sur   2.36
Zone   SG
Orito West   2.44
La Paloma   2.40
Pampa Campamento   2.43
Pampa Providencia   2.40
PAV   2.50
Playa   2.36
Providencia   2.40
Púrpura   2.43
Quebrada Colorada Sur   2.43
Rieles   2.40
Sorpresa   2.43
Ventura   2.57
Veta NW   2.40
Vista Norte   2.44



Variography used at El Peñón for mineral resource estimation is based on the report “Actualización de modelos variográficos – El Peñón” dated August 5, 2015 and authored by independent consultants Octal Ingeniería y Desarrollo and Magri Consultores Limitada. The methodology used by the consultants is described below.


Correlograms were computed for every vein, since, in the presence of high-grade outliers, correlograms are more stable than traditional semi-variograms. Experimental correlograms were calculated in the strike, dip, and pole direction of each vein using combined drill hole and underground channel data, considering data from all the splays as part of a single population. Nugget effect values were obtained from “down-the-hole” correlograms. Typical experimental correlogram calculation parameters are shown in Table 14-4. Examples of typical experimental correlograms and adjusted models are shown in Figure 14-2 for the 505 and Magenta veins. Variogram model parameters for both zones are used as examples and are shown in Table 14-5.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Table 14-4: Typical calculation parameters for experimental correlograms


Color  Direction  Azimuth Tolerance  Azimuth Band  Dip Tolerance  Dip Band  Lag  Lag Tolerance
Red  Dip  22.5°  15 m  22.5°  30 m  Level Spacing  1/2 Lag
Green  Strike  22.5°  30 m  22.5°  1/2 Level Spacing  Face Sample Spacing  1/2 Lag
Blue  Pole  22.5°  10 m  22.5°  1/2 Level Spacing  1m  1/2 Lag


Table 14-5: Correlogram model parameters for 505 and Magenta veins


Element   Vein   Structure   Contribution   Model   R1x   R1y   R1z   Angle1   Angle1   Angle1
  (m)   (m)   (m)   1 (°)   2 (°)   3 (°)
Au   505   C0   0.15   Nugget   -   -   -   -   -   -
    C1   0.67   Exp   4.0   1.5   3.0   260   -75   0
    C2   0.15   Exp   32.5   19.5   3.0   260   -75   0
    C3   0.03   Sph   60.0   44.0   3.0   260   -75   0
  Magenta   C0   0.60   Nugget   -   -   -   -   -   -
    C1   0.28   Exp   25.0   6.0   2.0   275   -70   0
    C2   0.12   Sph   70.0   65.0   2.0   275   -70   0
Ag   505   C0   0.20   Nugget   -   -   -   -   -   -
    C1   0.55   Exp   16.0   1.5   3.0   260   -75   0
    C2   0.19   Sph   21.0   32.0   13.0   260   -75   0
    C3   0.06   Sph   65.0   60.0   15.0   260   -75   0
  Magenta   C0   0.20   Nugget   -   -   -   -   -   -
    C1   0.53   Exp   12.0   3.0   2.5   275   -70   0
    C2   0.19   Sph   60.0   52.0   2.5   275   -70   0
    C3   0.08   Sph   95.0   70.0   2.5   275   -70   0


1 The rotation angles are shown in GSLIB convention.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile




Figure 14-2: Experimental gold and silver correlograms and fitted correlograms models for the 505 and Magenta veins


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


14.8Block Models


A total of 39 independent block models were constructed for every mining zones at El Peñón. Typical block models contain one to three main veins. Block models were constructed using a common parent block size of 20 × 20 × 20 m and sub-block size of 0.5 × 0.5 × 0.5 m. The main block model variables are described in Table 14-6. Additional flag and distance variables are not shown. A summary of the 39 block models, as well as the zones in which each one is located, are shown in Table 14-7.


Table 14-6: Generalized block model variables


Variable Format Description
Density Float (Real * 4) Bulk density assigned per vein
Shellug Integer (Integer * 4) Vein code
ug Integer (Integer * 4) Splay (estimation domain) code
au1 Float (Real * 4) Estimated gold grade (g/t)
ag1 Float (Real * 4) Estimated silver grade (g/t)
Categ Integer (Integer * 4) Original resource classification
Class Integer (Integer * 4) Resource classification based on majority criteria
aunn1 Float (Real * 4) Gold grade estimated by nearest neighbour (g/t)
agnn1 Float (Real * 4) Silver grade estimated by nearest neighbour (g/t)


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Table 14-7: Block models per veins and per mining zones


Veins Mining Zone Model Name
505 and 506 Orito ye20_505_506_class.bmf
Abundancia Bloque Norte ye20_abundancia_class.bmf
Aleste Bloque Norte ye20_aleste_class.bmf
Angelina, Diablada, Orito Norte Orito ye20_oritonorte_class.bmf
Angosta Bloque Norte ye20_angosta_class.bmf
Bermellón Quebrada Colorada ye20_bermellon_class.bmf
Bermuda Quebrada Colorada ye20_bermuda_class.bmf
Bonanza Bloque Norte ye20_Bonanza_class.bmf
Borde Oeste Bloque Norte ye20_bordeoeste_class.bmf
Caracoles, Dominador Fortuna ye20_Dom_Cac_class.bmf
Carmín, Escarlata Quebrada Colorada ye20_carmin_class.bmf
Cerro Martillo Dorada - Cerro Martillo ye20_cma_class.bmf
Cerro Martillo Central Sur Dorada - Cerro Martillo ye20_cmcs_class.bmf
Chiquilla Chica Chiquilla Chica ye20_chiquilla_class.bmf
Discovery Wash Quebrada Colorada ye20_dwa_class.bmf
Dorada Dorada - Cerro Martillo ye20_dorada_class_v1.bmf
Dorada SW Dorada - Cerro Martillo ye20_dorada-sw_class.bmf
El Valle Quebrada Colorada ye20_eva_class.bmf
Esmeralda, Esperanza Bloque Norte ye20_esm-esp_class.bmf
Fortuna Fortuna ye20_fortuna_class.bmf
Fortuna Este Fortuna ye20_fortuna_este_class.bmf
Laguna, Laguna West Laguna y20_lag_class.bmf
Lazo Quebrada Colorada ye20_lazo_class.bmf
Magenta Quebrada Colorada ye20_mag_class.bmf
Martillo Flat Dorada - Cerro Martillo ye20_mflt_class_v2.bmf
Orito Sur Orito ye20_oritosur_class.bmf
Orito West Orito ye20_orito_west_class.bmf
La Paloma Bloque Norte ye20_paloma_class_v2.bmf
Pampa Campamento, Sorpresa Quebrada Colorada ye20_pca_sor_class_v1.bmf
Pampa Providencia Quebrada Colorada ye20_pprv_class.bmf
PAV (Elizabeth, Victoria) Pampa Augusta Victoria ye20_PAV_class.bmf
Playa Orito ye20_playa_class.bmf
Providencia Dorada - Cerro Martillo ye20_providencia_class_v1.bmf
Púrpura Quebrada Colorada ye20_purpura_class.bmf
Quebrada Colorada Sur Quebrada Colorada ye20_colorada_sur_class.bmf
Rieles Bloque Norte ye20_rieles_class.bmf
Ventura Bloque Norte ye20_ventura_class.bmf
Veta NW Dorada - Cerro Martillo ye20_vnw_class.bmf
Vista Norte Orito ye20_vistanorte_class.bmf


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Gold and silver grades were interpolated into block using ID3, taking into account anisotropic distances for weight calculations and considering hard boundaries between domains. Search ellipses were rotated to orient the first axis along the strike direction of the vein, the second axis along the dip direction, and the third axis along the pole direction. Anisotropic distance factors were generally set equal to 80% to 100% of the range of the correlogram model. A summary of typical estimation and search parameters is shown in Table 14-8.


Table 14-8: Summary of the typical estimation search parameters


Estimation Pass1  1st  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th
Block type2  ST  ST  ST  LT  LT  LT
Sample type3  CH  CH  CH  CH+DH  DH  DH
Interpolation method  ID3  ID3  ID3  ID3  ID3  ID3
Search range X (m) - Along strike  5  15  30  15  35  60
Search range Y (m) - Along dip  20  30  30  15  35  60
Search range Z (m) - Perpendicular  5  10  15  5  10  15
Minimum number of composites  6  4  3  4  3  1
Maximum number of composites  8  8  8  8  8  8
Octant search  No  No  No  No  No  No
Minimum number of octant  -  -  -  -  -  -
Minimum number of composites/octant  -  -  -  -  -  -
Maximum number of composites/octant  -  -  -  -  -  -
Maximum number of composites/DH  2  2  2  2  2  -


1 Parameters can change slightly for some veins          

2 ST: Blocks located in zones supported by channels; LT: Blocks located in zones supported by drill holes

3 CH: Channel samples; DH: Drill hole samples          


14.9Block Model Validation


Block models were validated by means of global bias checks (between estimated means and declustered composite means obtained by Nearest Neighbor estimation), swath-plots against Nearest Neighbor estimates, and graphic analysis of charts showing results displaying both the estimated grades and the informing composite grades in plan views and long sections. The following tables and figures illustrate examples of the validations and results obtained for the 505 and Magenta veins. Table 14-9 and Table 14-10 show the statistical differences between the ID3 and NN model results. Figure 14-3 and Figure 14-4 show swath-plots for the 505 and Magenta veins, with the average gold grades estimated by ID3 (in red) and by NN (in black), and the informing capped composites (in blue).


The results of the validation are considered to be adequate, demonstrating that the estimated models honour the input data both visually and statistically.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Table 14-9: Statistical validation of the estimated block model – 505 Vein


Vein: 505  ID3  NN
Number of Blocks  4,769,947  4,769,947
Gold Statistics (Au g/t)      
Minimum  0.01  0.01
Q1  3.72  2.65
Median  6.56  5.51
Q3  10.98  10.61
Maximum  101.00  101.00
Mean  8.62  8.61
Standard Deviation  7.70  9.60
Variance  59.31  92.07
Coefficient of Variation  0.89  1.11


Table 14-10: Statistical validation of the estimated block model – Magenta Vein


Vein: Magenta  ID3  NN
Number of Blocks  4,667,316  4,667,316
Gold Statistics (Au g/t)      
Minimum  0.00  0.00
Q1  0.75  0.39
Median  3.91  3.26
Q3  13.10  11.31
Maximum  115.46  115.46
Mean  11.30  11.55
Standard Deviation  18.17  21.16
Variance  330.06  447.79
Coefficient of Variation  1.61  1.83


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Figure 14-3: Gold swath plots for 505 Vein


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Figure 14-4: Gold swath plots for Magenta Vein


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14.10Resource Classification


Resource classification was completed using an in-house algorithm which works according to the following workflow:


Blocks located in areas supported by underground channel samples are classified as measured mineral resources.


Blocks located in areas supported by drill hole information and that are within a 10 m-radius from underground channel samples are classified as indicated mineral resources.


Blocks supported only by drillholes are classified as indicated mineral resources if they meet both following criteria: Blocks are contained within a 26.25 m-search square from a single informing intercept AND the informing intercept is contained within a 52.5 m search square that includes at least one additional informing intercept. Distances defining both search squares are measured in the plane of the vein plane (in the strike and dip directions) and from the center (intercept position) to the edge of the search square.


The remainder of the blocks estimated within the interpreted vein wireframes are classified as inferred mineral resources.


Blocks located outside the vein wireframes are not classified and are considered dilution for mineral resources reporting.


Finally, the mineral resource classification results are smoothed, using an in-house algorithm based on local classification proportions, to remove geometrical artifacts. The local proportions are calculated in a 10 × 10 m moving window.


14.11Resource Estimation of Stockpiles and Tailings


In addition to the 39 block models constructed by applying the methodologies previously described, mineral resources contained within the Escarlata low-grade stockpile and within tailings are also reported.


In January 2018, El Peñón commissioned a conceptual metallurgical study to explore alternative extraction processes to recover metal from tailings. Heap leaching was proposed as a viable option for metal extraction from tailings. Twenty shallow boreholes were drilled on a 100 m-grid spacing, while the stockpile was drilled by 32 drill holes at a 25 m-grid spacing. Grade estimations for the tailings and stockpile were based on capped assay data interpolated using ordinary kriging in three estimation passes. Mineral resources contained in the stockpile are classified as indicated, while mineral resources contained in tailings are classified as inferred.


14.12Mineral Resource Estimate


The mineral resources are reported at El Peñón exclusive of mineral reserves and are prepared using conceptual mining shapes (from Vulcan Stope Optimiser (VSO)) that are based on a cut-off value of US$95.31/t, which corresponds to 75% of the cut-off value used to estimate mineral reserves (described in Section 15.3). The cut-off value is based on the calculation parameters shown in Table 14-11.


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Mined out, sterilized (non- mineable blocks), and current mineral reserves are subtracted from the block models. SMUs measuring 5 m-long × 4 m-high, similar to cut-and-fill SMUs, are then constructed using Vulcan Stope Optimiser (VSO) using a minimum mining width of 0.60 m and hanging wall and footwall overbreaks of 0.30 m (per side).


Blocks lying outside the interpreted geological vein wireframes are considered to have zero gold and silver grades for stope optimization. Subsequently, the constructed SMUs are classified by majority criteria into measured, indicated, or inferred categories, and are included into the mineral resources inventory and reported fully diluted.


Mineral resources are reported at cut-off grades of 0.50 g/t gold-equivalent for resources contained in tailings and at 0.79 g/t gold-equivalent for those contained in stockpiles.


The use of constraining conceptual mining shapes to report underground mineral resources and cut-offs to report mineral resources contained in stockpiles and tailings demonstrate that the “reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction” criteria, as defined in the CIM (2014) Standards, is met.


Table 14-11: Resource NSR cut-off value calculation parameters


Parameters  Units  Value
Gold Price  US$/oz  1,250
Silver Price  US$/oz  18
Gold Selling Cost  US$/oz  11.22
Silver Selling Cost  US$/oz  0.13
Gold Metallurgical Recovery  %  Model
Silver Metallurgical Recovery  %  Model
Underground Mining Cost  US$/t ore mined  80.10
Process Cost  US$/t processed  29.42
G&A Cost  US$/t processed  13.46
Sustaining Capital Cost  US$/t processed  4.10
Premium on Cut-Off  %  25
Mineral Resources Cut-Off Value  US$/t  95.31


The Mineral Resource Statement for El Peñón as of December 31, 2020, exclusive of mineral reserves, is presented at the beginning of this Section 14 in Table 14-1. A summary of the mineral resources by mining block is presented in Table 14-12.


The qualified person responsible for this section of the technical report is not aware of any environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-economic, marketing, political or other relevant factors that could materially affect the mineral resource estimate.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Table 14-12: Summary of El Peñón mineral resources by zone, as of December 31, 2020


Zone   Tonnage   Au   Ag   Au   Ag
  (kt)   (g/t)   (g/t)   (koz)   (koz)
Bloque Norte   142   5.59   212.7   26   971
Chiquilla Chica   9   0.61   645.8   0   189
Dorada - Cerro Martillo   109   3.64   189   13   661
Fortuna   15   3.62   240.6   2   118
Laguna   8   7.97   74.7   2   19
Pampa Augusta Victoria   39   3.98   196   5   246
Quebrada Colorada   142   4.82   105.1   22   479
Quebrada Orito   203   5.21   58.3   34   379
Total Measured   667   4.81   143   103   3,063
Bloque Norte   1,194   3.38   113.8   130   4,370
Chiquilla Chica   84   0.42   298.5   1   809
Dorada - Cerro Martillo   2,645   2.63   117   224   9,950
Fortuna   251   2.62   183.6   21   1,485
Laguna   50   3.52   30.6   6   50
Pampa Augusta Victoria   213   2.89   95.6   20   654
Quebrada Colorada   1,103   3.17   84.1   112   2,983
Quebrada Orito   814   4.25   47.2   111   1,235
Stockpile   1,019   1.13   28.8   37   942
Total Indicated   7,374   2.79   94.8   662   22,478
Measured + Indicated
Bloque Norte   1,336   3.61   124.3   155   5,342
Chiquilla Chica   93   0.44   332.4   1   999
Dorada - Cerro Martillo   2,754   2.67   119.8   236   10,612
Fortuna   267   2.68   186.9   23   1,602
Laguna   58   4.13   36.7   8   69
Pampa Augusta Victoria   252   3.06   111.2   25   900
Quebrada Colorada   1,244   3.36   86.5   134   3,462
Quebrada Orito   1,017   4.44   49.4   145   1,614
Stockpile   1,019   1.13   28.8   37   942
Total M+I   8,041   2.96   98.8   765   25,541


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 Zone   Tonnage   Au   Ag   Au   Ag
  (kt)   (g/t)   (g/t)   (koz)   (koz)
Bloque Norte   1,414   4.23   115   192   5,227
Chiquilla Chica   286   0.31   288.4   3   2,656
Dorada - Cerro Martillo   1,141   3.19   123   117   4,510
Fortuna   243   3.11   221.8   24   1,734
Laguna   18   2.94   36.6   2   21
Pampa Augusta Victoria   147   2.68   171.3   13   810
Quebrada Colorada   1,291   3.78   101.2   157   4,198
Quebrada Orito   668   4.54   28   98   602
Tailings   13,767   0.55   18.9   245   8,380
Total Inferred   18,975   1.39   46.1   850   28,138


1.Mineral resources are reported exclusive of mineral reserves


2.Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability


3.Underground mineral resources are estimated at a cut-off NSR of US$95.31/t, which corresponds to 75% of the mineral reserves cut-off value. Underground mineral resources are reported fully diluted within constraining conceptual mining shapes: they consider a minimum mining width of 0.60 m and hanging wall and footwall overbreak dilutions of 0.30 m each to determine reasonable prospects of economic extraction.


4.Mineral resources contained in tailings and stockpiles are reported at a cut-off grade of 0.50 g/t and 0.79 g/t gold-equivalent, respectively.


5.All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the estimate


6.Numbers may not add up due to rounding


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


15Mineral Reserve Estimates


15.1Mineral Reserve Summary


The Mineral Reserve Statement of El Peñón as of December 31, 2020, is presented in Table 15-1.


Table 15-1: El Peñón Mineral Reserve Statement as of December 31, 2020


Mineral Reserves   Category   Tonnage   Grade   Contained Metal
    (kt)   Au (g/t)   Ag (g/t)   Au (koz)   Ag (koz)
Open Pit   Proven                    
  Probable   53   0.34   316.2   1   543
  Total Open Pit   53   0.34   316.2   1   543
Underground   Proven   368   5.73   213.4   68   2,526
  Probable   5,068   5.07   158.6   826   25,835
  Total Underground   5,436   5.12   162.3   894   28,361
Stockpile   Proven   9   1.40   54.1   0   16
  Probable   651   1.26   14.1   26   294
  Total Stockpile   660   1.26   14.6   27   310
Combined   Proven   377   5.63   209.5   68   2,542
  Probable   5,772   4.60   143.7   853   26,672
  Grand Total   6,149   4.66   147.8   921   29,214


1.Mineral reserves have been estimated by the El Peñón long-term mine planning team under the supervision of Sergio Castro, Registered Member of the Chilean Mining Commission, a full-time employee of Minera Meridian Limitada, and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. The estimate conforms to the CIM Definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Reserves. Mineral reserves are stated at a mill feed reference point and allow for dilution and mining losses. Metal price assumptions of US$1,250/oz for gold and US$18.00/oz for silver were used.


2.Open-pit mineral reserves are reported at a cut-off NSR of US$ 49.14/t. Processing recoveries assumptions range from 84.13% to 89.22% for gold and from 79.71% to 81.67% for silver. Mine operating (including transport), processing and G&A costs assumptions of US$6.27/t and US$29.42/t and US$13.46/t were considered, respectively.


3.Underground mineral reserves are reported at an NSR cut-off of US$127.08/t (Section 15.3). Processing recoveries assumptions range from 84.13% to 97.38% for gold and from 56.47% to 92.33% for silver. The following cost assumptions were considered: mine-operating cost: US$80.10/t; processing cost: US$29.42/t; sustaining capital cost: US$4.10/t, and G&A cost: US$13.46/t. A royalty of 2% was considered for reserves planned to be mined in the Fortuna zone.


4.Mineral reserves contained in low-grade stockpiles are reported at a cut-off grade of 0.90 g/t gold-equivalent. Processing recoveries assumptions of 95.2% for gold and 83.0% for silver were used. Operating and processing costs assumptions of US$2.02/t and US$29.42/t, respectively, were considered.


5.Mineral reserves are reported as of December 31, 2020.


6.All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the estimate.


7.Numbers may not add up due to rounding.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


15.2Conversion Methodology


The methodology used at El Peñón to convert mineral resources to mineral reserves is summarized as follows:


Drift and bench (stope) selective mining units (SMUs) are designed using Vulcan Stope Optimiser, based on the design parameters summarized in Table 15-3 and Table 15-4.


The metal prices, processing recoveries, and operating costs summarized in Table 15-2 are used to determine an economic score for each SMU. Only measured and indicated mineral resources are considered for conversion to mineral reserves.


SMUs with positive scores are analyzed for inclusion into the mineral reserve inventory. This is done by analyzing development costs, considering the capital and auxiliary development required to enable mining of the designed SMUs, such as the cost of ramps, ventilation, materials handling, and development of access and infrastructure.


Before including SMUs with positive scores in the mineral reserves inventory, geomechanical considerations are revised, especially in areas with known poor ground conditions or were pillars between the new stopes and previously backfilled areas are thin. Design is adjusted when required.


Finally, small amounts of supplementary lower-grade drift segment that must be developed to enable mining of the higher-grade mineral reserves are also included in the mineral reserves inventory, since this improves the cashflow generation profile. This material represents approximately 1% of the mineral reserves inventory.


SMUs containing a majority portion of measured or indicated blocks are converted to proven or probable mineral reserves, respectively.


15.3NSR Cut-Off Value


The mineral reserves for El Peñón were completed using a break-even cut-off value of US$49.14/t for open pit and US$127.08/t for underground.


The cut-off grade used for reporting mineral reserves contained in the low-grade stockpiles was 0.90 g/t gold-equivalent. The parameters used to determine the NSR cut-off value are summarized in Table 15-2.


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Table 15-2: NSR cut-off value calculation parameters for mineral reserves


Parameters  Units  Value
Gold Price  US$/oz  1,250
Silver Price  US$/oz  18
Gold Selling Cost  US$/oz  11.22
Silver Selling Cost  US$/oz  0.13
Gold Metallurgical Recovery  %  Model
Silver Metallurgical Recovery  %  Model
Underground Mining Cost  US$/t ore mined  80.10
Process Cost  US$/t processed  29.42
G&A Cost  US$/t processed  13.46
Sustaining Capital Cost  US$/t processed  4.10
Underground NSR Cut-Off Value  US$/t  127.08


15.4Design, Dilution, and Mining Recovery Parameters


Key stope SMU design parameters used for generating the underground mineral reserves stope shapes are summarized by zone in Table 15-3. Due to the narrow vein width, split-blasting is usually applied at El Peñón, and ore drift SMUs are therefore designed accordingly. Drift design parameters used for mineral reserve estimation are summarized in Table 15-4.


Table 15-3: Stope SMU design parameters by zone


Waste Pillar
Zone  (m)  (m)  (m)  (m)  (m)  %
Bloque Norte  5  0.8 to 1.0  3  0.35 to 0.50  0.35 to 0.50  97.5
Dorada - Cerro Martillo  5  0.8 to 1.0  3  0.25 to 0.35  0.25 to 0.35  97.5
Fortuna  5  0.8 to 1.0  3  0.20 to 0.80  0.20 to 0.80  97.5
Laguna  5  0.8 to 1.0  3  0.20 to 0.40  0.20 to 0.40  97.5
Pampa Augusta Victoria  5  0.8 to 1.0  3  0.35 to 0.50  0.35 to 0.50  97.5
Quebrada Colorada  5  0.8 to 1.0  3  0.30 to 0.60  0.30 to 0.60  97.5
Quebrada Orito  5  0.8 to 1.0  3  0.50 to 1.10  0.50 to 1.10  97.5


Table 15-4: Drift (split blasting) SMU design parameters


Parameter  Units  All Zones
Drift Height  m  4
Drift Length  m  5
Minimum Mining Width  m  0.60
Hanging Wall Overbreak  m  0.25
Footwall Overbreak  m  0.25
Mining Recovery  %  100.0


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Hanging wall and footwall overbreaks are applied to the stope design of mineral reserves. The overbreaks consider actual stope reconciliation for each zone and the stope span, which is determined by the sub-level spacing and maximum stope length opened before the backfill cycle is started.


Mining recovery factors are based on Cavity Monitoring System measurements taken from actual 2020 results.




Mine to mill reconciliation for the period comprised between January 2018 and December 2020 is presented in Table 15-5. Differences are within the expected ranges.


Table 15-5: Reconciliation


 Reconciliation 2018-2020   Tonnage   Au   Ag  
  (kt)   (g/t)   (g/t)  
Total mined and reclaimed from stockpiles - 2018   1,104   4.47   139.6  
Processed feed reported 2018   1,104   4.53   131.3  
Difference 2018 (%)   0.0 % 1.4 % -5.9 %
Total mined and reclaimed from stockpiles - 2019   1,290   4.09   124.0  
Processed feed reported 2019   1,290   4.09   120.7  
Difference 2019 (%)   0.0 % 0.0 % -2.7 %
Total mined and reclaimed from stockpiles - 2020   1,267   4.26   141.5  
Processed feed reported 2020   1,267   4.22   138.9  
Difference 2020 (%)   0.0 % -0.9 % -1.9 %
Total mined and reclaimed from stockpiles - 2018 to 2020   3,661   4.26   134.8  
Processed feed reported 2018 to 2020   3,661   4.27   130.2  
Difference 2018 to 2020 (%)   0.0 % 0.1 % -3.4 %


15.6Mineral Reserve Estimate


The Mineral Reserve Statement for El Peñón as of December 31, 2020, is presented at the beginning of Section 15 in Table 15-1. A summary of the mineral reserves by mining block is presented in Table 15-6.


The qualified person responsible for this section of the technical report is not aware of any mining, metallurgical, infrastructure, permitting, or other relevant factors that could materially affect the mineral reserve estimate.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Table 15-6: Summary of El Peñón mineral reserves by zone, as of December 31, 2020


    Proven   Probable   Proven + Probable
    Tonnage   Grade   Contained Metal   Tonnage   Grade   Contained Metal   Tonnage   Grade   Contained Metal
    (kt)   Au (g/t)   Ag (g/t)   Au (koz)   Ag (koz)   (kt)   Au (g/t)   Ag (g/t)   Au (koz)   Ag (koz)   (kt)   Au (g/t)   Ag (g/t)   Au (koz)   Ag (koz)
Bloque Norte   18   6.07   230.4   3   132   1,043   5.80   139.7   195   4,683   1,061   5.81   141.2   198   4,815
Dorada - Cerro Martillo   160   4.32   277.1   22   1,428   1,778   3.93   200.4   225   11,459   1,939   3.96   206.8   247   12,887
Fortuna   25   4.73   300.2   4   238   240   4.46   310.2   34   2,390   264   4.49   309.3   38   2,628
Laguna   13   7.94   61.9   3   27   208   8.80   86.7   59   581   222   8.75   85.2   62   607
Pampa Augusta Victoria   5   5.93   279.0   1   44   4   3.85   80.9   1   11   9   4.96   187.2   1   55
Quebrada Colorada   93   8.09   181.8   24   541   1,348   5.29   132.5   229   5,741   1,441   5.47   135.6   253   6,283
Quebrada Orito   54   5.65   66.1   10   116   446   5.84   67.6   84   969   501   5.82   67.4   94   1,085
Subtotal Underground   368   5.73   213.4   68   2,526   5,068   5.07   158.6   826   25,835   5,436   5.12   162.3   894   28,361
Chiquilla Chica   -   -   -   -   -   53   0.34   316.2   1   543   53   0.34   316.2   1   543
Subtotal Open Pit   -   -   -   -   -   53   0.34   316.2   1   543   53   0.34   316.2   1   543
UG and Open-Pit Mine   368   5.73   213.4   68   2,526   5,121   5.02   160.2   827   26,378   5,489   5.07   163.8   895   28,904
Stockpile   9   1.40   54.1   0   16   651   1.26   14.1   26   294   660   1.26   14.6   27   310
Total Mineral Reserves   377   5.63   209.5   68   2,542   5,772   4.60   143.7   853   26,672   6,149   4.66   147.8   921   29,214


1.Mineral reserves are stated at a mill feed reference point and allow for dilution and mining losses. Metal price assumptions of US$1,250/oz for gold and US$18.00/oz for silver were used.


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2.Open-pit mineral reserves are reported at a cut-off NSR of US$ 49.14/t. Processing recoveries assumptions range from 84.13% to 89.22% for gold and from 79.71% to 81.67% for silver. Mine operating (including transport), processing and G&A costs assumptions of US$6.27/t and US$29.42/t and US$13.46/t were considered, respectively.


3.Underground mineral reserves are reported at an NSR cut-off of US$127.08/t (Section 15.3). Processing recoveries assumptions range from 84.13% to 97.38% for gold and from 56.47% to 92.33% for silver. The following cost assumptions were considered: mine-operating cost: US$80.10/t; processing cost: US$29.42/t; sustaining capital cost: US$4.10/t, and G&A cost: US$13.46/t. A royalty of 2% was considered for reserves planned to be mined in the Fortuna zone.


4.Mineral reserves contained in low-grade stockpiles are reported at a cut-off grade of 0.90 g/t gold-equivalent. Processing recoveries assumptions of 95.2% for gold and 83.0% for silver were used. Operating and processing costs assumptions of US$2.02/t and US$29.42/t, respectively, were considered.


5.All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the estimate.


6.Numbers may not add up due to rounding.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


16Mining Methods


Ore from underground mines have recently been—and will continue to be—the main source of feed for the El Peñón mill. Currently, ore is sourced from one small active open pit mine (Chiquilla Chica) and from five of the seven major underground mining zones.


The various underground mining zones are accessed by ramps; this type of access is suitable for this mine in light of its shallow depth. The underground workings of the core mine extend approximately ten kilometres along strike and span a vertical extent of approximately 500 m, measured from the highest portal collar elevation to the bottom-most mine workings. The ramps provide flexibility for rapid adjustments for changes in direction and elevation and allow access to the veins at appropriate elevations.


Mining at El Peñón utilizes mainly the bench-and-fill mining method (B&F); a small percentage of cut-and-fill mining (C&F) is also applied where required, depending on the characteristics of vein geometry and ground conditions.


Yamana continue to apply its Operational Excellence program across all departments to increase productivity, minimize dilution, and identify opportunities to reduce operating costs. Initiatives under this program include testing of smaller drift profiles in specific sectors, optimization of stoping and of development-face drill patterns, and minimizing the use of consumables.


16.1Underground Mining Methods


The main mining method utilized at El Peñón is the bench-and-fill method, which is a narrow longhole-stoping method that uses a combination of rockfill and cemented rockfill. The method involves ore development at regular level intervals, which, at El Peñón, range generally between 10 and 20 m. Due to the narrow vein widths, a “split-blasting” technique is used in many areas of the mine to reduce dilution in secondary development of ore zones. The minimum mining width of a split blast is of 0.6 m, plus 0.5 m of total overbreak, generating a minimum blast void of 1.1 m width. Once the split-blast ore is mucked out, the remaining waste is slashed out and used for rockfill purposes. A schematic cross-section of a split blasting face is shown in Figure 16-1. The split-blasting technique has been refined and improved at El Peñón since 2016, reducing the achievable ore mining width from 2.1 m to 1.1 m, minimizing dilution and ore loss, and improving productivities for faster face cycle times. The result is increased gold and silver mining grades. In some cases, development rounds that would have previously been mined as waste if blasted to the full drift dimensions, are now mined selectively as separate ore and waste rounds, resulting in increased mineral reserves.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Stopes are formed by drilling blast holes between levels. After blasting, the broken ore is extracted from the lower level using conventional and remotely operated load-haul-dumps (LHDs). Bench-and-fill is a bottom-up method, in which mining takes place above and adjacent to previously mined and backfilled stope voids. Once the maximum-allowed stope span is reached, and after completion of ore extraction from the blasted stope, stopes are filled with rockfill and selective use of cemented rockfill.



Figure 16-1: Schematic cross-section of drift and vein showing extent of split-blasting technique


16.2Underground Mine Design


Mine access is achieved via spiral declines generally located in the footwall of veins. The declines have section dimensions of 4.3 m wide × 4.5 m high at a gradient of up to ± 16% and a minimum turning radius of 15 m. Access to the ore is made approximately every 10 to 20 vertical metres via crosscuts. Infrastructure generally included at every intersection of declines with crosscuts consists of service bays, ventilation drifts to connect crosscuts to return air raises, remucks, and dewatering infrastructure when required.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Drifts are designed at 4.0 m wide x 4.0 m high and are developed, as mentioned in the previous section, using a split-blasting technique when required. The drift dimensions enable the use of medium-sized equipment for improved productivity. Ore drift development is guided by geological controls to ensure that development closely follows the mineralization. All ore drifts are therefore sampled for grade control during every drill, blast, load, and haul cycle, at approximately 3.3 m intervals. These samples are used to delimit the economic portion of each stope, which generally varies in width between 1.2 and 6.0 m. An example of a bench-and-fill mining panel is shown in Figure 16-2.



Figure 16-2: Schematic example of bench-and-fill mining method


16.3Mining Sequence


The underground mining sequence starts with the development of the spiral decline. Once the ramp decline reaches the required level elevation, three faces are generated which consist of the continuation of the ramp decline, the access crosscut to the ore and the service bay, which is located opposite the crosscut at the ramp. The crosscut development continues until the vein is intersected. During the development of the crosscut, the remuck and the ventilation drift (which is subsequently connected to the upper-level ventilation drift via drop raising) are also developed. Once services are available at the crosscut, the drift development starts, generally in both directions along the vein strike. The ramp decline development continues in parallel towards the next level, where the development sequence is repeated.


For mining sequence optimization purposes, large mining zones are divided into mining panels, generally consisting of three to four levels per panel. The bottom-level drift is developed in a 4 m-wide × 6 m-high section; the bottom 2 m is then filled with 10% cemented rockfill, creating a stable sill pillar to separate mining panels. This allows stoping to commence while ramp decline development continues and ensures maximum recovery of the mineralization.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Once the drift reaches the vein edge, to start stoping of the ore between levels, vertical slot raises are excavated at both extremities of the level to generate free faces for production blasting. Once the slot is opened, the stoping sequence retreats towards the crosscut. Typically, open-stope spans measuring 15 to 60 m along strike can be achieved before backfilling.


The following procedure is implemented to minimize dilution. When the maximum stope span is reached (as determined by geotechnical considerations and laser scan measurements), a cemented barricade is constructed and 3% cemented rockfill is placed in the stope from the upper level until a 2 m-wide solid pillar is generated. Then, the remainder of the stope void is filled with rockfill from waste development and split-blast slashing. Subsequently, a new slot raise is constructed beside the cemented pillar and stoping continues towards the access. Backfilled stopes are also used subsequently as working floors for the mining of the upper levels of the production panel. The sequence is finished when the top level of the panel is mined by undercutting the back, beneath the overlying panel’s sill pillar.


16.4Geomechanics and Ground Support


The El Peñón deposit comprises multiple geomechanical domains within the epithermal deposit. The steeply dipping mineralization is structurally controlled and primarily associated with north-south-trending major faults which cut across the volcanic rock. Vein dips are moderate to steep, ranging between 50° and 90°.


The competency of the rock mass is primarily affected by argillic siliceous alteration. Other types of alteration are present but to a lesser extent. The mineralized veins are associated with intense to moderate argillic alteration haloes which typically result in a weakened rock mass on the vein margins. This argillic alteration grades into siliceous alteration further away from the veins. The intense argillic alteration haloes around the mineralized zones vary in thickness (1 to 2 m); the moderate argillic alteration haloes extend up to 10 m away from the veins.


The structural model includes major, intermediate, and minor structures. The major structures are persistent faults when compared to the mine scale and their thickness exceed 10 cm. The mineralization is hosted within these structures. The major faults are oriented along the primary structural trend but local variations are observed. Intermediate structures are not associated with specific orientations, have a shorter persistence than the major faults, their thickness does not exceed 10 cm. The minor discontinuities consist primarily of joints.


The various combinations of alteration type, alteration intensity, and structures result in highly variable rock mass properties. The mineralized zone is typically associated with strong fracture intensity and intense alteration which results in a weak rock mass (RMR89: 15 to 40). The extent of this weak zone varies from 1 to 10 m. Further away from the mineralized veins, the rock mass is less fractured and without weakening alteration (RMR89: 45 to 70). The mining operation is in a region where the horizontal stress is slightly higher than vertical stress. The k-ratio is estimated at between 1.1 and 1.4.


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The stope design recommendation is based on the stope height, rock mass quality, vein inclination, and unplanned dilution. The recommendations are generated using the Matthews method to predict the unplanned overbreak. Each abacus is based on a specific stope height while considering a range of stope lengths, rock mass quality (RMR89), stope inclination, and stope widths. Dilution calculations are continually calibrated with actual stope reconciliation: these results are integrated into the design parameters applied to the mineral reserves stope optimization process.


Ground support for development consists of shotcrete, wire mesh, and rockbolts. Shotcrete (50 mm-thick) is applied to the back and walls in areas associated with weak rock mass. Where excavations are located in more competent rock, wire mesh is installed along the back and shoulders. Rock bolts (2.4 to 2.8 m-long) are installed to support the back and sidewalls. The bolt length and spacing vary depending on the condition of the rock mass and on the dimension of the excavation.


16.5Mine Equipment


All underground mining operations are carried out by Yamana, while the open pit mining operations, representing only a very small proportion of the production over the LOM, are carried out by a contractor.


A list of the active mine equipment at El Peñón is shown in Table 16-1 and Table 16-2. Equipment varies in types, models, and ages.


Table 16-1: Underground mobile equipment for development & production


Underground Equipment Model Description Units
Development Jumbo drills Atlas Copco Boomer S2 Jumbo 3
Development Jumbo drills Atlas Copco Boomer M2C Jumbo 7
Development Jumbo drills Epiroc Boomer S1D Jumbo 1
Long hole production drills Atlas Copco Simba H-1254 Simba 3
Long hole production drills Atlas Copco Simba S7D Simba 5
Long hole production drills Epiroc Simba S7C Simba 1
LHD 6 yd3 Cat R-1600G Scoop 8
LHD 6 yd3 Cat R-1600H Scoop 7
LHD 2 yd3 TORO LH-203 Scoop 4
Conventional trucks Scania P400 Trucks 13
Conventional trucks Mercedes Benz Arocs 4848K Trucks 4


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Underground Equipment Model Description Units
Conventional trucks Mercedes Benz Axor 3344 Trucks 4
Ejection bed trucks Cat AD-30 Dumper 5
Ejection bed trucks Mercedes Benz Axor 3344 Trucks 2
Bolters Boltec Atlas Apernador H235S Boltec 4
Bolters Jumbo Resemin Bolter 99 Boltec 1
Roboshots Normet Alpha 20 Roboshots 4
Roboshots Normet Alpha 30 Roboshots 3
Mixers Normet Variomec MF050 Mixer 4
Mixers Normet Tornado S2 Mixer 3


Table 16-2: Support mobile equipment


Support Equipment  Model Description Units
Wheel Loaders Volvo L220G Wheel Loaders 1
Wheel Loaders Volvo L260H Wheel Loaders 1
Wheel Loaders Volvo L120F Wheel Loaders 4
Wheel Loaders SDLG LG 968 Wheel Loaders 1
Scalers CAT 416F2 Scalers 8
Telescope crane Manitou MT1030S Crane 16
Telescope crane Manitou MT1030ST Crane 2
Scissor lift Normet Utilift 1430 Normet 1
Grader Komatsu GD675 Grader 2
Grader Caterpillar 140H Grader 1
Grader Caterpillar UG20K Grader 1
Service trucks Various   4
Excavators Various   2
Water trucks Various   6


16.6Mine Services




Three pumping systems are currently operating at the mine. The auxiliary pumping system collects water at the faces and pumps it to the secondary pumping stations using Grindex portable pumps; these have a dewatering capacity of 10 L/s, maximum power of 20 kW, and can handle water columns of up to 40 m. Secondary pumping stations are therefore constructed every 40 vertical metres. These secondary pumping stations consist of a fibre pool and centrifugal multistage 40 hp pumps of 20 L/s capacity. Water is pumped from there towards the main pumping stations.


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The main pumping stations decant water and pump it to HDPE-lined ponds on surface. The main pumping stations consist of a pond with multistage centrifugal 220 hp pumps of 30 L/s capacity. These pumps can handle water columns of up to 320 m, which is approximately equivalent to a maximum operating pressure of 30 bars. The equipment uses a variable frequency drive (VFD) which allows the regulation of the speed of the motor and the optimization of the electrical and mechanical operation of the pumps.




Ventilation of the underground mines at El Peñón is provided through the use of primary and secondary ventilation systems. The primary ventilation system is an exhaust/pull system. Fresh air is supplied through portals, intake ventilation raises, and declines. Return air is exhausted through return air raises (RAR) to surface by main exhaust-air axial fans usually positioned on surface. The first section of the vertical RAR, from the surface to the first underground levels, is typically a 2.4 m- or 3.1 m-diameter raise bore. The remaining RAR connections to the different levels are staggered and excavated via drop-raising.


The distribution of airflows is different for each mining zone and depends on the elevation of active production levels and the airflows required by regulations. The sum of the airflow required under maximum expected production rates, plus expected leaking losses, define the required fan capacity. All the main fans are controlled online via a telemetry system and are equipped with VFD; this allows for the continuous control of the airflow requirements and for the adjustment of fan power, thereby saving energy.


The secondary ventilation system is used for ventilation of blind development faces and production faces. This system is a push system which forces fresh air from declines to the work faces via auxiliary ventilation fans (of varying power and models depending on the local air flow requirements) through 900 mm-diameter flexible ventilation ducts. Ventilation duct ends are located at a maximum distance of 30 m from the face. Air flows back through the drift to the RAR, where it is pulled to surface by the main ventilation system.


An example of the ventilation circuit of the Pampa Augusta Victoria underground mine is shown in Figure 16-3.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile



Figure 16-3: Ventilation circuit of the Pampa Augusta Victoria underground mine




El Peñón is connected to the National Electric Grid by a 66 kV transmission line to the Palestina substation.


From the main substation at El Peñón, at 66 kV / 6.6 kV and 20 MVA, power is distributed to the camp, processing plant, and administrative facilities as well as to two mine feeders for distribution to areas southeast of the Core mine area. From the main substation, power is also delivered to three distribution substations:


One for the Fortuna–Dominador satellite mining zone located west of the core mine area, at 6.6 kV / 23 kV and 2.5 MVA


Two for the areas northeast of the core mine area, at 6.6 kV / 23 kV and 4 MVA each


Several underground substations, at 23 kV / 400 V and 750 kVA or 6.6 kV / 400 V and 750 kVA, are used to provide 400 V power and distribute energy to all electrical loads.


16.6.4Compressed Air


Compressed air supply is done through a network of carbon steel pipes of 6” diameter on surface and 4” diameter underground, at a constant pressure of 8 bar. Boosters are installed in remote zones, which are activated when pressure losses occur along the network. Delivered compressed air is dried and cleaned through a system of networks and purifiers.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Two main compressors are currently active at the El Peñón core mine area; they are located near the Orito and Bonanza portals. The compressor located near the Orito portal supplies compressed air to the Quebrada Orito, Quebrada Colorada and Dorada zones, while the compressor located near the Bonanza portal supplies the Cerro Martillo and Bloque Norte zones.




Underground communications are carried out with the use of a Leaky Feeder system, which keeps mine supervisors in continuous contact with operating and service crews throughout the different mines.


16.7Life of Mine Plan


The life of mine (LOM) plan is based on an integrated operation producing mainly from underground mines and from the Chiquilla Chica open pit. The ore produced by the mining operations and reclaimed from stockpiles is fed to the mill. Considering current mineral reserves, the LOM indicates a total mine life of six years. However, El Peñón has a track-record spanning more than 20 years of replacing mineral reserves through discoveries of new deposits while maintaining 5 to 8 years of mineral reserves. In recent years, mineral resources converted to mineral reserves have more than offset the depletion of mineral reserves; this indicates the significant potential of extending the mine life beyond the current LOM and sustaining a strategic mine life of 10 years or more.


The LOM mining and processing plans are shown in Table 16-3. Mining recovery and dilution factors considered for production scheduling are disclosed in section 15.4 of this technical report. The LOM aligns with the rightsizing of El Peñón that was completed in 2017. Continued exploration success would unlock opportunities to leverage on the existing processing capacity of 4,200 tpd (1.533 Mtpa), which would bring forward gold production in the mine plan. Minimal capital investment would be required to achieve the higher processing rate.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Table 16-3: Life of mine plan (LOM)


LOM   Planned Production   units     2021     2022     2023     2024     2025     2026     Total  

Bloque Norte


  Ore mined     kt       145       141       234       115       159       266       1,061  
  Gold grade     g/t       5.72       6.56       7.41       5.50       4.81       4.79       5.81  
  Silver grade     g/t       84.7       82.7       66.9       191.1       221.9       198.2       141.2  

Chiquilla Chica

(Open Pit)

  Ore mined     kt       53                                     53  
  Gold grade     g/t       0.34                                     0.34  
  Silver grade     g/t       316.2                                     316.2  
Dorada - Cerro Martillo   Ore mined     kt       322       291       376       451       413       85       1,939  
  Gold grade     g/t       4.26       4.40       3.99       3.83       3.51       4.09       3.96  
  Silver grade     g/t       217.0       197.0       186.9       205.4       228.3       191.8       206.8  
Fortuna   Ore mined     kt             88       128       49                   264  
  Gold grade     g/t             4.19       4.72       4.40                   4.49  
  Silver grade     g/t             273.7       348.3       271.0                   309.26  
Laguna   Ore mined     kt       102       79       42                         222  
  Gold grade     g/t       9.57       8.24       7.72                         8.75  
  Silver grade     g/t       97.8       78.0       68.0                         85.2  
Quebrada Colorada   Ore mined     kt       360       354       290       241       160       36       1,441  
  Gold grade     g/t       6.06       6.35       5.64       4.11       4.14       4.62       5.47  
  Silver grade     g/t       131.1       103.8       120.3       145.9       203.7       248.3       135.6  
Quebrada Orito   Ore mined     kt       106       135       67       111       82             501  
  Gold grade     g/t       5.87       4.85       6.58       5.18       7.55             5.82  
  Silver grade     g/t       38.7       60.5       37.2       111.4       81.3             67.4  
Pampa Augusta Victoria   Ore mined     kt                   9                         9  
  Gold grade     g/t                   4.96                         4.96  
  Silver grade     g/t                   187.2                         187.2  
Processing   Ore processed     kt       1,319       1,312       1,159       1,098       815       446       6,149  
  Gold grade     g/t       4.01       4.18       4.71       4.97       6.26       4.20       4.66  
  Silver grade     g/t       119.7       117.6       141.5       146.2       206.4       232.7       147.8  
  Gold recovery     %       94.07 %     93.65 %     94.00 %     94.18 %     94.25 %     93.86 %     94.02 %
  Silver recovery     %       88.66 %     88.13 %     85.36 %     87.52 %     88.59 %     87.26 %     87.60 %
  Gold produced     koz       160       165       165       165       155       57       866  
  Silver produced     koz       4,500       4,370       4,500       4,519       4,789       2,913       25,591  


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


17Recovery Methods


The El Peñón processing plant and associated facilities process run-of-mine as well as stockpiled ore, using the main processes listed below:



Grinding and pre-leaching thickening


Counter-current decantation (CCD) concentrate solution recovery

Clarification, zinc precipitation, and precipitate filtering


Tailings filtering and disposal


The process flowsheet is shown in Figure 17-1. The processing plant has a nominal production capacity of approximately 1.533 Mtpa. The plant processed 3,461 tonnes per calendar day (tpd) during 2020.


17.1Primary Crushing


Run-of-mine or stockpiled ore is dumped from a 7 m3 capacity (CAT 988H) front-end loader and screened through a 600 mm square-grid grizzly into a 100 t-capacity hopper. Fine material is collected and transported directly to the conveyor belt that carries primary crushed material. A 1,500 mm-wide apron feeder is used to transfer ore from the dump hopper to the jaw crusher. Coarse material is fed into a 950 mm × 1,250 mm jaw crusher and crushed to a P80 size of 63.5 mm. The crushed ore is transported by a conveyor belt to a 1,500 t-capacity silo. Additionally, an auxiliary stockpile for crushing product is located to the northwest of the silo. The stockpile has a capacity of 10,800 t and covers an area measuring approximately 40 m × 60 m.


The ore stored in the silo is transported by a variable-speed mill-feed conveyor belt, which has a nominal capacity of 250 tonnes per hour (tph), to a transfer chute that discharges onto the conveyor belt that feeds the SAG mill.


The ore from the auxiliary stockpile is fed via a front-end loader to an encapsulated hopper with suppressor system to mitigate dust emissions. The hopper discharges onto a belt which transports the ore to the mill-feeder conveyor belt.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile



Figure 17-1: Mineral processing flowsheet


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


17.2Grinding and Pre-Leach Thickening


Crushed ore and sodium cyanide process solution are fed into the SAG mill; the sodium cyanide solution is used as leaching agent.


The SAG mill operates in series with a ball mill, which feeds a battery of hydrocyclones. The underflow of the hydrocyclones returns to the SAG mill. Pebbles formed in the SAG mill are discharged by a trommel onto a conveyor belt, which transports the pebbles to a chute returning them to the mill-feeder conveyor belt. Alternatively, the pebbles can be mixed with crushed material to be recirculated to the grinding circuit. The density of the pulp fed to the hydrocyclone circuit is controlled online via density measurements using a nuclear densitometer.


The classification circuit consists of six hydrocyclones. Generally, four hydrocyclones operate while two remain on standby. The cyclone overflow pulp contains between 42% and 46% solids with a P80 of 170 µm. Particle size is measured online through a PSI 300 particle-size analyzer and is controlled by changing hydrocyclones operating pressures. The hydrocyclones overflow is fed to the grinding thickener and the underflow is recirculated to the SAG mill feed. Spills are pumped to the mill’s discharge sump using a floor pump located in the area.


Flocculant is added to the grinding thickener to promote solid-liquid separation by decantation. The underflow of the thickener, containing 50% solids, is pumped to the first leach tank. The thickener underflow discharge has two variable speed pumps (generally one operating and one on standby) with a flow rate capacity of 250 m3/h and a 31 m discharge height. The pumping rate is controlled according to the density of the pulp, which is measured online through a nuclear densimeter. The overflow of the grinding thickener, which is called “unclarified pregnant solution” is sent by gravity to a storage tank.




From the storage tank, the unclarified pregnant solution is pumped to four clarifying filters which clarify the solution to a maximum turbidity of 1 NTU. The clarified solution is transported into the clarified pregnant solution tank for the subsequent zinc precipitation step.




Gold and silver leaching starts at the SAG mill, where sodium cyanide is added as a leaching agent. An extraction of around 75% is reached in this step.


Six reactors, with a combined capacity of 7,279 m3 using mechanical agitators, leach the underflow of the grinding thickener.


Oxygen is also added to maximize dissolution kinetics. The oxygen is homogenized with the pulp through recirculation pumps that propel the pulp to an oxygen mixer. Oxygen is supplied from a liquid-oxygen storage tank.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Leach tanks are arranged in series with cascading heights to facilitate the transport of pulp by gravity. The reactors are fed from the bottom to reduce the potential for the leach slurry to short-circuit between tanks. Under normal operating conditions, the discharge of the last reactor is sent to the first thickener of the CCD concentrate solution recovery circuit.


17.5CCD Concentrate Solution Recovery


The leached pulp, with a concentration of 48% to 55% solids, is transported by gravity to the CCD circuit, which consists of four high-capacity counter-current thickeners. The objective of this circuit is to wash the pulp and recover the pregnant solution. The wash-solution flows counter-current to the solids flow, increasing the precious metal concentration of the solution. The overflow of the first CCD thickener (CCD0) is transported by gravity to the pregnant solution storage tank, while the discharge of the last CCD thickener (CCD3) is pumped to the filtration area.


17.6Pregnant Solution Precipitation


In normal operation conditions, the Merrill-Crowe process consists of the following stages:


Deaeration of the clarified solution by circulating the fluid through a vacuum tower.


Precipitation of gold and silver by the addition of zinc to the deaerated solution.


Filtering of gold, silver, and zinc precipitates.


The clarified pregnant solution (maximum flow of 275 m3/h) is deaerated through a vacuum tower before entering the zinc precipitation stage. The vacuum tower is a 10.4 m3- capacity reactor which achieves a rich deaerated solution with an oxygen (O2) concentration of less than 1 ppm. The reject solution that exits the tower is fed to the press filters.


The zinc pulp is fed with five peristatic pumps to the feed line of each of the press filters. The contact of the zinc pulp with the rich deaerated solution occurs in the filter piping feed and causes gold, silver, and impurities to precipitate onto the zinc surface. The dosage of zinc is controlled by assays of the rich and barren solutions every two hours.


The filtration stage is carried out in five filter presses. Before feeding a filter press with the solution from the precipitation stage, 2 m3 of pulp containing 37.5 g/L of diatomaceous earth are recirculated for 45 minutes to form an initial layer on the filter surface. The diatomaceous earth layer prevents blockage by the very fine undissolved zinc. After the initial layer is formed, the precipitate solution is filtered. The solution that exits the filter is transported to the barren solution tank. To unload, a filter press is opened and the material is removed using a spatula and sent to the retort furnaces.


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Precipitates obtained from the filter presses are deposited in trays with a capacity of approximately 50 kg of precipitate with 30% moisture content. Four retort furnaces eliminate the humidity and the mercury contained in the precipitate. Each furnace is loaded with eight trays and kept at a temperature of 538°C for about 20 hours under vacuum conditions. The product (calcine) is fed to the melting furnaces.


A reverberation furnace, which uses liquefied gas and air/oxygen to reach 1,220°C is used for smelting. Calcine is fed to the furnace through a screw feeder. The melt consists of two phases:


The upper part of the slag, which is of lower density (2.5 g/L) and melts at 850°C, is formed of silica (flux) and impurities such as copper, iron, zinc, and others.


The lower phase of the slag consists of doré. This lower phase is of higher density (15 g/L), melts at 1,000°C, and is mainly composed of silver and gold, with a small proportion of impurities.


The slag is poured into 50 kg-capacity conical steel containers, while the doré is poured into 165 kg-capacity ingot molds. Emissions from the refining furnace are collected by a hood and pass through a high-temperature bag filter to recover the precious metal particles contained in the gases. The solidified slag is recirculated to the crushing stage of the plant to recover any residual gold and silver. The doré is removed from the ingot mold and loaded with a forklift to the bar cleaner to remove the attached slag. After this process, the bars are removed and stored for weighing and shipping.


17.8Tailings Filtering and Disposal


The objective of the tailings filtration is to obtain dischargeable tailings containing a moisture content of about 20%. The CCD circuit and filter cake wash step ensure the liquid contained in the filtered tailings has minimum concentration of cyanide and dissolved metals. The pulp is pumped to a filtering system consisting of four 54 m2 and one 82 m2 horizontal vacuum belt filters.


The filtered tailings are transported by two conveyor belts (equipped with a weight-meter and sampler) to two stockpiles, one for each belt. The storage area consists of a 220 m2 concrete slab and retaining wall (to protect the belts). A floor pump is located in the area to collect solutions and cleaning water, which are recycled to the filtration area.


The collected tailings are loaded on trucks by a front-end loader and transported to the tailings storage area, located approximately two kilometres away.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


17.9Metallurgical Reporting


The processed tonnes are determined by weight-meter readings that are located on the SAG mill-feed conveyor belt and the tailings discharge conveyors. Daily analytical results from feed and tailings solids samples and solutions samples of discharged tailings are used to calculate plant metallurgical performance. Metal sales and inventory contained in the circuit and refinery are determined at the end of each month and appropriate adjustments are made. The mill reports the back-calculated head grades of the mill feed from this information


17.10Plant Consumption


Water consumption by the processing plant is approximately 0.28 m3/t, while the tailings disposal operations require 0.10 m3/t. The energy consumption by the processing plant is estimated at between 46 and 48 kW/dmt. Other reagents and supplies consumptions for 2020 are summarized in Table 17-1 and Table 17-2, respectively.


Table 17-1: Consumption of reagents for 2020


Reagent  Consumption   Units
Sodium Cyanide   2.51   kg/t
Zinc   2.07   kg/kg (Au+Ag)
Lime   0.36   kg/t
Diatomaceous Earth   0.49   kg/t
Celite 545   18.90   g/t
Celite 7F   10.10   g/t
Flocculant (CCD)   79.00   g/t
Filtering Aid   63.00   g/t
Antiscalant (CCD)   58.90   g/t
Antiscalant (Precipitation)   73.30   g/t
Antiscalant (Retort)   7.90   g/t
Dispersant   100.00   g/t
Oxygen   0.34   l/ t
Borax   0.34   kg/kg (Au+Ag)
Soda Ash   0.16   kg/kg (Au+Ag)
Gas   2.54   l/kg (Au+Ag)


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Table 17-2: Consumption of processing supplies for 2020


Item  Consumption   Units
Balls (Ball Mill)   0.19   kg/t
Balls (SAG Mill)   1.09   kg/t
Refractories   2.20   tpm
Doré Packages   0.008   Boxes/kg (Au+Ag)
Clarifying Filter Fabric   56   Fabric/month
Press Filter Fabric   56   Fabric/month
Band Filter Fabric   1   Fabric/28,000t


17.11Optimization Opportunities


In 2021, Yamana initiated a new review of the El Peñón processing plant to identify opportunities for increased throughput, increased recovery, and reduced operating costs. The review, conducted by Paterson & Cooke from Denver, Colorado, USA, and the El Peñón processing team, has identified several opportunities as summarized in a preliminary report (Paterson & Cooke, 2021). Some of these opportunities are summarized below.


The grinding circuit can be optimized to reduce over-grinding by separating the circuit into primary and secondary grinding. Separating the circuit would require an additional classification mechanism incorporated between the SAG mill and the ball mill.


In the leaching circuit, managing the leach solution to decrease the precious metal concentrations can promote a more favorable conditions for leaching.


Thickener operation can be improved by adding controls for circuit automation. Improving reagent control will unlock further opportunities to implement new coagulant/flocculant addition schemes that can limit potential overdosing of flocculant. Installing bed depth indicators will also improve thickener performance monitoring and enable future advancements in thickener control.


Implementing an advanced process control system (APC) to the CCD circuit will enable continued optimal performance.


The viability of each opportunity outlined in the report will be evaluated by the site team. The viable opportunities will be assessed for qualitative implementation costs, probable benefit, and execution risk. The outputs will be compiled into a solution and opportunities matrix and an implementation roadmap developed for the highest priority projects.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


18Project Infrastructure


El Peñón is accessed by a paved road approximately 165 km southeast of Antofagasta. Travel time from Antofagasta is approximately 2.5 hours. Antofagasta is the principal source of supplies for the mine. It is a port city with a population of 380,000; it is linked by daily air service to Santiago. Power is supplied to the mine site via national power grid. Auxiliary or backup power from generators is also available with 10 MW of power capacity on site.


The mine consists of multiple gold and silver deposits that are mainly mined by underground mining methods. Open-pit production was extensive in the past, but now comprises a small proportion of the LOM. Four main mining blocks are currently in operation at the core mine zone. These are: Quebrada Orito, Quebrada Colorada, Dorada-Cerro Martillo and Bloque Norte. Several satellite deposits are or have been active in the past such as Chiquilla Chica, Laguna, Fortuna-Dominador, located to the south west of the core mine, and Pampa Augusta Victoria located to the north.


El Peñón has all the required infrastructure for a mining complex, illustrated in Figure 18-1. The main infrastructure includes the following features:


•      Underground and open pit mines with all the associated access, power, ventilation compressed air ventilation, industrial water supply, and dewatering infrastructure
•      Process plant and refinery •      Telecommunications system
•      Stockpiles and waste dumps •      Water ponds
•      Tailings storage area •      Water distribution system
•      Concrete and cemented backfill plants •      Workshops and sheds
•      Groundwater well system for water supply •      Materials storage areas
•      Main administration building and offices •      Laboratory
•      Campsite, cafeterias, and change rooms •      Core shed
•      Energy supply and transmission system •      Sewage treatment system
•      Storage areas for explosives  
•      Facilities for storage and distribution of fuel, oil, and lubricants

•      Mine workshops, maintenance facilities, and warehouses


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile



Figure 18-1: Plan map of main infrastructure at El Peñón


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


18.1Filtered Tailings Stack Design and Construction


The El Peñón filter stack is located 1.5 km southeast of the processing plant and stores approximately 25.4 Mt. (Figure 18-1). The updated TSF designs included in the newest Declaration of Environmental Impact (DIA) submitted in February 2021 considers a reduction in the ultimate TSF capacity from 58.1 Mt (RCA 270/2010) to 49.8Mt, which is sufficient capacity for current mineral reserves plus an additional capacity of approximately 18.5 Mt.


The filtered tailings stack is raised in three platforms to an ultimate elevation ranging between 1835 masl to 1850 masl in the northern section of the facility. Each platform is approximately 10 m in height with slopes of approximately 1.25H:1V. A 5 m-bench is left between platforms, forming an overall approximate slope angle for the filtered tailings stack of approximately 2.5H:1V (Figure 18-2).


The eastern portion of the TSF is raised in only two platforms, each with a maximum height of 10 m and slopes of 1.25H:1V. A 5 m-bench between each platform allows for a flatter overall stack slope.



Figure 18-2: Schematic cross-section of western face of filtered tailings stack


The filtered tailings are a non-plastic sandy silt; they consist of about 60% fines with fine- to medium-grained sand particles and have a volumetric moisture content when leaving the filter plant of about 18% (gravimetric moisture content of about 22%) and a specific gravity of about 2.63.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Filtered tailings are transported to two stockpiles by conveyor belts, one for each stockpile. Stockpiled tailings are loaded into haul trucks by a front-end loader and transported about 2 km to the TSF. At the TSF, tailings are deposited in mounds and spread into 0.15 to 0.3 m-thick layers with a dozer to promote further aeration and cyanide degradation. Tailings are then turned with a grader and irrigated with process water from the waste water treatment plan to reduce the concentration of cyanide in the solids; this decreases the in-situ moisture content of the tailings. This aeration-and-water process is repeated until the cyanide concentration is less than 2 ppm. The density of the tailings is recorded and measured against a target 90% modified proctor. Once compacted, a new layer of tailings is incorporated into the dry stack and the process is repeated.


Quarterly operational reports and monthly quality-control reports are generated for the El Peñón TSF. These reports include test results from samples from every new lift; these tests include in-situ density testing, particle size analysis, and moisture content. In addition, the cyanide content of the tailing is tested regularly.


Slope stability assessments of the dry stack facility were conducted by E-Mining and FF GeoMechanics in 2019 and 2020. Results indicate that the facility is stable under static and seismic conditions. Seismic design criteria assume a peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.49 g. The proposed PGA seems adequate for the region. Undrained stability is not a concern in this facility as there is no phreatic surface in the filtered stack.


In addition, stability analysis completed by FF GeoMechanics (2020) indicate a maximum runoff of the dry tailings material, in case of a slope failure, to be less than 2 m. The mine infrastructure is located approximately 200 m of the facility. As such, a slope failure of the filtered tailings at El Peñón does not pose a risk to the environment or to people. Regardless, as a preventive measure, the mine constructed containment berms located 5 m from the toe of the TSF stack to prevent the spread of tailings, should a localized slope failure occur. These berms also divert surface runoff away from the filtered tailings toe, in the unlikely event of a strong precipitation event in the region.


A dam inspection by a third-party geotechnical specialist is planned for 2021 to confirm that the current designs align with evolving international best industry practices proposed for this type of structures. In addition, the site needs to develop an updated Operations, Maintenance, and Surveillance (OMS) manual that aligns with the latest guidelines from the Mining Association of Canada on tailings management. In addition, it is recommended for site to update the closure plan for the TSF area, considering potential changes to the design, such as stack final geometry, water management, long-term geochemical effects, management frameworks and requirements for regulatory compliance and closure permitting.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


19Market Studies and Contracts


19.1Market Studies


The principal commodities produced at El Peñón are gold and silver in the form of doré bars, which are freely traded, at prices that are widely known, so that prospects for sale of any production are virtually assured. Gold prices of US$1,250/oz and silver prices of US$18/oz were used for mineral reserve estimation as well as for completing the economic analysis outlined in Section 22 of this technical report, which ensures the project is cash-flow positive and therefore supports the mineral reserve estimate.




Yamana, via its subsidiary Minera Meridian, has four collective bargaining agreements currently in place. The maximum term allowed for collective bargaining agreements by the current legislation is of 36 months. The following agreements are currently in place:


Union #1A – Mine. Feb.1, 2020, to January 31, 2023: 36-month term (512 employees)


Union #1B – Plant. July 23, 2018, to July 22, 2021: 36-month term (194 employees)


Union #2 – Plant. Oct. 13, 2020, to Oct. 12, 2023: 36-month term (351 employees)


Union #3 – Supervisors. March 1, 2020, to Feb. 23, 2023: 36-month term (121 employees)


Yamana also has contracts in place for the operation of the Chiquilla Chica open-pit project; electrical power supply; personnel transport services; catering and camp services; fuel supply services; exploration drilling; and for mine and plant consumables, including drilling products, explosives and cyanide supply.


Average prices for consumables during 2020 were as follows:


Power: US$78.35/MWh


Fuel: US$0.54/L


Cyanide: US$2.11/kg


Flocculant: US$5.19/kg


Mill balls: US$1.06/kg


The qualified person responsible for this section of the technical report has reviewed the market studies and contracts. The results of the review support the assumptions laid out in the technical report. The terms, rates, or charges for material contracts are within industry norms.


19 –Market Studies and Contracts

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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


20Environmental Studies, Permitting, and Social or Community Impact


The information presented in this section is based on a review of previous technical reports available for the site and on discussions with Yamana’s Health, Safety, Environment, and Community (HSEC) team.


20.1Project Permitting and Authorizations


The first Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA1) was submitted to the Chilean Environmental Impact Assessment System (SEIA) in 1997. The Environmental Commission of the Region of Antofagasta (Comision Regional de Medio Ambiente de Antofagasta) approved the application with Exempt Resolution Nr. 043 in 1998.


El Peñón has undergone a series of modifications since its original EIA submission. Required Environmental Qualification Resolutions (RCAs) were granted through a series of Declaration of Environmental Impacts2 (DIAs). A DIA was approved in 2019 to extend the life of mine until 2023; a new DIA was recently presented in February 2021 considering a life of mine extension until 2026 and closure by 2028. Approval is expected in 2021.


El Peñón consists of historical open pits, underground mining operations, a process plant, and other support infrastructure, including waste dumps and a filtered tailings facility with a total storage capacity of 49.8 Mt. The approved plant capacity is 4,800 tpd.


Table 20-1 list resolutions granted to El Peñón since 1998. This list was reviewed and confirmed with HSEC management team in El Peñón.



1 An EIA must be submitted by the proponent for projects or project modifications where significant environmental impacts are expected to occur, and where specific measures for impact avoidance, mitigation or compensation will need to be agreed upon.

2 A DIA must be submitted by the proponent for projects or project modifications that are significant enough to warrant environmental review, but which are not expected to result in significant environmental impacts, as these are defined legally.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Table 20-1: Summary of environmental resolutions since 1998


Resolutions   Activities
Resolution 043-98 El Peñón Project   Health report
  Change in land use
  Tailings storage
  Waste dumps
  Construction waste disposal
  Household waste disposal
  Sewage treatment and disposal
Resolution 086-99 Power Supply   Power supply
Resolution 0179-02 Explosive Handling   Explosives
Resolution 050-03 and 227- 04 Extension of Underground Mine   Mine expansion
Resolution 0163-07 Expansion and Optimization El Peñón Mine   Tailings storage area construction
Resolution 0192-07 and 056-2011 Production Fortuna Area   Waste dumps
  Sewage treatment and disposal
  Change in land use
Resolution 106- 2010 Extension of Bonanza and Expansion of Transport and Handling of Explosives   Waste dumps
  Sewage treatment and disposal
  Household waste treatment and disposal
  Industrial designation
  Change in land use
Resolution 0270-2010 Expansion of Tailings Storage Area until 2021   Tailings storage area
Resolution 0233-2012 Open-Pit Mine Production Pampa Augusta Victoria   Waste dumps
  Construction waste disposal
  Mining waste disposal
  Sewage treatment and disposal
  Household waste disposal
  Industrial designation
  Change in land use
Resolution 0229-14 Underground Mine Production Pampa Augusta Victoria   Waste dumps
  Sewage treatment and disposal
  Industrial designation
  Change in land use
Resolution 206 -2018 Production Laguna Underground Mine   New underground mine operation
Resolution 168 -2019 Extension of Process Plant Operations and Ancillary Infrastructure until 2023   Process plant
  Tailings facility
  Waste dump
  Ancillary infrastructure


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Other sectoral licences and permits have been obtained and applications for renewals have been filed. These permits are granted by some of the following agencies:


Dirección General de Aguas (DGA)


Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, (SERNAGEOMIN)


Ministerio de Salud de Chile


Concejo de Monumentos Nacionales (CMN)


Comisión y Servicio de Evaluación Ambiental


Dirección de Obras Hidráulicas


Superintendencia de Electricidad y Combustibles (SEC)


Servicio de Salud de Antofagasta (SSA)


Ministerio de Defensa Nacional (MDN)


Municipalidad de Antofagasta


Dirección General de Movilización Nacional (DGMN)


Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo


Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SAG)


The operation has not been subject to sanctioning for environmental compliance by any of the regulatory agencies.


20.2Environmental Management


20.2.1Environmental Management System


El Peñón has implemented an integrated management system covering health, safety, environment, and community through internationally accredited systems that include the ISO 14001 Environment Management System and the OSHAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System. A risk assessment matrix has been developed for El Peñón that integrates risk matrices for ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007.


Activities for 2021 include the process of certification for ISO 45001 (replacing OSHAS 18001) and recertification of the ISO 14001 Environment Management System. In addition, Yamana is signatory to the International Cyanide Management Code. A standard for operational processes has been developed for the management of other hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste (Certified NCh-ISO 17025 INN – Instituto de Normalizacion Chilena)


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


In 2016, Yamana updated its Integrated Management System by developing a Health, Safety, Environment, and Community (HSEC) (2016) framework that was integrated in the company’s approach to health & safety, environmental management, and management of social risk. The framework establishes a common understanding across Yamana operations of its general approach to HSEC management and indicates how to achieve its vision. Yamana acknowledges that every operation is at a unique stage of development and is situated in unique socio-political and legal contexts. Yamana provides this framework to offer the following guidance:


Outline industry best practices for HSEC management.


Guide the development of new tools, processes, procedures, policies, and/or standards, either at the site or at the corporate level.


Assist operations in any evaluations or self-evaluations of their current state of practice.


Improve the overall integration of HSEC into the operations.


Beginning in 2020, El Peñón also began the implementation of the Mining Association of Canada’s Towards Sustainable Mining framework as well as the World Gold Council’s Responsible Gold Mining Principles, each of which included internal assessments and will require external audits within a 3-year timeframe.


20.2.2Tailings Management


Yamana prioritizes the management of tailings and it is currently in the process of aligning the company’s tailings management system with best practices proposed by the Mining Association of Canada (MAC), Canadian Dam Association (CDA) guidelines, and other international standards, including technical guidance provided by the International Committee of Large Dams (ICOLD). Yamana currently has a dedicated Corporate Director whose sole responsibility is the governance of the tailings management system and to provide technical guidance and support.


Since 2017, Yamana has implemented a tailings management system known as SYGBAR. The system is built on a six-point management system that focuses on the following protocols:


Standards for design and construction, and the use of design reviews


Constant TSF monitoring and site-specific key performance indicators for development and performance management


Periodic safety inspection


Documentation and monthly reporting


Training and continuous improvement


Emergency response plans with dam failure analysis


As a member of the MAC, Yamana is updating its current tailings management systems considering the recommendations included in the tailings framework proposed in MAC (2019). MAC’s tailings management systems and guidelines have been adopted by mining associations in Canada, Argentina, and Brazil, among others, in recent years. The MAC systems include the completion of a Dam Safety Review (DSR) that follows the guidelines and recommendations provided in CDA dam safety guidelines (CDA, 2007) and its corresponding mining bulletin.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


The tailings produced at the El Peñón mill are presently stored in a filtered tailings stack in operations since 1998. The TSF is monitored on an ongoing basis for chemical and physical stability conditions by collecting data on cyanide and by conducting visual inspections and regular surveys for potential signs of deformation or other physical instabilities. Volumes of deposited tailings, grain size distribution, and tailings density are recorded on a regular basis. Samples are collected and tested by a registered third-party laboratory. In addition, a network of monitoring wells is used for monitoring any changes in water levels and water quality in the area of the mine, including in the TSF area. Section 20.2.3 outlines additional details on water management and monitoring.


As part of the mine’s tailings management system, a geotechnical stability inspection was completed by FF Geomechanics, an independent specialized firm, in 2019 and 2020. The review confirmed the filtered tailings stack are stable and safe.


The current closure plan for the TSF area is presently at a conceptual level and will be updated to reflect the most recent TSF designs, corresponding budgets, and implementation schedules.


20.2.3Water Management


Water conservation is a primary focus at El Peñón. The water management system at El Peñón has been designed as a closed circuit. Process water from the mill is recovered in the tailings filter plant and recirculated back to the processing plant.


Pampa Buenos Aires Aquifer

The Pampa Buenos Aires aquifer is the main source of fresh water for El Peñón; the aquifer is located 25 km from the mine; eight pumping wells intersect the aquifer. The mine has been approved by the regional water authority (DGA) for a consumption of up to 50.4 L/s. Daily consumption to date averages less than half of the approved amount: the average flowrate recorded for 2020 was 22 L/s.


Considering the desert characteristics of the area, no risks of groundwater contamination from the mine operations have been identified in the reviewed documentation.


A detailed hydrogeological model has been developed for the Pampa Buenos Aires aquifer to monitor and assess recharge, specific yield, storativity, and other important hydrogeological parameters. This model is continually updated to reflect the most recent conditions.


Water levels and water chemistry information collected for the Pampa Buenos Aires aquifer is shared with the regional water authority via their online portal every 15 days.


Water recycled from Underground Developments

El Peñón recycles the water that accumulates in underground mines; this water derives from mining operations and not from a regional aquifer, as the underground mines at El Peñón are at shallower depths than the regional aquifers, therefore do not intersect them.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Water collected in the underground mine is conveyed through a complex drainage system and pumped into fully lined collection ponds. This water is then recirculated to the process plant as needed by the operation. The system is managed, controlled, and monitored using an automatized system.


Waste Dumps and Water Management

El Peñón has several mine waste dumps in the core mine area (illustrated in Figure 18-1) as well as at the satellite deposits of Fortuna, Pampa Augusta Vitoria, Laguna, and Chiquilla Chica. Several of these dumps are not being operated and are in temporary closure. Although precipitation in the area is low, a surface water management system is in place in all dumps as a preventive measure; it consists of a surface water collection and drainage system to collect contact water and a system of contour channels for diversion of non-contact water.


No acid rock drainage (ARD) and metal leaching (ML) issues associated with the operation and with waste dumps have been identified. Waste rock material does not contain pyrite. Various acid-base accounting (ABA) tests results for the site confirm these observations. In addition, the low precipitation typical for this arid region does not promote acid generation.



To comply with environmental legislation and applicable standards, El Peñón carries out environmental monitoring in all areas influenced by the operation. Monitoring is performed by internal and external staff who are qualified for execution and evaluation of the monitoring activities. Key current monitoring is ongoing for water, air, noise, soil, impact on wildlife, and cultural resources.


The monitoring program at El Peñón relies on 8 groundwater wells, 4 air quality stations, and a weather station located in the camp area. Water quality samples are analyzed for chlorine, pH, and free cyanide in a certified laboratory located at El Peñón. In addition, El Peñón has samples regularly tested for these and other parameters at certified third-party laboratories.


No surface water streams exist in the area, and no groundwater quality issues were reported for El Peñón. It is important to note that the risk of groundwater contamination from the waste rock dumps in El Peñón is negligible as aquifers are located at great depths and precipitation in the area is low. In addition, waste rock material in the dumps has a low pyrite content and the mine has implemented adequate controls and environmental monitoring systems.


Archeological inspections are completed annually by third-party experts. There is no permanent wildlife in the area, but the site has implemented a visual inspection protocol. Fauna that are rescued are taken to the Wild Fauna Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre at the University of Antofagasta.


20 –Environmental Studies, Permitting, and Social or Community Impact

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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


20.3Community Relations


20.3.1General Social Context


There are no communities in the immediate vicinity of El Peñón. The city of Antofagasta, located approximately 160 km northwest of the mine, is the main source of labour supply. It is a port city with a population of approximately 380,000 inhabitants, and hosts a large number of manufacturers and suppliers that serve the mining industry.


20.3.2Social and Environmental Assessment and Management Systems


At the corporate level, Yamana has an Integrated Health, Safety, Environment and Community (HSEC) Framework (2016), which provides guidance across operations to meet the following goals:


Outline evolving international best practice for HSEC management.

Guide the development of new tools, processes, procedures, policies and/or standards.

Assist operations in any evaluations or self-evaluations of their current state of practice.

Improve the overall integration of HSEC into the operations.


The HSEC Framework includes guidance for (1) Health and Safety, (2) Environmental Management, and (3) Social Risk Management. The HSEC Framework provides guidance to Yamana and its operations on the collection of information on relevant stakeholders, assessment of potential impacts, and development of mitigation measures.


Of relevance to this technical report and this section is the HSEC Framework guidance for Social Risk Management, which includes the components listed in Table 20-2.


Table 20-2: Social risk management element of Yamana’s HSEC Framework (2016)


 Management Element   Component
Stakeholder Engagement   Stakeholder identification and analysis (mapping)
  Stakeholder engagement
  Issues identification
  Feedback management
Impact Management   Impact identification
  Impact management
  Community baseline information tracking
  Plans for closure
Benefit Management   Expectation management
  Local employment and procurement
  Community investment


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


In accordance with these guidance documents, Yamana has been tracking stakeholder issues and risks related to El Peñón and communicates project activities and other programs with stakeholders and members of the public on an ongoing basis.


El Peñón has developed and implemented a site-level grievance mechanism; there have been no complaints registered in recent years, in part due to the fact that there are no host communities located in proximity to the operation. The mine continues to engage with communities located a distance from the mine, including Taltal, and to support community initiatives such as education and cultural projects.


20.3.3Workplace Health and Safety


El Peñón prioritizes providing a safe and healthy workplace and building an exceptional safety culture. A number of guidance documents provide the framework for health and safety measures at El Peñón. Yamana’s HSEC Framework (2016) provides guidance to the company and its operations on the development of site-specific health and safety procedures and on how to improve operations, based on monitoring and health and safety performance.


Of relevance to this report and this section is the guidance for Health and Safety, which includes the components listed in Table 20-3.


Table 20-3: Health and safety management elements of Yamana’s HSEC Framework (2016)


 Management Element   Component 
Leadership   Positive recognition
  Leadership training
Risk and Hazard Management   Hazard identification
  Job hazard analysis
  Field-level risk assessment
  Employee reporting and at-risk behaviour
  Standard operating procedures
  Hazardous materials
  Safety design reviews
Health, Hygiene and Medical   Health and hygiene
  Drug and alcohol


Furthermore, El Peñón has established a system to promote worker health and safety, including ISO 14001 and 45001 environmental management and occupational health and safety (OH&S) standards, respectively.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Regular audits and reports on worker health and safety are conducted for El Peñón and recommendations are made to improve performance based on the audit findings. Monthly and annual audit reports are generated, presenting a number of safety performance indicators that include the following information:


Frequency of accidents with injury


Severity and frequency of accidents with and without loss of time


Accidents by type and company


20.3.4Support for Community Priorities


Even though no communities are located near to El Peñón, Yamana has made a number of commitments to the well-being, health, safety, and development of the communities in the area. As such, the social and community activities conducted by Yamana are concentrated in the Taltal District and support educational, health-related and cultural priorities. A summary of activities completed in a typical year include the following:


Open door policy: visits of 100 stakeholders to mining facilities


High school scholarships for 10 students


Free pre-university for students who take the Taltal district University Selection Test


Support of medical services in Taltal


Participation in the Business Advisory Council of the Liceo Politécnico


Broadcasting radio tips to the Taltal community on environmental care and precautions to consider for risks in the home


Integration Day: a fair held in December in Taltal


Donations in infrastructure, services, and equipment: donations to kindergartens, schools, dance groups, among others


Partnership seminar: partnerships with 7 local groups to provide economic development


Meetings with communities: the main activities developed in support of the commune of Taltal are presented to the community and stakeholders. The following list enumerates some of the topics agreed upon: the application for Partnership Seminar projects, scholarships, free pre-university, medical operation campaigns, and others.


A socio-economic diagnostic report of the areas of influence within the Taltal region


Entrepreneurship project to help vulnerable students in the region develop competencies and skills and undertake new projects


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


20.3.5Cultural Heritage


In the area of the El Peñón operation and its surroundings, 15 archaeological sites have been identified. They are protected by fencing and are monitored twice annually to verify their state of conservation by a professional archeologist recognized by the local cultural agency (Consejo de monumentos).


20.4Mine Closure


El Peñón has developed a closure plan and cost estimate covering all current and approved facilities; this plan is in accordance with applicable legal requirements, specifically Law 20.551/2011 and Supreme Decree N°41/2012, and is updated regularly as the life of mine is extended. The competent authority for approving mine closure plans in Chile is SERNAGEOMIN. Under current law, mining projects with an extraction capacity of over 10,000 tonnes per month (tpm) must provide a financial guarantee, the amount of which is to be determined based on the periodic re-evaluation of the closure plan implementation and management costs. The amount of the guarantee must be determined in UF currency (Chilean Unit of Account) from the present-value estimated cost of implementing all measures covered by the closure plan. The latest closure plan for El Peñón was approved through Exempt Resolution Nº 2658/2019. Updates to the closure plan are required whenever the life of mine is extended.


The approved 2019 mine closure plan addresses progressive and final closure actions, post-closure inspections, and monitoring. Based on the increase in mineral reserves over the past three years, a new DIA was submitted in February 2021 for an extended life of mine plan. The mine closure costs will be updated according to the extended life of mine.


The 2019 closure plan is subdivided by area and includes consideration for the underground operations, waste dumps, tailings facility, infrastructure, and ancillary facilities. It also considers the following post-closure activities:


Physical stability monitoring in waste dumps


Biannual monitoring (twice per year) and inspection of downstream control wells and dumps


Biannual monitoring (twice per year) of control wells associated with the TSF


Annual monitoring of the El Peñón landfill


Visual inspection, cleaning, and maintenance of signage, walls, and perimeter closure


The closure plan costs are summarized in Table 20-4.


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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Table 20-4: Mine closure costs


  Total Cost 
Mine Closure   (US$M) 
Direct costs   17.3 
Indirect cost and administration   3.5 
Contingency   5.2 
Chilean sales tax (19%)   4.9 
Subtotal closure measures   30.8 
Post-closure monitoring   6.5 
Total mine closure cost   37.4 


No environmental or permitting issues were identified from the documentation available for review that could materially impact the ability to extract the mineral resources and mineral reserves.


20 –Environmental Studies, Permitting, and Social or Community Impact

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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


21Capital and Operating Costs


The capital and operating costs outlined in this section of the technical report are based on the LOM presented in section 16.7 of this technical report. The capital and operating cost estimates were prepared based on recent operating performance and on Yamana’s current budget forecast. All costs in this section are in US dollars and are based on an exchange rate assumption of 800 CLP: 1 USD.


21.1Capital Costs


The LOM capital cost estimate is approximately US$167M and is assumed to support sustaining capital requirements for the mining and processing of mineral reserves over the project’s six-year LOM as well as a small amount of expansionary underground mine development. A summary of the LOM capital costs for El Peñón is given in Table 21-1.


Table 21-1: Life of mine capital costs


   Total LOM 
Item  (US$000) 
Mine Development   138,304 
Building and Infrastructure   3,348 
Hardware and Software   592 
Machinery and Equipment   1,132 
Vehicles   23,262 
Sustaining Capital Cost   166,637 
Expansionary Capital Cost   579 
Total   167,217 


Capitalized development consists of 52,324 m, or an average of 10,718 m per year, over the first four years and subsequently declining towards the end of the mine life. Mine closure costs are listed in Table 20-4 in section 20.4 of this technical report and consider progressive and final closure actions as well as post-closure inspection and monitoring.


The expected run rate for sustaining capital, including infrastructure, equipment, and mine development is averaged at US$32M per year for the next five years, with spending decreasing in the last year of the mine life.


The following are excluded from the capital cost estimate:


Project financing and interest charges


Working capital


Sunk costs


21 –Capital and Operating Costs

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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


21.2Operating Costs


Operating costs are defined as the direct operating costs and include mining, processing as well as general and administrative costs.


The production plan drove the calculation of the mining and processing costs, as the mining mobile equipment fleet, manpower, contractors, power, and consumables requirements were calculated based on specific consumption rates. Consumable prices and labour rates are based on current contracts and agreements.


Mining operating costs are forecasted to average US$80.18/t mined over the LOM period, or US$71.57/t processed, when including the 660,000 tonnes of stockpile planned to be reclaimed over the LOM period. Total operating costs are forecasted to average US$116.49/t processed as set out in Table 21-2.


Table 21-2: LOM average unit operating costs



Total LOM

(US$/t processed)

Mining    71.57 
Process    29.72 
G&A    15.20 
Total    116.49 


21 –Capital and Operating Costs

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Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


22Economic Analysis


Financial information has been excluded from this technical report as Yamana is a producing issuer and El Peñón is currently in production.


Yamana has performed an economic analysis of the current project using a gold price of US$1,250/oz at the forecasted production rates, metal recoveries, and capital and operating cost estimated in this technical report.


Yamana confirms that the outcome is a positive cash flow that supports the mineral reserve estimate. Due to the nature of the mining business, these conditions can change significantly over relatively short periods of time. Consequently, actual results may be significantly more or less favourable.


22 –Economic Analysis

Signature Date: March 25, 2021  






Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


23Adjacent Properties


There are no adjacent properties that are relevant to this technical report.


23 –Adjacent Properties

Signature Date: March 25, 2021  






Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


24Other Relevant Data and Information


There is no other relevant data or information regarding El Peñón.


24 –Other Relevant Data and Information

Signature Date: March 25, 2021  






Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


25Interpretation and Conclusions


More than 5.3 Moz of gold and 134 Moz of silver has been produced at El Peñón since commercial production commenced in 2000. El Peñón’s current production rate, the result of the rightsizing of the operation initiated in late 2016, increased free cash flow generation, reduced capital expenditures while ensuring the long-term sustainability of the mine matching production rate with mineral reserves and mineral resources replacement.


Exploration results at El Peñón continue to highlight the expansion potential of the mine and Yamana’s ability to replenish mineral reserves and mineral resources so as to extend the LOM past its current mineral reserve base. Drilling is effective at adding mineral resources and mineral reserves at El Peñón. Similar to drilling results from the previous two years, the 2020 drilling successfully replenished the 2020 depletion of gold mineral reserves. Based on this successful track record, a drilling program totalling 384,000 m is planned from 2021 to 2023.


El Peñón mineral resources and mineral reserves have been estimated in conformity with generally accepted CIM Estimation of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Best Practice Guidelines (November 2019) and classified in accordance with CIM (2014) Standards. The total proven and probable mineral reserve at El Peñón as of December 31, 2020, is 6.1 Mt averaging 4.66 g/t gold and 147.8 g/t silver, with a metal content of approximately 0.921 Moz of gold and 29.21 Moz of silver. In addition, measured and indicated mineral resources are estimated at 8.0 Mt grading 2.96 g/t gold (0.765 Moz gold) and 98.8 g/t silver (25.5 Moz silver), and inferred mineral resources are estimated at 18.98 Mt grading 1.39 g/t gold (0.850 Moz gold) and 46.1 g/t silver (28.1 Moz silver).


The mineral reserves supporting the LOM plan consists of an integrated operation, mining mainly underground ore and a small amount of ore from the Chiquilla Chica open pit. The ore produced by the mining operations and reclaimed from stockpiles is fed to the mill to sustain a six-year mine life. LOM production is estimated at 866 koz gold and 25,591 koz silver.


Yamana is confident that, based on required infill drilling, the future conversion of mineral resources to mineral reserves will continue to show positive results. In recent years, mineral resources converted to mineral reserves have more than offset the depletion of mineral reserves; this indicates the significant potential of extending the mine life beyond the current LOM and sustain a strategic mine life of 10 years or more.


The capital and operating cost estimates are based on mine budget data and operating experience, and are appropriate for the known mining methods and production schedule. Under the assumptions in this technical report, El Peñón has positive project economics until the end of mine life, which supports the mineral reserve estimate. Capital costs over the LOM period are estimated at US$167M consisting mainly of sustaining underground mine development (83%) and capital required for equipment replacement (14%). An additional US$37M are estimated for mine closure purposes.


25 –Interpretation and Conclusions

Signature Date: March 25, 2021  






Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


No environmental or social issues were identified that could materially impact the ability to extract the mineral resources and mineral reserves. Yamana has implemented an integrated HSEC management system covering health, safety, environment, and community through internationally accredited systems that include the ISO 14001 Environment Management System and the OSHAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System. El Peñón has all the operational licences required for operation according to the national legislation. The approved licences address the authority’s requirements for mining extraction and operation activities.


The results of this technical report are subject to variations in operational conditions including, but not limited to the following:


Assumptions related to commodity and foreign exchange (in particular, the relative movement of gold and the Chilean peso/US dollar exchange rate)


Unanticipated inflation of capital or operating costs


Significant changes in equipment productivities


Geological continuity of the mineralized structures


Geotechnical assumptions in pit and underground designs


Ore dilution or loss


Throughput and recovery rate assumptions


Changes in political and regulatory requirements that may affect the operation or future closure plans


Changes in closure plan costs


Availability of financing and changes in modelled taxes


In the opinion of the qualified persons, there are no reasonably foreseen inputs from risks and uncertainties identified in the technical report that could affect the project’s continued economic viability.


25 –Interpretation and Conclusions

Signature Date: March 25, 2021  






Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile




Based on the information presented in this technical report, the qualified persons recommend the following action items.


Over the past 20 years, El Peñón has established an exploration strategy to continually replace depletion of mineral reserves and extend mine life. The strategy involves maintaining a pipeline of mineral resources and exploration potential to maintain a rolling mine life visibility of at least 10 years. To continue this trend, drilling programs should continue to be carried out with the following objectives:


Infill drilling to replace production by upgrading and extending known mineral resources.


Expansion exploration drilling to upgrade inferred mineral resources to measured or indicated categories, or to transform zones of geological potential into inferred mineral resources.


District exploration to test the extension of little-known areas of mineralization or to discover new primary structures by testing targets identified in mapping, geochemistry, geophysics, or machine learning programs.


Ongoing exploration success could also unlock the opportunity to leverage the available processing capacity which could increase annual gold and silver production and reduce unit costs.


Yamana instituted an Operational Excellence program to improve productivity and control costs. El Peñón should continue to evaluate and prioritize processing plant optimization opportunities and develop an action plan for their implementation.


In the underground mine, El Peñón should continue the implementation of Operational Excellence initiatives with an objective to increase productivity, minimize dilution, and reduce operating costs. Mining initiatives include testing of smaller drift profiles for specific sectors, optimized stoping and development face drill patterns, and opportunities to reduce specific consumption of consumables.


In 2021, El Peñón should initiate the process of certification for ISO 45001 (replacing OSHAS 18001) and recertification of the ISO 14001 Environment Management System; it should also continue the implementation of the Mining Association of Canada’s Towards Sustainable Mining framework as well as the World Gold Council’s Responsible Gold Mining Principles.


26 –Recommendations

Signature Date: March 25, 2021  






Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile




Astudillo, N.; Ferrando, R.; Montecino, D.; Espinoza, F.; Venegas, C.; Matthews, S.; Cornejo, P.; Arévalo, C. 2017: Carta Augusta Victoria, Región de Antofagasta.Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, Carta Geológica de Chile, Serie Geología Básica 189: 97 p., 1 mapa escala 1:100.000. Santiago.


Bottinelli, O. C. A., and Valencia, A. M. E., 2016: Informe Técnico de Vida Útil de la Operación Minera (para Ley N° 20.551 sobre Cierre de Faenas e Instalaciones Mineras); Ley N° 20.819 que modifica Ley N° 20.551; Revisión N° 3, August 1, 2016.


Canadian Dam Association Dam Safety Guidelines 2007 (2013 Edition). Report available at www.cda.ca


Chacón, M. E., Pérez, S. C. M., 2017: Yamana Gold, El Peñón Mine, Region of Antofagasta, Chile, NI 43-101 Technical Report, 144 pp., May 23, 2017.


Collins, S. E., Moore, C. M., and Scott, K. C., 2010: Technical Report on the El Peñón Mine, Northern Chile, prepared for Yamana Gold Inc., 132 pp., December 7, 2010.


Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW), 2019: Tectonic Map of South America. Second edition, scale 1:5 000 000. ISBN 978-2-917310-26-7.


Cornejo, P.; Mpodozis, C.; Rivera, O. & Matthews, S.J., 2006: Carta Exploradora, Regiones de Antofagasta y Atacama. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), Santiago, Chile, Carta Geológica de Chile, Serie Geológica Básica, 1:100.000.


Donoso, F., 2012: Caracterización Mineralógica de las vetas Bonanza-Aleste y sus implicancias geometalúrgicas, Mina El Peñón, Región de Antofagasta, Memoria para optar al título de Geólogo, Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta, Chile.


E-Mining Technology S.A., 2010: Proyecto de Expansion del Deposito de Relaves Filtrado El Peñón. Report prepared for Yamana Gold Inc., April 2010.


Ferrando, R.; Espinoza, F.; Matthews, S.; Cornejo, P.; Arévalo, C., 2013: Carta Aguas Blancas, Región de Antofagasta. Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, Carta Geológica de Chile, Serie Geología Básica 160. 1 mapa escala 1:100.000. Santiago.


FF GeoMechanics Ing. Ltda., 2020: Informe Tecnico de Estabilidad Deposito de Relaves Filtrados El Peñón, Rev 2. Report prepared for Minera Meridian Ltda., January 2020.


Gosselin, P., Dubé, B., 2005: Gold deposits of the world: distribution, geological parameters and gold content. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4895, 1 CD-ROM.


27 –References

Signature Date: March 25, 2021  






Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Jorquera, H., 2016: QAQC Annual Report 2016, prepared for Minera Meridian Ltda., 36 pp., December 15, 2016.


John, D.A., Vikre, P.G., du Bray, E.A., Blakely, R.J., Fey, D.L., Rockwell, B.W., Mauk, J.L., Anderson, E.D., and Graybeal, F.T., 2018: Descriptive models for epithermal gold-silver deposits: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010–5070–Q, 247 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20105070Q.


Minera Meridian Ltda., 2017: various presentations, procedures, and spreadsheets for El Peñón Mine.


Octal Ingeniería y Desarrollo and Magri Consultores Limitada, 2015: Actualización de modelos variográficos – El Peñón, prepared for Yamana Gold Inc., August 5, 2015.


Órdenes, J., 2014: Influencia de la Mineralogía de la veta Bonanza en el Procesos Hidrometalúrgico de Lixiviación de Au y Ag, Yacimiento El Peñón, Chile. Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Geometalurgia. Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta, Chile, 168 p.


Paterson & Cooke, 2021: El Peñon Process Audits. Report prepared for Yamana Gold Inc. Dated February 22, 2021. P&C Project No.: YMA-31-1256. 14p.


Pearson, J. L., and Rennie, D. W., 2008: Technical Report on the El Peñón Mine, Chile, Resource Audit, prepared for Yamana Gold Inc., 130 pp., February 11, 2008.


Pérez, M., 1999: Alteración Hidrotermal en el Depósito Epitermal de Au-Ag El Peñón, II Región Antofagasta. Memoria para optar al título de Geólogo. Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 109 p.


Robbins, C.H., 2000: Geology of El Peñón Gold-silver Deposit, Northern Chile: The Great Basin and beyond, Geological Society of Nevada, Symposium, Reno 2000, Proceedings, pp. 249-264.


RPA, 2018: Technical Report on the El Peñón Mine, Antofagasta Region (II), Chile. NI 43-101 Technical Report prepared by H. Krutzelmann, N. Lecuyer, C.M. Moore, for Yamana Gold Inc. 170 p. March 2, 2018. Available at www.sedar.com.


Warren, I., 2005: Geology, Geochemistry and Ore of the El Peñón Epithermal Au-Ag Deposit, Northern Chile: Characteristics of a bonanza-grade deposit and techniques for exploration. PhD Thesis – Geology, University of Auckland.


Warren, I., Zuluaga, J. I., Robbins, C. H., Wulftange, W. H., and Simmons, S. F., 2004: Geology and Geochemistry of Epithermal Au-Ag Mineralization in the El Peñón District, Northern Chile; Society of Economic Geologists, Special Publication 11, pp. 113-139.


Vega, A. M., 2015: QAQC Annual Report 2015, prepared for Minera Meridian Ltda., 46 pp., December 15, 2015.


27 –References

Signature Date: March 25, 2021  






Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Vega, A. M., 2014: QAQC Annual Report 2014, prepared for Minera Meridian Ltda., 34 pp., November 2014.


Yamana, 2016: Integrated HSEC Framework. Internal document prepared by Yamana, 21 pp., April 2016.


Zuluaga, J.I. (2004): Geología y Mineralización del Distrito El Peñón, Segunda Región de Antofagasta, Chile. Tesis de Magíster en Geología Económica, Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta, Chile, 150 p.


27 –References

Signature Date: March 25, 2021  






Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


28Certificates of Qualified Persons


28 –Certificates of Qualified Persons

Signature Date: March 25, 2021  






Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Certificate of qualified person – Sergio Castro


I, Sergio Castro, Registered Member of the Chilean Mining Commission, as an author of this report entitled “NI 43-101 Technical Report, El Peñón Gold-Silver Mine, Antofagasta Region, Chile” prepared for Yamana Gold Inc. (the Issuer) and dated effective as of December 31, 2020 (the Technical Report), do hereby certify the following:


1.I am Technical Services Manager, El Peñón Mine, at Minera Meridian Limitada, a subsidiary of the Issuer, with an office at Cerro Colorado 5240, Torre Parque II, 9th Floor, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile.


2.I graduated from the Universidad de Antofagasta in 1997 with a degree in Mining Civil Engineering. I am a member of the Chilean Institute of Mining Engineers of Chile and a member of the Chilean Mining Commission N°0225. I have worked as a mining engineer for approximately 23 years since my graduation. My relevant experience for the purpose of the Technical Report is over ten years of experience at El Peñón as mining engineer, currently focused on planning and developing mineral reserves, as well as estimating economic scenarios for short-term, medium-term, and long-term planning.


3.I have read the definition of “qualified person” set out in National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (NI 43-101) and certify that by reason of my education, affiliation with a professional association (as defined in NI 43-101) and past relevant work experience, I fulfill the requirements to be a “qualified person” for the purposes of NI 43-101.


4.I work at El Peñón on a weekly basis and was most recently at the project on March 25, 2021.


5.I am responsible for Sections 13, 15 to 19 (excluding sub-section 18.1), 21, 22 and 24, and share responsibility for related disclosure in Sections 1, 25, 26, and 27 of the Technical Report.


6.I am not independent of the Issuer. I am a full-time employee of Minera Meridian Limitada, a subsidiary of the Issuer.


7.I have had prior involvement with the property that is the subject of the Technical Report in my role at Minera Meridian Limitada since 2009.


8.I have read NI 43-101 and the sections of the Technical Report for which I am responsible have been prepared in compliance with NI 43-101 and Form 43-101F1.


9.At the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, Sections 13, 15 to 19 (excluding sub-section 18.1), 21, 22 and 24 and related disclosure in Sections 1, 25, 26, and 27 in the Technical Report for which I am responsible contain all scientific and technical information that is required to be disclosed to make the Technical Report not misleading.


Sergio Castro, Registered Member CMC Dated this 25th day of March, 2021


28 –Certificates of Qualified Persons

Signature Date: March 25, 2021  






Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Certificate of qualified person – Marco Velásquez Corrales


I, Marco Velásquez Corrales, Registered Member of the Chilean Mining Commission, as an author of this report entitled “NI 43-101 Technical Report, El Peñón Gold-Silver Mine, Antofagasta Region, Chile” prepared for Yamana Gold Inc. (the Issuer) and dated effective as of December 31, 2020 (the Technical Report), do hereby certify the following:


1.I am Chief Resource Geologist, El Peñón Mine, at Minera Meridian Limitada, a subsidiary of the Issuer, with an office at Cerro Colorado 5240, Torre Parque II, 9th Floor, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile.


2.I graduated from the Universidad Catolica Del Norte in Antofagasta, Chile in 1995 with a degree in Geology. I am a member of the Chilean Mining Commission N°402. I have practiced my profession continuously since 1995. My relevant experience for the purpose of the Technical Report is:


Resource geologist since 2009 at El Peñón underground/open-pit gold-silver mine Antofagasta, Chile. I am currently the Chief Resource Geologist at the mine.


Senior production geologist and resource geologist with mining companies in Chile (Mantos Blancos, Minera El Abra, Cerro Colorado), focusing on data quality, sampling, reconciliation, geological modelling, and resource estimation.


3.I have read the definition of “qualified person” set out in National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (NI 43-101) and certify that by reason of my education, affiliation with a professional association (as defined in NI 43-101) and past relevant work experience, I fulfill the requirements to be a “qualified person” for the purposes of NI 43-101.


4.I work at El Peñón on a weekly basis and was most recently at the project on March 25, 2021.


5.I am responsible for Section 11, 12, and 14, and share responsibility for related disclosure in Sections 1, 25, 26, and 27 of the Technical Report.


6.I am not independent of the Issuer. I am a full-time employee of Minera Meridian Limitada, a subsidiary of the Issuer.


7.I have had prior involvement with the property that is the subject of the Technical Report in my role at Minera Meridian Limitada since 2009.


8.I have read NI 43-101 and the sections of the Technical Report for which I am responsible have been prepared in compliance with NI 43-101 and Form 43-101F1.


9.At the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, Section 11, 12, and 14, and related disclosure in Sections 1, 25, 26, and 27 in the Technical Report for which I am responsible contain all scientific and technical information that is required to be disclosed to make the Technical Report not misleading.


Marco Velásquez Corrales, Registered Member CMC Dated this 25th day of March, 2021


28 –Certificates of Qualified Persons

Signature Date: March 25, 2021  






Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile



Certificate of qualified person – Henry Marsden


I, Henry Marsden, P.Geo., as an author of this report entitled “NI 43-101 Technical Report, El Peñón Gold-Silver Mine, Antofagasta Region, Chile” prepared for Yamana Gold Inc. (the Issuer) and dated effective as of December 31, 2020 (the Technical Report), do hereby certify the following:


1.I am Senior Vice President, Exploration of the Issuer, with an office at Royal Bank Plaza, North Tower, 200 Bay Street, Suite 2200, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2J3


2.I am a graduate of Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, with a Master of Science degree in Earth Sciences in 1991, and of the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology in 1987. I am a Professional Geologist, registered the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario (APGO #0885). My relevant experience for the purpose of the Technical Report is:


I have worked as a geologist for over 30 years since my graduation including over 20 years as a consulting geologist working with a variety of clients and focusing on field exploration work.


I have played a key role in the discovery and advancement of several mineral deposits including Rio Blanco and Pico Machay in Peru, and the Timmins West gold deposit in Timmins, Ontario.


3.I have read the definition of “qualified person” set out in National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (NI 43-101) and certify that by reason of my education, affiliation with a professional association (as defined in NI 43-101) and past relevant work experience, I fulfill the requirements to be a “qualified person” for the purposes of NI 43-101.


4.I visited the El Peñón project on many occasions since January 2016 and most recently between March 11 and 13, 2020.


5.I am responsible for Sections 2 to 10, 23, and share responsibility for related disclosure in Sections 1, 25, 26, and 27 of the Technical Report.


6.I am not independent of the Issuer. I am a full-time employee of the Issuer.


7.I have had prior involvement on the property in my role with the Issuer and as a consultant geologist on contract in 2016.


8.I have read NI 43-101, and the sections of Technical Report for which I am responsible have been prepared in compliance with NI 43-101 and Form 43-101F1.


9.At the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, Sections 2 to 10, 23, and related disclosure in Sections 1, 25, 26, and 27 in the Technical Report for which I am responsible contain all scientific and technical information that is required to be disclosed to make the Technical Report not misleading.


Henry Marsden, P.Geo. Dated this 25th day of March, 2021


28 –Certificates of Qualified Persons

Signature Date: March 25, 2021  






Technical Report El Peñón Mine, Chile


Certificate of qualified person – Carlos Iturralde


I, Carlos Iturralde, P.Eng., as an author of this report entitled “NI 43-101 Technical Report, El Peñón Gold-Silver Mine, Antofagasta Region, Chile” prepared for Yamana Gold Inc. (the Issuer) and dated effective as of December 31, 2020 (the Technical Report), do hereby certify the following:


1.I am Director, Tailings of the Issuer, with an office at Royal Bank Plaza, North Tower,200 Bay Street, Suite 2200, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2J3


2.I graduated from the University of Kansas with a dual major in Civil Engineering and Mathematics in 2002. I received a MSc. from the University of Tübingen in Applied Environmental Geosciences in 2007. I am a professional engineer with Engineers and Geoscientist British Columbia since 2010 (License # 40153). I have over 18 years of professional experience in the mining industry in technical and management aspects related to tailings management and related infrastructure, including:


Completion of designs and engineering studies and dam safety reviews of tailings facilities


Best management practices following the Mining Association of Canada (MAC) and Canadian Dam Association (CDA) proposed framework and dam safety criteria.


Implementation of risk management and quality management strategies, including QA/QC programs and risk evaluation and mitigation through identification of critical controls.


Since 2015 I have been an active member of MAC’s tailings working group (TWG) and participated in the development of the 3rd edition of MAC’s tailings management guidelines.


3.I have read the definition of “qualified person” set out in National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (NI 43-101) and certify that by reason of my education, affiliation with a professional association (as defined in NI 43-101) and past relevant work experience, I fulfill the requirements to be a “qualified person” for the purposes of NI 43-101.


4.I have not visited the El Peñón project due to travel restrictions related to the global COVID-19 pandemic.


5.I am responsible for Sections 18.1 and 20 and share responsibility for related disclosure in Sections 1, 25, 26, and 27 of the Technical Report.


6.I am not independent of the Issuer. I am a full-time employee of the Issuer.


7.I have had no prior involvement with the property that is the subject of the Technical Report.


8.I have read NI 43-101, and the sections of Technical Report for which I am responsible have been prepared in compliance with NI 43-101 and Form 43-101F1.


9.At the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, Sections 18.1 and 20 and related disclosure in Sections 1, 25, 26, and 27 in the Technical Report for which I am responsible contain all scientific and technical information that is required to be disclosed to make the Technical Report not misleading.


Carlos Iturralde, P.Eng. Dated this 25th day of March, 2021


28 –Certificates of Qualified Persons

Signature Date: March 25, 2021  




Exhibit 99.2

Filed by SEDAR


Sergio Castro

Yamana Gold Inc.

Royal Bank Plaza, North Tower

200 Bay Street, Suite 2200

Toronto, Ontario M5J 2J3




I, Sergio Castro, Registered Member Chilean Mining Commission, consent to the public filing of the technical report titled “NI 43-101 Technical Report, El Peñón Gold-Silver Mine, Antofagasta Region, Chile” and dated effective December 31, 2020 (the “Technical Report”) by Yamana Gold Inc.


I also consent to any extracts from, or a summary of, the Technical Report in the annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2020 dated March 25, 2021 of Yamana Gold Inc. (the “Annual Information Form”).


I certify that I have read the Annual Information Form and that it fairly and accurately represents the information in the sections of the Technical Report for which I am responsible.


Dated this 25th day of March, 2021.


“Sergio Castro”  
Sergio Castro, Registered Member Chilean Mining Commission  




Exhibit 99.3

Filed by SEDAR


Carlos Iturralde

Yamana Gold Inc.

Royal Bank Plaza, North Tower

200 Bay Street, Suite 2200

Toronto, Ontario M5J 2J3




I, Carlos Iturralde, P.Eng., consent to the public filing of the technical report titled “NI 43-101 Technical Report, El Peñón Gold-Silver Mine, Antofagasta Region, Chile” and dated effective December 31, 2020 (the “Technical Report”) by Yamana Gold Inc.


I also consent to any extracts from, or a summary of, the Technical Report in the annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2020 dated March 25, 2021 of Yamana Gold Inc. (the “Annual Information Form”).


I certify that I have read the Annual Information Form and that it fairly and accurately represents the information in the sections of the Technical Report for which I am responsible.


Dated this 25th day of March, 2021.


“Carlos Iturralde”  
Carlos Iturralde, P.Eng.  




Exhibit 99.4

Filed by SEDAR


Henry Marsden

Yamana Gold Inc.

Royal Bank Plaza, North Tower

200 Bay Street, Suite 2200

Toronto, Ontario M5J 2J3




I, Henry Marsden, P.Geo, consent to the public filing of the technical report titled “NI 43-101 Technical Report, El Peñón Gold-Silver Mine, Antofagasta Region, Chile” and dated effective December 31, 2020 (the “Technical Report”) by Yamana Gold Inc.


I also consent to any extracts from, or a summary of, the Technical Report in the annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2020 dated March 25, 2021 of Yamana Gold Inc. (the “Annual Information Form”).


I certify that I have read the Annual Information Form and that it fairly and accurately represents the information in the sections of the Technical Report for which I am responsible.


Dated this 25th day of March, 2021.


“Henry Marsden”  
Henry Marsden, P.Geo  




Exhibit 99.5

Filed by SEDAR


Marco Velásquez Corrales

Yamana Gold Inc.

Royal Bank Plaza, North Tower

200 Bay Street, Suite 2200

Toronto, Ontario M5J 2J3




I, Marco Velásquez Corrales, Registered Member Chilean Mining Commission, consent to the public filing of the technical report titled “NI 43-101 Technical Report, El Peñón Gold-Silver Mine, Antofagasta Region, Chile” and dated effective December 31, 2020 (the “Technical Report”) by Yamana Gold Inc.


I also consent to any extracts from, or a summary of, the Technical Report in the annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2020 dated March 25, 2021 of Yamana Gold Inc. (the “Annual Information Form”).


I certify that I have read the Annual Information Form and that it fairly and accurately represents the information in the sections of the Technical Report for which I am responsible.


Dated this 25th day of March, 2021.


“Marco Velásquez”  
Marco Velásquez Corrales, Registered Member Chilean Mining Commission  



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